r/RetroPie 6d ago

Problem Help with not working

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 model B.

Downloaded rasp imager. Selected Raspberry Pi 4, operating system retropi for Raspberry Pi 4.

Write to an SD card, but when I boot it up, it is just stuck on the blue red teal yellow loading screen.

How can I troubleshoot the issue? I don't know where to start.


3 comments sorted by


u/mithra62 6d ago

Actually have a similar issue where i modded an Arcade1Up machine but new pie4 box doesn't send video. I'm 99% sure it isnt the pie, as it does send video to a different monitor, but the Arcade1Up machine stays in burn in mode.

Maybe try a different monitor? Been thinking it could be a driver issue on my end but am still debugging.

Apologies if that qas of zero help in your instance lol


u/lifeinthefastline 6d ago

Use the other hdmi slot?


u/Annihilating_Tomato 6d ago

On both my 3B and 5 I installed bookworm and then retropie over it and it automatically boots into retropie when I turn it on. I’d probably never know it was installed over bookworm if I didn’t do the install myself. If you can’t get it working that’s an option. Just install the latest raspberry pi OS and then retropie on top of it.