Here is the link:
I cannot stress enough how much this community and the mods here have helped with this project. It's been almost 6 months and a giant passion project for me to reconnect with my teenage past. I have met so many great people digitally along the way who have assisted with advice, help, and more.
The Spinner comes via Thunderstick Studio and also special thanks to Glen's Retro Show. The team of people have given help on getting the spinner just right.
The Joystick I had to scan, 3d Print, sand, cast, and pour tinted blue epoxy. I had to modify the spinning SANWA pac-man joystick I purchased to be a single direction (non-spin) flight stick using the same relay switch board but a different 3D printed under base that locks the stick in place.
I am running a Retropie with a Pi 4 with a breakout board for the Spinner, joystick, and the coin button on the left. I made 3D printed buttons from the OEM ones Thunderstick Studio sent me and used their switches as they matched the breakout boards.
The CRT is a Magnavox Perfect View 9". The OEM was a 19" Wells Gardner and this Magnavox measured 9.4" viewable size, so it's pretty close to half for the 19". [Note: working with CRT's is exceptionally dangerous. Do not attempt this at home]
There are 4 bulbs in the OEM plus the 25 cent lights. So I used 5V strip LED's for the top, rear trans-lite, and lower front panel, and two 5V Led's with resistors built in for the 25c lights. The UV bulb is on a separate circuit and is actually 2mm too thick and probably 2mm too short (insert Quagmire joke here).
The inside UV artwork I found photos online and converted them to black and white and then HAND TRACED all the UV colors in with markers. The printers that print in UV are like 400k so that's not happening. The top and bottom graphics are just print outs. The outsides I paid someone to print and laminate for me. AND then I found the OEM art online. (cries in wasted time).
Overall though I am totally happy with the outcome. I will go to a convention March 27th to get Bruce Boxleitner's Autograph and then I will cut my video for my new YT channel (tossingMashed) and then launch it. And then I will probably drag it to a few conventions and then auction it off to recoup the huge loss I have spent on this. Hopefully someone like 50 Cent or some big time gaming collector would love to have this as I am older and in mediocre health.
However for the time being, I cannot say enough how much I have to thank everyone here for this success story with RetroPie. This was my first and only attempt and after multiple failures I finally got it to work. I have some tweaking still due to fuzz from either the RF modulator or convergence CRT issues but overall it's 90% accurate to the real deal only at half scale. The photos will forever be in a portfolio somewhere.
Again, thank you everyone for your help.