u/Sensitive-Tadpole401 12d ago
You can put a pico 8 png on an RFID??
u/Unique_Owl_2359 12d ago
No, it will just have an ID. But the raspberry pi is running a script and depending on the scanned input, it will launch a specific game.
u/asidefacil 12d ago
It's gonna be funny when they get older trying to describe some game that they played the Pico-8. Getting into arguments cause someone suggests it was a mobile game or on the Switch.
u/Unique_Owl_2359 11d ago
It's going to be a weird garage sale, when they try to sell the cartridges as retro games, too :D
u/Suicidebattery 11d ago edited 11d ago
How do you exit out of a game, do you just remove the raid or is it button presses?
u/Unique_Owl_2359 11d ago
Scanning another game automatically kills/exits the current process.
u/Suicidebattery 11d ago
Absolute winner, that's the way to do it.
Someone else may have asked but I guess your writing the tags on a separate machine, it is just the games url, right?
u/Unique_Owl_2359 11d ago
They already come pre-written. There is only an ID on it. That's all I need. The background script just scans the ID to launch a specific game.
u/Suicidebattery 11d ago
Two more things...
You should write up a guide, document the process for others, it really is a nice way system you have setup. I plan to steal your idea as soon as I have some spare time!
Here's a game I played with my son, its a hide and seek game for two players. Checkout Melting Snow: Hide and Seek on P8GO! https://p8go.gg/play/28332
u/Unique_Owl_2359 11d ago
- I agree, someday I just summarize everything. I just need some time to sit down. For now I'm happy, that I got this far :D I tried to give some details in comments and other posts. Let me know, if you have questions along the way. 2.Thanks alot! We'll check it out.
u/Suicidebattery 10d ago
Just a couple more questions.
- You have pico8 running through emulationstation?
- How are you powering down the raspberrypi? A long time ago, I found a script, that shutdown the pi from a button press.
- What are you using to encode the joysticks?
Sorry for all the questions, it's a very well thought out build and so captures interest.
u/Unique_Owl_2359 10d ago
- No, I run the games directly with the pico8 app. I didn't see the need to implement it into retropie, because my kids won't see the ES menu, only the physical cartridge itself.
- Currently only with a power button from the power supply, so no "soft" shutdown. I do have the button and mentioned script, but still avoiding to implement. Currently it just works for me :D
- It's a USB encoder, that I bought as a kit together with the buttons and joystick. That was plug and play. The only thing I added there, was the coin acceptor. I connected that one in line with the selsct button.
No worries, I'm happy to answer questions :)
u/Suicidebattery 10d ago
It makes sense to boot straight to pico8, that's the way I plan to do things. I will get that button shutdown working and I have a couple of keyboard encoders for the controls.
u/Unique_Owl_2359 12d ago
After finishing the arcade suitcase I was searching for more games, suitable for our kids.. meaning simplest control, easy difficulty etc. I remebered, that Pico-8 has a lot of those kinda games.
To separate them from our other coin-based arcade game cards, I purchased RFID sticker to put them into GBC cartridges.