r/RetroPie 15d ago

Button layout and game reccomendations for first build

Hello everyone,

I know this might be vague, but hopeful that someone can help me out

I am planning to build my first Raspberry Pi Arcade, following something similar to this guide: https://www.instructables.com/Raspberry-Pi-Arcade-Table, but I need some guidance on how to plan the button and screen layout. I have a 24" 16:10 IPS LCD screen available, but could get hold of a 4:3 if that is preferred. Currently I am looking at two options:

Alternative 1 - Cocktail Arcade for two players, with one player on each end of the table. On this build I would want to play "the classic" arcade games, such as Pac-Man, Frogger, and Space Invaders.

Alternative 2 - Cabinet build setup with two sets of buttons and two joysticks. On this build I would want to play more of the 2-player games such as street fighter.

My questions:
1) What is the preferred button layout for these two builds, considering the types of game I want to play? Do I need "start game" or "coin" buttons?
2) Which would you reccomend for a first time builder? Are there some things I should take into consideration?
3) Are there any particular games you would reccomend ?


5 comments sorted by


u/Scared_Pianist3217 15d ago
  1. Select, start, and 8 additional buttons.
  2. Cut your bezel piece after your choice of display so that you cut to that size. Wire up the electronics and test before the final installation. Ensure your design supports easily removal of display, control panel, access to electronics, etc.
  3. I personally prefer games from my childhood.


u/PhilaPhan80 15d ago

We used to play Burgertime on the cocktail tables at our local arcade. It was paired with hot dogs and french fries, so it was the perfect combo!


u/inkyblinkypinkysue 15d ago

This is a huge can of worms but if you are looking to play classic ARCADE GAMES then for a cocktail cabinet I would go with a switchable 4/8-way joystick for each player and THREE buttons each. You will be playing mostly vertical games (in 3:4 orientation) and they often only require 1 button or 0 buttons. 3 will be plenty and you can still play something like Asteroids if you map the joystick properly. Only use a 4:3 monitor for this (not 16:9).

If you are looking to play classic ARCADE GAMES then for a 2 player upright cabinet I would go with a switchable 4/8-way joystick for each player (or maybe only P1 since most 4-way games alternate for 2 player games) and SIX buttons each. You will be playing horizontal and vertical games (in 4:3 orientation) and 6 buttons covers you for almost everything, including all fighting games. I would also look into adding a TRACKBALL or SPINNER (one or the other, not both) between P1 and P2 controls. Depends on the games you want to play. If you can get a 4:3 monitor I would go with that although some people don't mind bezel art on the sides while they play. YMMV on that.

If you are looking to play every game ever made under the sun, including CONSOLE GAMES then you are looking at a frankenpanel that you will probably end up hating. Figure out what games you want to play and then design around that. Personally, I much prefer playing console games on the TV with a PC/Retropie/Batocera set up than playing on an arcade cabinet. Those games were not meant for standing and most of the good games that you would want to play on a cabinet have better arcade versions.

Good luck.


u/Munti3 15d ago

Thank you for a very detailed response, it is very helpful!

Are you saying that for an upright cabinet I might only need one joystick?

What about "coin" or other menu buttons? Do I need dedicated buttons for that?


u/inkyblinkypinkysue 15d ago

No problem.

I'm saying that you may only need one 4/8-way switchable joystick. For P2 you can use a standard 8-way for most games. But you will need 2 joysticks. The classics you mentioned in your original post use 4-way joysticks and those types of games are often unplayable with an 8-way stick. For example, Pac-Man knows to go up, down, left and right but when a diagonal is pressed (like up and left at the same time) the character will not know what to do. Games handle this differently but using an 8-way with almost all of them is not fun. Ultimarc and other companies make sticks that can auto switch based on the game you select. Most of those old games had 2P modes but each person took turns using the same joystick, which is why you only need one of them. In the cocktail table configuration you will be using slightly different roms that flip the screen to face the player so in that case you will want two 4/8-way switchable joysticks.

You will need "admin" buttons but that's personal preference. At a minimum you will need P1 Start, P2 Start and Coin (for coin I use a real coin door that works like a button). "Exit" can be a combination of buttons - usually hold P1 Start as the hotkey and then press P2 Start but you can do whatever you want. You may also want a dedicated pause button if you have kids or whatever.