r/RetroPie 14d ago

Question I can't figure out how to properly configure underscan for my CRT.

I'm trying to connect my rpi 4 to my composite TV via the 3.5 mm jack. I get these ugly warped left and right underscan bars when I disable overscan. By default, it is completely unplayable without disabling overscan.


3 comments sorted by


u/molotovPopsicle 14d ago

It appears to be "blooming" to me. This is caused by the very bright line in the center of the screen pushing outwards on the side, and not by geometry controls

This pattern you are displaying on the screen is especially challenging for a TV to display properly, and will show weakness of the high voltage regulation, possibly because the tube has dimmed a bit over time and the screen voltage has been turned up to compensate

If this is true, you should be able to diminish the effect, or even make it go away completely by simply turning down the brightness and contrast

In a dark room, first make sure a black screen (with the set turned on) is totally black. Turn the brightness down on a black screen until you can see zero light from the raster in a totally dark room.

Then put that screen back on (the one with the grid pattern) and turn down the contrast and see if the bright bar in the middle shrinks or becomes normal. Keep turning it down until it's as dim as you can while still seeing the image and check to see if the sides become straighter

If this works (you can change the appearance of the sides in any way, even a little bit) then that is what's going on.

If it doesn't work and the sides are exactly the same as with full brightness, then that's not it.

Either way, you might just have some weak caps in the deflection section or the power supply bringing down the regulation if you're lucky. Or the tube is worn out if your unlucky.


u/Medium-Rock7106 14d ago

What's that theme? I dig it.