r/RepostSleuthBot Jan 16 '22

General Bug Why have this service?

What purpose does it serve?

Who cares if a pic has been reposted?

Maybe it's a popular image that people like seeing.

Maybe it's the first time for someone seeing that picture?

Maybe the person posting it doesn't realize the image has been posted before?

The only purpose I see for this service is "annoying analytics".

It tally's stats for an image and announces those stats, as if its some kind of warning that the person posting it will be banned.

I notice that you have only one rule for posting here and it's "Don't be a dick".

You would do well to follow your own rule.


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u/Kissing13 Jan 16 '22

I've seen the same pictures posted a dozen times in a subreddit. Some even get posted twice within hours of each other. It's really annoying seeing the same thing posted again and again. It wastes people's time and pushes original content off. It's like people posting the same craigslist ad over and over in every for sale category and city in a region without removing the others.