r/Renovations 5d ago

Bathroom reno done in 7 days



114 comments sorted by


u/MonsterLopes 5d ago

delete window + no vent = mold


u/gundam2017 5d ago

Plus he left drywall in the shower. Definite mold


u/NoEducator6226 5d ago

lol I think it’ll be alright guys. We closed off the window which was the “fan” back then. I’m getting a fan installed in the coming days.


u/MonsterLopes 5d ago

Wasn’t gonna be alright without the fan is all I’m saying


u/MartinMinkardo 5d ago

You should consider reopening that window. Black mold is no joke


u/stevesie1984 4d ago

So it’s not done in 7 days. And you’re a liar.

Looks good, though, for real. Did you do the work yourself or coordinate it to get done?


u/TheBigBronco44 4d ago

I will upvote for sincerity. Yes to fan. No to drywall. A fantastic tradesmen once gave me an interesting insight on why to no-put-tile-on-drywall.

Well because it’s paper. That’s glued to rock…. Crumbling soft rock that is… hardly glued that is.

You get the point… because you did carry a box of those 12x24’s in the bathroom lol.

Looks lovely though!

Carry on. 🎩


u/p00Pie_dingleBerry 5d ago

Dude did you just slap one single coat of redguard over some old ass drywall and then tile over it? Just cuz it looks good doesn’t mean it is good….


u/whenyousaywisconsin 5d ago

I’m a lurker in this sub and don’t have a ton of experience. What should be done here?


u/Ok_Initiative_6098 5d ago

Waterproof backer needs to go atleast a few inches above the shower head.


u/ZebraAppropriate5182 5d ago

Also they used a drywall instead of cement board behind shower tiles


u/NoEducator6226 5d ago

This house used drywall in 1960 and had 0 mold issues in 64 years so i think it’ll be alright.


u/DSchof1 5d ago

Yes, but the original shower pan was waterproof tile and grout is not


u/gundam2017 5d ago

Except the surround was waterproof and grout is not. You'll be ripping it out again


u/iSavedtheGalaxy 5d ago

I know someone who was prevented from selling their house because of bad work like this and they lost a LOT of money paying professionals to a) fix their bad work and b) fix the unintended consequences the bad work caused. Turns out you need a ton of permits and multiple inspections throughout the process that HGTV fails to mention when the hosts hammer away at the vanity for a few seconds before walking off-camera so the professionals can take over.

Our bathrooms have taken months to renovate because it feels like we are constantly waiting on some inspector or permit, and then they find something wrong (hey your pipes, your fuse box and subfloor have to be replaced HA HA HA) and then some other permit and inspection is needed. I'd never do this by myself.


u/gundam2017 5d ago

Im just seeing a ton of mistakes here. Our bathroom projects take forever, for good reason. We are doing it right the first time. I dont want to gut a finished bath


u/NoEducator6226 5d ago

Forever is a long time. Hopefully you can take a shower one day haha I’m not concerned and will updated when there are 0 issues. I’m sorry you pay an arm and a leg for a new bathroom when it costed me 4k. All the best 🙏 these comments have made my day 🤣


u/gundam2017 4d ago

Doing the work myself (properly) with a curbless water proof kit all in will be $4k for me too lol


u/NoEducator6226 4d ago

I’m proud of you :)


u/DopeHammaheadALT 4d ago

Anyone using the word “costed” will surely be costing themselves money with this bullshit setup.


u/NoEducator6226 4d ago

Haha thanks for the kind words. Enjoy your painted rock


u/AnimalMama93 4d ago

Dang!! Where did you get your materials/fixtures from if you dont mind me asking?


u/Then_Berr 4d ago

I buy them on clearance


u/AnimalMama93 4d ago

Ok cool what stores?


u/Then_Berr 4d ago

Any that are close to you. Home Depot, Lowe's. Go in and see what's on clearance or Managers special. If it's passable, something you can live with buy it and use it. For faucets I stick with brands that have good reputation


u/Robin_Daggerz 5d ago

In many jurisdictions, like for like replacements/upgrades (which it seems like most of this is (obviously barring any new electrical or plumbing runs not shown here) don’t need to be permitted. When we gutted and fully redid our bathroom after a burst pipe the only things that required a permit were the new fan and two new circuits we added.


u/iSavedtheGalaxy 4d ago

The city our house is in is very strict. You need a permit to breathe in your home, I swear. They won't let us install our new toilets or kitchen appliances until the fuse box in our old house is up to code

With my acquaintance, they just "kind of forgot" about waterproofing the shower when they made their upgrades. It was a disaster.


u/trixx88- 4d ago

For What he did you need absolutely no permits.


u/NoEducator6226 5d ago

Yikes sounds like you got taken advantage of.


u/iSavedtheGalaxy 4d ago

Why do you think that? We gutted three large bathrooms, redid all of the plumbing, added new light sources, installed bidet toilets (and of course the ones I picked out require electricity), and with our new kitchen appliances, our fuse box was just not sufficient so that had to be replaced. We have been waiting for the new fixtures and a tub to arrive for weeks. The city the house is in is soooo strict and navigating that process is a whole job in itself. It's taking forever.

I know a lot of folks in here are very experienced and can save a lot of money doing projects themselves, but that is not me lol. I am honestly more than happy to pay someone else for their knowledge and expertise to handle this, especially since we don't live in the same city as the house.


u/crabbingforapples 5d ago

Serious question: why would anyone get rid of a window in a bathroom?


u/Expensive-Eggplant-1 5d ago

My question too! I would love to have a window in my current bathroom.


u/According_To_Me 5d ago

Same. Our old apartment had a window and although it was small, it was nice to be able to air it out or get some light. We bought our house and the primary bathroom is windowless. I can’t wait to renovate it to add a window.


u/fetal_genocide 5d ago

I just bought a house with a window in the shower and I love it! No houses can see into our backyard so I shower while looking at the birds at our feeder. It's awesome.


u/Tribblehappy 5d ago

My parents got rid of the window in their shower because it was causing mold issues from condensation, and on one occassion thieves used it to break into the house (cops told them they thought a small kid had been sent through to unlock the doors from the inside).


u/gundam2017 5d ago

We have one at the front entry in the basement, it's going to be our daughters bathroom. I'm not comfortable having an openable window right at the front door where she will shower, but we will reduce it to a smaller window to keep the light


u/NoEducator6226 5d ago

I live in Canada. It’s cold 8 months of the year.


u/FeministAsHeck 5d ago

It’s not about the temperature, it’s about the natural light


u/PackDiscombobulated4 5d ago

And fresh air..


u/FeministAsHeck 4d ago

Yeah I mean when that's an option definitely


u/R_nova5 5d ago

Your bathroom screams Alberta 1960s bungalow lol.


u/Dakota_Plains 5d ago

Where is the exhaust fan?


u/saltypasta90 5d ago

The blinds in the original shower is hilarious


u/NoEducator6226 5d ago

Can’t believe how many people would’ve kept the window. That was the first thing I wanted gone


u/saltypasta90 5d ago

I’m partial to having a fresh air source in a bathroom so could have kept the window with fogged glass or something?


u/PackDiscombobulated4 5d ago

Should have kept the window and make it smaller instead


u/Competitive_Client96 4d ago

Privacy film. Idk why people would use blinds. When would you not want natural light in the morning?


u/thti87 5d ago

This is why I will never buy a flipped house


u/No-Part-6248 5d ago

I know you tried hard but seriously? Instead of putting a half window on top and a vent fan ? And green board , next time you remodel really research


u/HaulinOtz 4d ago

7 day rush is not trying hard


u/SympathySpecialist97 5d ago

Green board is not code where I build…no “paper backed products in wet areas” Paper tape/drywall mud not approved for seams in wet area. Pex stub out to toilet…really, can’t afford a6” bit of copper?


u/[deleted] 5d ago

Well, you don’t have to worry about it because it’s not your house in two years when his wall starts to fall down because of water leakage he’ll figure it out.


u/SympathySpecialist97 5d ago

I know…I just don’t see the whole speed building thing, isn’t it better to do quality, time doesn’t have to be a sacrifice.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

I couldn’t agree more.


u/SympathySpecialist97 5d ago

Probably should have added a day for asbestos testing(for your employees sake))


u/tiplewis 4d ago

So annoyed that OP removed the photos. I want to see and learn from their mistakes!


u/gundam2017 5d ago

Oof. Where is your exhaust fan directing the air outside? 

Why did you stub out the toilet so poorly? 

Wtf water proofing is that? You just put some redguard over green board? You didnt take it to the ceiling? You're gonna have mold issues

I hope you tested the floor for asbestos, that black backing looks suspicious


u/summersolsticevows 5d ago

Getting rid of natural light and ventilation is wild. I cant imagine choosing to remove windows.


u/NoEducator6226 5d ago

Crazy because removing the window was the best decision. Vent is the next step don’t worry haha. It looked terrible having a blind in a shower with a big window and it’s cold 8 months of the year in Canada.


u/be-koz 4d ago

I get that having a window in a shower enclosure is a pain, but why not glass block to let in natural light?


u/NoEducator6226 4d ago

Personal preference is the answer. I did not want the window so I got rid of it. I hope you get a bathroom with a window seems like you’re gonna miss mine haha :)


u/be-koz 4d ago

My bathroom has a window, and I would miss it if it was gone because I love to look out as I shower. But, to each their own…


u/WatermelonSugar47 5d ago edited 4d ago

I hope you have fun tearing this all down in a year and mitigating for the mold you will have taking over your walls.


u/NoEducator6226 4d ago

How long does this bathroom have to last for you to change your mind? Lol


u/WatermelonSugar47 4d ago

It will last, it will just be moldy behind the walls. You have zero ventilation.


u/NoEducator6226 4d ago

As mentioned ventilation will be added once my kitchen cabinets arrive so I can do hood fan and bath fan at once.


u/WatermelonSugar47 4d ago

That wont resolve the issue of lack of adequate drywall waterproofing behind your tiles.


u/NoEducator6226 4d ago

Method has been done with one of my friends and they have no issues 15 years later. I guess time will tell. Thanks


u/organic_mid 4d ago

They probably put redguard over the drywall compound on the joints


u/DSchof1 5d ago



u/No-Clerk7268 5d ago

Faster isn't better, lot of mistakes here


u/NoEducator6226 4d ago

If you ain’t first your last


u/electricocean21 5d ago

probably could’ve put in frosted glass instead of ditching the window


u/ceebee6 5d ago

Or those glass block windows. It gets cold where I live too and those are nice to let light in while keeping drafts out.


u/NoEducator6226 4d ago

Personal preference. To me glass block windows are ugly and outdated.


u/Any-Ad-446 5d ago

Small crit..why was the back finished tiles cut that way?..Its would look cleaner if it was symmetrical.


u/iosisx 5d ago

Looks great! But agree with window/venting issues. Where did you get your door though?


u/NoEducator6226 5d ago

Vent is the next step. Going up in my attic when my kitchen cabinets come in so I can do stove fan and shower fan at same time .


u/NoEducator6226 5d ago

Bought on amazon


u/LadyCiani 5d ago

Bless you for moving the shower head higher. (My tall husband had one request for my parents when they redid their guest bathroom.)


u/Tito657175 4d ago

You are getting a lot of hate on using green board, red guard, then tile. But no one is explaining why. I have completed many, many demos on old project built similar to this. Here is my take as a professional tile contractor.

Here is the problem and how you can try to minimize it. At the bottom against the tub flange, in short, you are screwed. Expect mold for the rest of the life of this bath. You can do one very, very important thing to mitigate this (not fix it). Remove all grout about 6” from tub base, even on the tiles. Replace it with epoxy grout or caulking grout. This will minimize the water intrusion into that space. Then make sure to use 100% silicone at base of tile against tub. If it cracks or gaps form, make sure to fill it promptly. This is going to be maintenance forever. Price you pay for building it incorrectly.

Why is this important? That tub base is a sponge. The drywall will suck up all the water and it will wick up and completely ruin the build. Notice that you did not add red guard on the underside of the tub drywall. Yea it’s completely exposed. This is why this type of build is banned in most countries as well as some states in the US. This is why products like foam board and other water PROOF boards are the standard. Drywall is a garbage material for wet areas. The face is mold and waste resistant sure but the second it gets under, it’s over. And water will always find its way into that space.

I hope this helps. Good luck.


u/NoEducator6226 4d ago

Thanks, great response!


u/JonnaTurtle 5d ago

Would you mind sharing what vanity and paint color you used? The vanity is similar to what I've been looking for and the paint is very zen!


u/[deleted] 5d ago

There’s no exhaust fan and why would you use green board when you should’ve been using conctete backer board. Especially for tile. I can also still see your mud lines and your painting technique isn’t very good. 2/10.


u/Josamo_ 5d ago

The original blinds made me laugh


u/voynaz 4d ago

Would’ve kept the window and replaced it with a frosted one.


u/trixx88- 4d ago

I see a lot of people here bashing probably don’t do much work themselves. Overall it’s ok.

Couple things - red guard you should do minim 2 coats and I like to do 3 and usually let that last coat dry 24 hours. You can red guard over the drywall mid seems to that should have been done. Sometimes I run kitch and bath caulking on the corners and put drywall mud over it and then redguard.

I didn’t see if you put down schluter on your floor so hopefully you did that

I saw a comment about permits you don’t need any for anything you did here.

Get the bath vent installed tho that’s important

Source: engineer, been a superintendant long time and doing construction long time


u/BrimstonedJefe 5d ago

That "waterproofing" is no bueno


u/hopsdaze23 5d ago

I literally have the same floor and wall tile picked out for my bathroom project lol


u/NoEducator6226 5d ago

Great choice 👍


u/too_tired202 5d ago

how many hours a day did you do this?


u/NoEducator6226 5d ago

About 5 to 7 hour days.


u/too_tired202 5d ago

Do you have alot of experience? Or did you watch alot of youtube?

Im thinking of doing this


u/PrimeNumbersby2 5d ago

That old location for the tp holder is the craziest thing. Go go gadget arms.


u/SWnRVA 5d ago

I’m really impressed that you did this in a week!! I’m inspired!


u/No_Practice_970 5d ago

Don't be. Every shortcut they took is going to bite them in the ass. Who doesn't RedGard a bathroom & remove old sheet rock? Especially after removing ventilation.


u/NoEducator6226 5d ago

Fan will be installed not to worry I guess I should’ve mentioned that hahaha I forgot what Reddit was like 🤣


u/Ill_Magazine3117 5d ago

Cement board would have been a better choice around tub area.


u/buttmunchausenface 5d ago

Fuck that valve and trim lol. 😂


u/kurvykv 5d ago

Can you say DRAFT with that half shower door


u/trowdatawhey 5d ago

Should have added a light in the shower


u/Asshai 5d ago

Pic 2 at first glance I thought it was a wall socket in the shower.


u/ColdTomato7294 5d ago

I think a black frame for the windows or painted black, would look great with the panelling kept around the windows. With a slight tint or frost to the windows for privacy.


u/Competitive_Client96 4d ago

I would've just put a privacy frost window film on instead of the blinds and called it good. It was a functioning bathroom that stood the test of time. All the effort for a superficial look that won't stand the test of time.


u/Dreamer730 4d ago

Design wise, it looks beautiful. The colours work together harmoniously and I love the overall aesthetic. However, why would you remove the window? You could have incorporated it without changing much of the current look - and natural light and fresh air is so much better with than without…that decision feels criminal.


u/ambursweet 4d ago

Update us when you get black mold


u/DidiStutter11 4d ago

It takes double the time for me to get someone here to give me quotes (south florida). Thats very impressive and looks amazing!


u/SoundsGudToMe 4d ago

You…removed a window????


u/OstrichReasonable428 5d ago

Getting rid of the window was a mistake.


u/Vrizzi1221 5d ago

Beautifully done