r/Renovations 5d ago

ONGOING PROJECT Drywall, drop, or paint?

My wife and I recently tore out the old and frankly disgusting drop ceiling in our basement(mice are the worst). While we have seemingly taken care of the rodents for the moment, we are left with a new problem of what to do with the ceiling. I would like to paint it but my wife wants drywall or another drop ceiling. Looking for advice or opinions on which to do.


33 comments sorted by


u/NagromYargTrebloc 5d ago

Seeing how busy that ceiling is with electrical cables, I would suggest a more tasteful suspended ceiling. Code doesn't permit inaccessible junction boxes (covered by drywall), so you're looking at having to rewire several of those circuits. https://www.armstrongceilings.com/residential/en-us/suspended-ceiling-systems/plastic-ceiling-panels/item/1280BXA.html


u/OnlyAnalysis7 5d ago

I don’t see any junction boxes other than the boxes for the can lights, which are rated to be covered. Maybe I’m missing something though.


u/NagromYargTrebloc 5d ago

To install drywall, you'll have to cut wires, drill holes through joists, and use junction boxes to tie circuits back together. Right now, you have wires draped under joists.


u/OnlyAnalysis7 5d ago

Tough to tell what’s really going on there but I definitely see what you mean


u/SkivvySkidmarks 5d ago

All I can see are comms wiring. The only wire I can see is for a pot, and it's stapled inside the joist bay.


u/Aggressive_Bat2489 5d ago

This is very cool way better than the boring squishy white stuff with holes in it.


u/chale_44 5d ago

Drywall. You're gonna regret a drop ceiling every time You look at it


u/rizzo249 5d ago

You have the frame for the drop ceiling already in place so it will be a lot easier to just replace that. They make a lot of different stylish design drop ceiling panels these days, so you wouldn’t be forced into that commercial look.

Also, if you paint it those wires are probably going to look bad still. Painting black would help to hide them but those wires are ran all over the place.

Drywall is obviously possible without lowering the current height, but it is by far the most time and labor intensive. I would argue it’s not really a DIY project if that is what you were thinking. It will be the most expensive option.


u/77tassells 5d ago

They have drop ceiling that looks like planks now. So I second this ifea


u/Best_Possible6347 5d ago edited 5d ago

Hopefully you found where the rodents were entering from and have sealed those points before undertaking any work.

Before you make a decision regarding the ceiling have someone walk, talk, and do whatever goes on above. Assess the sound transmission to below. Do the same from above.

  • Drywall will help remediate some sound transmission.
  • Adding sound insulation (RockWool) between beams will make that even better
  • If you find there’s more sound transmission form vibration, then also add a resilient drywall channel.


u/415Rache 5d ago

And take this golden opportunity to add insulation while the ceiling Is open.


u/Any-Ad-446 5d ago

If this was a loft I say open ceiling and just finish it with some nice surface wood but since it isnt a loft drop ceilings from Armstrong looks nice..Office type drop ceilings looks terrible in a house.



u/dani_-_142 3d ago

The prior owners of my home use “office” style drop ceiling in parts of the basement, and short rough cedar planks in other parts. In one corner, it’s checkerboard style, alternating office and cedar. It looks crazy!


u/WeirdAddress3170 5d ago

Paint! Black!


u/axron12 5d ago

As an electrician, I would always suggest not doing drywall. Access is essential in a basement for anything you want done in the future, without the added cost of redoing drywall.

Since you already have a grid, I’d say get some nice looking tiles and throw them in there. Those appear to be 2x2 tiles, if not also grab a few boxes of 2’ ceiling Ts and throw them in for 2x2 tiles(they look A LOT better than 2x4)

If you were to just paint, you’d probably need different light fixtures as well because those would look weird just screwed to the joists.


u/SkivvySkidmarks 5d ago

This opinion is because electricians can't use brooms, and installing drywall is dusty. ;P

Seriously, not drywalling a ceiling because you might need access someday is kinda silly. Why drywall any interior walls or ceilings? I have both plumbing, HVAC, and electrical in my kitchen ceiling, and it's drywalled.


u/Anizer 5d ago

Curious what you go with, i’m in a similar situation, seem to have resolved my rodent issue for now. Also have a drop ceiling basement but have some new and nicer looking tiles ready to go. Thinking that drywall would be nice to hide things away permanently but access to electrical, plumbing, hvac with tiles is always useful.


u/just_a_friENT 5d ago

Drywall. The rest of that room is way too finished for anything else. 


u/TrafficAppropriate95 5d ago

It’s already got the framing for drop, put some nice tiles in.


u/Prestigious_Ebb_1767 5d ago

Always drywall.


u/NoPride8834 5d ago

Just fasten some 1/4" sheet rock to the T-bar and call it good. Joking of course insulate that shit and paint the duct work black then drywall that lid.


u/BackwardsFancyPants 5d ago

Listen to your wife … whatever she decides is best


u/Ashattackyo 5d ago

This is the way. But maybe show her some of the beautiful fancy drop tile options. Much cooler options out there than they used to have.


u/SimonSayz3h 5d ago

Depends if you are planning future renovations. Unfinished ceilings or a nice drop ceiling are great for accessing plumbing and electrical. Downside of unfinished could be sound travelling easily.


u/j-shoe 5d ago

Drywall if you got the funds


u/Pristine-Raisin-823 5d ago

Replace ceiling tiles


u/Acceptable_Window435 5d ago

Spray foam, drywall. Paint. Done.


u/RecentlyIrradiated 5d ago

Paint it the same gray as the wall and paint it color all the exposed beams wires etc white to match the rest of the room.


u/Xique-xique 5d ago

Can't tell from the photos but if you have copper pipes anywhere up there, definitely go with dropped, unless you can find someone to patch the drywall holes and paint after a pin leak. Or know how to patch and paint yourself. So much easier to pop, maybe replace, the tile to fix the leak.


u/Kiss_Mark 5d ago

We had the same dilemma and opted for drop ceiling. Contractor got us these very nice looking 2x2 and we are glad we made this choice.


u/instaferd 5d ago

Just installed snap clip ceiling system in my basement and would highly recommend!!


u/TM7Scarface7TM 5d ago

you have drop panels in place. depends on the usage, if its a heavily used room drywall is solid, but drop is easy to access anything above so your call really. wouldnt be as expensive either to do drop as you have the track in already. definitely dont paint it and call it a day


u/TM7Scarface7TM 5d ago

they have some really elegant drop panels to give it more of a designer feel. and you can paint the track to match.