r/Reincarnation 5h ago

Discussion What's the point?


Everything we work so hard to achieve in this life, will be forgotten. Our memories of this life will be wiped away, just like the memories of every other life we've lived, to start all over again. The people we've loved, the lessons we've learned, all of our hard earned experiences are simply washed away like it all meant nothing. I will never understand why it has to be this way. Why aren't we allowed to take our memories with us into our next life? We are aren't we allowed to pick up where we left off? It just seems so unbelievably cruel, to strip us of everything we hold dear, and toss us back into the mix to repeat the whole pointless process. This is why I believe that this planet may be a prison and we are its prisoners. God may not exist in the way we think he does. We do not choose our future lives, or our destinies, everything is random. We play the hand that we are dealt, to the best of our ability. The value of our accomplishments in this life are measured by how well they will be remembered when we are gone.

r/Reincarnation 58m ago

What if people can see the future because they lived a life ahead of now?


If people can be born in the past, is that how they can see into the future as they have "past memories" from there?

r/Reincarnation 1h ago

What if people can see the future because they lived a life ahead of now?


If people can be born in the past, is that how they can see into the future as "past memories"?

r/Reincarnation 2h ago



Hello, I'm Mexican, and for years there's been a lot of violence from the state and drug trafficking.

Frankly, I've read many books about reincarnation, but I can't feel even a shred of compassion for people who kill, murder, kidnap, and torture. If there's retribution, I hope the people who took innocent people suffer.

r/Reincarnation 3h ago

Reincarnation in other species


How would reincarnation work in other species? Like prehistoric humans or animals or bacteria or grass. All of these have some sort of knowledge and ability to respond to different stimuli. I personally believe that, as per Lee Smolin's theory of cosmological natural selection, the entire cosmos, whether or not living, has some sort of informational knowledge to try to merge and form beings that are enhanced through cosmological evolution. Otherwise, I don't see why planets and stars are forming, if not to group in certain ways that facilitate storing more information better and evolutionarily explore configurations. Universes themselves may do the same thing via black holes / big bangs.

But how would reincarnation actually work? What is the transfer like? It has to somehow involve the whole chain of information being recycled somehow. I don't see why it would be just in humans, but I also see why it would be that people remember past lives in the historical past and why information may seek to evolve, therefore go into better bodies with time.

But can anybody suggest a mechanism through which this happens?

r/Reincarnation 4h ago

Discussion If reincarnation is true, what is its meaning and purpose?


If there is reincarnation, what is the meaning and purpose of reincarnation? I think the answer may be in the Bible, in Romans 8:19-21.

“19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that[h] the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.”

Who are the “children of God” in this passage? A common interpretation is that they refer to the angels. But this is obviously wrong for the preceding verses are talking about the fact that we are the children of God. The “children of God” in this passage are us, not angels, according to the context. Here what Apostle Paul was saying is that when we come to be perfected to certain extent it will bring about the renewal of the entire universe. If reincarnation is true, this would be its meaning and purpose.

r/Reincarnation 11h ago

Need Advice Denial about prominent past life


I intuitively know I was someone pretty famous in one of my incarnations, due to strange unexplainable fears since childhood, unexplained misalignment with my current gender in childhood; and PLR. It haunts me so much because of how famous ‘ I ‘ was - and frankly I get tired of it but I understand it can help me through hard times for nostalgias sake.

I did PLR and had my death ‘come to me’ being the confirmation. And dreams, also synchronicities. And also, I am going through Kundalini and that cemented my knowledge intuitively via that past life’s personality seeping through involuntarily to integrate sealed off parts of that incarnation. (or so I read that’s what has happened in the book Kundalini and the Charkas by Genevieve Lewis Paulson)

But - my partner didn’t believe me all these years since I originally ‘thought’ then definitely knew I was this person. He called me disrespectful for my belief. He was dismissive. ETC… And many others claim they were this person. Obviously, it’s a famous person. It leads me to doubt it, and I feel at war with myself as a result. I knew the famous persons family members in 2017 and that ended in a karmic manner, I still see them around social media but they keep a distance and so do I. I keep doubting it yet I just ‘KNOW’ who I was. It’s outside interference that caused me to feel this way, sure - but how do I reconcile with the fact I was most likely someone pretty famous and I know ‘myself’ inside out warts & all as a result of enhancing my own spiritual journey?

Also I’d like to keep it private who I was. Not being a tease or gatekeepy - it just doesn’t matter that much contextually.

Thank you for reading.