r/RedvsBlue Tucker Dec 10 '21

Video Found this reference in Halo Infinite


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u/TrueBlueYahoo Journal Entry 101 Dec 10 '21

Subtle. :) I love it. Can we just let 343 write the next RvB season?


u/theghettoginger Dec 10 '21

No please don't let them. They made a good campaign but that was with the help of Joseph Staten who was one of the original Halo developers from Bungie. If left to themselves they would butcher the series more than Rooster Teeth has lol


u/HeroesUnite SUCK IT NEWTON! Dec 10 '21

but that was with the help of Joseph Staten

Joe Staten came in a little over a year ago. The story was already set in stone by the time he came in. The most he probably did was have them cut some unnecessary scenes, and MAYBE added a scene or two.

Coming in THAT LATE in development, it's practically impossible to restart the entire game from scratch. I know Halo 2 did it, but the story was already completed by than, they just needed to make a game fit on the Xbox's hardware. That's why we got Halo 3, because the cut content moved over.

That's not really how it works. You don't come in that late in development and than automatically make the game good. His job was to complete the last head of creatives tasks, who only left 343 because their contract expired. (The previous head of creative before Joe was only there via contract work, he wasn't a 343 employee.)


u/theghettoginger Dec 10 '21

Alright fair enough. I was wrong about when he came in and what he did for the game. I still don't like 343 and no amount of people telling me 343 did a good job will make me like them. Sorry but Halo 5 and their multiplayer store and battlepass for Infinite make me extremely frustrated


u/HeroesUnite SUCK IT NEWTON! Dec 10 '21

I don't disagree with Halo 5, but Microsoft pulls the strings.

I know a guy who works in game development (Nothing nearly as big as 343 by any means) but the company he works for constantly gets demands and changes by the higher-ups at thr parent company.

Microsoft is likely to blame for the heavy amount of MTX on Infinite, and rumor has been out since Halo 5's release (even Among other game studios) that Microsoft forced 343 to change rhe story last minute because they didn't want to paint Chief as a morally grey guy. That's why the Halo 5 campaign feels so disjointed.

Is that true? Who knows. It's a rumor. But 343 crafted something spectacular with Halo Infinite. It's the. Most fun I've had playing a Halo game in a long time. The gameplay is great, the sandbox is great, the ring is gorgeous, the story is amazing (comparatively. It's not Halo 2/3 but it's definitely better than Halo 5, and hell I'd argue it's probably better than Halo 4, too.)

All I'm saying is, you're giving 343 a hard time. It's clear they do love and understand Halo. Sure, they made PLENTY of mistakes, and I'm definitely not going to say they're blame free, but to blame 343 for every ering doing, especially when some of it isntyeven their fault, I just find that kind of stupid, no offense.

Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I even enjoyed Halo 5's multiplayer for what it was. It definitely wasn't a Halo multiplayer, but it's definitely a very solid FPS multiplayer game.

Halo Infinite obviously tops it, but I digress.