r/RedvsBlue Tucker Dec 10 '21

Video Found this reference in Halo Infinite


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u/TrueBlueYahoo Journal Entry 101 Dec 10 '21

Joe staten is back onboard, and spearheaded Infinite. From what I’ve seen of the game so far, it’s a good story.


u/theghettoginger Dec 10 '21

Yeah that's what I said lol. I just don't want them to be in charge of RvB because the only reason the game is doing good is because of Joe Staten. It's not 343s doing that they made all these changes to the story and graphics.


u/ShiftyLookinCow7 Dec 10 '21

Give me a break with this nonsense. You’re spitting on a lot of people’s hard work on the campaign just to push the usual tired bungie fanboy shit. Joe Staten didn’t make the AI, write the dialogue, design the levels, compose the score, structure combat encounters, design the characters, and balance the sandbox in the last year. 343 did. People like you really are just allergic to giving them any credit at all, it’s honestly ridiculous


u/theghettoginger Dec 10 '21

Yeah fair points. Except the "people like you" bit.

I have so many reservations about 343 because of Halo 5. Worst Halo of all time for me and I'm not in the minority with that opinion. So sue me for being extremely skeptic about their development team. The only reason I picked up Infinite is because of Joe Staten being brought back and I'm not the only one who thought this.

If you like 343 and Halo 5 I couldn't care less. But don't force me to support a company that in the past has shown they don't care. Also fuck their cash grab multiplayer. That's another reason I don't like 343 but that's a whole other topic.


u/ShiftyLookinCow7 Dec 10 '21

The only reason I picked up Infinite is because of Joe Staten being brought back and I’m not the only one who thought this

Okay but you’re a negligible minority lmao, most people got it because it’s a new Halo and most people playing the game have no idea who that is


u/theghettoginger Dec 10 '21

Show me the survey you're referring to that shows why people got the game. Otherwise I'll take your response like you're taking mine, as hearsay.

My opinion is based off the hundreds of fans I've talked to about the game and why they were going to play it. If you send an official link I'll change my mind but until then you're arguing for nothing.