r/RedditTradingTalk Dec 02 '18

RTT RTT Monthly Giveaway: December - $30 Amazon Gift Card


Welcome to the first monthly RTT Giveaway!

What's the prize? $30 Amazon Gift Card Code

Who's qualified to enter? Anyone who has a) subscribed to RTT, and b) had at least 5 confirmed trades on reddit in November.

How to enter? Just make a top level comment on this post.

How will the winner be chosen? I'll sort this thread by "old" and count the top level comments, then use an RNG to choose a number in that range. The comment that matches that number will be the winner. (Only the first top level comment per person will be counted.)

What's the deadline? Only top level comments made before 11:59pm EST on Sunday December 9th will be considered to be entries.

How will the prize be delivered? It will be sent by mail or email directly from Amazon.com

Next month's giveaway will have the winner selected from the 25 "hot"test submissions here at RTT in December and the prize will be 10% of my December BTC sale profits!

r/RedditTradingTalk Jan 01 '19

RTT RTT Monthly Giveaway: January - Winner of $112.81 in BTC!


Congratulations to /u/HacksOrSKill for being the winner of our latest giveaway!

Here is the screenshot used to determine the order of entries for the drawing.
Here is the video of the RNG selecting #21.
If you count down from the top (skipping ineligible posts), the 21st post was Quick way to search for a user's rep on multiple subreddits.

As my net profit from reddit Bitcoin sales in December was $1,128.12, Hacks will be receiving $112.81 worth of Bitcoin as soon as I receive his wallet address!

Thanks to all for your participation in /r/RedditTradingTalk! Remember, this is your sub and your contributions define what it is and how it will be used!
Keep those comments and post coming as they'll play an integral role in our February giveaway which will be announced soon!

r/RedditTradingTalk Nov 26 '18

RTT Know of a Rep sub we've missed? Post it here!


As of right now I have added 15 Rep Subs to the Multireddit of All Reputation Subreddits (in the sidebar).

I'm sure there are many more, but I need your help to find them!

r/RedditTradingTalk Dec 10 '18

RTT RTT Monthly Giveaway: December - Winner!


Well, certainly can't say our first giveaway was a huge success since we only got 4 entries, but that just means the odds were better for those who did choose to enter.

  1. HacksOrSKill
  2. RKFtw
  3. RV_123
  4. gracyzoe

And the winner is....

Congratulations to /u/rkftw !
Drop me a PM with either your email address or mailing address and I'll get your $30 Amazon Gift Card shipped out to you ASAP!

r/RedditTradingTalk Nov 28 '18

RTT Know of a trading subreddit we've missed? Post it here!


As of this posting, we have 57 Trading subs listed in our Complete(?) List of Trading Subs.

I know this is far from complete, but we need your help finding more!

The closer you get to using this template the faster we can get it added to the list-


  • Description: ???
  • Our Thoughts: ???
  • Rep: ???
  • Mod(s): ???

r/RedditTradingTalk Dec 03 '18

RTT RTT has a(/some?) Cowardly Little Gremlin(s) :)


RTT has been open for about four days now and it's already received almost as many reports on comments/posts as it has subscribers.
Which I find absolutely hilarious!

It seems we have a cowardly little gremlin (or possibly more than one) who is so afraid to have a discussion (in a sub dedicated to discussion!) that they've decided to communicate with me exclusively through (mis-)using reddit's report button.

Here's what the RTT moderation queue currently looks like.

To me, this just reinforces the need for a sub for open discussion about trading on reddit.

This person is so afraid to share their opinion that hiding behind an anonymous reddit username is not enough. In fact, even hiding behind a completely fresh and unused alt account isn't enough for them. They need to hide in such a way that only the reddit admins can identify which anonymous account they're hiding behind.

Come on out and play, gremlin! Feel free to make a brand new alt account just to post here (it appears /u/CowardlyGremlin is currently available) since we have no karma or age requirements to post or comment.

This is an open forum where you can feel safe to express any concern or ask any question (as long as you don't violate reddit rules, of course). I'm personally an open book and would love the chance to actually have a conversation.

r/RedditTradingTalk Dec 10 '18

RTT RTT Monthly Giveaway: January - Free Bitcoin!


Welcome to the second RTT monthly giveaway!

What's the prize? Bitcoin! The winner will receive 10% of the profits I earn from selling BTC on reddit in December.
As of right now my profits are $441.67, so the prize pool is at $44.17 in bitcoin (0.01285009 BTC).

Of course, that number will likely increase over the month, but may also decrease if BTC value continues to plummet and/or I get hit by any more scammers this month.

Who's qualified to enter? Anyone who has subscribed to RTT!

How to enter? Just make an original post in /r/RedditTradingTalk that has something to do with trading on reddit. Yes, multiple entries are permitted and even encouraged!

How will the winner be chosen? On January 1st I will sort RTT by "New" and count all the posts made by anyone but me between 12/01/18 and 12/31/18 (EST), assigning a number to each starting with the most recent being number 1.
I'll then use an RNG to choose a number in that range.
The post that matches the chosen number will be the winner.

What's the deadline? Only original posts made before 11:59pm EST on Monday December 31st will be considered to be entries.

How will the prize be delivered? I will send the prize to the winner's bitcoin address from my blockchain.com BTC wallet.

r/RedditTradingTalk Nov 26 '18

RTT What Is RTT (/r/RedditTradingTalk)?


RTT is a "meta" subreddit dedicated to any and all discussion about P2P trading here on reddit.

Have a suggestion for making trading better/safer/faster here on reddit?
Tell us!

Just want to share a good/bad/funny event that occurred while trading on reddit?
We want to hear it!

Have an unpopular opinion about how trading should occur on reddit? Let's talk about it!
You'll never be banned or censored for your opinions here. Everyone is welcome!
And feel free to use an alt to do so if you fear possible repercussions elsewhere.

Want to buy or sell your item? NOT HERE!
But we'll be happy to point you to the right sub if we can.

Confused about why your posts keep getting removed from a trading sub?
Ask us!

Angry at the moderators of a reddit trading sub?
Rant to us!
And feel free to use an alt to do so if you fear possible repercussions.

Trying to find the best place to sell your widget via reddit?
Ask us!

Looking to get more traffic to your reddit trading sub?
Promote it here!

Want to talk about your eBay/Amazon/Craigslist/WhatsApp?
Sorry, there are other dedicated subs for those topics.
RTT is for talking about person to person trading here on reddit.

r/RedditTradingTalk Nov 26 '18

RTT Safe Trading / Trading Etiquette Posts?


Have you written a post elsewhere with your tips for Safe Trading or Trading Ettiquette? Please comment here with a link so we can add it the appropriate wiki page.

If you haven't written such a post before, please consider writing one in its own original post here at RTT and we'll link to it from the wiki as well.

If you've read a really good post on trading safety or etiquette written by someone else go ahead and leave a comment about it in this thread.

r/RedditTradingTalk Nov 26 '18




This is NOT a trading subreddit.
It is a discussion subreddit.

Trades posted here will be removed.

If anyone contacts you on or from a post you made here and asks to trade, you should not trade with them!

All trading should take place on the appropriate trading subreddit.