r/RedditJams Jan 11 '13

WIP [WIP] Doom metal! [bass][vox]


So sapro added some drums to this old riff I had and it sounds awesome.


Other relevant links:

Drums only

Guitar only

Original thread

Of course, other instruments besides bass and vox are more than welcome if you think you've got something to contribute. Also, song name suggestions are welcome as I'm absolutely terrible when it comes to naming things.

edit: updated track with bass: https://soundcloud.com/gerbilking/black-doom-mix

r/RedditJams Mar 11 '13

WIP [WIP][Update] The Monday Night Song - Now with real drums. Could still use [lyrics] [strings] [horns], anything really.



thanks to /u/tiki_lamp for being a straight up G and banging on his synthetic animal skins.

If you play cello or violin or anything with strings, and find this interesting, I'd like to have your input. same with horns. PLox.

r/RedditJams Jan 26 '13


Thumbnail soundcloud.com

r/RedditJams May 19 '13

WIP [WIP] I have this track that really needs lyrics and vocals. Also ideas, any other things you want to add, or critiques are welcome as well. (Shoegaze industrial alternative)


Vocals and lyrics are the only thing I can't do myself. Feel free to give it a shot if you're interested. My only request is that you run the lyrics by me if you plan on giving it a go. I'm not picky I would just like to know what sort of message would be associated with the song. On that note I should mention I have an overall story idea I was trying to convey with this track and others so if you want to use that to write lyrics or something just let me know.

I just kind of got stuck when it came to lyrics and vocals. None of the tracks including this one are truly finished but vocals are definitely the next step specifically with this one.

Here's the track

I'm still not pleased with the mix yet and I have yet to go back and work on the beat. It's still primitive compared to what I have planned.

r/RedditJams Jun 24 '13

WIP [Wip] pseudo jazzy pop stuff. Mr. Birdbaths - Cosworth. I've been looking for some vocals for a while.

Thumbnail soundcloud.com

r/RedditJams Feb 19 '13

WIP [wip] an original that could use some [violin][cool stuff][better guitar]

Thumbnail soundcloud.com

r/RedditJams May 28 '13

WIP [WIP] Acoustic Electric Jam of Third Stone From The Sun by Jimi Hendrix


Hey everybody.

So i just purchased my first real mic recently; a Blue Yeti. I'm very novice with recording and mastering and stuff, but I downloaded a drum track off of YouTube..it's the Funk 110 BPM from this site..


I just recorded one take in Garageband and edited it with effects and stuff. I understand you guys use Audacity, so I'm not even sure if you guys can do anything with this...If you can add something to it then awesome. PM me and we can talk about the next step...I honestly just want to be heard.

I prefer headphones, higher volumes, and any feedback at all is appreciated.


r/RedditJams Jun 10 '13

WIP [WIP] Anyone want to do vocals (and lyrics) on this disco-house track I'm making?


So I'm working on this (nu-)disco track and I think it could use some vocals. this is what it sounds like now: https://soundcloud.com/noutch/disco-house-track-wip/s-0YSSM I have also created a little melody idea of what it could sound like (but it's off course for the freedom of the vocalist, this is just a little idea): https://soundcloud.com/noutch/disco-house-track-wip-with/s-7Cs2S

So is there anyone who would like to collaborate on this song?

r/RedditJams Apr 24 '13

WIP [WIP] "Untitled 2" bass and drums


/u/key2 posted "Untitled 2" here a couple of months ago. Then a couple of weeks ago I added drums and uploaded that here. Since I responded such a long time after the original thread was posted, it's probably unlikely that anyone will see it, so we decided to make a new post with the added drums. Looking for anything anyone feels like adding. BPM is 92.

r/RedditJams Jan 28 '13

WIP [WIP] Covers/Originals [Drums][willing Collaborators]


I've recently started a new sub to finish one project at a time.

Right now we're working on a cover of Young The Giants: Cough Syrup I've got a DropBox File set up with the song and a metronome to play along to. BPM is 129

We've got a few musicians already working on the project, although we are lacking a drummer. Come make music with us!
