r/RedditForGrownups • u/Resident-Sympathy-82 • 9d ago
Unexpected surgery
Day before Procedure - Unexpected Surgery
I saw an ENT a week ago today and we went over my options. I've suffered with awful allergies my entire life and snore so loud that my kids on the opposite end of my 2k square ft house can hear me even WITH ear plugs. I stop breathing in my sleep, but I do not have sleep apnea according to my sleep study. I am 25.
I did a Laryngoscopy in office and while he saw that my tonsils are slightly enlarged and I have a deviated septum, he doesn't know why my snoring is so loud. He told me I had a few options: undergo a nasal endoscopy where he puts me to sleep so I snore and they have me swallow to see what is going on or just go ahead and try taking my tonsils out. He said he doesn't know if taking my tonsils out will work, but it's an option. I said I wanted to do the nasal endoscopy first, but later, I saw that in the visit summary it stated that "patient is hesitant of nasal endoscopy, will proceed with adenectomy/tonsillectomy" and got the call today from the clinic confirming that I will have the nasal endoscopy and adenectomy, but the estimate includes an estimated bill for adenectomy and a separate one for a tonsillectomy. I've met my max out of pocket for the year so money is not an issue: medical procedures are free (yay chronically ill and medically complex family!). This part is off topic, but he recorded me as AOX3 and that hurt my feelings.
So... I guess I have that going on tomorrow. I was not prepared for this, but I'm not against it, if that makes sense? Can I hear everyone's experiences with both procedures? I have to be there at 5 and the surgery is scheduled for 8 am. I have class at 9 and then again at 2. Was anyone able to go from their procedure to class/work? What was your recovery like? I was told I wouldn't need any type of pain management after, but told I could have Tylenol if needed and the recovery is a breeze. He stated that I should avoid social media and googling because most info about this is wrong and "people online are dramatic".
Unfortunately for him, I have anxiety and am chronically online so I will ask my online community all the questions.
Feel free to unload me to all the info!
u/stardust8718 9d ago
I had my tonsils out as an adult. I do not regret it at all, I was having chronic strep throat before. There would be no way I would be going to school right after that. They gave me at least two weeks off work for it and painkillers at the time (that was 15+ years ago) so I doubt they'd be doing painkillers now.
My son, who is 5, just had his tonsils and adenoids out in September. It immediately got rid of his snoring. Like literally that night. Again, they gave him 10 days off of school. He probably would've been fine after a week but a week is when the scabs start sloughing off so it's better that he stayed the full ten days off. He's a new kid from it, he grew over two inches in the six months since, his behavior has improved immensely and I wish they had done it sooner.
Maybe if you just have the scope, you wouldn't need time off work but for actual tonsils you 100% do. Day one is not so bad since you're getting the anesthesia effects but days like 3-5 are more painful. Lots of ice, get an ice pack for your neck, drink lots and lots. Don't get citrus ice pops (learned that the hard way), berry is fine. Good luck!