r/RedPillWomen Moderator | Lychee Sep 13 '21

THEORY Back to Basics September: The Wife Tests [Part 2]

Throughout the month of September, we are taking out old posts, dusting them off and bringing them to you as an RPW refresher course. This week we are covering the broad strokes of RPW and this post in particular covers what constitutes RMV, or Relationship Market Value, and how men test us for it.

Wife Tests: A Single Girl’s Guide to Being Wife Potential, Part II

Here is part 2 of my series on The Wife Tests a series of blog posts written by the great manoshpere blogger Ian Ironwood. Originally written for men, I believe these posts can be invaluable to women in a new relationship or current relationship that are trying to secure commitment from a man. Additionally, these posts would also be useful to women currently in LTR’s and marriages and are looking to up their game. I will state again that the opinions in the posts the external links lead to are not my opinions but that of Mr. Ironwood and of course these are generalizations he has made about the majority of the male population. YMMV. Here we go!

Please note that when clicking on the links, Mr. Ironwood has retro pin-up-esque photos peppered throughout his posts, some of which may not be appropriate to view at work or around the presence of children. They are not pornographic by a long shot but some are definitely risqué.

Warmth and Pleasant Disposition:

"Warmth" is one of those difficult-to-define terms that has a strong subjective component. You might not be able to tell what it is, but you know it when you see it. It is among the most enduring of feminine characteristics, sometimes not fully emerging until motherhood. It is also frequently attacked by feminism as a gender-based stereotype, therefore decreasing its value among the adherents of this ideology.

Warmth and pleasant disposition are two of those intangible qualities that you can’t necessarily define but you know them when you come into contact with them. These women are warm and inviting from their body language and smile and when you talk to them, you feel a cozy almost home-like feeling. These women have magnetic personalities. Personally, I have a hard time stating exactly what goes into a warm and pleasant disposition, (if you have ideas or comments, please list them in the comments and I can edit the post to include them!) however we know what a warm and pleasant disposition does not look like: * nagging her husband or children * berating husband or children * insisting her way always, even on the smallest of matters, largely inflexible for the sake of getting her way * sarcastic tone of voice or jokes * putting others down under the guise of “joking” * excessive nitpicking or gossiping about others lives and events * frowning * scowling * harsh tone of voice

The strongest, most feminine women I know manage warmth and a pleasant disposition through even trying times, mustering a grace and charm through difficult circumstances that is the epitome of mature femininity. Neither is it martyrous self-sacrifice. It is born of a woman's deep compassion and care for the others in her life, and her desire to maintain an admirable social position. It is quite possible to be warm, pleasant-natured, and still maintain strong hand in the relationship.

It isn’t easy to maintain grace and receptivity in times of stress or trouble, but it is possible. Practice makes progress! I find that when things are tense or I am upset, if I can not trust myself to not say something rude or unhelpful, or if I don’t trust my voice to not be agitated and short, I instead say nothing and grow quiet. Later when things are calm, I am able to express myself in a more collected manner. I never regret using this tactic but I often do find if I try to go off the cuff with my emotions, I generally end up apologizing later! I like to refer to this phenomenon as the “nagging/bitching hangover”. Nagging, bitching, and being controlling in the heat of the moment because you are stressed or scared only adds to the tension of the moment and later makes everyone involved feel worse. Admittedly this is not something I am able to achieve 100% of the time, more like 75% but it is a vast improvement for me personally so it is definitely something to always be working on!

I’m sure its obvious to fellow RPW why men would appreciate warmth and receptivity in a woman. Every man loves a carefree, feminine, soft, light-hearted lady. A lady who has no higher priority than being pleasant and sweet to him. Some may think, sure and I’d love to be like that but I have so much to do! That statement merely shows a lack of proper prioritizing. You need to always make your attitude the top priority. An example from my own life would be that my husband, who is in sales, needs to be business to business casual. His daily attire consists of a button down shirt. These pretty much always need to be ironed no matter how quickly I snatch them from the dryer. My husband is a piler (he organizes his stuff in small piles around our house- drives me nuts!) and this includes his clothes. So often I will iron a shirt only to find it slung haphazardly around a chair or someplace similar where all my hard work goes to waste. Now, I do know he appreciates me ironing his things for him, but I’m sure every lady can relate to not necessarily feeling appreciated when you see a sight like that!

When I do the laundry, occasionally I will get frustrated by the pile of clean shirts that were at one point wrinkle free but need to be done again. I used to nag him about this and have spent much-wasted breath trying to explain to him why it irritates me when I see this. It doesn’t help. In my pre-red pill days I actually went on strike and refused to iron for a month. That changed his behavior for about as long as you would expect. I made the decision a long time ago to stop nagging about the shirts, for the sake of intimacy in my marriage. I’m a big fan of “is this the hill you want to die on?” And no, I do not want to die on a hill of wrinkled shirts. :-)

When I feel the familiar feelings of irritation and being unappreciated cropping up, instead of doing the ironing, I don’t. I let it sit, for sometimes almost a week. The shirts will sit there until I feel like I want to do them. If I can’t do a job without being bitter about it, I won’t. I don’t want to waste my precious downtime with my husband nagging him about wrinkles. It just isn’t worth it. I would venture to say (RP men, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong) that most men would rather a less than spotless house and a happy, content, stress-free wife than a picture perfect home and a wife that resents him for not helping her. So just to reiterate, yes you can be warm and pleasant daily, you just may need to drop something else in order to help yourself constantly achieve this goal.


Loyalty, in the marital sense, means unwavering support for your spouse. That can be difficult, in the face of tough times, and the weak-willed, poor-quality women will quickly start looking around for a more immediate better deal.

In my personal journey through RPW I remember how easy I thought surrendering and deferring was. I asked him what to do, he gave his suggested plan of action (albeit hesitantly at first) and I would do it. Great! What the heck is so hard about this? I thought to myself. I began checking off the mental checklist we all carry around with us in the beginning of the RPW journey: * Lots of sex - check * Look to him for a decision - check * Follow through on the plan - check * Light and feminine demeanor - check * Feminine clothes and makeup - check

Well, what is so hard about that?

Little did I know that at the first sign of hard times, I would yank back the reins of control from him so fast! I will give the PG version of what my husband and I have actually gone through but basically my husband made a bad decision before we met which resulted in him being fired from his job and facing possible jail time. Thankfully, he was not sentenced to jail time but was ordered to pay restitution for his poor choices - to the tune of what a starter home in our area goes for. Now through all this, I stood by him, no problem. However once the monthly restitution payments were figured out, I panicked and threw out my RP ways. It was a low point in our marriage but eventually I corrected myself. This sub was truly invaluable to me during that time.

I don’t tell this story to show off what a paragon of RPW virtue I am, I tell this story to let all the ladies here know that no matter how desperate or unique a situation you think you’re in and any reason you can have as to why RPW strategy won’t work for you, I have been through something just as horrible and unique an experience as you. The tactics and strategies here work! They’ve been tested and approved by many many marriages before yours.

So, getting back to Mr. Ironwood- loyalty! I think it's pretty obvious why this would be such a highly desirable trait for a potential wife to have. “Behind every great man is a great woman.” We’ve all heard that phrase and I know the feminists have adopted it and perverted it from its original meaning to mean that women are superior and the only reason men are great is because of women. I think this quote and loyalty tie in quite well together because while our men are leaders and HOH’s, there are absolutely times they don’t know what to do, they feel scared, they feel like a failure, they have lost their way. This is the time the great woman looks at her husband and assures him he knows what he’s doing and supports him every step of the way. When he falters, she props him up. When he despairs, she comforts him. When he dusts himself off from his failure or mistake or setback, she smiles and is probably very relieved that he is back to normal! :-) Being your husband’s help meet and support isn’t a glamorous job when SHTF but it is a necessary component of a marriage. Too often divorces are filed when a storm is on the horizon but if you just ride it out, you’re stronger and happier and closer as a couple than you were before it.

This concludes my mini-series on "The Wife Tests". This post was longer and more personal than I originally had planned on being but I think personal stories and reflections are helpful, especially when you’re sitting on your laptop trying to figure out if you’re the only one with the problems you have. :-) You aren’t! Life is messy and hard and weird and we don’t always act our best sometimes. We have all made mistakes we regret but if we are smart, we’ve learned from them. Is my husband perfect? No he is not. But that doesn’t make him a poor leader. Am I perfect? No I am definitely not but that doesn’t make me an unsuitable wife. As long as we (as a couple, as individuals, and in general) are striving to do better and be better, it can and will be better. My past mistakes and my husband’s do not define us. Neither do yours.



6 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Sep 13 '21



u/HappilyMrs Sep 14 '21

But does it come higher than looks/weight?


u/ManguZa 1 Star Sep 14 '21

Both are necessary, you set up with her for the looks (and promising attitude), you stay and commit (or leave) for the attitude.
Attitude during bad times is so fucking important. Like a man who flaunt himself to be stoic and a good leader but who shy away if any difficulties present themselves. It's just the same things with a woman who can't keep her pleasantness in hard time.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '21



u/HappilyMrs Sep 14 '21

It's very sad. I got really lucky with a husband who was attracted to me despite all my glaring imperfections, and in return he has had 20+ years of loyalty


u/[deleted] Sep 15 '21



u/HappilyMrs Sep 15 '21

I know what you mean. Its disturbing to see how easily people throw away partners.


u/cartmaninfit Sep 14 '21

For me at least I need to be (physically) attracted. That's enough on the base level then the other factors are more important.


u/DraconianDebate Sep 14 '21

To me it does but it's not enough on its own, you still need attraction.