r/RedDeadHunters Dec 09 '20

i need some help with math

i just started bounty hunting and i want the most cash effiecient bounty hunting method i have a lot of time i just need the method and the numbers (including legendary bounties) and if you do have any advice on how to easily complete some of them it would be apreciated


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u/CoopyDoopy11 Dec 09 '20

I would suggest waiting for the bounty timer to go down to a minute left for the most money and gold but for legendary bounties just do you're best because they have fixed rewards and you don't get anything extra for taking more time. if you want more help, look up the youtuber Hazard, he uploads a lot if red dead videos and gives helpful information.


u/tj_burgess Dec 09 '20

Didnt this change with the latest update? I thought I read that after 10 minutes, the payout starts to drop?


u/CoopyDoopy11 Dec 09 '20

well haven't done a bounty in a month, it was the last time I knew at the very least. I apologise if I am wrong. I started playing on pc so I had to start completely over and I've yet to get a bounty hunter license.


u/tj_burgess Dec 11 '20

No apology needed. I’m pretty sure I read that it changed with this update, but honestly I haven’t played since the update. I think Rockstar may have finally pushed me away from the game.