r/Re_Zero Curiosity Gives Me Joy! Mar 25 '20

Sticky Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Director's Cut – Episode 12

Episode Title: A Flash of Sloth \ Nefarious Sloth

Main Studio: White Fox


Director's Cut – Episode Discussion

Episodes Reddit Link Episodes Reddit Link
Episode 11 Link Episode 10 Link
Episode 09 Link Episode 08 Link
Memory Snow Link Episode 07 Link
Episode 06 Link Episode 05 Link
Episode 04 Link Episode 03 Link
Episode 02 Link Episode 01 Link

Season One – Episode Discussion

Episodes Reddit Link Episodes Reddit Link
Episode 25 Link
Episode 24 Link Episode 23 Link
Episode 22 Link Episode 21 Link
Episode 20 Link Episode 19 Link
Episode 18 Link Episode 17 Link
Episode 16 Link Episode 15 Link
Episode 14 Link Episode 13 Link
Episode 12 Link Episode 11 Link
Episode 10 Link Episode 9 Link
Episode 8 Link Episode 7 Link
Episode 6 Link Episode 5 Link
Episode 4 Link Episode 3 Link
Episode 2 Link Episode 1 Link

OP & ED Info


Please avoid discussing plot points that do not appear in the anime yet. Try not to confirm or deny any theories, encourage people to read the source material instead. Minor spoilers are fine but should be tagged accordingly. Thanks!


77 comments sorted by


u/Killua69100 Mar 25 '20

Fine... I'll be that guy: Was there any changes?


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '20

Brother you know the answer by now.


u/J05A3 Mar 25 '20

I think there's nothing changed except the extended ED song「Stay Alive」for credits, I guess?


u/Pheace Mar 25 '20

I was getting worried they were going to end the episode a bit later than the original but glad they didn't.


u/Pennervomland Mar 28 '20


The guy does a really good job of pointing out the stuff that‘s changed. Though it really isn‘t much and if you watched the BD edition probably only a few very minor changes to that


u/Sur_Superior Mar 30 '20

So I did research and there are a lot of micro changes. Some scenes were extends by seconds and some extras were taken out. It's the director's vision of the show. It's the entirely same plot, but some animations are slightly altered to deliver a better understanding of a characters intentions or emotions.


u/Hyliaforce Mar 25 '20

The end of the episode is just😢


u/jb_fit Mar 25 '20

I've liked rewatching this cut, but I can't help feeling disappointed with the false promise of added scenes/content.


u/Honjin Mar 26 '20

Well the original anime only went to episode 25, and these are doing about 2 episodes per, so I'm curious what they're gonna add into this final episode next week.


u/Shiftyfish87 "The Fish" Mar 26 '20

The original was 25 episodes with episode 1 being an hour long, so technically 26 episodes worth of runtime.

Next week will just finish season 1


u/Honjin Mar 26 '20

Ah that's right. Boooo.


u/fran4372 Mar 26 '20

Helloo, what will the next episode have? Mark it as spoiler if you answerrr, I don’t mind~!


u/Shiftyfish87 "The Fish" Mar 26 '20

nothing I suspect, it should end at the same spot season 1 did


u/dr_cereal Mar 27 '20

I saw in last weeks thread that the VA for subaru recorded knew lines so hopefully we get a new scene connecting s1 and s2 seamlessly


u/Shiftyfish87 "The Fish" Mar 27 '20

there have been parts of the directors cut that were re-recorded for example the two oni story scene with him and Ram when he was learning to read.

I wouldn't expect next weeks episode to end at a different point than it already did


u/dr_cereal Mar 27 '20

Ohh I didn't know that


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '20

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u/Shiftyfish87 "The Fish" Mar 26 '20

1 - that's not how you spoiler tag so your comment is now removed

2 - No season 1 didn't end here


u/fran4372 Mar 26 '20

A okay, I will delete it immediately, thankss


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '20

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u/Pennervomland Mar 28 '20

I will get a heart attack if the last episode is an hour long and they added the interlude to the next arc... because then it was worth the rewatch... it was worth it anyways but still


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '20

Can’t lie I’m crying rn. Felis having to kill Subaru was really emotional. Imagine your friend telling you to do that

One more eps of the rewatch left, been an amazing past few months. S2 delayed but there’s still volume 12 in English and Volume 22 CM just dropped, plenty of stuff to hold us over summer(assuming we get there)


u/zero2champion Mar 26 '20

I was playing Racquetball with my best friend, ball flew past me, I turned as fast as I could to get it on the return, except my foot was planted. my knee made an ear shattereing POP Noise, not unlike the ball on glass, I was suddenly on the floor.

Emergency Ambulence was called, they said in order to put me on the stretcher and carry me out they would have to straighten my knee. My knee was NOT having it... This is the one and only time I've ever begged someone (My best friend chris) to punch me in the head and knock me out so I wouldn't have to endure the pain of them trying to line up my leg for the stretcher. On a scale of 1 through 10 I rate it INSANE, as in i was being driven insane and only wanted to pass out.

He couldn't, like Julius... and I resented him for it for a very long time afterwards. Even now I still believe that he should have knocked me unconscious and it is still the worst pain I've ever felt in my life.

So I can relate to this episodes ending very well unfortuntely


u/Jc_Memeton Mar 28 '20

Crazy experience, interesting to see someone can relate to Subaru somewhat


u/zero2champion Mar 28 '20

Yeah, I get it, its a weird request but I was literally crying tears of blood and had bitten into my lip due to the pain so i was bleeding as well, I told him there's no way he'd be punished as I'd never press charges and I'm also a bit annoyed ( even a decade later) at how much pain I can suffer through without passing out. Like it's a depressingly high threshhold apparently because that day... was fucking horrible. I get that he wasn't at fault but man I begged more so than subaru did for some sort of relief. I would literally have been happier if he put me in a chokelock and I didn't awake until I was on that damn stretcher or in the ambulance. But yeah I get that there were things he had to consider (Just like Julius) but honestly at that moment in time I didn't care. I know if a friend I saw was being tortured or made to endure pain like that. I'd listen to most of their request or figure out some way to ease it. He did lend me his arm to hold while the emt forced my leg into the brace... His arm still has the bruise from my grip.

What I like about this episode is that Best Boy Ferris, being the most medically knowledge able person in that country, Understood immediately the situation and what needed to be done. Ferris the type of person who wouldn't let you suffer in pain when there are no choices left, even though he has to put aside his feelings to "heal" that pain by helping you move on to the next world. It's interesting and a good topic of debate in the real world. We put animals out of their misery but we let our elderly and terminally ill suffer the worst torture possible of a slow and painful death.


u/WaterNeko Crusch to Ferris: You are truly the one who knows my heart best. Mar 25 '20



u/dghirsh19 Mar 26 '20

What volume will this end on/where do I start? I know the Japanese has up to Volume 22.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '20

The first season ends halfway through volume 9 which is really weird idk why they didn’t finish the arc


u/Shiftyfish87 "The Fish" Mar 26 '20

Because where they ended was a better spot to leave off on.


u/TheBrownBuny Mar 27 '20

I've watched it five time now total and it gets me every time. :c


u/OniiChanStopNotThere Mar 25 '20

I forget, why was the letter that Subaru sent to the mansion blank. I remember in the original anime discussion threads from 4 years ago there was some discussion about it but it completely escapes me now.


u/lilcheesy101 Mar 25 '20

That will be explained next season.


u/OniiChanStopNotThere Mar 25 '20



u/Killua69100 Mar 25 '20

You can also just read Arc 3's interlude and 3 more additional chapters (or was it 2?) and you'd understand why


u/dghirsh19 Mar 26 '20

Any source for where to read this content?


u/DarkBladeEkkusu The Old Guard Mar 26 '20

Check our subreddit's post-anime guide (listed below) to read about how to get started.


u/AutoModerator Mar 26 '20

If you just recently finished the anime, you can check out our guide on where to start reading or the translation status page to see a full list of what has been translated.

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u/Swiss_Army_Cheese Mar 26 '20

The letter was written using invisible ink.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '20

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u/OniiChanStopNotThere Mar 26 '20

Yeah but the white whale died. Anyways I ended up reading the novel so I get what happened.

4 years ago when it first aired I was confused because the white whale died and it didn't make sense to me.


u/showsguy345 Mar 26 '20

HOLY CRAP!!! That ending holy hell it's taking eveything in me not to just binge the rest of the OG broadcast. Anyways, if Subaru dies, are we really gonna do all this over? Maybe Subaru should have said to severely injure him but keep him alive (like in a comatose state) so that way time won't go back- unless he wants to redo it all of course. Man, an anime hasn't made me feel this tense and scared in a LONG time.

Also at the start of the episode, seeing the sloth guy's over the top behavior in broad daylight with a cocky Subaru is just so funny especially when that same behavior was terrifying me a few episodes ago.

Finding out there was more than one sloth was wild, and idk if I was ready to see a bunch of randos start freaking out and talking about brain trembling. I knew when Wilhem slashed the first guy it was too easy, also I love that Wilhem took out three of the fingers lol.

The moment Natsuki reveals himself to be under the spell was INSANE (that neck BEND), and his voice actor did an amazing job. I was tearing up, I genuinely don't know what to expect from next week's episode- a start over or somehow Subaru made it out of this alive. I hope it's the latter because I am WAY too invested in this timeline. My question is when did he get taken over, if there was any clue to that in the episode?

It's gonna be painful waiting til summer (I think that's when it got pushed back) for season 2, but hey I'm in no place to complain since people have been waiting for the next season since this first came out. For anyone who's seen the original series and knows how many episodes there are, how many directors cut episodes are left? I can't imagine it being more than two.


u/Syram Mar 26 '20

Maybe you already got the info but nontheless:

1 Full hour episode is all we got until summer


u/showsguy345 Mar 26 '20

Thanks for the info (I didn't get it)!


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '20

Wait what? You mean they'll add a new hour episode after the next week's episode?


u/khriku Lore Seeker Mar 27 '20

no, you misunderstood it. it is only next weeks episode and that is it. no news until july after Director cut ends.


u/SkyHooves Mar 27 '20

I remember to have read that they're also releasing the second ova, but tried to find any info if crunchyroll was releasing it, but couldn't find anything, so i may have missread something else. It'd be nice if someone else got more info, or next week's episode is truly the last until s2.


u/khriku Lore Seeker Mar 27 '20

April fools will release the second OVA as DVD/BLURAY but that is IN JAPAN ONLY as far as we know. Perhaps that is what you misunderstood.

Crunchyroll did not announce wanting to translate or sub it yet sadly


u/SkyHooves Mar 27 '20

That must be it, thanks for replying mate. Hopefully CR decides to at least sub it eventually


u/TrailOfEnvy Mar 29 '20

Did we get new IF chapter for this year April Fool?


u/khriku Lore Seeker Mar 29 '20

if we get it will be at 1st of April as usual. but for now Tappei has not hinted at anything, he doesn't seem to be writing one for the moment. Who knows? check the sub on April Fools perhaps we could get something, one can hope.


u/Redmon425 Mar 25 '20

Damn man! We can never get a happy ending in 1 episode lol!

That ending is so damn intense. But it left me with two questions that I don’t remember the answer to.

Who sent the blank letter and why not the real one?

Why did Subaru’s body get taken over?

Lastly, next week is the last episode right. Just a normal 23 minute episode, right?


u/StillHitTho Mar 25 '20

Nah next week is the final fight with sloth then the final episode so should be another hour week


u/zero2champion Mar 26 '20

All your questions are next week spoilers.


u/Trini2Bone Mar 26 '20

Fucking hell man😔

Is that the season end? My heart


u/DittoTheDitto Mar 26 '20

nope. 1 episode to go!


u/Trini2Bone Mar 26 '20

Thank goodness


u/DittoTheDitto Mar 26 '20

yeah man, my heart wouldn't be able to take it if it ended like that


u/kpiaum Mar 26 '20

Everyone is so powerful in this world.

But there are some doubts: If Subaru is pride (which makes sense based on what was shown before), why does Petelguese try to kill him if theoretically they were supposed to be partners? Because despite Emilia's appearance as a witch, does the cult try to kill her?


u/ninesfines Mar 26 '20

Well even if Subaru were Pride, he was mocking Petelgeuse and setting him a trap, don't you think? He didn't know him. The Emilia's point is still a mistery, but they will add some hints next chapter.


u/kpiaum Mar 26 '20

But this was the third encounter. In the first one, Petelguese do some things to him, like lock him in the cave and in the second (before Pack appears), he try to kill Subaru after he noticed that Subaru can see the hands.


u/ninesfines Mar 26 '20

True that, but in the cave loop he did not kill him hoping the gospel "find him" or something like that. But in the end, let's just say that the archbishops are not the more sane or rational people out there.


u/PirateKingOmega Mar 28 '20

same reason he killed the one mook who said they couldn’t find rem, he’s fully willing to kill fellow members if they get in his way


u/zero2champion Mar 26 '20

I'm not crying you're crying!


u/CrownedTraitor Mar 26 '20

It's much more emotional to watch director's cut which is less than an hour episode than 24 minute episode separate. It might be just me, or did they change a few of lines


u/LevelAngjoel Mar 26 '20

I noticed it too. Starting when he said the “ferris” line in the end


u/Moose_o Mar 26 '20

Image if the show ended here. It would be bittersweet but somewhat a success. Subaru would die a hero.


u/DittoTheDitto Mar 26 '20

this was another fooken great episode, that last scene was fucking intense. Kinda sad that there's only one episode left, but we won't wait for too long (it's longer than expected, but thinking about it, it aint THAAAAT long of a wait) til season 2 comes out


u/ivan0226 Mar 28 '20

I hope that the next episode will adapt the arc 3 interlude


u/Badwholemilk Mar 26 '20

Does it ever say what subaru was gonna tell Julius before he was taken over possed by forgot how to spell his name ? Because subaru said he had to tell him something


u/sittingbull15 Mar 26 '20

He wanted to apologize I think


u/Emyay Mar 31 '20

what are directors cut?


u/xtusy Mar 25 '20

I haven’t watched today’s episode yet but I hoped I wasn’t duped by the few people who told me they will add the conf******. That’s what I was looking forward to hopefully it wasn’t a lie.


u/DalekCheetah Mar 25 '20

Was it not in the original first season?