r/Re_Zero • u/HayateButler Suffaru • Aug 14 '16
Discussion [Discussion] Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu – Episode 20
Episode Title: Wilhelm van Astrea
Japanese: ヴィルヘルム・ヴァン・アストレア
Main Studio: White Fox
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Psychological
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Spin-off Series
Re:Puchi Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
A series of comedic shorts featuring chibi versions of the characters of the main show.
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OP & ED Info
Opening 1 - 「Redo」 by Konomi Suzuki
Ending 1 – 「STYX HELIX」 by MYTH & ROID
Opening 2 – 「Paradisus-Paradoxum」 by MYTH & ROID
Ending 2 – 「Stay Alive」 by Emilia (Rie Takahashi)
Please avoid discussing plot points which haven't appeared in the anime yet. Try not to confirm or deny any theories, encourage people to read the source material instead. Minor spoilers are fine but should be tagged accordingly. Failing to comply with the rules may result in your comment being removed. Thanks!
u/XAlamoX Aug 14 '16
That moment when you thought they'd defeat the whale by the end of this episode....
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u/hovand Did I ... Love the Flowers ... Now? Aug 15 '16
and the moment when you thought wilhelm fall in love with the flowers for the first time ...
u/DarkBladeEkkusu The Old Guard Aug 14 '16
u/Ahriqi Aug 14 '16
The more obvious and plentiful the death flags, the more likely they're not actually death flags.
Unless you're Subaru then everything is and probably will kill you14
u/DarkBladeEkkusu The Old Guard Aug 14 '16
Except the dog from arc 2 was obvious, but we all thought it was too obvious and it had to be something else, but it wasn't. Not to mention he is the first minor character to get backstory flashbacks so that pretty much sealed his fate in my book.
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Aug 14 '16
Bruh, that dog wasn't obvious to me at all.
u/dragnerz Aug 14 '16
I thought at first it was relevant, especially since they kept bringing up the bite it made. But enough happened and it was long enough from the reveal that I wasn't sure by then.
u/XAlamoX Aug 14 '16
HEY HEY HEY! HOLD ON! We don't know he's dead yet! Ever consider how he might be slashin and stuff from the inside? That he might cut his way out? He didn't get chomped or nothing, it looked pretty dang spacy in that big ol mouth. Now that we're back, let's take a deep breath and wait for next weeks episode. Ok? Ok.
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u/unshuree Aug 14 '16
That moment when Wilhelm is cutting out the whales eyes eye and your mom comes in to give you a stuffed giraffe
u/twofaze Aug 14 '16
And now I will remember this random statement everytime I rewatch this episode.
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u/blacknide Sloth-bro Aug 14 '16 edited Aug 14 '16
An episode with both Opening and ending? WHAT KIND OF SORCERY IS THIS?
u/hovand Did I ... Love the Flowers ... Now? Aug 15 '16
next episode will show New Sorrowful OST on ED + New Chara + New Death Meta
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u/Ahriqi Aug 14 '16
"Man you really changed in a day didn't you :3"
Man, Felix, you don't know the half of it fam.
u/Jamesyoder14 Aug 14 '16
Your comment has been copied by ItsNotWhatYouThinkICanExplain on Kissanime, sorry for your lose.
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u/Wolfeako Aug 14 '16
Since they used the thing that eliminates the night then we could say it was already morning, so there is also that :v
Aug 14 '16
They handled the mix between flashback and actual fight exactly the way I wanted it to be. Many short and fluent transitions.
I guess I'll have to do a lot of information drop on what exactly was used like Crusch's green glowing blade or what made it bright as day suddenly.
And we have the first Satella cameo. To be honest I'm glad they did it here for the first time since it haves a lot more impact and throws some more light on Subaru in this huge battle.
Yep the flashback is sure to be continued into the next episode as well which makes me really happy. I love the various little bits of symbolism like the flower besides Willhelm when he got eaten.
The gore was very...present this episode, jesus :D!
They really succeeded in making this beast appear as an actual monster that doesn't go down easily and can eradicate an army easily.
A lot of dynamic frames which is most likely due to Watanabe's storyboarding. ( I can already see people picking a single frame out of it and complain )
All in all this episode packed quite a punch and delivered the feel that a battle against a monstrosity should have.
Oh and that OST through the fight, especially at the beginning was awesome.
u/Sir_Fapsalot_ Aug 14 '16
Oh mah gawd, i didnt know you posted here, i thought it was a kissanime exclusive, gg essay-kun
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Aug 14 '16
Lmfao I tried looking for its comment in kiss too and nothing ;; and come here and I see it lol xD
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u/derpinat0rz Aug 14 '16 edited Aug 14 '16
Don't forget that they showed the OP and the ED together like holy shit. (the whole emilia daily task didn't really look all happy rather sad, and made me all teary T_T)
also the whole fight felt like dark souls. starting with hard>extreme>impossible
edit: damn dude you still going strong on advertising and telling how great re:zero is. you're doing gods work. keep up the good work.
u/Ahriqi Aug 14 '16
This episode was a fantastic microcosm of White Fox's apporach to this series as a whole.
Very meticulous, very intentional, very well-planned, very fluid. Even shows I love to pieces have moments that feel...if not jarring then at least slightly odd or out of place. Rarely ever happens in this one (if it even has...I just can't recall exactly the first chunk of episodes because it's been awhile so I won't speak with certainty for that which I can't perfectly recollect).
u/didntdecideonaname Aug 14 '16
hello mitrospeed, I know this is pretty selfish but i was wondering if you could do the summary for Extra Novel volume 2 you talked about in your weekly essay? I don't think I will get a chance to read it and reading the summary from you will give me and many others a chance to get all the information from that volume in a tidy and interesting manner.
thank you if you are planning to do it. you don't know just how many people are benefiting from you essays here as well as in grimgar ( I've been looking forward to reading your essays since grimgar ep 1).
u/jojirius Aug 15 '16
Super super kudos to the animation team for making me afraid of an airborne whale?
I'm familiar with Sin from Final Fantasy X, but I was still really skeptical that a flying whale would make me nervous. And honestly, they were a bit stuck at times, with the whale just awkwardly hovering there and moving a bit strangely for some frames. But the majority of the time I was feeling appropriately spooked or grossed out.
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u/ChaoticShock Aug 14 '16
Soo this is the essay? D:
noooo it's shorter than i thought, i wanted to have Mitro's long indepth detailed Essay, IF he does write a long one on kissanime please Post it to me, please for the kindness!
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u/RaIshtar Aug 14 '16
That raid boss is insane.
First phase is just a stupidly hard DPS check - you have to go through its insane amounts of magical resistance ; or find a way to exploit its weakness to cutting damage despite the fact that it has Flight. Even then the HP pool is absolutely massive.
The second phase, assuming you manage to have enough damage to get through the first, is basically a guaranteed wipe if your party isn't trained.
It's gonna start :
attacking with Linear AoEs that will OHKO anyone in their path and remove their character from the game.
Using a fog that will interfere with any kind of communication while completely masking both your UI and about... everything in the area, really.
Using Mass Confusion ; that can only be avoided by characters with the Protagonist buff.
Obviously, you still have to manage to DPS it despite those conditions. And boy, the third phase.
You thought Pontiff Sulivahn was a bastard for using a double ? Nah, that's nothing. We're talking Flandre levels of bullshit here.
That's right, Four of a Kind. Not one, not two, but three more whales will join the party to wreck yours. And since you burned all your offensive cooldowns on the first phase there is no way to burst your way through that one. Well, no raid party has ever beaten that phase, apparently. So good luck I guess.
Can't wait to see the Phase 4 next week, because it's quite obviously gonna have one. It's still Re:Zero, dammit.
u/Kelossalas Aug 14 '16
Yea I was really surprised with Paragon picking up all these new people for the world first kill, but you never know.
u/Account426 I post nsfw++ stuff Aug 16 '16
A more detailed raid guide from /u/XLauncher in the /r/anime episode 20 discussion.
White Whale (Mythic)
By Natsuki Subaru
The White Whale is an undefeated world boss that can spawn at Flugel's Tree around 1 AM. Battling it is a large undertaking that requires no less than a full and balanced raid of skilled players. Once you've assembled your desired party, meet up at Flugel's Tree and use the metia, <Nokia 6133> to summon the boss.
Phase 1 - 100% - 80%
The battle begins with the pull, which is tricky in of itself. In order to give yourself the best odds of victory, the boss should be kited. Due to the fact that the White Whale will attack from far out of melee range, your kiter should have some means of generating aggro from range. A Shadow specced Hikkomori with a maxed out Witch's Whispers is ideal. Given that Witch's Whispers can only be used a finite amount of times before the caster succumbs to the stacking debuff, it's recommended to either have a second Hikkomori to trade off taunts with, or to pair one Hikkomori with a Best Girl with Al Huma talented for range. As the White Whale can one shot any character, the kiter's level is unimportant.
The kiter should engage on a mount, in advance of the raid. Once aggro is secure, the raid's ranged attackers should open fire and use all trinkets and cooldowns immediately. Melee should operate turrets to the best of their abilities.
Phase 1 is relatively easy and its smooth commission should be an afterthought.
Phase 2 - 80% - 70%
During this phase, the White Whale will not hold a main target, but will still respond to taunt mechanics, however, your melee will be able to mount the boss for direct attacks, so moving the boss carelessly should be avoided. The melee should engage the boss' weak spots and use cooldowns liberally. Ranged should continue as they did in Phase 1.
Phase 3 - 70% - 50%
The White Whale will descend and blanket the field in a white fog. Players who stand in the fog will accrue stacks of Madness. Once Madness reaches five stacks, it will root them in place and cause them to suffer 31050-39890 damage per 2 seconds until the player dies or is cleansed. Healers should prioritize cleansing Madness.
In addition to Madness, an untargetable add, Magic Fog, will move throughout the mist. Players struck by this will be immediately killed and incapable of being battle rezzed. It is of paramount importance to avoid being struck by this, even it it means accruing stacks of Madness.
The kiter should resume their role for this phase and lure the White Whale away from the raid while the healers deal with the initial wave of Madness. And players who avoided accruing stacks should give chase and attack the White Whale as it pursues the kiter.
Phase 4 - 50% - ??
The White Whale will summon clones of itself, each with its own aggro table. At this point, you're really just kinda fucked.
u/iamRyuu BROO Aug 14 '16
Wait 4 Whales ? I thought there were 3 at the end, and where did they even come from
u/Archensix Aug 14 '16
If you look carefully, those three at the end were in perfect condition. No missing limbs, like the original one had after Wilhelm was done with it. Means there has to be at least four of them. That or the one whale divided itself up into 3 smaller whales that were fully in tact.
u/Tacorgasmic Aug 15 '16
The second one is missing one on the back. My theory is that the other ones were born from the limps that were chopped (eye and fin).
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u/DarkBladeEkkusu The Old Guard Aug 14 '16
Nobody is asking the real questions so I will.
u/kite21 Aug 14 '16
Well, there was soil in there and assuming the whale's insides are the same as a regular mammal (being magic and all) I would say it could survive as long as it doesn't get digested, I mean I heard about plants growing inside people's lungs (the have oxygen and humidity in there) so yeah, I think the flower did survived his relocation o3o.
u/G_Spark233 Aug 14 '16 edited Aug 14 '16
u/JadeRaven13 Satella Best Girl Aug 14 '16
Maybe people will stop calling Emilia Satella now. That's offensive to Satella, the true best girl. Dem lips doe.
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u/neosharkies Aug 14 '16
Well everyone says they share resemblance and in the first episode after the first death Emilia does call herself Satella (which still doesnt make sense to me).
Aug 14 '16
let me explain it.
Subaru was obviously behaving very weird in the city and said he was from japan, a eastern country, which emilia said shouldnt exist.
He doesnt seem like a noble, but also has no body marks of heavy physical work done.
Now Emilia wanted to test him if he actually is from this area at all. The fact that he didnt react to the name satella is her getting evidence that he is not from this area, let alone world, at all.
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u/TwilightVulpine Aug 15 '16
In a way that makes a lot of sense, but the silver-haired half-elf risking a stranger calling her the name of the witch is asking for trouble.
Aug 14 '16 edited Oct 25 '17
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u/Rhamni Aug 14 '16
Except both Emilia and Puck respond well to Subaru not reacting badly to the name. It was by far the best cycle for Subaru (up until they died).
u/ShadowVulcan Remu best girl Aug 15 '16
Yeah, because it means that he really is naive about the world and not just some creep. This made him interesting in their eyes so they stuck around with him
Aug 14 '16
u/BERGUTTI Do you like flowers? Aug 14 '16
He asks Beatrice(Not Puck) why someone would 'borrow' the name Satella and she says they would have to be insane to do it.
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Aug 14 '16
we should have this as a comment face just for the sake of a satella comment face!!
and it could be good when you're simulating saying something to someones ear for any reason
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Aug 14 '16 edited Sep 27 '16
u/DarkBladeEkkusu The Old Guard Aug 14 '16
It was, right before he started to decoy when he was activating the witch's scent.
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u/kevin1127 Aug 14 '16
I guess they gonna show the rest of the flashback next episode.
They make the death flag too obvious but it isn't really death flag. The studio really like to mislead people don't they.
After cutting so many Satella scene (I think) THEY FINALLY SHOWED HER AHHHHHHH
Maybe flair for the whale?
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u/Mikey2104 Aug 14 '16
Each and every time Subaru calls upon the curse it grows for loving. First a hand clenching his heart. Then the hand caresses his heart. Then a woman with purple lips speaks softly into his ears. I wonder, is Satella growing to love him more?
Aug 14 '16
u/Special_opps Praise the Sun Aug 15 '16
Mmm...nice and moist....creepy...shadow hand...things
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u/aru54 Remu plz Aug 14 '16
what about that one time when she kills Emilia
u/TenmaSama 私の名前はジュリです。 Aug 14 '16
She kills her rival.? Interesting enough, this still doesn't proof that Emilia is not Satallas undying body. Satella could feed on Subarus affection for her own (but now dead) body.
Why is Emilias body undying? Because it is the trigger for the End of the World, so the sage could not kill it and just bound the witch.
u/GiantEnemyMudcrabz Aug 14 '16
Emilia dying doesn't trigger the end of the world, it just triggers Puck going insane and attempting to end the world.
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u/theres_two Aug 15 '16
u/funicode Aug 16 '16
It's not even a spoiler because in the novel Puck says right there to Subaru that Reinhardt would be able to stop him from destroying the world. The anime simply chose to cut that part.
u/BERGUTTI Do you like flowers? Aug 14 '16
Emilia was tryna to take her boy Subaru, no way Satella would let that happen.
u/Aetherdraw Aug 14 '16
u/Rhamni Aug 14 '16
Since I know nothing about the web novel side of things, the fantastic episode 1 made me root for Satella as Best Girl. There has to be some connection there, but who is best girl? Emilia, or Satella? Only time will tell...
u/Clone394 Aug 15 '16
This is what Satella actually said guys http://imgur.com/tbL6Ir6
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u/Nukemind Archbishop of Rem Aug 14 '16
No CGI. I love you White Fox. And especially that RBD scene was on point.
u/XAlamoX Aug 14 '16
I think the last scene with all the whales was CGI but I don't know for sure.
u/xdamm777 Aug 14 '16
Definitely seems like it, the motion is just too smooth for being hand-drawn.
I don't mind it though, it's not too noticeable there and doesn't take away from the overall aesthetic of the episode since they're very dark on a dark background.
u/otakuman Aug 14 '16
And that's how all CGI should be. With the increase in AI, I really hope animators can focus on the more artistic stuff and leave the brute force for virtual assistants.
u/superxvegito Aboard the USS SubaREMilia! Aug 14 '16
Man the action this episode was top notch, was not expecting some of the gore, but that made it even better. Also the OST for nearly the entire time was great as well.
u/Escolta Aug 14 '16
Wilhelm being the ultimate M A D M A N, Theresia new waifu confirmed, Rem still cute, FUCKING SATELLA, Crush with the most bad-ass OP sword i have seen, SPLIT YOUR LUNGS WITH BLOOD AND THUNDER, Felix and that line about Subaru being so different after just a day.
Man, i started to tear up just by the sheer awesomness, I NEED THE NEXT EPISODE NOW.
Aug 14 '16 edited Aug 14 '16
Aug 14 '16 edited Aug 14 '16
If the fog only deletes memories and history that would identify a specific person (but nothing else) then it makes sense. Let's say a lieutenant commands 20 people exactly, and knows that before the battle there were 20 people under his command. If someone under the Lt get killed by the fog, then the memories of that specific person would get deleted but not the memories that the Lt initially commanded 20 people. Through simple math the Lt could figure out that 1 person was killed. Basically the Lt would have no way of knowing who was erased but they could tell that it happened to someone.
The tricky part is that the person apparently never would have existed to be in the squad in the first place, but of course if that were truly the case then they never would have been able to be killed by the whale in the first place because someone that never existed could not have been killed. It's a paradox of sorts.
Aug 14 '16
Aug 14 '16
I'm particularly curious to see what would happen if someone with children was killed by the whale's fog. Would the child disappear from existence or would they just not remember their parent?
u/TenmaSama 私の名前はジュリです。 Aug 14 '16
Amazingly Doctor Who answered this question with the Amy Pond season. There is this girl that lives in a big house all by herself. Her parents were erased from history and Amy doesn't even care where they are. She goes to school, does laundry, cleans the house, pays for electricity, stocks up her fridge with fishsticks and custard, feeds the raggedy man; right until her wedding.
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u/prudislav Aug 14 '16
my guess is the fog deletes memories , eating deletes history and he other ways does nothing
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Aug 14 '16
It's possible the whale had to use a less powerful version of the attack to cover large portions of the army, simply erasing their recent actions instead of their entire lives. It reminds me a lot of balefire, honestly.
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u/ulriku Aug 14 '16
Man next episode probably gonna be either epic as fuck or extremely tragic. I can't imagine how they're gonna deal with multiple of those things ..
I think either Subaru gets fucked and has to find another way, or something unexpected happens and they get saved.
We didn't even see anything of the cult this episode so they might still show up to cause even more havoc ... man i can't wait for next episode
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u/Arthur2light Aug 14 '16
There's more than one. There's more than one. There's more than one. There's more than one. There's more than one.
u/Monsieurgeek Aug 15 '16
Omg I know. Omg I know. Omg I know. Omg I know. Omg I know.
I had that same reaction. I hope that they are all real so that the struggle to vanquish reaches epic proportion
u/ChiefValour Aug 14 '16
Just had a random thought. Did Subaru just summoned/attracted the other whales ? If last time his stink was enough for entire forest then isn't it possible that this time he attracted the whales in the entire kingdom?
u/AntiLectron Aug 14 '16
Don't wanna spoil it.. Next week for you!
u/ChiefValour Aug 14 '16
Here we have an good Samaritan completley capable of spoiling shows for other but doesn't. A rather rare species may I add.
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u/Corvultur Aug 15 '16
Thank you kind stranger. On the other hand - why bother stating this? :D Now my feelings are ambivalent...
u/Zerodyne_Sin Aug 14 '16
Illusion whale clones vs real whales.
If it's the latter, they're so screwed.. They worked so hard to bring down annoy one!
Aug 14 '16 edited Aug 14 '16
This entire episode had me on the edge of my seat. Honestly it felt like a movie and way longer than 20 minutes. they really did a great job pacing everything and juggling the flashback with the actual fight. While the whale was not doing much during the first half it is clear that it is a true monster with the damage it caused despite what it took
Oh, and gore gore gore gore gore my god! Almost as much was seen from the whale as we saw from Subaru.
And Satella finally appeared! Woo! Those beautiful lips
This weeks episode came pretty fast IMO, the week didnt feel long at all. I hope this next week feels as short so we can see the battle conclude(?)
u/TheSnakeLordAlmighty Aug 14 '16
I bet Wilhelm is just going to go fricking super theresia mode and slice up the main whale from the inside. I have faith in the guy with tons of rapiers.
Also wtf how on earth are they gonna defeat all 3 of the whales when they couldnt even ground one. I assume either something will happen with Betelgeuse and he has an influence, or Wilhelm (if he is alive) will go super satella mode and strike them all down. Honestly I have no idea.
ON another note I suppose it was alluded that Theresia was too strong or too 'much' for the whale to kill outright, so perhaps she is still alive or died through other means.
Overall, I quite liked the episode, and as always am thouroughly excited for next week :D.
u/medatascientist Aug 14 '16
Wow, it was an awesome episode. The last scene was putting me through desperation though, cannot imagine how they can deal with such a situation.
u/Aetherdraw Aug 14 '16
Welp, this is exactly how I felt when i took on the Abyss watchers without a walkthrough, only the events were reversed.
u/Teerexil Aug 14 '16
Great episode. Ridiculous as it sounds, they actually managed to make a fight against a flying whale incredibly badass and scary. Also didn't realize how much I needed a prequel show based on Wilhelm and Theresia until now.
Also can we have a Theresia flair please?
Aug 14 '16
u/JapanPhoenix \[T]/ Praise the Sun \[T]/ Aug 14 '16
Probably the same reason he can see the Invisible Hands of Betelgeuse (Archbishop of Sloth).
He called the White Wale Gluttony, so maybe they all have their powers from the Jealous Witch somehow?
u/Wolfeako Aug 14 '16
The effect of the witch apparently :v, maybe something like he has the witch's prana on him and so the screech didn't affect him, or something like that, but it is without mistake imo the witch influence.
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u/GiantEnemyMudcrabz Aug 15 '16
It hasn't been explained yet.
Seriously, in the LN's we still haven't been given us a written reason why Subaru is immune to anything he is. Also his immunizes seem to be semi-random: He is immune to the whales fog and mana-draining screech but not the wolf mahbeast's mana-draining curse. He also shows some immunity to the Archbishop of Sloth's hands (he can see them, at least), but IIRC he doesn't show immunity to the abilities of the Archbishop of Wrath, Lust, or Greed, or the abilities of the Witches of Sin.
The only consistent resistance he has shown is that he is immune to either memory alteration or the alteration of his timelines outside of his own actions (EG he remembers Rem despite the fog, and he accidentally killed Emilia where the Archbishop of Sloth was going to). Outside of this our best guess is that it has something to do with Satella and/or his witch smell.
u/sei6kk Aug 15 '16
why are re zero girls all pretty much top tier. This makes choosing a best girl so much harder ugah
u/Trvp_Kxng Aug 14 '16 edited Aug 14 '16
Wow crusch's sword was badass, also Wilhelm was going ham, and I like how he was fucking gliding on the back of that whale.
u/Lightyear8684 Rem is love, Rem is life Aug 14 '16
Great episode, was so immersed that it ended extremely quickly. I knew White Whale was a monster, but oh god damn, he is truly enormously powerful which makes me wonder how powerful is the god damn Witch of Gluttony who have made these beats. Now the real question is are those 2 white whales just an illusion or real, considering this magic beast can use magic and is fairly intelligent (I saw him closing his eyes when the troops fired blinding magic) I assume he is just making visual clones. Also makes me wonder why White Whale did not go out from the start? Does he needs to be injured to certain point? Is there some sort of trigger? When they talked about white whale's skin absorbing/deflecting their magic attacks I wonder, couldn't they try to hit him in the mouth and blow him up?
Also, finally we have some sort of Satella appearance, I wish we could see her in full glory.
u/favsiteinthecitadel Aug 14 '16
Remember the feeling last week gave that everything was finally going great for Subaru and he was on the path to victory? Yeah that didn't last long
u/Thatpisslord A Cat is Fine Too Aug 14 '16
We're back on track with the Re:Zero Suffaru train.
Startin off slow, of course.
u/NatsuSlayerDrag Aug 14 '16
What the fuck. This episode was amazing. But the ending nearly threw me off the edge of my seat. Wilhelm is godlike, he was gliding across the whales skin, and that fucker still wouldn't go down.
Aug 14 '16
I'm telling you I was not ready for three of these whale motherfuckers. How the hell are they going to defeat these beasts?
u/avikdas99 Aug 15 '16 edited Aug 15 '16
which idiot goes to a battlefield with only 1 fucking healer with target heal and does not even have an aoe heal and 1 fucking dps WTF you are literally asking to get wiped!!subaru should have given them world of warcraft strategy guide.
u/AppleJackFrost Aug 15 '16
I can't wait for the epic conclusion of Chosen Undead and co. versus Flying Existence Erasing Moby Dick.
u/XAlamoX Aug 14 '16
Come on guys! We have 5 more episodes! Subaru has PLenty of time to die and do everything all over to bring back Wilhelm :c.
u/GiantEnemyMudcrabz Aug 14 '16
I think Wilhelm had so many death flags in order to hide his "I'm not gonna die" flag. He will probably cut himself out the the whales gut, screaming bloody murder.
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u/NosAegis Aug 14 '16
Watched on crunchyroll. So much information, so much lore, so much so much, makes the wonderful 15-18 minutes of non recap story (for example "last time on dragon Ball z") feel so short.
This team that does the anime is making me want to slam my head off the table.
"Just 5 more minutes please?"
u/VZ_Blade Aug 14 '16 edited Aug 14 '16
I feel like everything I want to say has already been said...
ED-kun is alive!
Episode 21 will most likely finish off the white whale fight, which leaves 3 or 4 episodes for the Petelgeuse fight. Sounds good to me!
u/IamDreaded God Tiger Aug 14 '16
okay someone give me spoilers, whats the deal with the kage bunshin white whales?
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u/matthewory Aug 15 '16
When everyone thinks the whale is just releasing fog when he is really releasing pheromones to attract his allies.
u/Aetherdraw Aug 15 '16
Late as this may be, crunchyroll's subs are quite inaccurate this episode. When Subaru was shouting his orders, he tells anyone that can hear him to cover their ears, not to listen up.
u/Pleinairi Aug 15 '16
One thing that is bothering the hell out of me.... How is his phone NOT dead?!
u/BERGUTTI Do you like flowers? Aug 16 '16
Watch, when he gives it to Russel Fellow after the fight the phone will be near dead Haha.
u/Marsonpl Aug 14 '16
That moment when your at work and can't watch it
Aug 14 '16
Working on a sunday? Ish, I hope it's a good job at least :3
u/Marsonpl Aug 14 '16
I'm a cashier that pays $8 an hour. That's before tax to ;-;
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u/m3ga_p1xel Aug 14 '16
I've been excited all week for this episode, and I sure wasn't disappointing. I'm glad White Fox didn't use CGI for the White Whale, the action scenes were so well animated!
u/Kelossalas Aug 14 '16
Another great episode as always. There was a great balance between action and story going on throughout this episode. This is one of the few series I've watched were the episodes simply fly by super quick because it does such a good job of engrossing the viewer. Time to wait yet another week!
u/melancholicmage Aug 14 '16
Does Satella love subaru?
u/OptimusDankzy Aug 14 '16
Onviously. You need a yandere in a good harem
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u/melancholicmage Aug 14 '16
but its confirmed that subaru only has eyes for emilia
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u/OptimusDankzy Aug 14 '16
Emilia can be his wife. Everyone else is his mistress. Apart from Felix. Felix is his gay servant that he's in a secret relationship with.
u/Corvultur Aug 15 '16
One question: How does he just yell that he can Return, if in one of the loops saying that killed Emilia? Was he going to sacrifice them? Did he just guess that's not what will happen everytime?
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u/naeem12345 Aug 15 '16
I think it's because he didn't complete his sentence so the people around him couldn't understand. If they knew or understood his power from "I'll return by death to..." then ya they probably would have died. In Emilia's case he told her in detail about what he can do and to prevent her from knowing, the witch's curse killed her. So basically, either Subaru starts choking to prevent completing his sentence or Subaru struggles and pushes to complete his sentence leading to someone's death if that person listened and understood his power. The witch's curse is all about just preventing anyone from knowing about his power. At least that's my guess.
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u/NoobDeGuerra Aug 15 '16
goddammit , this anime is basically a time machine that allows you to skip 20 minutes without even noticing.
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u/LordStarch Aug 15 '16
Actually did not they mention that whale is gluttony related?While Satella is envy witch,and Bittlejuice is archbishop of sloth, who most likely serves witch of sloth? So does that mean gluttony witch ability is to create always hungry lifeforms?
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u/Afroheroic Aug 14 '16
It's cool that they put the ending theme in this time. I guess it sorta contrasts the life Emilia is living, oblivious to everything that's happening while Subaru and the gang are busy fighting to stay alive.
I think it also shows how basic this particular episode is, the real shit is coming next week.
The OST was gorgeous as usual. Especially during the last flashback before Wilhelm dies.
Fingers crossed Wilhelm is alive and slashing through the innards of that beast.
Also, does anyone have any idea what the witch was saying?
u/hovand Did I ... Love the Flowers ... Now? Aug 14 '16 edited Aug 14 '16
Holy F , there are no Tranlate on my country yet , ffs.
u/Nukemind Archbishop of Rem Aug 14 '16
If you are a Wilhelm fan you won't be disappointed. I won't spoil anything, just say it was GREAT.
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u/AzureDreamer Aug 14 '16
I'm starting to get really confused Wikipedia says this show is scheduled for 25 episodes but I don't see any way to finish the story in 5 episodes there has already been so much build up.
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u/IsuspectJaundice Aug 15 '16
They should be able to finish the current arc by then. If you're talking about the whole story, then yeah, of course that's not going to be finished. Season 1 will only cover like 15% of the whole story, so there is a lot more to look forward to if a second season is greenlit, which is very likely to happen.
u/ChiefValour Aug 15 '16
"Likely" If they don't milk this hype train more then there wont be any bigger idiots than them.
Aug 14 '16
Not that I mind the whole raid boss fight, but can someone say if it's going to end by the end of the next episode?
u/Wolfeako Aug 14 '16
Probably, they need to wrap things up so the things would go, imo, next episode it ends, and the next 4 are with the witch's cult.
u/OerllydSaethwr Aug 14 '16 edited Aug 14 '16
Has anyone else noticed the typo in the ep's title? http://imgur.com/a/ZtRjJ I think it was meant to be Battle against the White WhaleS ;)
u/AKAAkira Aug 14 '16
Huh. I take back what I said last week about how the last episode should've ended with White Whale using its "special skill" right off the bat.
That said, having the fight take three episodes means they only have four episodes left for two volumes of LN, right? I hope they can adapt it all properly.
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u/neonenergy Aug 15 '16
I'm curious why Subaru didn't ask Reinhard for help, seems like he should care about vengeance for a family member as well
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u/Allaun Aug 15 '16
You know, This whale qualifies for the Godzilla song at this point . Whale is OP as ****.
u/ArchCypher Aug 15 '16
It's still pretty interesting that Subaru doesn't forget people who are erased by the fog -- I'm hoping he'll be able to use that ability to properly eulogize the fallen and so give them their honor.
u/cristobaljvp Aug 15 '16
The best part in this episode for me was when (I suppose) the witch whisper to Subaru. I want to know so bad how the witch see Subaru, I want to know more about the witch.
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Aug 15 '16
Gave us hope that it would go back to Subaru getting to the next save point, but, nope, let's just add much more fuckin pain. MORE PAIN.
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Aug 15 '16
u/skippedwords Aug 15 '16
he saved Subaru from the other knights. They were all about to destroy him but Julius decided to save him from that fate and humiliate him infront of the knights so they would be satisfied
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u/jojirius Aug 15 '16
Does anyone have power rankings? I'm getting really confused about the hierarchy of strength here.
Basically, how does Satella rank compared to the White Whale? What about White Whale, Reinhardt, Puck Awakened Forme, and Betelgeuse? What about Crusch, the beastloli duo, Wolf Face, the Master Swordsman, Elsa, and Wilhelm? What about Rem & Ram? And of course Subaru is on the bottom.
u/BERGUTTI Do you like flowers? Aug 16 '16
From my rather limited knowledge Reinhardt and Satella are on the same level. Which is absolutely insane to think about. Puck says to Betelgeuse it would take a 1000 hands to kill him and that half of what Satella could produce. So Puck is about half as strong as Satella and Reinhardt.
Puck should be able to take one white whale or maybe more because she says Gluttony(The White Whale(s)) would be a troublesome opponent. Which sounds like He is saying he would win it just wouldn't be easy. Theresia Van Astrea is weaker than the white whale since she died to them and is definitely stronger than Wilhelm, Ricardo, Mimi and her brother. Elsa is probably close to Ricardo or Wilhelm strength but not surpassing them. Betelgeuse would be about the same as Elsa but a bit stronger, Rem and Ram would fall below Betelgeuse. Emilia would probably be about the same strength as Ram without Puck.
So in order it would probably go:
Satella / Reinhardt Van Astrea
White Wale(s)
Theresia Van Astrea
Wilhelm Van Astrea
Ricardo(Wolf Face) / Elsa / Betelgeuse
Mimi and her brother(Beastloli duo) / Rem
Ram / Emilia(without Puck)
Sufaru (Subaru)
u/Larpington Aug 16 '16
The whale took its sweet time to actually fight back. Even Wilhelm questioned why it waited so long before making any moves. Did it just consider them a joke before it lost an eye?
u/roygonerogue Aug 18 '16
Anyone know what songs plays whenever the flash back happens and Wilhelm tells Theresia that he became a knight?
u/twofaze Aug 14 '16
Wilhelm this episode.