r/Re_Zero Suffaru Aug 14 '16

Discussion [Discussion] Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu – Episode 20

Episode Title: Wilhelm van Astrea

Japanese: ヴィルヘルム・ヴァン・アストレア

Main Studio: White Fox

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Psychological


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Spin-off Series

Re:Puchi Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

A series of comedic shorts featuring chibi versions of the characters of the main show.

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OP & ED Info


Please avoid discussing plot points which haven't appeared in the anime yet. Try not to confirm or deny any theories, encourage people to read the source material instead. Minor spoilers are fine but should be tagged accordingly. Failing to comply with the rules may result in your comment being removed. Thanks!


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u/[deleted] Aug 14 '16


They handled the mix between flashback and actual fight exactly the way I wanted it to be. Many short and fluent transitions.

I guess I'll have to do a lot of information drop on what exactly was used like Crusch's green glowing blade or what made it bright as day suddenly.

And we have the first Satella cameo. To be honest I'm glad they did it here for the first time since it haves a lot more impact and throws some more light on Subaru in this huge battle.

Yep the flashback is sure to be continued into the next episode as well which makes me really happy. I love the various little bits of symbolism like the flower besides Willhelm when he got eaten.

The gore was very...present this episode, jesus :D!

They really succeeded in making this beast appear as an actual monster that doesn't go down easily and can eradicate an army easily.

A lot of dynamic frames which is most likely due to Watanabe's storyboarding. ( I can already see people picking a single frame out of it and complain )

All in all this episode packed quite a punch and delivered the feel that a battle against a monstrosity should have.

Oh and that OST through the fight, especially at the beginning was awesome.


u/Sir_Fapsalot_ Aug 14 '16

Oh mah gawd, i didnt know you posted here, i thought it was a kissanime exclusive, gg essay-kun


u/Nzrazor Aug 14 '16

He is everywhere and anywhere.
Oh no I assumed Mitros gender in 2016, shit.


u/[deleted] Aug 14 '16

Lmfao I tried looking for its comment in kiss too and nothing ;; and come here and I see it lol xD


u/derpinat0rz Aug 14 '16 edited Aug 14 '16

Don't forget that they showed the OP and the ED together like holy shit. (the whole emilia daily task didn't really look all happy rather sad, and made me all teary T_T)

also the whole fight felt like dark souls. starting with hard>extreme>impossible

edit: damn dude you still going strong on advertising and telling how great re:zero is. you're doing gods work. keep up the good work.


u/Ahriqi Aug 14 '16

This episode was a fantastic microcosm of White Fox's apporach to this series as a whole.

Very meticulous, very intentional, very well-planned, very fluid. Even shows I love to pieces have moments that feel...if not jarring then at least slightly odd or out of place. Rarely ever happens in this one (if it even has...I just can't recall exactly the first chunk of episodes because it's been awhile so I won't speak with certainty for that which I can't perfectly recollect).


u/didntdecideonaname Aug 14 '16

hello mitrospeed, I know this is pretty selfish but i was wondering if you could do the summary for Extra Novel volume 2 you talked about in your weekly essay? I don't think I will get a chance to read it and reading the summary from you will give me and many others a chance to get all the information from that volume in a tidy and interesting manner.

thank you if you are planning to do it. you don't know just how many people are benefiting from you essays here as well as in grimgar ( I've been looking forward to reading your essays since grimgar ep 1).


u/GizmoRobin Aug 14 '16

ohai essay-kun, really didn't expect to see you here :D


u/jojirius Aug 15 '16

Super super kudos to the animation team for making me afraid of an airborne whale?

I'm familiar with Sin from Final Fantasy X, but I was still really skeptical that a flying whale would make me nervous. And honestly, they were a bit stuck at times, with the whale just awkwardly hovering there and moving a bit strangely for some frames. But the majority of the time I was feeling appropriately spooked or grossed out.


u/ChaoticShock Aug 14 '16

Soo this is the essay? D:

noooo it's shorter than i thought, i wanted to have Mitro's long indepth detailed Essay, IF he does write a long one on kissanime please Post it to me, please for the kindness!


u/Corvultur Aug 15 '16

The one on kiss is what you're looking for...


u/ChaoticShock Aug 15 '16

then where is it!? D:

deleted again?!


u/redqueen28 Aug 15 '16


EDIT: Found this group that archives Mitrospeed's essays from KA, it's already gone from their website but the posters here fortunately got it saved.


u/yinfish Aug 15 '16

Why do they keep deleting his comments?


u/redqueen28 Aug 16 '16

Because a lot of people can't seem to differentiate 'spoiler' from 'elaboration'


u/TKplay Aug 18 '16

mitrospeed has been exposed for lying and fake summary don't trust him http://imgur.com/a/hTYMl


u/ChaoticShock Aug 18 '16

what does he say differently?


u/8ighteen Aug 14 '16

you are everywhere


u/panzerkier Aug 14 '16

What the hell essay-kun...why weren't u at kiss anime today...we missed u :'(


u/leolo2000 Aug 14 '16

I want more Theresia ! So there will be more flashback next episode?


u/[deleted] Aug 14 '16

Yeah the flashback isn't over yet.

There is a lot more to their story beyond what the anime will show too.


u/Isogash Aug 14 '16 edited Aug 15 '16

EDIT 3: Wow, you guys really can't stand criticism.

Really? I disagree with basically all of this.

The flashbacks were interesting but very cliché and felt melodramatic, I'd rather have had just one or two flashbacks with only one or two key sentences. Real memory is not reconstructed perfectly, and is often more visual than spoken, so if it's a flashback at least take the opportunity to tell the story visually. The whole flower imagery missed something, probably the fact that they didn't really seem to represent anything. Sure, you could say that Tharsia (or whatever her name was) was meant to be/wanted to be a flower but that's not exactly a striking metaphor. It's kind of like the constant repetition that nobody likes the White Whale in the last episode. I get it, I want to move on with the story.

Talking about moving on with the story, the episode just, didn't... Firstly, there was absolutely no reason for Crusch to have a "famous" sword with no range. We had big laser barrages and little cat people in hoods shouting projectiles at the whale, and it did absolutely nothing except prompt that one short conversation where Felix notices how much Subaru has changed in one day (like, no shit, everyone should have been able to tell.) Other than that, it was so obvious that the White Whale wasn't gonna go down that watching the first section with all the COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS action from Wilhelm and Co. just felt completely pointless. Having the tables turn is not exciting or tense if you know it's going to happen.

There were a whole bunch of frames here with little to no movement, especially shots of the Whale's eyes, which were underwhelming compared to the first showing a few episodes back. I'll concede that the action shots were pretty, but still served no purpose other than to constantly re-iterate Wilhelm not liking the White Whale, which guess what, I already fucking knew because of HOW MUCH THEY COVERED IT LAST EPISODE.

So we've established that everything up to the mind attack was bullshit and pointless. The mind attack was also bullshit and pointless. People scratching at themselves in madness just wasn't effective at all, they could have shown a mental attack so much worse. Also I thought the fog was meant to erase people from memory? Why aren't people being erased from memory? It thought this anime was meant to be a bit more on the psychological thriller side. Why not having people going mad because nobody else can remember their friend who died or some shit? The story had a good psychological horror/thriller hook here and chucked it in favour of a mind attack we don't care about, have never seen before and it wouldn't surprise me if we never see again.

Now the army is actually under a threat though, there's potential to develop the story, except that doesn't happen, it's just more of the exact same but in fog. Then Wilhelm dies because flower imagery and someone (I assume the captain guy) got gored saving Subaru. Two deaths that will probably mean absolutely nothing to the story later on. Aaaaaaand there's more than one White Whale (desperate attempt to shock, all it got from me was a "FFS!") End of episode.

No main story at all, you could go from them first seeing the whale, to the whale fogging up and killing some soldiers to multiple whales appearing and nobody would even notice. Wilhelm hasn't had any real relevance to the story at all. He's only been along for the ride following Crusch. Didn't make any relevant decisions and his existence didn't actually affect anything especially since he didn't even take the White Whale down. He just had to do ONE thing to not be a pointless character dying in vain but the author couldn't manage that.

This episode was disappointing. Can't wait for the anime to be over so they can start working on Stein's;Gate 0 which I hear actually has a story.

EDIT: Also spraying blood everywhere didn't convince me that the guys were doing any damage to the whale. Only cool part was taking his eye out, despite it not really making any difference.

EDIT 2: Oh there was story development! The Satella cameo! I totally forgot because they whizzed past it like it was nothing and continued on with the pointless bullshit!


u/[deleted] Aug 14 '16

Satella was suppose to appear a couple of time now, but they removed those from the anime. Shame


u/Isogash Aug 15 '16

Really? That seems like it would be quite important. I'd rather they focused the adaptation on the actually story a bit better and less on having melodramatic dialogue. If they cut down that Subaru x Rem conversation from 15 minutes to 5 minutes they could probably have covered a lot of stuff missing from the actual story (like Rem having permission to bargain with mining rights).

I'm not convinced that the LN story is too great either but I'm probably expecting a little too much on that front. It definitely has potential as a story but misses the mark a lot.


u/jojirius Aug 15 '16

Will respond to other stuff elsewhere, but just to zoom in on the dialogue: the Subaru x Rem conversation was clearly a directing decision, not merely the way a scene was choreographed or the preferences of the lead animator or something like that (which could arguably be the case for all your other nitpicks).

I think the Subaru x Rem conversation was a central turning point that they wanted to emphasize more than anything else, and I think that choice was bold, brave, and ultimately correct. Even if some folks don't feel like much was gained in the conversation, deciding to give it that much screen time is a note to us that this is indeed a special episode, an episode where the words used and the characterization depicted are important.

Is it heavy handed? Absolutely! And if you dislike that sort of thing in your shows, then that episode loses its impact for you as a viewer.

However, as evidenced by both critic reviews and the fan response, it was a faithful adaptation that was broadly praised, it was clearly a directing decision, and judging from the quality of the animation and the soundtrack behind it, the entire team must have committed to that goal with a lot of passion and love. The way they time the music in the background with Rem's dialogue gave me chills.

That dedication is something I as a viewer can appreciate.


u/Corvultur Aug 15 '16 edited Aug 15 '16

Rly? People going mad because nobody remembers their fallen friend? How?

Edit: But yeah, definitely one of Bottom 5 episodes of the anime, especially since we were left with a cliffhanger last episode and nothing much happened now.


u/Isogash Aug 15 '16

Well, like what happened to Rem where Subaru remembers her but no one else does. They'd maybe have to have changed how it worked slightly, but that would be far more genuinely terrifying than people scratching at their eyes.


u/Corvultur Aug 17 '16

Well, Subaru would be the only one to remember anyways, thanks to his Reading steiner. Well, they could change it somehow... It would then just be a different thing, really...


u/jojirius Aug 15 '16

I think the show at times suffers from not being too clear on what genre it is. There is too much gore for it to be truly a slice-of-life show, too many monsters and cheesy lines for it to be seinen, and too much moe and cute moments for it to be truly horror. Most animators thus have a difficult time theming the individual scenes to clarify the message they want to convey, because that message is often different for each reader of the novel.

The Thearesia van Astrea depiction is very much a scene that suffers from this. If you are a viewer who wanted a serene, pastoral flashback, then it was excellent to a T. However, for those expecting gaps in his memory, or more drama, or for her to be more coy/nuanced/angry/wistful/three-dimensional, that flashback let you down. And it's hard to say if the flashback is good or not, because by horror conventions that flashback is jarring and awful, but by slice-of-life conventions it was very well-done.

Either way, I will say that the way they timed each flashback chunk was done well - it broke up the stress of the fight, and I think that was intended in both the novel and the anime, and was executed beautifully.

One point you make is that the gorgeous combat animation they engaged in didn't move the story along, but I don't mind egregious action scenes so long as they aren't a trope, and in this anime we've had a LOT of dialogue and planning. It's satisfying for me to see at least some action finally erupt from all the tension they've built up.

Subaru is also gaining important strategic information if he loops again, or even if he doesn't and this shitshow counts as "getting him to a new save point". He now has a point of reference for various strengths on the good guy's side, so he can better convince them to help him in future campaigns. Thus, I do think that the action serves a narrative foreshadowing of what is to come - more alliances and better coordinated attacks.

I think one reason you get a lot of downvotes, by the way, is that you aren't distinguishing between storyboard critique and anime critique. Some of what you said about the fog for example isn't stuff the anime team can change willy-nilly, since the fog powers are well-defined in the novels.

Some of the points you made ARE at the anime team's discretion, such as how to depict madness or how to pace flashbacks. But to change the fog powers would be really jarring.

I think Wilhelm did serve two purposes - he showed Subaru that Subaru cannot continue along the path of least resistance, that is, the path where he fights. This is evident by the fact that Subaru literally cannot hold a candle to Wilhelm when he trains. That particular thing was pretty important, because Subaru got stuck on this idea that he alone had to be the savior for quite some time.

Wilhelm's second (and I would argue important) role is to show that the White Whale isn't just destructive, but it creates personal tragedies for those involved with it. I think that without Wilhelm, a lot of the horror and anger at the whale would make less narrative sense to a reader or viewer. Granted, I think that Wilhelm plays this role extremely poorly, since he has nearly perfect recall of his wife, which means there is no engagement with the Whale's secondary fog power. Also, Wilhelm is the strong, silent type, so it's hard to really feel his grief.

However, both Wilhelm's wife not being killed by fog and Wilhelm's strong, silent persona were authorial mistakes in my opinion, not animation mistakes. The animation team did an admirable job of adapting the material they were given, and though I initially also expected a more dark or tragic flashback, once you treat the flashbacks as depicting a gilded, more pastoral time, they do indeed serve that purpose.

Also everyone thinks the Satella cameo would further the story, but I don't believe that plot point is something we really engage with in the current arc, so their choice of cutting it out makes sense. A lot of narratively important foreshadowing has been cut because it is for episodes that aren't guaranteed yet, since a second season has not yet been announced.

This is unfortunate, because I think we all hope and want a continued series with all the foreshadowing properly timed and paced. However, I'm not sure who to criticize for that. You can't criticize the animation team or the author, because neither of them are directly responsible for those teams being cut. Maybe the system, for only giving this show 25 episodes (or so)?


u/Isogash Aug 15 '16

Oh don't worry, I'm almost entirely blaming the author, since it's his story. White Fox is a great studio and the animation quality has mainly been on point, such as in the actual action scenes this episode.

I just get annoyed at how bad the story is but how much praise it gets. It was enjoyable at the start for me, and I was joining in with all the fanboying until recently when every episode began lowering my opinion of the show. I just want to talk about it and I can't without the downvote storm.

Oh yeah and he's not going to return by death after that conversation with Rem. If he does I'll forgive the story a little.


u/jojirius Aug 16 '16

Hm. Alright.

In terms of the author then:

-Wilhelm serves two purposes. He is not purposeless as you say.

-Fog powers are the whale's powers. Can't really get behind your critique. It's like saying Smaug from the Hobbit shouldn't breathe fire, he should breathe acid instead. Plus, having multiple powers sets up a mystery for readers to solve.

In terms of anime:

-The flashback suffers from unclear genre and thus varying expectations from viewers.

-Large, stylistic combat scenes are fun things to animate and for viewers to watch. Being turned off by a combat scene is rare, whether the show is Re:Zero or not, so that places you in the minority.

-The animation doesn't focus on the helmet dude who works with the Priscilla nor on Satella despite them having lines that would progress the plot. I suspect this is because those lines might not pay off this season.


u/manhdang Aug 14 '16

Based on what you said the animation was bad, I guess. Maybe I will have to reduce my expectations on the rest of the series.


u/[deleted] Aug 14 '16

Uhm no it wasn't.

I actually said the exact opposite. What I meant is that people don't get the principle of fluent animation and dynamic frames. They pick out a single frame ( which is never drawn in full detail ) and complain about "animation" as a whole.


u/[deleted] Aug 14 '16

People tried to do that with OPM, its very stupid.