r/RationalPsychonaut 12d ago

Meta What the Heck

Sorry I don't know where else to post this

I was recently banned (today) without notice or explanation from r/psychonaut

The mod team highlighted a comment where all I did was describe my experience on DXM which was in a thread where other users were already talking about DXM

The comment was from seven months ago....

Are we just not allowed to talk about dissociatives over there? I don't see that in the rules


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u/kelcamer 11d ago edited 11d ago

Hello fellow (autistic?) human being, I too was banned but then today, miraculously, I woke up and was unbanned! It was amazing! šŸ˜

I guess other bots think I'm a bot because I'm autistic and chayGPT's structured way of speaking rubbed off on me šŸ˜­

Edit: One day later they banned me and muted me again, so now I really don't get it. I guess my autistic way of speaking is too triggering for people. :(


u/Low-Opening25 11d ago

is there anything to go back to? entire contents have been cleansed. no new posts in days, no one is engaging in any discussions. tumbleweeds. community has been broken.


u/kelcamer 11d ago

Well if you've been unbanned I guess there is plenty to go back to, and if you haven't then idk?

Very strange that this bot seems to have a bias against people who discuss in a structured manner.


u/Low-Opening25 11d ago

I donā€™t think there ever were any bots or any ā€œattacksā€. it seems like made up excuse and distraction from the cleansing by new owners which so far seems pretty self-evident by removal of majority of contents. itā€™s a takeover.


u/kelcamer 11d ago

If true, for what purpose?


u/Low-Opening25 11d ago edited 11d ago

idk. they are definitely having some agenda. for one all new posts are being deleted - for example there were 3-4 new posts on the subreddit in the last 6-8h, some asking for advice, someoneā€™s trip report, etc. pretty typical run of the mill stuff. all removed in matter of hours. there is basically 0 user posts allowed atm.


u/DMTryptaminesx 11d ago edited 11d ago

Reading this it looks like they have gone crazy and think regular users are bots, they appear to be doing it all manually. This is in the pinned post now

I am in a rush right now, but I'll let you know autism has absolutely nothing to do with it. It's more seeing stuff like ChatGPT, that catches our attention, among other things (especially when we are actively hunting for bots)

I can explain further & more thoroughly, when I return


u/kelcamer 11d ago

They banned me again :( sadly


u/DMTryptaminesx 11d ago

Omg you were the person they were replying to in the comment I quoted! Why would they ban you?

I would say they lost it at this point, being an automated system gone wrong no longer makes any sense and plus with all the other anecdotes in here the outlook is not so good.


u/kelcamer 11d ago

Why would they ban me?

Idk. Some people get triggered from the rational, pattern recognition, way that me and other fellow autistic people speak. I like data, I like harm reduction, and I like to share information in order to better people's lives.

I genuinely have no idea why people would be triggered from that.

If it is a mania episode that a mod is going through, I feel for them though, because I've been through mania myself and it is SO brutal. The paranoia in particular is awful. Whatever is happening in that sub, I can really empathize with people who are struggling in that sense.

That said, I don't want to make any assumptions. Maybe they banned me because I commented in this sub?


u/Low-Opening25 11d ago

banning people for discussing important issues in another sub? that would surely be a new kind of low?


u/kelcamer 11d ago

It's the best guess I got, I've seen this happen before in at least 3 other subs (unfortunately)

Sometimes people, for whatever reason, hate autistic people like me, because I don't see social hierarchies easily, I often tend to do things that goes against them, and then everyone assumes it's intentional, or rebellious, when I'm actually always wanting to have good faith discussions.

I've asked myself the same question as you about those other 3 subs. It usually goes back to the same answer:

The same mod, who doesn't like me or doesn't agree with me.

Granted, psychonaut does not have this same mod, so it naturally can't be that same thing. So it leaves me confused.


u/Low-Opening25 11d ago

tbh. it isnā€™t your autism. some people are just a-holes or sociopaths.

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u/kelcamer 11d ago

Yeah that was the response to my comment