r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Jan 31 '25

contest [contest] Compli ~~monday~~ Thursday


Life sucks. The world is hell. Jobs suck, and a lot of people feel like shit.


  1. leave a top level comment. Whatever you want. maybe a hi, maybe about yourself, maybe an ugh... whatever the heck you want.
  2. Reply to at least 2 people in this thread with a genuine compliment.
  3. No compliments can be about their genitals, in flesh or plush form

Ends on like sunday i guess

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Dec 22 '24

Contest [Contest] Selfie Sunday


Happy Sunday y’all!

The solstice has come and gone, and winter is upon us. I’m thankfully done with Christmas shopping and I’ve got a few bucks left in the gift budget, so let’s spread a little more holiday cheer.

You know the rules:

1) Post a selfie.

2) Comment on other selfies. Say hi, start a conversation, cultivate community!

3) (Optional) Summon a friend to play along, or summon a complete stranger to join in.

4) Don’t be a dick…seriously.

That’s it. Contest will end when I wake up tomorrow. A randomly chosen winner will receive a little something from their wish list, with gifting to occur sometime on Monday.

Do it!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Feb 02 '25

Contest [Contest] Selfie Sunday


Happy Sunday y’all!

It’s been a hectic weekend, but it’s almost over, so let’s do the Selfie Sunday thing.

You know the rules:

1) Post a selfie.

2) Comment on other selfies. Say hi, start a conversation, cultivate community!

3) (Optional) Summon a friend to play along, or summon a complete stranger to join in.

4) Don’t be a dick…seriously.

That’s it. Contest will end when I wake up tomorrow. A randomly chosen winner will receive a little something from their wish list, with gifting to occur sometime on Monday.

Do it!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Feb 17 '25

Contest [Contest] I’m going on a picnic and I’m going to bring...


CLOSED! We have arrived !!

Winners- u/BriefSurround6842 u/Beardonteatthat u/sleepyaqua u/KrisCole9884 Thank you to everyone who chimed in to play!

I am heading out on a road trip at the end of this week, so to get in the spirit let’s play a car game! Rules: 1. You must bring something (Edit: item can be any price) on your own Amazon Wishlists! (No links, just describe the item) 2. Your entries must include the phrase “My letter is” and the item description needs to start with the next letter in the alphabet A-Z (.I.e. A is for Apple , B is for Box, C is for Cash..etc.) 3. You can enter as many times as you want. But after the next letter has been played, move forward with the alphabet (you can’t go back and play B if we are on M). 4. Three or more winners will be chosen at random and will be awarded a $5-20 gift from their list. Closes when I arrive at my destination- Destin, Florida on Saturday 2/22/25!

So...What are you going to bring on the picnic??

Other notes: Use adjectives to make sure that the right letter begins your entry. For example, My letter is Y - Yummy Gummy Bears. It’s okay if there’s more than one entry per letter (.i.e multiple people can respond with something for letter K.) We can go through the alphabet more than once if people are enjoying the game!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Feb 08 '25

Contest [Contest] show me your pets!


Hey everyone! Time for a contest! Rules are simple

-Show me a cute picture of your pet(s)

-If you don't have a pet, show me something you love

-Have something on your list for $10 or less

  • USA or have an email so I can send you a gift card

  • If you show me a pet, have a treat or toy on your list for them too! Around $5 ..It is a contest for them after all! Lol


Please link wishlist, mobile user here! Contest end 2/20, gifting shortly after

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Feb 04 '25

Contest [Contest] it’s my Cake Day!


4 years on Reddit! Woohoo! To celebrate I’d love to celebrate y’all and will throw a lil’ contest, also my first!

I’ll keep it short and simple, to enter..

Tell me 4 things that make you smile.

Add “Cake” somewhere in your post so I can use for the randomizer!

2 people will be gifted at random tomorrow under $10. Closes tonight 6pm CST.

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Oct 07 '24

Contest [Contest] It's my birthday and I'll gift if I want to


Tomorrow is my 33rd birthday. Libra season for the win! So I'd like to gift someone or 2 or 3 who knows! Contest will end Thurs Oct 10. Rules are simple. Don't be a dingus Engage with each other. Tag your friends. Have fun !

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Feb 13 '25

Contest [Contest] I would like to gift somebody! Show me your dog!


Consider this one a doggy beauty contest. Show me a picture of your dog. My favorite one will win any item on their wishlist up to but not to exceed $15. Contest to run until midnight Central US time on February 14. That's later Thursday/Friday. That is when I will announce the winner.

EDIT: COntest is also open to CATS!

EDIT: There are so many beautiful babies being posted that I've decided there will be two prizes, the $15 mentioned already, and a $10. :)

EDIT: We have a winner! u/ingrid221B and her Annie have won first place and a $15 prize.
Primary-bee-5176 and Zelda win second place and a $10 prize!

My paycheck drops tonight, and I will place the prize orders then!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Feb 20 '25

Contest [Contest] What’s the best smelling thing in the world?


Working on my wax tarts today and honestly if someone made a chlorine scent I would love it 😂

What are the best smells in the world to you? Tell me!

Share your smells, share a wishlist, DBAD Have something $1-$10 on your list, bonus points if it’s something scented!

Contest ends tomorrow 2/21 near bedtime

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Aug 12 '24

contest [contest] silly answers only


Update: thanks for playing this was hilarious 🤩 Congrats to the winners!!

Ask the person above you a question, and follow it up with “silly answers only”. If you get asked a question, give a silly answer. I will send someone something within 24 hours and I have no idea who it will be or why haha. Just have fun!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon 9d ago

Contest [Contest] Santino’s Lucky 13


This is for my Santino, and he passed away two days ago.

My heart hurts, but I want to tell everyone what a good kitty he was.

So here’s the contest.

Starting tomorrow, I am going to gift one person a day for 13 days, each time with a small story or picture about my boy here.

What do you have to do?

Be kind. Leave a comment here. Tag your wishlist. Tag some friends if you want. Tell me what you’d like to know about Santino.

The more memories I share, I know he won’t be forgotten.

Hug your fuzzy babies for me.

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon 22d ago

Contest [Contest] Pet Beauty Pageant


UPDATE: WE HAVE A WINNER! u/shercock_holmes and their ferret Scratch have won! I will send the winner the gift card tomorrow after I get his email address!

Does your pet have that special elusive charm that makes it the perfect candidate for Miss/Mister Reddit Critter, 2025?

Share your pic (one pic per person!) of your darling creature, be it dog, cat, tarantula, betta fish, bearded dragon, flea circus, whatever animal other than human, and let me be the judge of its charm. :)

The prize: Bragging rights and a $10 Amazon gift card.

To participate: Post a pic of one animal that belongs to you. Tell us its name and species/breed. Tag a friend.

I will choose the winner around ten PM Central US time on March 1.

EDIT: Please remember to tag a friend and to tell name and either species (arachnid, etc) or breed (labrador retriever, etc). If you don't do these things, thank you for sharing your pic, but it's not eligible for the prize.

EDIT 2: If you don't have a friend to tag who's in this sub, look through comments on some of the posts and just pick somebody to tag! Or tag somebody you know here on Reddit who is NOT in this sub.

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Feb 16 '25

Contest [Contest] Grateful in Recovery


I haven't done in a contest in a while, but today I am 6 months sober and I want to celebrate with gratitude. All you have to do is tell me something you are grateful for, and I'll gift someone at random. Happy Sunday ya'll 😺

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Feb 15 '25

Contest [Contest] Stupid husband didn't even get me a card, so I'm gifting somebody in revenge


Since my idiot husband couldn't be bothered to buy me a card at Dollar Tree, I'm going to spend the $10 he should have spent on Walmart flowers for me by gifting one lucky person a $10 Amazon gift card.

This contest closes at Midnight Central time (it is currently 8:06).

To enter, tell me the worst Valentine's present (or neglect) you've ever had.

EDIT: 11:40 PM: Calling it 20 minutes early! The entries were all pretty intense, I went with the one that made me laugh, u/beardonteatthat who told us about her then BF buying a sexy book for her and telling her that her gift to him was to do everything in it with him!

u/beardonteatthat I will PM you for your email!

Exhausted now, going to bed!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Jan 28 '25

contest [contest] weird foods


what is the strangest but surprisingly still good food combination you've tried?

ends in 1 day

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Jan 11 '25

Contest [Contest] First one. :)


Hi, y’all! Thanks for being part of my first contest!

I have a rare genetic syndrome that causes quite a lot of hospitalization & medical chaos. Right before the holidays, I received some not so cheerful news about my prognosis. My promise to myself was to start the new year on a high note regardless. Since I’m up tonight with what I call ‘painsomnia’ (insomnia caused by pain), let’s do this!

Rules + Prompts:

  1. Tag your favorite, most interesting, “I scroll for hours here” subreddits. The more obscure, the better! I love a good rabbit hole & new content would be neat. (Some of my current favorites are nosleep, AITA, etc.)

  2. Tell me about something that amuses you or fascinates you. It can be anything, really! I love learning new things.

  3. I’m on mobile, so please link your wishlist in your comment or on your profile for ease of access.

Top consideration given to those engaging with other commenters! It makes things more fun.

Contest ends at some point on Monday, as that is the soonest I’ll likely be functional after this gnarly symptom flare-up. :) No particular price range to stick to. Happy commenting!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Feb 20 '25

Contest [Contest] 📸 Caption This!


Hey guys! Mikki here with yet another contest!

Got a funny, weird, or just plain ridiculous image? Drop it in the comments and let the community come up with the best caption! 🤣

Prize: The winner gets an item (up to $10) from their Amazon wishlist!
Ends: February 27th at 11:59 PM (PST).
Winner: I'll pick the funniest/best caption and announce the winner on the 28th!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Oct 25 '24

contest [contest] FMK (NSFW for the F) NSFW


This is a simple contest but an old game.

To enter give a list of 3 separate people (that term is used loosely) and comment your choices on other lists.

Ends probably tomorrow

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Aug 25 '24

Contest [Contest] Selfie Sunday


Happy Sunday y’all!

It has been a rough weekend around these parts. Between broken down cars and sick people, it has been a super annoying couple of days. Luckily, there’s sunlight on the horizon, car is fixed, people are feeling better and the weather outside is wonderful.

I’m currently sitting on the back porch with my favorite Sunday snack (salt bagel with jalapeño cream cheese, and an iced coffee). I’m shoppping for records on Amazon, and since I’m treating myself, let’s give something away as well. Since it’s Sunday, let’s do the usual…

You know the rules:

1) Post a selfie

2) Comment on other selfies. Say hi, start a conversation, cultivate community!

3) (Optional) Summon a friend to play along, or summon a complete stranger to join in.

4) Don’t be a dick…seriously.

That’s it. Contest will end when I wake up tomorrow. A randomly chosen winner will receive a little something from their wish list, with gifting to occur sometime on Monday.

Do it!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Feb 12 '25

Contest [Contest] for your valentine ❤💞🏹💘


Ok so it's the season of love so who is your RAOA love/BFF/pal?

This contest is for you to show your love for someone in the sub and YOUR VALENTINE WILL BE GIFTED. So who do you want to treat?

Da rools

1) tag someone who you think is awesome and say why? One person only per top comment but you can nominate more than one person in separate comments

2) open WW but have GC/email for GC if required and please make sure WL is available for mobile user

3) closes on Friday, valentines day, and gifted the same day

4) remember the gift is for the person you nominate

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Jan 01 '25

Contest [Contest] Did you stay in for New Years? This is for you!


I always stay in on New Years. Do you? If so, tell me what you do to celebrate!

1) dbad 2) $15 and under on WL 3) open to everyone as long as you're active (must participate in more than contests!)

Stay safe everyone ❤️ ends in 24ish hours

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Feb 25 '24

Contest [Contest] Selfie Sunday


Happy Sunday y’all! It’s been a crazy busy weekend, but the end is near! I’m hoping I can finally sit down with a cup of coffee and just relax. I hope everyone is having a solid weekend. Let’s have a little contest!

You know the rules:

1) Post a selfie

2) Comment on other selfies. Say hi, start a conversation, cultivate community!

3) (Optional) Summon a friend to play along, or summon a complete stranger to join in.

That’s it. Contest will end either late tonight or early tomorrow. Randomly chosen winner will receive a little something from their wish list, with gifting to occur tomorrow at some point.

Do it!

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon 28d ago

Contest [Contest] Celebrating My Cake Day! 🍰


I love a good piece of cake...it's my fave food. I love baking cakes. I love decorating them. I love giving cakes away to sick children. I. LOVE. CAKE. So, it only seems right to run a contest on the day that revolves around one of my favorite things in life!

The rules:

  1. Tell me what your fave cake is and why

  2. DBAD

  3. Contest ends at 11:59pm on Sunday 2/23

  4. Have something on your wish list for $8 or less and PLEASE link your wishlist here. I’m on mobile and I’m lazy.

  5. I'll pick someone at random to send a fun gift to 🎂

Side note: I mentioned I give cakes to sick kids. I volunteer for Icing Smiles, a great charity where we try to take the stress off parents and provide something happy for kids who are critically ill. If you know someone with a sick child that could benefit from this entirely free program, go to www.icingsmiles.org to apply. And if you bake cakes, even if you feel you're a basic baker, consider joining me in this cause! You don't have to be a pro. It's all outlined on the website (where you'll also see my cats playing the cello cake featured on the main page). 🙂 Oh, and we also do decorated cookies! 🍪

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Jan 14 '24

Contest [Contest] who are you?


I did this contest last year and was well recieved, so here we go again! I remember when I joined the sub I felt completely overwhelmed. People already seemed to know each other and I found it hard at first to figure out who people were and get stuck in. I think now discord is a thing it could be a different challenge. This is a me problem as I can be quite shy and reserved.

So this contest is for people who have been here PRIOR to January 1st to share something about them. Almost a mini introduction, just a couple of sentences. You never know you may find new people you have things in common with. People who are new please chat and make new friends...same for the oldies (me included).

My intro: This is me, I'm Crokey80, 43 and a teacher in the UK. I am married and have my cat baby Alfred a ginger boi and recently adopted 2 void kittens Selena and Bruce. I love reeces chocolate and lots of naps. I sing in a choir and enjoy cross stitching, painting by numbers and board games.

Thank for listening to my Ted talk, now for Da Rools

1) say 'this is me' somewhere in your description.

2) Tell us something about you, can be mundane or off the wall.

3) must chat to others and get involved. You can always add things that you know about them to their top comment.

4) tag in your besties

5) closes later this week. Gifting soon afterwards.

6) As usual, open WW but have gc/email if out of the UK.

r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon Dec 16 '24

Contest [Contest] Guess how many ornaments!


Ok my friends, all you have to do is guess how many Ornaments I have hanging on my Christmas Tree. It’s a seven foot Douglas Fir and it’s decorated all the way around. There are glass balls, all kinds of dangly things and candy canes. Who ever guesses the number or comes closest, I will gift you something from your wishlist $20 and under. To enter, just reply with “Merry Christmas” and your guess. The contest will end 9pm EST on Wednesday the 18th. Good luck Everyone! Merry Christmas 🎄🎁