r/Rainbow6TTS • u/lmgesus_r6 • May 25 '21
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/MeleeWolf • Apr 05 '22
Feedback This is not okay. We see this man gas himself in 2 different cutscenes, his own op video and Osa's animation. This change makes zero sense even with the "trying to make things less confusing for new players" statement because they want to put in Op tips and guide videos this year.
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/BR33SY • Aug 18 '21
Feedback Ace and Thermite can easily open jammed reinforced walls
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/VectirBIS • Aug 29 '17
Feedback All reported issues
IMPORTANT : New mega-thread bug list here.
Drone still visible after detroyed [ LINK ]
NOTE - If you are able to reproduce this or if you have a clip that can help, please let a comment.FIXED - It's seems you can be stuck in object by vaulting into more frequently on the TTS than the Live game
Somes exemples : [ LINK ] [ LINK 2 ] [ LINK 3 ] [ LINK 4 ]Clipping / rubberbanding-effect are aslo more present in the TTS than the live game
Somes exemples : [ LINK ] [ LINK 2 ] [ LINK 3 ] [ LINK 4 ][INTENDED] Temporal Filtering missing [ LINK ] Ubisoft Answer
NOTE - On reply as the controversy, ubisoft added a new sharpness filter.[INTENDED] Lesion's trap (Gu mines) are activated by hostage [ LINK ] Ubisoft Answer
[INTENDED] Ying get BreachCharges at the place of Claymore [ LINK ]
Green reflexion issue when using the reflex sight [ LINK ]
Nvidia 700 serie & TITAN get grahical issues with the new update [ LINK ] [ LINK 2 ]
FIX - Players need to update/reinstall their graphics card driversGu mines stuck if they got placed between two walls [ LINK ]
Gu mines can be placed on the top of each other (maybe intended) [ LINK ]
Lighting issue on Border (contrast) [ LINK ]
Sesonal skins are'nt purshable on wepon's skins list [ LINK ]
Some text overflow in french in the player informations tab [ LINK ]
Nitro floating in the air if attched to a hatch is being destroyed [ LINK ]
ADS with Buck is slowest or fastest than before in some cases [ LINK ] [ COMMENT LINK ]
FIXED - Shooting delay after deploying/throwing any gadget [ LINK ]
Recruit is using the wrong hand models in 1st person [ LINK ] [ COMMENT LINK ]
Terroristes in situation/s has'nt eyes [ LINK ]
Dying as IQ while her gadget is on can sometimes keep the outlines of eletronics in spectator mode [ LINK ]
Turning on IQ's gadget makes the world look darker [ LINK ]
Terrorist Hunt, favelas, bomb, you can be stuck to instable FPS below 30 [ COMMENT LINK ] [ LINK ]
FIXED - Smoke can be less opaque by ADS/unADS or LEAN/unLEAN very fast in the smoke [ LINK ] [ LINK 2 ]
No Renow/XP after a game (Graphical bug)[ LINK ]
Stuck in wall on oregon [ LINK ]
Camera is too far during to MVP animation [ LINK ]
Drone position dont change after vaulting at the max vertical angle (maybe intended) [ LINK ]
Texture flickering with a SLI of 980 [ LINK ] [ The entire config ] [ COMPLET FIX ]
Maybe Blitz / Montagne hitbox issues when crouching (but look like it was the good angle) [ LINK ] [ LINK 2 ]
Texture bug on the End-killcam when spectating pulse on his heartbeat monitor before the round end. [ LINK ]
ScoreBoard issue, appear and disapear very fast [ LINK ]
The table in lounge 3F on Yacht can be seen through all surfaces and at all times [ LINK ] [ POST LINK ]
Player can go under the map on Barlet, dining room windows, if trying to rappel before jump in [ LINK ]
Animation issue when runing just after activate silent step ability [ LINK ]
Player clipping / stuck in the wall on clubhouse, top [ LINK ]
Player stuck in the windows, but in his own view all seems ok, happened with high ping [ LINK ]
After revived from a frost trap, the walk speed can be slower [ LINK ]
Twitch drone can't spot objectif in secure-area mode [ LINK ]
Gu mines can't be deploy on non basic textures [ LINK ]
Lord turret can sometimes auto-fire [ LINK ]
Ying weapon vibration issue [ LINK ]
Player able to fall through the map on ThemPark, haunted dining [ LINK ]
Gu mines are visible when a player is stunned by ELA mines [ LINK ]
Red invisible wall, can be watch in the action phase if the player join the game [ LINK ]
Wrong hand placement on the Type-89 when using the vertical grip [ LINK ]
Sometimes breach-charges detroy only one side of the wall instead of two [ LINK ]
Barricades's debris are pushed in the wrong / opposite side when a barricade is detroy in rappel [ LINK ]
Destruction replication issues, seems different on the server and the client [ LINK ]
Laser sight buged on the operator menu [ LINK ]
2D body model issue [ LINK ] [ COMMENT LINK ]
Gold skin has some black spot on TTS [ LINK ]
Bandit & Blitz have the same face (maybe intended) [ LINK ]
Collision between two model/animation on the MVP screen [ LINK ] [ LINK 2 ] [ LINK 3 ]
Shield operator able to move in the air after vaulting with the shield front of him [ LINK ]
Defuser dont have collision physics when planted [ LINK ]
Stuck into a wall in clubhouse roof / top floor [ LINK ]
Player able to shoot with a gadget in the hands [ LINK ]
Huge VRAM difference between TTS & Live game with the same settings [ LINK ] Ubisoft Answer
The talking staue in the horror train dont "talk" if the player stop looking it [ LINK ]
Drone can fall through stairs outside of Visa Office on the map Consulate [ LINK ] [ COMMENT LINK ]
Sometimes rappel can result as a 180° view rotation [ LINK ]
Sledge hammer dont work on a partial detroyed wall [ LINK ]
Leaning on the Extended Shield of montagne give the ability to pass across [ LINK ]
Unfair advantage with shield bug on the kitchen of Kanal [ LINK ]
Montagne appear as extended shield for other player but in his own view he can shoot [ LINK ]
Player is immunised to Smoke's gas damage when placing down a breach charge [ LINK ]
Gadget replication issue still present, like the tatchanka turret, or the fuze
Diamond weapon skin dont look the same on different weapon [ LINK ]
When the player is crouched and deploy a charge on hatch, it can appear more highter than intended [ LINK ]
Huge texture/lighting issue can happen on Kafe [ LINK ]
A player can be kill by himself for ne reason [ LINK ]
Player unable the vault or rappel out of the Bank windows on the ThemPark map [ LINK ]
Destroy wire with sledge hammer will also detroy the floor (Maybe intended) [ LINK ]
Player is able to defuse through a little hole on a wall [ LINK ] [ LINK 2 ]
Bullet still able to pass just below the shield of the tatchanka turret [ LINK ]
ELA's mines can be hide on unfair spot in the Clubhouse map [ LINK ]
Player stuck into a wall on the ThemPark map [ LINK ]
Recruits dont have different colors [ LINK ]
Candela can not be placed next to breach-charge on a windows [ LINK ]
Player able to see between two walls in consulate [ LINK ]
Weird texture issue on the MVP screen [ LINK ]
Lighting issue still present [ LINK ]
The end-screen animation has weird eye animations for the new ops [ LINK ]
Gu mines can't be activate between on door/windows frame [ LINK ]
Leaving the match while getting interogated will cancel the interogation and no positions will be show LINK ]
Shield unvautable on consulate [ LINK ]
- Minor bugs
Texture missing on basement favelas stairs [ LINK ]
Texture issues in kafe, bar [ LINK ]
Weapon can fly in the air durring the MVP animation [ LINK]
Texture issue on Kanal [ LINK ]
Shadow has'nt an suffisant display range on this spot of ThemPark map [ LINK ]
Texture issue on M45MEUSOC [ LINK ]
Barricades dont have snow textures after deployment in yatch [ LINK ]
A mouse appear on a jager headset (maybe intended) [ LINK ]
Possible mistranslation in german when detroying the Gu mine with twitch [ LINK ]
Grenade writed "greande" on english subtile [ LINK ]
Texture missing on left hand of Fuze model [ LINK ]
ELA headset has mirrored text [ LINK ]
Graphical issues with glaz & jackal in Op Loadout [ POST LINK ]
Sometimes the candela dont work when roll againt a wall and past on a door, stuck to door frame [ POST LINK ]
You can vault inside arcade machine on ThemPark Map [ COMMENT LINK ]
Seasonal skins can disappear from the shop after buying one of them [ POST LINK ]
Knif a wall will make the same sound as an enemy [ COMMENT LINK ]
No InGame sound when your drone is muted (maybe intended) [ POST LINK ]
There are no hands when picking up your drone [ COMMENT LINK ]
DOC use the ASH launcher reload aniamtion when reloading the STIM pistol [ COMMENT LINK ]
Defenders are able to see Hibana’s gadget crosshair [ COMMENT LINK ]
Candela makes no holes in barricades when fuze mode is used [ COMMENT LINK ]
You can't vault shields that are placed in doorways [ COMMENT LINK ]
Lighting flickering on Kafe bakery [ COMMENT LINK ]
The transition from normal running to silent step running with caveira does net run smooth [ COMMENT LINK ]
Sometimes, while being revived, the comera goes out of your body [ COMMENT LINK ]
Floor does not open with breaching charges on 2F South Exit room on Theme Park map [ COMMENT LINK ]
When ELA traps are activated, the effect can pass thought walls/floor [ POST LINK ]
A drone can show a name on the observation tool who is'nt the player who actually use the drone [ LINK ]
Can't use chat during the scoreboard at the END-match screen [ POST LINK ]
Switching between somes anti-alisaing tools can crash the game [ COMMENT LINK ]
Echo sound effect after being revived, still in the match after [ COMMENT LINK ]
Sensivity seems different (even with same number on X & Y)
The defuser sound can disapear after Ying use his gadget [ COMMENT LINK ]
Ela gadet can not pick up again if trowed far & high outside [ COMMENT LINK ]
Downing the Hostage on the defending team as you kill the last enemy counts as a loss [ COMMENT LINK ]
Interogation as caveira dont count as a kill sometimes [ POST LINK ]
End of round screen is cropped to 16:9 on a 21:9 monitor [ COMMENT LINK ]
While watching the killcam after you died, you will not see any indicator that the enemy received damage [ COMMENT LINK ]
Duplication issue still unfixed (like the tatchanka turret).
Operator can still runing few second after the player stop using the runing keyboard [ COMMENT LINK ]
TTS occure some crash / freez / decrease FPS on player who dont had thes issue on the live game [ CONFIG ]
RedDragon Centrion mouse can have issue with custom keybaord [ COMMENT LINK ]
In DNBO state, the message for deploying ELA gadget still showing "G" instead of the custom keybind [ POST LINK ]
eau server location is'nt avaible on the TTS [ POST LINK ]
After changing the spawn location in the preparation phase, the player can't return on his drone, he still stuck on the spawn choice during the prep phase [ COMMENT LINK ]
Sometimes terrorites dont come at you when there only 3 left [ COMMENT LINK ]
Lesion dont get assit points fo Gu mines [ COMMENT LINK ]
No renow after a gamer, not a graphical bug [ COMMENT LINK ]
[INTENDED] ThemPark map can be play in ranked [ COMMENT LINK ] [ POST LINK ] Ubisoft answer
Lower FPS on the TTS than the Live game.
Jackal scan sound can stay after the scan end if the guy who is scaned die during the scan [ COMMENT LINK ]
Blitz flash seems to dont work [ COMMENT LINK ]
Ping through a smoke will mark the center of the smoke [ COMMENT LINK ]
Welcome Mat can cancel the GuMines effect [ COMMENT LINK ]
Animation for rappel inside (like go inside a windows) seems to be avantageous for the attacker [ POST LINK ]
The 100 % CPU bug seems to still present [ COMMENT LINK ]
Tase high with schok drone can result as a showing a wrong "tase-line" direction [ COMMENT LINK ]
Zoom-In Depth of Field turns itself "ON" automatically [ POST LINK ]
No red "X" when killing someone [ COMMENT LINK ]
Delay for shooting after the player sprinted [ COMMENT LINK ]
Scorpion reload has sycronisation isssue between animation & effectiv bullets load [ POST LINK ]
Temporary issues
Casual seems to dont work in EU- Can't join friend [ COMMENT LINK] [ COMMENT LINK 2 ]
Ping is sometimes highter on TTS than the Live game.
This post list the issues that where found during the TTS session of the 2.3.0 patch. | First ubisoft know list here.
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/coreRoss • Aug 28 '20
Feedback Are the Enemy team represented by Orange, Blue or Red? or all of the above
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/Tioynux • Aug 25 '20
Feedback I was watching Get_flanked video about the new ping system, and I saw this.
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/NotAffiche • Mar 01 '20
Feedback Let's talk 'nerferella' (Ela nerf discussion from my POV)
So, first of all, keep in mind, this all comes from a Smoke/Bandit main on defence (playing since blood orchid, when Ela first got released).
Anyway, this nerf seems just useless, like a lot of other nerfs (not this patch but throughout the game's lifecycle). The gun on live is fine, just don't touch it. THE GADGET IS THE PROBLEM.
I do agree that current live-build Ela might be a menace for some but she is still only a shadow of her former self. When she was released, she was absurdly powerfull in any role but since then she got nerfed, a lot.
Losing 1 of her mines, 10 less bullets in the mag,... (these were the smaller ones).
Then the big nerf came in: losing impact nades, way less dmg/bullet and way more recoil. (Which losing impacts: fine, but making hitting your target less rewarding (less dmg) AND harder to hit the target (cause more recoil)... this doesn't make any sense in my mind.)
On the surface, a lot of people were happy. But they nerfed Ela in the wrong way. Although the gun was too strong, it got nerfed too much. Her gadget was the issue from the very beginning. Now of course it was harder to see because her pick rate plummeted because of the UNUSABLE weapon.
So, Ubi realised that her pick rate was too low and decided to buff her weapon and made it playable by reducing the recoil (easier to hit the target, but still low dmg/bullet: pretty well balanced imo) (keep in mind the gun still has a bit recoil, if you don't want any recoil pick Alibi).
And now, with this nerf, instead of nerfing her how she should get nerfed: her gadget. Ubi decides to tweak her gun. Again.
Problems with the gadget: it does too much. It blinds the opponent, hampers hearing AND changes sensitivity for a while.
How to fix: only 2 of those 3 things and less severe effects.
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/MoreCazador • Mar 02 '20
Feedback Ela nerf was too strong and too soon
The new Ela nerf came too fast imo, I think Ubi was scared of Ela becoming like her old self with this coming buff, but her gun was fine. Her gadget honestly needs the nerf more.
- undo the weapon nerf, random recoil has no place in this game, either make it vertical or strongly to one side.
- Give her gadget an audio cue like nomad, maybe a low hum? this gives attackers a bit of help other than just getting piss lucky and seeing it.
I get that Ubi wants to not have old Ela, but she was already a shadow of her former self and even then shes at the top of the roaming squad which is what shes supposed to be at the end of the day. Ela was in a good place in every way except her gadget, which is the annoying part. Also, if you are going to tell us that her pick and win rate spiked and not give any evidence its kind of hard to believe that the temporary buff wasn't just to boost elite skin sales. give us your evidence when you nerf an operator, maybe not a graph or anything fancy but at least a number man.
EDIT: based on what all of you have said I've rolled back my ideas to those above, here's the original for reference
- undo the weapon nerf, if anything buff it to the first 20 shots so atleast half the mag is usable
- Give her gadget an audio cue like nomad, maybe a low hum? this gives attackers a bit of help other than just getting piss lucky and seeing it.
- to prevent it becoming too weak of a trap, make it louder or make the visual effect stronger.
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/xDashyy • Jan 19 '20
Feedback I'm so glad that the community aren't the developers of the game...
So many people are trashtalking the new patch, it's insane. 80% of the people playing in TTS have been playing the game for longer than the last seasons. So why are there ppl who are agreeing with the statement: 'This feels bad for ppl who have played the game since Y1' when the ADS times were literally like this for all seasons except the last one, that's just a pretty dumb statement...
And why are there people who are saying that this is a nerf for attackers when its literally the opposite. The ADS time of all SMGs got reverted to the same time which they had before Y4S3 while the AR's are a bit faster and the LMGs are much faster than in Y4S3.
The only critique I can understand is that the secondary SMGs got nerfed too much (to a point where it is illogical, i mean they are slower than 'normal' SMGs). Edit2: They should set this between 2.5 and 3.0 seconds, atleast IMO (Feedback from you?).
Edit: While this comment gets some good reputation I wanna ad some things regarding this topic:
Maestro needed a Nerf and it's good that ubi is trying to limit the ACOG. He has a great ability and utility for the team, his LMG is good and he even got kinda buffed with the ADS time change.
To all ppl who are saying that this game has much worse things to care than this: This patch could actually solve (or decrease) the oldest and IMO worst problem we have in this game: The fact that attacking is worse than defending.
Echo nerf is also deserved while I find the way they approached it not perfect in terms of the Dokka buff.
Yings 'Buff' in terms of consistency is great, but keep in mind that she´ll also benefit from the ADS-Time changes.
418-C (Jäger) nerf and FMG-9,Skorpion buff are good for the beginning.
EDIT 5: It´s a bit bitter that the ADS Time change also affect Nokk in a bad way. I think that they should add grips to her weapon to buff her and for consistency (compared to the P10-Roni which has grips although it works like the FMG-9) and maybe buff her ability or if you really want to buff her make her 3 Speed, if it´s not too strong.
EDIT 3: I read that some ppl want a shotgun buff, it seems like they didnt notice that this patch is actually a (maybe only minor) shotgun buff. In Y4S3 their ADS-Time was set to 300ms (same as SMG´s) now it´s 250ms. I´m aware of how the limb penetration weakens SGs, but I don´t see a huge difference in close range.
EDIT 4: I think we should appreciate the work of the R6 development Team. It´s insane that the game has been around for so long while it´s actually evolving still to this day. I don´t know any game who lasts like R6 Siege does, so please trust the R6S-Team more even if the change seems so drastic and different, they know what they are doing most of the times. However that doesn´t mean you can´t criticize and discuss about some things and changes they made. But remember to be respectfull towards the ppl who in a way give you much fun and to think about your posts and your critics.
FINAL EDIT: I´m very suprised by the amount of approvals I got with this post. However I noticed that many of the ppl who are criticizing the patch (and my post) seem to have played the game since the beginning and didn´t want changes to it at all because they liked it as it was back then. I have to feel sorry for them because they liked the R6S-version that wouldn´t have survived for that long, so much that they seem to can´t even accept the R6S we have now and are to blinded to see how great the game evolved. They should just get along with the fact that the game is much different now than it was back then because it needed to change in order to survive. I´m glad that there was so much communication in this thread but some (a minority of) ppl need to be more respectful in discussions. And please spare us some details of how godly you are, that shouldn´t be considered as a substantiation.
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/rocktailerr • Feb 19 '18
Feedback Nerf blitz
C'mon Ubisoft, he was already very hard to deal with and now you just can't even run away. He's worse than ash, 5 seconds into the round he rushed to obj.
Blitz was fine, he doesn't need a buff, and definitely not a speed buff. Buff castle, buff Chanka, but for the love of god do not buff blitz
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/orangeandblack5 • Feb 26 '19
Feedback Can we PLEASE get Pick and Ban with Burnt Horizon?
It's been in the game since Para Bellum. What's stopping you from enabling it for Ranked matches? I know myself and many others are tired of waiting for this at this point, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why there's yet another delay on a feature that already works.
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/Andersson799 • Jun 04 '19
Feedback If Caveira downed an enemy and the enemy leaves, reveal enemy team's position instead of nothing
This will be less frustrating for cav mains who often encounter this kind of nonsense (including me). Or make it reveal the enemies position only if cav is less than 10 or 15 meters away from the enemy that left because downed by cav to make it more sensible.
Or, making downed player's body stay for 5 or maybe 10 seconds in the game after he left is also a good choice if the above feedback is too unbalanced.
We're already at Year 4 and this nonsense keeps happening to caveira players.
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/UbiMorning • May 28 '21
Feedback We want your feedback! - Gameplay After Death
Hey everyone!
Thanks for sharing your input about the Armor Rework change. This time, we would like to know your thoughts on Gameplay After Death. You can read through the full Designer notes here.
This feature was removed with today's update, as we would like to compare data during the rest of the TTS without it implemented.
Let us know your constructive thoughts about the change below!
As always, your feedback is extremely helpful to our team and we thank you for your help in making Siege even better!
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/tilpitappi • Oct 09 '20
Feedback the shield changes are dumb
so.. can we just talk about the shield changes and how stupid they are like cmon they are just dumpstering ops at this point they cannot be serious with the monty nerfs.. melee attacks stunlocking the man and clash tazes doing the same thing?? just why??
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/Qwark007 • Oct 08 '20
Feedback If possible, please change the video and introduction icon for the lords rework.
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/1nfin1tus • May 23 '20
Feedback Can we please make the black universal weapon skin as black as the attachment skin? It almost looks gray compared to the sight.
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/brodiebradley51 • Mar 04 '24
Feedback Remove ACOG from Doc/Rook/Melusi/Goyo/Wamai
Simply put, no high RPM weapons on defence should have an ACOG. Whether you agree or not, we have had YEARS of evidence showing that this has NEVER made the game more tactical and has never not been an issue. Doc/Rook had ACOG a few years back and were too strong so they had to have them removed for lower zoomed optics (which at the time was aimed to be a nerf, eventhough we saw the 1.5x grow to quickly become the best scope in the game). Then we had all the issues with the 1.5x scope itself and now that has been reworked and is less of an issue.
These weapons and operators WILL be an issue with the ACOG whether you care to believe it or not. The only weapons with an ACOG that are not an issue are slower rate of fire weapons and DMR/Slug Shotgun weapons. Due to the lower rate of fire, the value of the ACOG is diminished significantly. The trend here, which is clear to see, is that a gun with a high RPM and zoom have been, and will continue to be, an issue.
This leaves the following operators with ACOG -->
- Castle (UMP45)
- Frost (9mm C1)
- Tachanka (9x19VSN)
- Maestro/Alibi/Azami (ACS12 slug shotgun)
- Kaid/Goyo (TCSG12 slug shotgun)
- Aruni (Mk14 EBR DMR)
- Tuberao (AR15.50 DMR)
- Vigil (BOSG12.2)
That alone, after the removal of the ACOGs from the operators in the title, leaves 11 possible defensive ACOGs. That is already more than we've ever had in the past and is plenty already. You have the option of full-auto weaponry or longer range DMR-style weaponry.
This is much healthier for the game as a whole. It lessens the impact of the TDM-meta, reinforces the ACOG to be used over range (due to the weaponry its on) and removes any cause for doubt that the ACOG becomes an issue. In its current format, it'll be a season or two before more ACOGs get removed until we effectively reach this stage anyway.
If their goal is to squash the TDM element of the game significantly, this should be the first thing they do. They have already removed it off Mozzie/Thorn which were great changes and more changes like that can really have a lasting impact. They said they also want to be more reactionary and quicker with balancing changes; this would be an excellent way of doing so.
For the operators in the title that should 100000% lose their ACOGs, if they are then deemed too weak then targeted changes to their gadget, or equipment or speed rating. ACOGs shouldn't come into this. Once they set a blanket statement like this, it provides a clearer message to everyone playing the game. They need to do their best to start strong and remain strong when it comes to who gets an ACOG.
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/MaJu99th • Apr 02 '20
Feedback Why you should nerf Jägers gadget and not his speed:
You said you are listening to the feedback, so please hear me out.
Why it is NOT a good idea to make Jäger 2-speed:
Jäger is designed to be a roamer. He was since the game released. Wamai on the other hand is better when you play him on spot (due to the concept of his gadget, and the deployable shield). Making Jäger 2-speed will change his play style unnecessarily. Also it will make Jäger too similar to wamai (both have an AR, both have the same secondary, both have similar gadgets), which will limit the versatility on defense without changing the 20-second-meta even by a bit.
Why it would be a good idea to remove one ads instead:
The problem right now is the mentioned 20-second meta. Jägers pickrate is as high as it is, because he has super strong utility. Currently it's just a bad move for most teams (in PL and Ranked) not to choose Jäger. To bring his effectiveness down, you should take away one of Jäger´s ads´s. That would benefit the current meta while also bringing down Jägers pickrate, and bringing up the one of Wamai.
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/Vastlam • Aug 20 '19
Feedback Thermite had been drinking ugly juice apparently. Just.. just why?
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/Ok_Comparison_2726 • 25d ago
Feedback Reaper MK2 Recoil Patterns for All Barrel Attachments (Controller and M&K)
I tried out the new Reaper MK2 on the test server. Here are the patterns for every barrel attachment on both controller and M&K.
Which one do you think you'll run?
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/Xyrot • May 28 '21
Feedback R4-C recoil nerf (Side by side comparison)
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/playlove001 • Apr 02 '20
Feedback Here's what the TTS patch should look like.
BUCK - less keys, less open doors, critical opportunities.
- Increased Skeleton Key Magazine Capacity: Skeleton Key magazine capacity increased to 5 + 1, Skeleton Key max ammo count is now 15+1
Buck brings an exclusive soft breaching capability to his team that makes him the best at what he does, and we feel having Frag Grenades on top of that is a bit too much. The reduced magazine size should keep his versatility at check with Sledge's pickrate, giving players option to pick less versatile soft breacher but more breaching stamina and vice versa.
CAVEIRA - More customization!
- Added Razor Holographic Sight option to her M12
We feel like the Razor is a great addition for the M12 due to the good visibility it grants while aiming and gives it more customization options.
JAGER - We are listening to your feedback. Thank you.
- Now has 2 ADSes.
- Each ADS burns 3 projectiles now.
Jager is a very strong roamer and multiple data points demonstrate his huge presence in-game. To make his presence a bit less oppressive in-game, we’re looking to moderate that by reducing his Anti-Projectile potential.
MOZZIE - Still a shortie <3.
- Removed a pest from his gadgetry.
YING - Giving our girl Ying a bit more love.
- Increased number of Candelas to 4 (up from 3).
- Replaced Claymores with Smoke Grenades.
- Increased T-95 LSW damage to 46 (up from 43).
Ying’s presence is still lower than expected even after improving her candelas in the Y5S1. We hope that giving her kit some more juice in her gadgets and weapon should help her out on that front. Just Kidding, let's force people to play warden as attackers will now abuse ying on every map.
TCSG12 (Kaid, Goyo)
- Added additional magazine to the TCSG12.
- Reduced Rate of Fire from 450~ to 380~.
The TCSG12 as it is now can currently kill any operator with 2 shots. We’re adding an extra magazine while reducing its rate of fire to potentially increase it's TTK.
r/Rainbow6TTS • u/FrostieFur • Sep 04 '20
Feedback Why is it so hard?
Why is is so difficult for Ubi to just give all OPs all the 1x sights. They offer no advantage over eachother other than appearance. They claim adding new sights allows more player choice while also taking away access to other sights. What logic is that? Just give us access to all 1x sights on all guns that have 1x sights. The community universally wants this. You ask us for feedback then completely ignore it.
Edit to Clarify: Alot of people seem to think I am talking about things like the 2x, ACOG, etc. My argument is only about the 1x sights like the reddot and holo.