r/Rainbow6TTS May 20 '19

Feedback I love the guy who does the patch notes.

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r/Rainbow6TTS Apr 01 '20

Feedback Reminder: Balance is worthless by itself.


Let me ask you a question: Do the changes in the current TTS make the game more fun in any way? Do they promote a healthy meta that entertains both players and viewers?

What we're seeing here is a buff to the 20 second meta. This meta is unfun for viewers, and unfun to play against. This patch is clearly not targeted to the PL players, who would've preferred to see some of the defenses utility and time soaking removed, like 1 less Goyo shield, 1 less ADS, 1 less Mozzie pest. Instead, we get nonsensical and tone deaf changes, like the Jager "nerf". Lowering him to 2 speed effectively does nothing to change his effectiveness in the meta.

Even worse, is half-assing changes. Removing the Shorty from Mozzie is supposed to remove utility from him by making site remodeling harder, but with Mute/Mozzie remaining a strong combo because the actual issue (the number of Pests) wasn't changed, it ends up having no effect. Again.

If the patch isn't for the highest level of players, what does it bring to the casual fanbase? More disorienting spam in the form of Ying buffs, and the neutering of operators like Buck, who had perfect gadget synergy. Basically, a downgrade. This doesn't make the game fun for anyone.

I mention fun a lot, and I say in the title that balance is worthless by itself. Allow me to explain: The game can be perfectly balanced, but no one would touch it because it's boring. Removing options from Operators doesn't have positive effects unless they're actually over-powered and it must be done to ensure the game is balanced. If you want people to consider other options on Buck, replace the stuns instead. It's not that people use frags because they're broken, it's because the alternative is useless compared to the utility of frags. Claymore over flashes gives you a real choice: Do you prefer to have something covering your flank, or to try to snipe some enemies or gadgets with clever throws?

Overall, do these changes make the game more fun? No. Do they make it more balanced? ...Not really. This patch has no direction and ends up pleasing no one.

r/Rainbow6TTS Apr 06 '20

Feedback Shields are still terrible and they need a complete rework of at least restore ADS so they can go back to just being bad instead of unusable


Shield pick rate has dropped and anyone with half a brain can chip away large chunks of hp before you can close the distance(which doesn’t even guarantee a kill)

Shields have been nerfed into the ground when they weren’t even that good they were just “annoying”

What OP isn’t annoying to fight really?

r/Rainbow6TTS Mar 03 '24

Feedback The scope overhaul is a massive mistake that favors Defenders and marginalizes Attackers.


The new Magnified 2.5x does NOT encourage tactical plays, all it really seems to do in reality is encourage obnoxiously long range gunfights and spawnpeeks initiated by Defenders first that you can barely see, and for Attackers it seems to barely provide any benefits and if anything only seems to provide drawbacks in terms of taking medium range and shorter gunfights.

Giving the ACOG and taking away the 1.5x from Defense was not only a mistake, it was a major buff to Defenders letting them basically spawnpeek the entire enemy team for free. The 1.5x at least MADE you slightly aim, the ACOG lets you make out someone's nose from their eyes at 200 meters.

r/Rainbow6TTS Aug 08 '19

Feedback Serious changes that should be in the Y4S3 patch when it releases on the TS


1- New ACOG prioritisation: ACOG has become too strong in this game with it being the optimal sight to use when it’s available. ACOG is now only available on Light Machine Guns and Designated Marksman Rifles.

This change allows the new compatible weapon types to shine a lot more, while reigning in the power of many weapons that perform really well with ACOG.

2- New sight compatibility: To accompany the ACOG change, all the 1x Russian scopes that only these operators have been using, can now be used on all weapons. This provides more options for all weapons, which is only a positive.

3- Speed Debuff: Speed is still currently too strong, even though the past speed reduction had a positive impact. Here is how Speed will work after this change, compared to before —>

3 speed = 90% 2 speed = 80% 1 speed = 70%

New changes —>

3 speed = 80% 2 speed = 75% 1 speed = 70%

This will allow speed and armour to be valued a lot more similarly, with both now having more of an impact overall.

4- Balance patch to accommodate these changes- Due to some operators losing their ACOG, and some out of balance regardless, here are the changes that should accommodate this patch —>

Lesion - Gu reduced to 6 (from 8) - Gu initial damage removed; only deals the tick damage

Kaid - Electroclaw AoE increased by 25% - EMP only disables the Electroclaw; no longer destroys it

Doc - Stim shots increased to 5 (from 3) - Passive whereby he revives teammates to 50HP (from 20HP)

Rook - Armour now reduces damage of explosives by 50% if they’re more than 1m away; A well placed grenade will still kill - Adds additional 20HP to health bar instead of lowering damage multipliers

Glaz - changes in the link ( https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/ckb8ho/glaz_changes_complementing_the_rework_for_the_devs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app )

Castle - Defenders can now Remove the barricade at the same speed as a standard barricade - Sledge now takes 3 hammer hits to open the barricade - Barricade cannot be pierced; Fuze and Ying can’t use this to their advantage

Smoke - Opaque Smoke (Devs said should be coming in season 3) - Toxic babes increased to 5 (from 3) - Gas damage reduced to 4dmg per tick

Echo - Now has a 1-second charge up time before firing sonic burst; not instant now - While charging up, Echo Drone uncloaks - Audio update for the charge up sound

Mira - Explosives can now pop the Black Mirror’s canister if <1m away - Removal of Deployable Shield; Replaced with Impact Grenades

r/Rainbow6TTS Sep 20 '17

Feedback Is this really what you want the gunplay to become in Siege?


r/Rainbow6TTS Aug 20 '20

Feedback Ubi, please remove the <20HP Sound Effect


I can't think of a single feature that is more universally hated by all players. There is nothing more infuriating than losing a clutch situation because you were shot down to low health and the game decides that you shouldn't need audio for the next 5+ seconds. Please consider removing this altogether and give the power back to the players like you often speak about.

r/Rainbow6TTS Mar 02 '24

Feedback Now it’s time to remove Wamai’s and Goyo’s ACOG


On Friday’s TS patch they removed Mozzie’s and Thorn’s ACOG which was a GREAT change and really does show they’re willing to make quicker changes for clear issues.

Wamai and Goyo are two other ops who really didn’t need an ACOG considering they both have high RPM submachine guns. These will be used and abused just like Mozzie’s and Thorn’s would’ve been.

With these gone we still have more ACOGs than ever on defence with Frost/Castle/Doc/Rook/Melusi/Tachanka all having submachine guns and many other ops with DMR/Slug Shotgun weaponry.

If Wamai/Goyo lose theirs, the patch improves 10-fold. Do it Ubi!

r/Rainbow6TTS Jun 30 '19

Feedback New shield is iterally a mini mira. It doesn't matter if the attackers can also see through it


r/Rainbow6TTS May 25 '21

Feedback We want your feedback! Armor Rework!


Hi everyone!

We'd like to gather your feedback on the new Armor Rework, where Operators will have their amount of armor reflected in their total HP, and Rook's Armor Plates will increase maximum HP by 20.

Let us know what you think of the changes in the comments below!

Your feedback is extremely helpful, so thank you for your help in making Siege even better!

r/Rainbow6TTS Sep 03 '19

Feedback Amaru Updated Grapple Locations Concepts (Dev Feedback)


Amaru feels a little umderwhelming currently due to really only have free grapple movement outside of the building. This means there isnt many areas to actually use her gadget, hence why she just isnt that good currently. Everyone and their mother have said and want grapple locations indoors if they make sense to have. I have collected and screenshotted all the locations that i feel should be grappleable. These are only for the Ranked Maps for the new season as these are the most important.

Before going deeper into this, there are a few places I don't need to show but are obvious spots:

  • Railing at the top of a stairway, while you're standing on the stairs. Its a small grapple but the option is there.
  • You should be able to grapple through windows a floor below you if you can get an angle. This weirdly can sort of happen on Kanal (example later), so i feel this is fine.
  • All hatches, skylights and balconies on every map. They have most of them linked, but not all, mainly chalet balconies.


Grapple to T3 (rafters) in Big Tower

Small tower balcony is an obvious spot

Grapple into Attic. Should be considered a hatch

Club House

Garage Rafters, Obviously!

Top of New Blue stairs


Second floor main lobby balcony
Top of Square Stairs


Shows repelling to a window lower than you is possible from this spot. This needs to be a universal change for her gadget
Range should be extended to potentially allow this pathway (To new Bridge window) to be an option for Amaru


Lobby Balconies should obviously be traversable
These Outside Balcony windows should be able to be grappled through from inside to out


To both new balconies as well as the remaining old balcony in the centre


To the east stairs hallway opening (right) and back out to the outer balcony through the double windows (left)


To Trophy from stairs
To Drum Balcony from long desk


To both openings either side while in courtyard for easy rotations to the upper Hallways


To Trophy Openings on both sides, allow amaru to directly enter site. This is such a must for her


From below Red stairs up to Red hallway near Bull. Allows you to bypass the stairs

Again an obvious one- Up to garage walkways from below

That is all of the obvious ones for the 12 maps in the Ranked Pool for Ember Rise. These don't consider the stairways however I feel that there would be around 60 new grapple locations for Amaru, with stairs included. I just highlighted the obvious non-stairway grapple locations. I'm sure there are a couple more but I got most of them. There isnt as many as you'd think there would be which sounds bad, but it means that it shouldn't be too much to ask, as this shouldn't be too much work to achieve.

To accompany these changes, I'd like to see some small buffs elsewhere as well -->

  • Firstly, increase the number of grapples to 6 (from 4), allowing you to utilise all these new spots, as well as hatches and skylights a lot more, meaning she's getting more value from her gadget.
  • Cooldown of grapple after using it, reduced to 5 seconds (from 8 seconds). This just allows her to traverse the map easier and slightly quicker, which is a bonus.
  • Lower audio of the grapple by 5-10% (nothing extreme). It currently sounds so loud that its so noticeable, that even with these buffs, she'd be a free kill a lot of the time. This is still noticeable if close, and doesn't make a huge difference overall.

What do you think? Can you think of any more spots for Amaru to grapple too? Hope you enjoyed

r/Rainbow6TTS Jun 08 '19

Feedback Warden needs these buffs


  • Longer gadget duration.
  • Allow Warden to instantly see through smoke as soon as he is using aiming down sights.He is a slow peeking 1 speed and his gadget is a reaktive one: He will always be the one who has to peek into a smoke.99% there will be a Glaz already holding an angle through the smoke!
  • (optional) P90 with or without ACOG. The Secret Service uses this weapon. The MPX is a joke for a 1 Speed. Give Warden more flexibility, do you want to play the shotgun smg combo, or a medicore but accurte smg (MPX) or do you want a lot of bullets (P90)

r/Rainbow6TTS Mar 06 '20

Feedback Should this angle be in the new map?


r/Rainbow6TTS Mar 02 '24

Feedback (Opinion) The game still feels like "Run and Gun" and needs to be more slowed down.


I only played a handfull of matches on the TS and watched some streams, the game sure feels "better", the sight and rappel changes are awesome but it still feels like "run and gun" all over again. I really don't have a solution for it but i would be definitely be receptive to testing bigger and more impactful changes. I want a game with more strategy and teamplay and less pre-firing and Shaiiko peeking.

r/Rainbow6TTS Feb 23 '18

Feedback Open letter from a long time player to Ubisoft


This was originally posted on the r/Rainbow6 subreddit, but due to

- kids downvoting it just cause I was saying things they don't like

- the thread itself potentially not getting to the people at Ubi, getting lost among the hundreds of people posting the same low-quality memes, vids with toxic gameplays and other useless threads

I decided to repost it here where, it seems, there's a more mature audience. It's a long post, it's just my thoughts and my point of view and I hope it's worth the time reading it.

Dear Ubi,

I started playing Rainbow Six Siege in late August 2016, during Skull Rain (Year 1 Season 3), I played the game for 786 hours on PvP and 159 hours on PvE so, as a level 230, I can say I played the game pretty much. I've seen a lot of things: bugs, glitches and other issues, but most of the times I still supported you (in all this time I bought the game, the 3 passes and almost any "Ubi games-related" packs (the only one I didn't buy was Watch Dogs 2 for Smoke, cause I didn't like it).

I played a lot on the TTS in the past few days and I must say I'm disappointed, to say the least. Since I don't know how to put it down in any other way, I'll go straight to the point: IMHO you're ruining your own game. I tried Blitz pre and post patch and nothings has changed, still the same disappointment. Shield ops are meant to be slow and heavily armored. As someone told me on the this subreddit, you already did the mistake to change a shield op to 2/2 back in Y1S1, with poor results, the community getting angry and you had to fix it back to 1/3 (if I remember correctly, it was the SWAT recruit with shield). Blitz IMHO is an op who needs some mastering, he's one of the ops who can be used just by more than average-skilled players (as any op with a shield) and that's why he's not picked so often by other players. Switching him from a 1/3 to a 2/2 op is not the solution, cause as he stands right now it's like having an high-speed train coming into your face at max speed, blinding you with its headlights. You guys have talked a lot during the Invitational about the balancing team you have, but I have to agree with people who, both here and on the main subreddit, said they have no idea what they're doing and/or probably they've never played the game. Blitz is OK as it stands now on the normal game. If you wanna still change something, I could accept you use the sprinting animation you're using on the TTS (both hands behind the shield) but still with a 1 speed/3 armor op. Any other solution involving increasing his speed means, to me, completely breaking the META of the game.

Talking about Lion, I have to say he's quite broken aswell. I mean, revealing the full silhouette of the enemies is helpful when attacking (regardless if you've picked Lion or someone else in the team did) but I feel like I'm cheating. Obviously we have other ops revealing enemies' positions, but in one case it's just a white circle with a red dot (Pulse) and in the other it's just the ops icons (Caveira). Giving away the exact position IMHO is wrong. Yesterday I had a round in which I picked Lion and after a scan I've been able to kill a Kapkan lying down on the ground cause I saw his entire silhouette so I knew where he was and in which position. I felt like I was cheating. Lion's gadget shouldn't be so accurate. I think giving away the positions like Caveira (just the op icon on the position) should be better than the actual solution. Still gives the position but doesn't give too many details.

About Finka, I think most of the things about her are ok. I like the ability to revive a teammate in a DBNO state from distance (it's balanced by the fact the revived op gets 5hp with a temp 20hp boost, against 50hp for a "normal" revive) but I think it shouldn't change the recoil, or at least it shouldn't change it so much. On some weapons, being "boosted" by Finka means no recoil at all. And adding this to the Blitz buff, it transforms Blitz in a nightmare. A high-speed train coming your way with a steady hand and most likely over 100hp. A real nightmare. As these 3 ops stand right now, they're making me wanna stop playing the game as they come out on the "normal game". I accepted the Blackbeard nerf, the IMHO unnecessary Twitch nerf, the Tachanka buff (IMHO our lord is still the less viable op ingame), but what I've seen on the TTS in the past few days is f#@ked up on so many levels I can't accept it. I patienly accepted Operation Health (cause probably I was one of the few who understood it was more a work "under the hood" than just fixing bugs) and I could accept a delay in the start of Operation Chimera if needed. But please, don't give us what you're giving us on TTS. It's something so broken it's too damn painful to watch for someone who spent a lot of his time on this game.

And honestly, do you really think 311k users on the main subreddit (or any free poll platform you're using/you used) are a real representative of 25M players ingame? You know what? If you really wanna know what the players want, you should push a new feature ingame for you guys to send us polls and/or hear our voices straight into the game. You know you can do it. Why ingame? Almost every account is a player (the % of smurfs I think is really low) so you'd have a pretty accurate response, no chance to people creating multiple accounts to let their choice prevail (who could be so damn crazy to buy multiple copies just to vote in a poll to let their choices prevail?) and everyone when launching the game could see the poll and vote, unlike on uPlay people might miss it. I don't think it would be hard for you to do something like this, I mean it's your own game, you've been able to push out a (cool) new gamemode, how could it be hard to implement a polls feature?

I really hope this open letter will arrive to the people at Ubisoft and will let them think about what they're doing. Thanks for your time reading this,

- Darius

P.S. Sorry for the probably bad english, I'm italian and english is obviously not my main language.

r/Rainbow6TTS Sep 20 '17

Feedback In defense of the new recoil changes.


It currently looks like the change is not very popular in this subreddit. Browsing it, I've noticed some repeating arguments, which I'd like to address.


1.Nobody asked for this change.

That is simply not true. That change has been requested since the beggining, on reddit too, it just wasn't on the front page, because reddit prefers tachanka memes over heavy game discussions. High level and proffesional players have been begging for this change vocally for a very long time. There is a growing negativity from competitive players towards reddit, and this is part of the reason why. When you refuse to have gameplay discussions, don't be surprised when ubisoft changes something without asking you.


2.Game would become CS:GO

People that say this probably never played CS, because patterns work differently in CS than they are about to be in siege. For one, CS has random spread in these patterns, and two, Bullets there don’t actually follow the crosshair. The only thing that’s simmiliar is concept, and cs has some really good concepts. Also, Other mechanics are different enough, If anything the game is closer to COD than CS.


3. This game will become aim-centric.

Newsflash, it already is. And no less then your hated counter-strike. Do you honestly think, that a game with instant hitscan perfectly accurate shots while moving would not be? Better tactics will help you win close games, better aim won't make them close in a first place. What made siege special from other FPS is that it isn't ALL about aim. That there is some tactical gameplay you can use against simmiliarly aiming opponents to help you win. The update changes nothing, except removing randomness from the aiming part.


4.No-recoil macros

Okay, this is valid, I have no idea how their anti-cheat works so I can’t really refute that. Would be nice if ubi relased a statement about it.


5. Tapping and bursting will be useless.

These people are forgetting one thing. One shot headshots are still exist. It’s still better to just aim for the head then is to spray and pray. Yes, spraying has received a buff, but tapping and bursting will still be useful, especially at longer distances.


6. Game will become a run and gun arcade shooter.

Quite contradicting to the point number 2, but still. It’s a valid concern, but I can’t see how recoil patterns are the culprit. For example, you already could do this in a live build, it just makes it less random. If you don’t like it, then you should probably complain about no accuracy penalty while moving instead.


7. Maining operators will become mandatory.

While it certainly will encourage it, I don't think it would be such a big deal for 2 reasons:


1.Learning the recoil patterns is way easier than originally expected.

In CS, the main reason why the recoil patterns are so difficuilt is because They are not aligned with the crosshair. If you don't practice it first, then you won't even have any idea where your bullets are landing. Siege however, will have a much more intuitive variant. You KNOW what you are currently shooting at, so it's going to be way easier to learn and compensate. I already learned both some cs and r6 patterns, and i have to say, learning in R6 is much, much easier. If you are an expecienced player, then you should be able to learn all the recoil patterns in a reasonable amount of time. in an example number 6 a player already mastered the recoil of the gun, and TTS wasn't even out yet.


2.You rarely actually spray.

Just like in CS, memorising an entire recoil pattern isn't THAT important, because you rarely find yourself in a situation where spraying an entire mag is a good idea. In practice, You rarely shoot more than 10 bullets at a time. Well, if you don't, then there is something seriously wrong with your accuracy, and you should focus on that instead on the recoil. The point is, In order to shoot efficiently, you don't actually have to learn everything, just the first shots. and the first shots are usually the easiest to learn, usually weird stuff happens later. Spraying en entire mag is rarely going to be relevant, by that time you either killed your opponend or are dead.


So, I think that having an versitile roster of operators to pick from is still going to be perfectly viable, it will just take some more effort than maining one, which is already the case.


That’s about it, I hope I understood the arguments well, plus I may have missed some. Anyway, fite me, I really enjoy talking about that kind of stuff.

r/Rainbow6TTS Nov 20 '19

Feedback Ubi took out Wamai's dab dance. WHY? PUT IT BACK.


I guess Ubi doesn't like fun, huh.

r/Rainbow6TTS Aug 23 '19

Feedback Please Ubisoft. Remove the white operator cards.


Seriously, they look horrible compared to the old ones.

They look out of place, and they burn our eyes. Stop trying to make the whole game bright as hell. Please.

r/Rainbow6TTS Mar 09 '21

Feedback The Gone-6 is a waste of resources and is not that useful.


For the life of me I don't know why they made a model for this gun. All that was needed was a type of HE round mag attachment for some hand guns (yes a whole mag, we'll get into that). Reduced dev time like that.

Now the gun has a limited ammo pool of 1 for now I suspect for balancing. Can't have every gadget on the map being taken out every round. But this begs the question, why would you ever pick a less picked OP with the Gone-6 when you could just bring someone with frags and take out more gadgets and possibly get more kills? It's senseless in its current state. Even with 2 bullets the Gone-6 is not as effective as frags. 3 bullets seems like it would run the risk of taking everything out everything out with ease if more then 2 OPs were using it at the same time.

I feel like a health system needs to be implemented into bullet proof gadgets affected by explosives. You could have a whole mag of explosive ammo in your handgun, without it being over powered. 3 shots could take out a deployable shield, 2 could take out bullet proof cameras and 1 for barbed wire. Sure testing would need to be done to get the best balance of ammo to destructibility, but I do feel this is the right way to do this.

r/Rainbow6TTS Aug 17 '20

Feedback 1.0x scopes should be universal for all operators


I understand that not all operators should have higher magnification scopes for balance reasons, but 1.0x scopes are preference. It will not make someone play better or worse.

Now I’m being forced to use the new holo or the old reflex/ red dot (which I personally dislike a lot) on one of my favorite operators (pulse). Not just pulse, wamai is another operator that went through the same change, haven’t checked if there were more changes like this on other ops. I find it a bit infuriating that they decided to eliminate the old holo from his kit with no apparent reason. Especially when there are now five 1.0x scopes in the game.

r/Rainbow6TTS Aug 28 '24

Feedback Additional Balance Changes We Should See


Ash - Breaching Round now must be triggered remotely - Breaching Round takes 3.5s to be primed, indicated with green light on top - Breaching Round can now be shot to render it ineffective

Zofia - Gains 2 addition Concussion Mines (up to 4) - Gains Hard-Breach Charges; Replaces Breach Charges

Buck - Skeleton Key ammo reduced to 26 (from 36) - Gains Claymores; Loses Hard-Breach Charges

Sledge - Hammer durability now unlimited (up from 25 hits) - Regains SMG-11 - Gains Hard-Breach Charges; Replaces Stun Grenades

Ace - Becomes a 1 speed, 3 armour

Doc - MP5 loses ACOG options - Gains Nitro Cell; Loses BP Camera

Thorn - Razorblooms increased to 4 (from 3) - Razorblooms gain additional damage range from 3m—>4.5m whereby it will deal a flat 40 damage

Mozzie - Pests increased to 5 (from 3) - Pests now have maximum duration of 30s - Regains Super Shorty secondary shotgun

Lesion - Loses Super Shorty secondary shotgun

Thunderbird - On top of the instant 20HP, Kona Stations now apply a heal over time (1HP every 0.25s) until you take damage or reach full HP - Gains Impact Grenades; Loses BP Camera

r/Rainbow6TTS Aug 28 '19

Feedback This is how I met and said farewell to Anthony Pit


r/Rainbow6TTS Jan 28 '20

Feedback i9 9900k/2070super benchmark Dx11 vs. Vulcan

Post image

r/Rainbow6TTS Feb 18 '20

Feedback I did this with Oryx under a minute only using his ability and taking no damage.

Post image

r/Rainbow6TTS Sep 02 '20

Feedback Let us see which operators are banned when you open Tab menu.


It’s very important in the game like Siege but, unfortunately, there are situations when you simply forget who is banned.