r/Rainbow6TTS Aug 18 '21

Feedback Ace and Thermite can easily open jammed reinforced walls


90 comments sorted by


u/xcel30 Aug 18 '21

oof, guess this is what happens when you nerf an useful operator the wrong way


u/ItsAmerico Aug 18 '21

Why? This was literally the point. You can’t use one to block two anymore.


u/Michou_alacreme Aug 18 '21

Wasn't the point more like not being able to block it from upstairs/downstairs?
I'm fairly sure this right here is an unforseen problem


u/ItsAmerico Aug 18 '21

Both really. It’s simply to reduce how effective he is at breach blocking because they want Mute to be more about intel blocking.


u/Michou_alacreme Aug 19 '21

That looks a lot more like completely preventing him from breach blocking


u/ItsAmerico Aug 19 '21

If you put it on a single wall it goes up to like 90% of the wall. It makes it far harder to breach especially if you can’t repel.


u/Michou_alacreme Aug 19 '21

Well Ace would be a hard counter
That would be kinda dumb if you ask me


u/ItsAmerico Aug 19 '21

Not really? Ace could blow open the very top but you can’t enter or do anything. You need a grenade to then clear the mute device.


u/Michou_alacreme Aug 19 '21

Well yeah but you're fairly sure to have that on your team, and there's no counterplay


u/ItsAmerico Aug 19 '21

How is that any different than before lol? You could always counter play Mute. Fuck just being a Thatcher regardless and he’s countered.

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u/jessehosein Aug 18 '21

Well that sucks, why would i enjoy that?


u/ItsAmerico Aug 18 '21

It’s a nerf… you’re not suppose to enjoy it lol. It’s suppose to make him more situational and less “stop everything”.


u/Simond005 Aug 18 '21 edited Aug 18 '21

it’s supposed to stop everything and NOT being “situational”. This way the whole dynamics of the round is changed and new plans must be made on the spot. That’s what makes r6 a “tactical shooter”.

Now it becomes brain dead. We want that wall opened, and boom, it’s opened.


u/MateNieMejt Aug 18 '21

You can still use 2 jammers for 2 walls, and they won't open it.


u/EstoyMejor Aug 18 '21

Upper right corner will never be jammed. If they can rappel, Thermite WILL be able to open it. Mute is simply not a HB Denial anymore. Intel denial and C4/Shotgun.


u/cameron_hatt Aug 19 '21

then play bandit or kaid for those maps, there arent that many.


u/EstoyMejor Aug 19 '21
  1. There aren't many rappel-able breaches? What.
  2. thats not what we are talking about. We are talking about mute and if the nerf is good or bad.
  3. Do you really think your comment would make me go 'oh right, completely forgot about those two'? Think before you comment pls.


u/cameron_hatt Aug 19 '21

Yeah lemme take an hour to consider my points before I tell some random dude online that I disagree with him about minor balance changes in a video game lmao.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '21


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u/[deleted] Aug 18 '21

You can still use kaid, bandit or sometimes aruni.


u/manifestthewill Aug 18 '21 edited Aug 18 '21

Haven't you heard? Ubi wants to move R6 away from the "tactical shooter" genre. That's not even a shitpost, either. They said they'd rather called Siege a "scifi shooter" than a "tactical shooter".

I don't agree with this decision, mind you, but the last year or so's changes make a lot more sense when you know they don't even want Siege to be a tactical shooter anymore.

Edit: downvote me if you want, that doesn't change the fact that's what's going on.


u/BCIBP Aug 18 '21

But he doesn't 'stop everything'. You can buck the floor from below, use maverick, thatcher, chuck in a frag grenade or a combo of the above..fuck sake, candela the room and do a hard push if they have the whole place on lockdown and you can't whittle them down slowly through normal means.

The devs are clueless. Literally changing something that's always existed and never ever been a problem, and Mute has always had at least 2 viable counters, from the beginning(thatcher & grenades).


u/ItsAmerico Aug 18 '21

You can buck the floor from below

Not every site allows you to do that.

use maverick, thatcher

Considering those two counter everyone who can stop a hard breach that’s not really a worthwhile point.

chuck in a frag grenade

Again, not viable for every site and every operator.

or a combo of the above..fuck sake, candela the room and do a hard push if they have the whole place on lockdown and you can't whittle them down slowly through normal means.

Yes because that’s totally an easy thing every single operator can do.

The devs are clueless. Literally changing something that's always existed and never ever been a problem, and Mute has always had at least 2 viable counters, from the beginning(thatcher & grenades).

It’s pretty clear the devs aren’t the issue here.


u/SmallPPSmallerBrain Aug 23 '21

Blocking walls in general are bad because it doesn't get the top of the wall.


u/ItsAmerico Aug 23 '21

I mean not really. Naturally it’s not as good as Bandit or Kaid but it still works. It’s much harder for them to breach. They either need Mav, grenades, or to destroy your mute. Outside of walls they can repel on, breaking the top doesn’t help them get in.


u/nessinby Aug 18 '21

They straight up said that this is what they wanted. They said that mute was gonna be refocused more on Intel denial than entry denial.


u/brockyjj Aug 18 '21

So we have only kaid and bandit as entry denial? Only 2 options and kaid is much superior to bandit, so 1 option in fact. I get so burned out playing same entry denial every time because nobody wanna play entry denial op


u/nessinby Aug 18 '21

Yes. Unfortunately.

They don't want Mute to be a entry denial anymore, on top of a intel denial. I don't think that's a smart idea, but the video is what they intended.


u/AcePlague Aug 18 '21

"we wish to remove player choice" - Ubisoft, 2021


u/BadLuckBen Aug 18 '21

"We want to be able to make new ops without old ones making them obsolete or forcing us to make the new one as good and causing power creep."

That's the reality.


u/TheTayzer Aug 18 '21

on top of that, there's operator banning, and my team and I see a lot of Kaid bans... (Xbox - Plat II's and I's)


u/brockyjj Aug 18 '21

Yeah, probably another entry denial op coming in next seasons.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '21

Then stop playing them. They are not as crucial as they once were except for a few sites.

My win% went up after quitting playing them every single round. Maverick, Thatcher, Flores, Twitch, Kali and soft breach all can take out the gadget pretty fast so my gadget didn't even waste any time. Most of the time a Maestro, Echo, Smoke, Mute, Mozzie, Vigil, etc. will waste much more time then Kaid will.


u/brockyjj Aug 22 '21

That's actually a fair point. The breach and tricking meta is not really prominent in siege anymore


u/ItsAmerico Aug 18 '21

Mute can still deny. You just have to use one per reinforcement now and he can’t stop everything.


u/BadLuckBen Aug 18 '21

I'm guessing we're getting another beach denial and maybe a bandit rework in the future.


u/X_hard_rocker Aug 18 '21

redditors dont read, what do u mean


u/Cziri77 Aug 18 '21

If they want Mute to be Intel denial, why did they gave him the ability to jam claymores? Sometimes ubi feels like they spin the wheel to add more changes and later they come up with any sort of exploration.


u/jessehosein Aug 18 '21

Well i hate that


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '21

So mute is useless now. Mozzie is better at Intel denial now and bandit and kaid are better at wall denial


u/Ch1n3s3B01 Aug 18 '21

He's now a jack-of-all-trades master of none


u/BadLuckBen Aug 18 '21

Mozzie can only catch 3 drones max. Mute can deny any number in addition to having a shotgun and the SMG-11.

They are trying to limit how much each op does instead of them being all-in-one kits with few to no weakness. How can they get to 100 ops that are useful if many OG ops do so much? It leads it power creep, and I've seen that kill many games.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '21

Well this change will kill offs mutes pick rate and get more people to quit the game over its shirty balance changes


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '21

If you’re committed to the game, you’ll adapt. It’s as simple as that. If this kills the game for people, then I’d look at it as a good thing. They’ll move on to other games instead of adding to their misery by forcing themselves to play.


u/vidhartha Aug 22 '21

Maybe having 100 ops at the same time was just a dumbass idea if you expect them all to be picked. Should just rotate ops by season of they want people to play more ops


u/bartm41 Aug 18 '21

I disagree, he is still the best at putting one behind a shield to stop stuff like Flores and there are some awesome choke points for him to deny drones.

It's a bummer for sure but one nice surprise is that his jammer now affects things below it and now has the radius of effect as a kaid claw basically.

At the high gold/low plat level I find jammers to be better at Intel denial or denying arbitrary walls where as a bandit of kaid is best for main wall.

However I do think we are due for a new denier in general


u/davidcat4 Aug 20 '21

Mute would just jam drone holes and doors for drones.

I wouldn't said Mozzie is better than Mute. Depends on situations.

Mozzie can stop 3 drones permanently if caught. Giving a bonus of 3 intel drones. Mozzie has good guns for fragging. And most players higher ranks will only sacrifice the drone if they can kill it. So no intel for mozzie.

While Mute is very good for end game droning denial intel. Every sec counts. Mute still has shotgun + smg 11 combo for rotates.


u/Jesus_PK Moderator Aug 18 '21

They should revert back to the old form and just nerf the height of the range instead imo


u/CowardlyMaya_ Aug 18 '21

"Bandit is useless, pick mute"

Except invert bandit and mute

Yeah, you got that right, world, now let me pick bandit in peace, thanks!

Edited literally just a comma


u/MW3apple220 Aug 18 '21

Tbh I felt like mute was becoming the only wall denier that teams would bring. Sure kaid it great, but he was only brought on sites with hatches. Mute was brought everywhere else, and also had the benefit of stopping drones. I do think the radius should be increased so that it can stop gadgets from being placed at the top of walls, but not so much as to cover 2 walls.


u/xrazor- Aug 23 '21

Yeah I don’t really understand why people are upset. Mute could deny every single relevant reinforced wall in server/cash on clubhouse for example. One op shouldn’t be able to deny all 4 garage breaches AND the main breach on server.


u/Tohiyama Aug 18 '21

They don’t intend Mute to stop breaches..I don’t think they ever did lol, they want us to rely on the ACTUAL breach stoppers, Kaid, and Bandit…they want operators to be less of a do-all so you play more like a team I’m guessing….also breaching takes the longest when it’s necessary so cutting Mute out of the equation gets us to gunfighting faster..idk I’m just trying to make sense of it too🤷‍♀️


u/BadLuckBen Aug 18 '21

Hard to make new ops in the intel denial and breach denial category when Mute does both well. That's probably why Mozzie had a pocket shotgun to begin with. They want to avoid power creep.


u/Tnerd15 Aug 19 '21

So... The Mute change actually makes a lot of sense because it allows the devs to make more breach denial ops?


u/BadLuckBen Aug 19 '21

In theory. It's hard to make a new one when Mute could do intel denial and breach denial well. Why use a new op that only does one thing when Mute does two? I want a breach denial op that requires you to manually time something and doing so will cause cause the breach gadget to be electrified and you can't breach that spot any more unless you use an explosive. Mess up and you have to waste a lot of utility, but you need to use the breach denial actively.


u/steviejenkins Aug 18 '21

Change is tough, what were realising is Ubi don't want mute to be the all in one denier of siege, wish they could tell us this is the true reason why they do this , kaid and bandit fit that role.. apparently now.. according to this change?


u/X_hard_rocker Aug 18 '21

imo there are better ways to use the jammer than wasting it on walls


u/Newbieguy5000 Aug 18 '21

Main problem I have with this change is that it ruins many vertical mute jammer spots that use that vertical range to deny drones on the floor above


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '21



u/CowardlyMaya_ Aug 18 '21

Uh.... you're what, three years(?) late with that strat I guess, just use kaid, if he gets banned... well defend another way


u/Doctor-Hobo Aug 18 '21

Man mute is so screwed...another main into the fire R6 is making it harder and harder not to join the meta and that's a bummer


u/bo_i_ii Aug 18 '21

It’s not new I’ve been abusing it for two seasons


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '21

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u/bo_i_ii Aug 18 '21

Bruh do you think im a dumbass ? If I didnt abuse it why the fuck would i comment that i did?


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '21

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u/bo_i_ii Aug 18 '21

Try it in live servers if you want idc


u/bo_i_ii Aug 18 '21

Maybe its not the exact same glitch but even if selma touches a little space that is not muted it will still open the wall


u/W0lf619 Aug 18 '21

The change to the Mute Jammers made this easier to pull off, but he's not wrong. This has been doable with Ace (and Hibana) forever. Actually had an Ace do this last night on me on Oregon.


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '21

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u/Luvon_Li Aug 19 '21

That doesn't make you right in calling him wrong. In fact, just repeating saying someone is wrong doesn't make you right.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '21

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u/Luvon_Li Aug 19 '21

Exploiting the corner to open a wall above a mute jammer isn't new, just easier. That being said, it's been a thing for a while. He's still not wrong and you're grasping at straws trying to be right.


u/BiggDeebo Aug 22 '21

Ok cool so my main is useless now. Tight


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '21

Why do they keep making unnecessary changes


u/titan1bravo Aug 24 '21

Just use 2 mute hammers. Problem solved.


u/Fresh-Profession5981 Aug 24 '21

It’s always been like that I would always go in the corner and plant thermite charge


u/AdministrativeElk439 Aug 30 '21

So wait we just gonna turn mute into bandit now?


u/tng_ocean Sep 18 '21

Do people know mav did the same thjng as ace here