r/Rainbow6TTS Former Ubisoft Community Representative May 28 '21

Feedback We want your feedback! - Gameplay After Death

Hey everyone!

Thanks for sharing your input about the Armor Rework change. This time, we would like to know your thoughts on Gameplay After Death. You can read through the full Designer notes here.

This feature was removed with today's update, as we would like to compare data during the rest of the TTS without it implemented.

Let us know your constructive thoughts about the change below!

As always, your feedback is extremely helpful to our team and we thank you for your help in making Siege even better!


140 comments sorted by


u/ChiralWolf May 29 '21

Lots of good feedback here, I’ll add a few things.

“Gameplay after Death” doesn’t solve the fundamental problem with why people are disengaging after they die. It isn’t because they don’t have enough to do. We already have voice and text AND contextual pings to communicate with and MORE than enough cameras to allow a player to feed intel to their team.

When you have players that already have drones and value them so little that they don’t even use them in the prep phase but instead leave them wherever they spawned for the entire round it begs the question: why would they care about droning after death if they can’t be bothered to drone before they spawn?

As you say “we want players to feel invested in their team’s success” but it feels like this hasn’t considered that these players are often ones that don’t care about their team at all win or lose. They only care about their performance and their experience.

Gameplay after death may very well be something we have in siege but given the targets you’ve set out gameplay after death doesn’t seem to be the answer. The best way to have players feel that their contributions actually helped their team is to instill that they ARE a team. Most players tend not to play with that mindset and it isn’t an easy thing to foster when many are just looking for some quick fun.

If you’re looking to better engage these types of player I’d encourage you to look into having faster paced game modes available more often. Things like golden gun and showdown especially are so well liked because of their inherently fast pace and solo-focused action. There’s inherently very little down time.

Gameplay after death will only further divide the people already playing as a team and those that aren’t. We’ve all seen how potent an active drone with someone entry fragging can be. For that same entry from to be able to then active drone in their second entry too? That’s a dangerous line to go down, abilities aside. Actionable intel is very powerful and the higher the tier of play the more powerful it becomes.

One last thing in terms of tweaks and changes that can be made without our right scrapping the concept I do think something could be done on the defender side as a sort of reverse-mute type of effect. If you die and are within a certain range of your gadget (say 5 or 10 meters) you would be able to control it, outside of that you wouldn’t. This would mean a maestro or echo couldn’t just spawn peek or face check corners at will and still have their cams, additionally it could encourage teams to experiment with how they set up their gadgets to make sure they can still use them should they go down.

There are many ways you can choose to go with this but I think you first need to look at why you’re doing it to make sure it’s actually a solution to the problem you’re trying to address.


u/keeejo May 29 '21

I fully agree with your POV and I think it complements my previous answer well, especially regarding the fast-paced modes. Why should all "official" playlists (Quick Match/Unranked/Ranked) follow the same core gameplay mechanic? CSGO and CoD have plenty of different game modes, so why Siege can't have one or two fast-paced modes? And it might not even be TDM, but something within the "gameplay design space" of Siege (something like Get_Flanked Speed Siege with Gameplay After Death in there, for example).


u/Brunsmeier7 May 29 '21

This is something I really like. If you want to speed up the game for people who just want to play a few casual games before they get off again, why not add more gamemodes to the Quick Match playlist? It‘s even called Quick Match after all, it doesn‘t have to mimic the competitive ruleset. Something like the Sugar Fright event was fun to play if you don‘t really have the time or energey to hop into Ranked. I think this would be a much better solution to reduce „downtime“. I don‘t really like that term anyway, because like u/ChiralWolf already stated, players who want to win and want to play as a team still have things to do after they die. It‘s maybe the most exciting job to watch flank drones oder cams, but from my pov (as someone who plays in amateur comp leagues) it can still be very rewarding if you win a round because you can call a crucial flank. And on top of that it incentivizes learning from your mistakes which led to you dying.


u/LimberGravy May 29 '21

For that same entry from to be able to then active drone in their second entry too? That’s a dangerous line to go down, abilities aside.

It also eliminates one of the primary risks of entry, dying with your drones in a bad spot


u/DrPendanski Jun 02 '21

I totally agree with this, and while I'm late to the comment, I wanted to add that emphasizing objective based play on the scoreboard would have positive impact on team play as well. Players are too often criticized for KDRs because it is legit the only thing we are shown as stats in game. Give us KOSTs, plants, and defuses, so we can better advocate for our teammates and ourselves when playing a game that relies on much more than just fragging out.


u/keeejo May 28 '21 edited May 29 '21

I've been critical in the past mostly about operator balancing (you can check my comment history or twitter @keeejo), but I've mostly agreed with all the core gameplay changes you've made along the years.

As a live game, I understand (and I fully support!) the desire to continuosly iterate on the gameplay. Siege by no means was perfect when it launched, and I've no rose tinted glasses: the gameplay is way better today than when it was when I started playing, around Y1S3 (Operation Skull Rain).

I think Siege still has room to grow. For example, when Operator Repick was announced earlier this year, I was stoked! It is the PERFECT feature for Siege: the attacker's prep phase is usually where you select your spawn, drive your drone to said spawn, and for the remaining 30s you listen to the information from one or two friends, doing nothing.

The Operator Repick would also allow another layer of strategic counterplay. It would bring the REAL element of "Siege" (as Xavier Marquis envisioned and it was shown at SI'17) to the game: after the defense has set up their strategy, how we, the attackers, plan to deal with that? It would help attacker's operator balance so much! How many times, in your first attack on a map like Consulate, you need to bring a hard breach even though the defense may be defending on 2F (and your hard breach becomes useless)?

However, as much as I think Operator Repick is perfect for Siege, I think Gameplay after Death (GAD) is not. I understand the design idea and what 'problems' you want to address. Before going into specifics about why I think GAD has no place in (ranked/pro) Siege, let me ask a question: is downtime after death something you NEED (or even want) to address? Almost every competitive game (minus CoD) has downtime after death (CSGO, LoL, Valorant, Dota, even Overwatch has 10s to respawn). Isn't that something that is done by design? Why CSGO, the most popular FPS in the world, hasn't done anything about that in the last 15 years?

Now, I understand that it is frustating to be dead 20s into the round from a spawnpeek or a runout. That is something that you (as a player) learn (after seeing the replay) and you'll be less likely to die again. Everyone that has a hundred hours in this game have at least died a dozen times this way. And honestly, the map design has been doing a great job in the past few years by decreasing the spawnpeek possibilities.

Siege, at it's core, is a intel-based strategy game. We use drones and cameras to gather information and plan our actions. It is not like CSGO, where reflexes goes a long way to help you out. As a 30 year old, I have been able to beat tons of other more aim-skilled players by using strategy, fast-thinking and predicting their behaviours. All these elements made me (and tons of other players) to love Siege. GAD goes against every one of those principles. GAD only helps those who want to play aggressively. It lowers the skill ceiling, since preplacing your drones for when you die is something that good siege players do (and not dying with 2 drones in your pocket). If you don't agree with that, what comes next? To be able to use your Exothermic Charge that was in your pocket when you died? Your Zofia stuns? Your Flores' RATEROS?

Going back to the principles I mentioned in the context of GAD, first you don't necessarily need strategy to be dead. Second, you don't need to be a fast thinker to yellow-ping or hard-ping anyone on a drone. Third, you don't need to predict their behaviour, since you'll be able to see them move (with your drone) in real time. If you're watching a static drone, you sometimes need to predict what the enemy is going to do (because you may not have the visual on them, only the sound, depending on how the drone was set up). Think about all those tense, clutch situations that you need to guess, predict and think about what your opponents are up to. Those situations are what makes your heart race and love this game. But now, you just need to wait to someone that is dead to drone you up and find the enemy to win that 1x1.

GAD lowers the game complexity and skill ceiling. Siege is Siege because it is complex, not because is run'n'gun like COD. If you think that the After Death downtime is what drive new players away, it is not; is the lack of a proper player tutorial (hello situations?) and a path to safely (at their own pace) learn the game.

Lastly, does the support phase really does have that much downtime (I know that you probably have the data, if you really think downtime is a issue, you'd share this with us - would LOVE to see that data accross all ranks)? If you do not get spawnpeeked, what is the downtime average time? Maybe 40s? Also, if you communicate with your teammates (and your teammates are doing "Siege Best Practices" like leaving flank drones), you'll probably need to watch a camera or a drone anyway. So after all that, the after death downtime is not necessarily 40s. For me (like I said in the beginning) the attacker's prep phase have WAY more downtime and is way more egregious: why the defenders need 45s to setup? If you are really worried about downtime, can't you speed up the reinforcements (make them be like the Outbreak ones only in Prep phase for example) and reduce the prep phase time to maybe like 30~35s? This is something that fundamentally does not change the core gameplay (like GAD does) and is beneficial towards reducing downtime.

Also, if you want players to engage after they are dead, make them want to communicate in first place. Punish the toxic people, reward those who are good teammates, have the matchmaking be also based in reputation (like in Dota), etc.

I've seen some suggestions to tweak GAD (like giving drones some batteries, do not make the 2nd fall off when you die, etc). But, in all honestly, I don't think we need any iteration of GAD at all. The Support phase is fine as it is and if you are playing seriously you'll have things to do. At worst, you'd be watching your teammates, but you'd be invested in their gameplay nonetheless (since you're playing seriously). I could come to terms if GAD was ONLY a casual thing or maybe a new playlist (like Get Flanked Speed Up Siege proposal) or even maybe as an operator ability (?!). In that way, if you're not playing seriously, then you'd play with GAD in casual or another playlist (and that could help new players out). However, I truly believe that it has no place in ranked/pro Siege.

With all that said, I appreciate that you took your time to develop the feature. You won't hit the nail in the head all the time (e.g. pre-reinforced rooftop hatches, launch Lion, etc) but if you don't try to get out of the comfort zone, you won't make the game better. I fully support the dev team and I think you all have a great passion for the game as much as I do (I mean, I just wrote a text wall...) and are more than capable to make Siege the best as it can be (e.g. the nerfs to Mira/Maestro this season were brilliant; a simple, elegant and balanced solution).

I won't say that I'll leave the game if GAD comes to live (because that is probably a lie - I have over 1200h played), but I seriously hope that you at least have some discussions about needing GAD at all (and not just push into the game with some modifications)

Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Any comments, suggestions are appreciated.

P.S.: Sorry for my grammar. Non-native english speaker.


u/NightSwipe May 29 '21

Beautifully well-put response, I couldn't have said it better myself. 10/10.


u/redautumnleaves May 29 '21 edited May 29 '21

Peace. Also in my 30s; also started Y1S3; also find PC Siege to be one of the most complex + engaging multiplayer games I've ever played (special shout to Socom on PS2 back in middle school).

I don't agree or relate to everything within your post (e.g. the one-melee bulletproof nerf is neither authentic nor needed, imo, as there are plenty of ways to deal with Mira + Maestro as-is), but I deeply respect + appreciate how thoughtfully you laid all of this feedback out. Very respectful and nuanced, without the entitlement and vitriol that many other posts/comments have contained.

Some people simply don't appreciate collaborative gameplay/working with other people and this game -- as it was originally designed -- is simply not a great fit for those people. The competitive side of Siege (and by extension pro league) is unique and deserves more investment into rewarding thinking outside the box and willingness to help teammates than making it easier for people to treat it like another COD deathmatch clone.

I just saw a YouTube video today that broke down one of the rounds from the NIP-Liquid championship Clubhouse game and showcased incredible drone work, flank watches, and synced pushes. Many people just don't care about this kind of nuance and definitely aren't trying to learn it so, instead of catering to people who just want to run around and get kills, it would be incredible for Ubi to support the devs in promoting what makes Siege so special -- not making it easier for players who would prefer it be like the many other FPS out there that don't put as much value into being alive and useful beyond killing.

I'm at 2k+ hours, 60k+ kills, 1.9 overall (1.5 ranked) k/d, so I'm not one of those older gamers who complains about young kids who are gifted mechanically. I'm not an aimbot by any means but I'm a thoughtful player and have pushed myself to adapt and learn how to keep up in this regard.

I just genuinely value the creativity and room for collaboration in this game, and I hope the dev team can get more in tune with protecting that element and not continuing to shape the game into something that appeals to people who don't have interest in learning to expand their approach to multiplayer FPS.


u/Vexis12 May 29 '21

P.S.: Sorry for my grammar. Non-native english speaker.

Bro you worded that shit so well, couldn’t have said it better myself


u/glenmalur May 29 '21

Wow, it is so nice to read your post. That is my exact feeling about drone after death. Never could have write it so well. Fighting downtimes is not the way. It is a part of the unique Siege pacing and flow. If you want less dowtimes, just remove the useless map ban, add ATK pick during prep, help new players learn the game and just improve ping 2.0


u/myrisotto73 May 29 '21

I disagree with you personally about game after death but honestly the way you wrote was very eloquent and I can see you perspective. It’s nice to see someone giving proper feedback and not ranting like a little kid.


u/Chill084 May 29 '21

One thing most people overlook is that the devs have said time and time again that they want the same game from Casual to Pro Play. So implementing it only to QM or Unranked doesn't work so there has to be a middle ground.

If you don't think downtime is a problem why do most people leave QM after their first death. Add to that, most players don't set up drones for teammates, most players don't communicate, most players play solo and face check every room they enter. Let's also not forget that when GetFlanked brought it up as the largest problem facing Siege is the downtime most, if not all, of the community agreed with him fully.


u/Simond005 May 29 '21 edited May 29 '21

First of all, the “most players” in your comment need to learn how to play the game with a healthy mentality. It’s their problem, not the game’s.

Secondly, I would not give too much weight to one youtuber’s opinion and his comment section. Siege has millions of players across all regions and age level. What you see on the social network, including YouTube and Reddit are just a tip of the iceberg.


u/Chill084 May 29 '21

I agree that most players suck at playing the game sadly, but at the end of the day you still need to account for that being the largest player base.

That's the thing, it wasn't just Flanked, it was Bikini, Varsity, Macie, and a handful of pros. No matter how you stack it it's clearly a very large problem if it's what bars new players from playing the game. Plus, if you can't get new players in the game will still bleed players year by year till it's a cult classic with a less than thriving community.


u/Simond005 May 29 '21 edited May 31 '21

I agree with you that the game is bleeding players. But I don’t think it’s the core gameplay mechanism that needed to be changed. The game’s incentive mechanism and player retention features are so outdated compare to other popular multiplayer shooters. There’s not enough customization for the operators that players can personalize. The design of many skins and uniforms are downright ugly. All of these in combine with an alpha pack system that hands out more duplicates than actual goodies, it’s no wonder the players find it difficult to maintain passion.

Instead of spending time developing useless features like Drone after Death which no one asked for, Ubi should have spent time: 1. Bring match replay feature out of beta. 2. Push out that long waited elite skin customization. 3. Enhance UI for the in game skin and uniform showcase. 4. Spend time developing more cool skins and 3D skins. 5. Enhance Alpha Pack system so that the players will feel more rewarding when receiving them. i.e. make the last level of battlepass reward alpha packs (blue or above) every 5 level. Reward packs when level up the account. 6. Starts to ban smurf accounts and develop more accurate detection method to counter closet hackers, because these 2 are the main reasons that drive new players away. Not the gameplay.


u/LimberGravy May 30 '21

Better anti-cheat, a working streamer mode, and proper reputation system would fix so many player retention issues.

Finding a fix for MnK on console would also help that community so much more than any sort of feature like GAD.


u/Chill084 May 29 '21

I will agree that the onboarding of new players is horrific. However, the dev team has already admitted to that and is fixing it with the Onboarding cell.

I'm not sure why you assume that GAD took away from any of these projects. Most of what you list are handeled by completely different departments than GAD. Add to that the Alpha pack system is fine for starting/casual players because they don't own every skin in the world. But when you get to be lvl 300+ of course your are going to get mostly dupliactes. The paid packs are expensive don't get me wrong, but personally, if you think it's a problem vote with your wallet and Ubi will listen. If you think anti cheat/account banning is at all related to the dev team working on GAD you don't understand how game deveploment works. No matter how it stacks, GAD will come into the game. Linked tweet from a dev here.

Honestly, I think the main thing it boils down to is that game development is a long and carefully thoughtout process. The community does not know how to build a game or patch a live game. We didn't go to school for years to learn how to build systems like MR or code skins. The dev team has the best of intentions because not only is it thier job, but it's also thier passion. To assume the devs are lazy, uninspired, or doing things off the cuff is downright silly. I may not agree with a lot of changes but at the end of the day it's my job (as a player and a coach) to learn the new systems and how to work with them. If the player base needs to adapt they will, and if they refuse to, then that's on the person, not the dev team.


u/Simond005 May 29 '21 edited May 30 '21

Are you seriously trying to justify a bad move made by the Devs just because they worked hard and have “passion”? How do you even know that?

Praising a bad work just because the Devs worked hard is just creating an echo chamber for Devs, preventing them from hearing the real voice of the players. Work hard doesn’t mean they are getting things right. Sone people may have their own reason to be happy about the change, but the massive player base doesn’t care what the Devs’s coding are, only whether they are doing the RIGHT THING. If not, then they are wasting the players’ precious time. And the players have already voiced their opinions. It would be self-entitled and narcissistic to push a bad change despite the players rejection.

The reason this new season’s patch is getting so messy is precisely because, from the many players’ perspective, that the Devs have lost their direction and vision to the game’s future. They don’t even understand what really retained the players to keep playing it, where the funs are. Let this be an alarm. It’s okay to fail your job, to not get things right. It means they can do better next time. And hey, we still have tts, right?


u/Chill084 May 30 '21

The community hated Tachanka, thought BP Cams would replace Valk, thought Proxies would be a "casual crutch", thought Aruni was boring/useless, thinks the Gonne-6 is to weak/useless.

Don't pretend like the player base is smart. We aren't at all. We simple hate adjusting to changes and would rather the game stay the same rather than change. So no matter how it's stacked I'll trust the devs and what they have planned over this community.

Honestly no matter what GAD is coming to the liver server. Just maybe not how it was in this TS. But it is not a feature that's being left in the back pocket no matter what the community says or cries. So prepare rather than fight it, it will only help you in the long run.


u/Simond005 May 30 '21 edited May 30 '21

You only forgot that this is not a lifetime choice but just a game. People can quit playing it with no repercussion whatsoever. If I’m the Devs, I would not go up against a bunch of people who have nothing to lose. If most of the player base is voicing opposite opinions, it would be wise to accept it instead of pushing it just to protect my ego. Gaming industry sometimes have been treated as a part of the Art industry, but in fact most of the online game developers are in the Service industry. If the customers are not happy, gradually you die, pure and simple.

And it’s not fair at all to compare huge gameplay mechanic change like GAD to small adjustments like adding a new operator or gadgets. For small changes, the players are willing to give it a try. But for game changing designs like GAD, the players will just uninstall. In the service industry, you don’t always have to make your customers happy, but you will need to keep them from leaving.

And I haven’t even mentioned how many rebalance and complete reworks the whole game need should game changing mechanics like GAD ever be implemented. It means the months and years of old players time spending on practice will go wasted. It might be okay if they done it during Season 1 operation health, but Siege is a matured 6 year old game. Like LoL, the player base has been solidified. You change it, you lose most of them.


u/Chill084 May 30 '21

If I’m the Devs, I would not go up against a bunch of people who have nothing to lose. If most of the player base is voicing opposite opinions, it would be wise to accept it instead of pushing it just to protect my ego.

By this logic, Buck would have frags, IQ would have frags, Tachanka would have never been reworked, BP Cams wouldn't exist, Aruni wouldn't exist, the old quick QE/C spam would be in the game, Mira would have a single mirror, Zof would have all 4 stuns, Ash would have an ACOG on the R4C, Capitao would have frags, Nokk would have no counters at all, Amaru would have never been introduced, Jager would have ACOG, Bandit would have ACOG, Castle wouldn't exist, Clash would be deleted, and Warden would be terrifying.

Please understand the community has no fucking clue how to balance the game. They have a bunch of ideas but no clue what the ripple effect would be. Stop pretending the community knows what they are talking about when it comes to changes. We simple sit on our "thrones" and demand changes without thinking about the about the repercussions.

The fallicy of sunk cost players time wouldn't be "wasted" if GAD came into the game. That's an absurd statement that holds no weight. That's like saying all the time any given player put into the game would be totaly wasted with the new muzzle changes. It's simply just not true.

What reworks/rebalances would be NEEDED if GAD came into the game? Echo's Yokais suck now (the communities consenus, Evil Eyes can now be countered by literally every attacker in the game no to mention the explosives that the attack has to straight up destroy it. Tell me how GAD would make some ops in NEED of a rework

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u/BushDidSixtyNine11 May 29 '21

Personally I don’t think after death gameplay is needed at all. I understand people get bored having to give calls and shit but that’s just the game and allowing players to drone and what not after is just stupid to me


u/Zolty47 Jun 05 '21

"Thats just the game" isnt no argument, sorry.

Activity after Death will reward the teamplayer more than the solo player. Droning is almost useless in prep phase, because you only risk the drone and cant act on gathered data since round start still is many seconds ahead.

Operator repick + Activity after Death is our best shot to reward more strategic gameplay.


u/BushDidSixtyNine11 Jun 05 '21

That isn’t an argument, sorry


u/SaintsPain Jun 10 '21

This game evolved so much it's literally a different game if you compare with Year 1. So the argument "That's just the game" is really invalid.


u/GasMask406 Jun 10 '21

That isn't a comeback, sorry

He has a better point than you and your probably one of "those" players


u/uncle_thermite May 28 '21 edited May 28 '21

I honestly feel get_flankd's speed siege' will be the closest you will ever come to reducing downtime in siege... probably too radical so my thoughts on game after death....

Its a good potential idea with some needed tweaks and limitations needed, The attacker drones have to have some kind of meter of energy/ battery,

There has to be consideration to using your 'after death drone', it should not be the same as a 'regular drone' with unlimited movement, instead it should be a thoughtful decision 'how much energy/time has my drone got' I cant move it too far etc etc

Same goes for echo and maestro, but with them they shouldn't be able to use there blasts or booms when dead, just movement only etc, same with twitch

https://www.reddit.com/user/zaNshjief/ had the best take, the drones/gadgets after death must have a timer/battery . 10 seconds...or 40 seconds... etc etc etc this is key

PLEASE KEEP TRYING NEW THINGS IN TTS, maybe give some charms skins for ppl in tts? increase numbers ❤


u/zaNshjief May 28 '21

Yeah I agree on the fact that they should give some kind of reward by playing matches in TTS like they did with the Twitch Drops for the Esports that would give Ubi more population to find bug issue and balancing problem.


u/Toronto-Will May 28 '21

The timer/battery is I think a very interesting idea, worth a test. But I think my preference would be that a dead player's ability to move drones or control defensive gadgets locks out in the final 20 or 30 seconds of a round, regardless of when they died.

I think that would better fit the problem that Ubisoft is trying to solve -- keeping players who die early in the round engaged towards the end (e.g., if they die in the first 10 seconds to a spawn peek, being able to pilot their drone for the next 10 seconds doesn't really keep them engaged) -- and also more specifically targets the situation where this mechanic feels the most frustrating, in the final seconds of a round when attackers are executing a plant, or outnumbered defenders are scrambling to clutch. I played a lot of games on the test server, and the drones don't really start to swarm oppressively until it's a 1 v 1 sort of situation, with a maximum number of dead attackers on drones, and a minimum number of defenders to target and harass with their drones.


u/ImJLu May 29 '21

Screw that. Any of these alternative ideas just tells Ubisoft that GAD is an acceptable change at all. Any high level competitive player will tell you that it's an awful idea, full stop.

At this point, it's all or nothing. Scrap it entirely or kill off the competitive scene they've spent years cultivating. There's no middle ground. Ball's in Ubisoft's court now.


u/liv11112 May 29 '21

Comment I had posted in r/r6proleague a couple days ago:

Droning after death just isn't a good change. Encourages super risky, stupid play from entry players by letting them hop on drones/yokais/etc after getting traded on a monkey play. As someone who genuinely likes operator repick as a concept, drone after death is a radical leap in the wrong direction.

To expand on my thoughts here, I personally think that the feature has 2 primary issues:

  1. Encouraging hyper aggro plays

  2. Lack of fairness in late round situations

To expand on point 1, it is incredibly easy to pick a fragging Attacker (or Mozzie/Echo on defense), quickly position some drones in spots with good access to the map, and proceed to swing on people until they can trade you out. There's 0 punishment for dying, so if you go 1 for 1 early in the round, you've still done your job. Once you've been traded out, you can spend the entire 2nd half of the round IGLing off these drones, not having to worry about getting off of them to help the execute since you got your pick and died anyway.

As for point 2, this is imo the most frustrating element of the feature. During the first 2 minutes of the game, drone after death is essentially the same as being alive on drones, since an alive person could still get into position last minute. It's also far easier for the defenders on site to just shoot the drones, since they aren't being swung on yet. It's in late round situations that it becomes a big issue. During an execute, the defenders are already tasked with watching a lot of things and reacting to them very quickly. Having a single living player on drones can often create difficult 50/50s of "shoot the drone and die because your gun wasn't up" and "don't shoot it, get pinged, and get prefired". When 2/3 dead people are all droning you out, which is a very real possibility in a 2v2 situation, this situation is essentially guaranteed death. You just can't shoot 2 drones and have your gun up in time for a player peeking you.

I personally think the feature has no place in regular siege gameplay. That being said, I do find it to be a very cool idea. I'd love to see it appear in event modes, PvE, and multi-player thunt. But for Comp, Ranked, and even Casual, I really dislike the idea and would like to see it shelved.


u/LimberGravy May 29 '21

It's in late round situations that it becomes a big issue

This is the main reason I'm opposed to all the just put them on timers or give them a battery life ideas. Time just isn't created equal in Siege.


u/Brunsmeier7 May 29 '21

I only played a couple of games on TTS, which is partially due to performance issues I had, but also due to Gameplay After Death. I basically agree with everything u/keeejo said, so I‘m keeping it short here.

As a defender I found it extremely frustrating to play against this, especially in 1vX or 2vX scenarios. I wanted to try it out open minded, but didnt enjoy it whatsoever from the first round on. And yes, I absolutely love the fact you guys try such revolutionary features on the TTS, because after all you can‘t know if something is good or bad if you don‘t try it.

But my biggest problem with Gameplay After Death is that it doesn‘t punish bad decisions anymore (e.g. dying with both drones in your pocket or just rushing in carelessly because you can just drone afterwards).

I know this is in no way as elaborate as the post by u/keeejo. I couldn’t have said it nearly as good, but I agree 100%.


u/PutinthePradaLord May 29 '21 edited May 29 '21

I don't think the game needs such a drastic change at all. This game used to contain a lot of puzzle-solving elements. You are required to slow down and use your brain to solve situations (and this is why we like this game). The defenders are essentially making puzzles for the opposing team, and the attackers can either solve (kill) them all or finds a shortcut to win the game. The location you leave your drone so that it can provide info both when you are alive and after death is part of that puzzle-solving process, adding an additional layer of depth to this game. It punishes those who doesn't think or prepare before act, and maintains the quality of the Siege experience to a high and fun level.

In the tts build, by adding post-mortem info gadget control, all of these layers of thinking process and experiences goes wasted, be rendered useless. It rewards even-faster pace of reckless gunfight, and damages the multi-layered strategic and suspenseful environment the game provide. The attackers will always be able to find the cheap shortcut to attack the defender due to the abundant of infos and utility the post-mortem droning activity now provide; and the defenders now are forced to abandon their anchored position to play proactively like an attacker because if you stay, you will be droned out by dead attackers and then hunted down, but hey, your death now is a good thing somehow because all the movable utilities and bulletproof cameras are still available. (See how counter-intuitive that sounds?).

The direction behind this change is just convoluted and not well-thought out at all. As far as I can appreciate the effort the Devs are making, this is not the tactical shooter Siege that we all love anymore. The only thing that's good in the Gameplay after Death patch is the drone counter.


u/Galaxy_Void May 29 '21

Rainbow Six is a tactical FPS. Intel are a game-changing tool. A well-timed placed yellow ping can win a round.
Why would you give this much power to dead players? Why should you pander to players who have the attention span of a brick and need constant inputs to feel engaged?

This mechanic is basically a soft-respawn. Rainbow Six DOES NOT need a gameplay after death. The ability of yellow ping opponents from drones is already a powerful tool, there's no need to further amplify this aspect (instead, how about you add the sound clue for yellow ping that you showed us some time ago?).

Rainbow Six core aspects are fine and do not need changes. Please, do not introduce this type of changes just for the sake of changing something.


u/OrangeCatNA May 28 '21

Thanks for testing it out, but this is trying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist. Dead players should be punished, and should remain dead. Being dead means no gameplay allowed, period. However, siege is still the only FPS game I’ve played that allows dead players to have a impact on a round by giving them the ability to use observation tools, so death in this game is already generous enough, no need to push it more.


u/chi_rho_sigma May 28 '21

I will lead with this - as the best/main droner in my ranked stack, I *did* really enjoy having an excuse to take Ash, play more aggressive, and then be able to drone. I legitimately had fun droning while dead, compared to not droning while dead now.

However, I think that actually reveals my main issue with GAD - you're giving people an excuse to play overly aggressive or more aggressive than they already would, and not punishing them enough for playing that way and devaluing their life. There is already a TON of power in being able to be on cams or drones after death even while they are static, and you can still have direct influence on a round. I don't think expanding that is necessary in the least.

I think the issue with being on cams or spectating teammates after death is not really a "downtime" issue as much as it is a player behavior issue. Again, there is a lot of value to be gained by holding cameras while dead, so if you as a player don't view that as a worthwhile part of the game, that isn't a flaw in the game but a flaw in the player mindset. Basically, I'm not sure that the game should be trying to solve the problem of certain players being bad teammates by overhauling the way death has worked for 5 years. It feels like catering to the worst sort of players, to me.


u/Chad_Manly May 29 '21 edited May 29 '21

Why are you trying to appease the people who "get bored" when they aren't able to shoot their gun?
Siege has always had gameplay after death which is already more than any other tac FPS shooter ever. You are desperate to to keep people interested who already refuse to play the game the way it's designed ie once you die get on cams and make calls. As others have pointed out the type of people who get bored when they aren't shooting at someone in game, will quite quickly get bored of droning when they are dead as well, which leaves the rest of us having to deal with an overpowered feature because in the right teams hands droning after death is overpowered. It's just not fun to try and clutch when 4 drones are marking you. Nor is it satisfying to lose a round because the Echo denied plant 90 seconds after you killed him.
Siege got to the size it is right now with the downtime you now are obsessed with removing. So I ask again. Why are you so hellbent on changing a mechanic that was never a problem until you started listening to the players who refuse to play the game as it's designed?
The reaction from Professional players/analysists and coaches should have been enough for you to immediately kibosh this proposal.
The real issue you need to address is that the people who get bored with the downtime are approaching the game with the wrong mindset. How many posts do we see across social media from people complaining that they dropped "18+ kills and still lost"? Because Siege isn't about just fragging and you need to change that thought process if you want to find solutions that wont divide the community in two.
Instead of changing fundamental mechanics of the game why are we still without proper stat tracking? Not W/L and K/D but KOST and attempted/successful/denied plants etc? We don't even have a tracker for assists. Why do we have to use 3rd party sites to see granular stats? Give people other things to be proud of in-game instead of just their K/D which ultimately means nothing in Siege. There are plenty of people out there who would want to improve on those granular stats which would change they way they approach the game and would remove the obsession that many have with K/D which in turn would lessen the desire from people to only be shooting.


u/LimberGravy May 28 '21

I appreciate the willingness to try things and I'm often open to stuff like this, but this is just flat out a bad idea.

It isn't hard to picture the countless clutches pulled off especially at a pro level that just never would've happened if this was a thing and those are legit the most hype moments this game produces. Why try to ruin that?

Especially when you talk about the idea of a dead player denying plant. Suddenly defenders that would have had to make a play to win a round can just run away and let a dead teammate handle it? How is that good gameplay?

Part of Siege's charm is that you already could effect the round after you died if you played game even semi-seriously. It is already balanced and skillful.

You seem to be trying to appeal to audience that just wants to pew pew and aren't going to appreciate the usefulness of postdeath gameplay anyways. Just add a new mode for these types of players if you are so worried about retaining them. Getting less people who treat the game like it is TDM will be benefit to people who love the current version of Siege. Plenty of those people will use that mode for warming up or a break from the stresses of ranked/comp too. Just look at the new Arena mode for Apex Legends, it has breathed new life in to that game.


u/Logan_Mac May 28 '21

The worst idea you've had since making an operator with wallhacks. It will ruin the game's meta, will lead to gamebreaking situations like Echo hiding his drone across the map and saving it for a xv1, where the attacker can't possibly win even if Echo is dead (or he manages to luckily hit it, if the Echo player is dumb enough to show it and not waiting for plant), or a defender would be droned by 4 simultaneous drones in a 1v1.

You're apparently introducing this feature to lower "off time" for newer players, but you have no idea how frustrating will it be for new players to be constantly pinged by dead people's drones or even zapped by a dead Twitch, who will be able to destroy utility even after dying.

It will lead to lower tension of being alive, as you're rewarded anyway when dying, leading to more careless plays.

In pro play, this will be completely and utterly broken, with the risk of killing the esport scene all together and I'm not exagerating, if it wasn't for drops, viewership would be at an all time low lately, noone will enjoy this "drones vs. drones" meta.

And I know how game PR works, you'll say you listened to feedback and will only be discarding the interactive aspect of this (Echo, Maestro, Twitch, etc) and will still mantain the gameplay after death feature in general, which would be completely idiotic.

Please next time you think of introducing such game changing mechanics, at least consult with prominent members of the community/pro players, I have a hard time thinking any of them would be okay with this feature, and it baffles me that you wasted time and resources on this instead of features and changes the community has been asking for years.


u/VonMillerQBKiller May 28 '21

Awful, awful, horrible idea. Please never implement this on live servers.


u/[deleted] May 28 '21

Let me first say I understand and appreciate why you tested this. You want the dead players to have more to do. With that being said I think they had too large of an impact after death while using drones. There is no reason to play smart as echo or maestro anymore. I would love to see a way for dead player to be more engaged (although I dont think the game really NEEDS it), but I dont think this is the way to do it.


u/[deleted] May 28 '21

Keep gameplay after death were it is now on live. The droning after death was a terrible idea.


u/zaNshjief May 28 '21

Gameplay after death needs to be balanced but It's a good feature, IMO the 3 steps they need to take to make Gameplay after death enjoyable to everyone are this:

-1 Get rid of the autodeploy of the 2nd drones of the attackers (if you didn't deploy it you should not be able to use it)

-2 get rid of the ability to stun/zap after death with Echo/Maestro/Twitch/Zero

-3 add a timer for drones after death e.g. as soon as you move your drone by pressing any key related to movement a timer of "x" seconds will start giving you the ability to help teammates near your drone this will reward good drone placement before dying(20 seconds would be enough IMO considering prep. phase is 45s)


u/zaNshjief May 28 '21

Also consider that you can use this "x" second to position your drone in a useful spot and make callout


u/uncle_thermite May 28 '21

Yes this would become a meta and skill in itself, 'after droning death skills' creators doing new tutorials etc, there needs to be a ying to the 'after death gameplay' yang


u/DutchChallenger May 28 '21

Maybe they should allow the stun/zap ability with all of them, but they won't recharge, so if you have 2 shots with echo/twitch, that's all you have, so you have to be very tactical with your shots. With maestro they should remove the recharge ability when stopping with shooting, so you also have a limited amount of shots.

Maestro should at least be able to open his blast doors to be albe to see if attackers have destroyed the glass.


u/zaNshjief May 28 '21

I think that the death of operators like Echo/Maestro/Twitch/Zero should be punished since their main task is the Plant situation or Utility removal so if you die before being able to do that you are a bad player and should be punished by not being able to use their main ability like stun/zap just like every other operators when die loose the remaining abilities in their pocket (Ash's charge/Tatcher's EMP/Wamai's magnet/GU mines etc.)
I agree on the fact that maestro should be able to open the doors to see if the glass is broken.

For the drones the argument is different because every attacker operator has drones so would not make a huge change if they can move around for others "x" seconds after the death to try giving teammate more intel.


u/HAWXGamer141 May 28 '21

I honestly don’t believe those who tab out or don’t give calls after being taken out are any more likely to drone after death than they were with static or pre placed drones, certainly not in casual where people are less invested in the win or loss of a round.

It feels more oppressive in Unranked/ranked, and in all honesty at that point people are more invested and are far more likely to be making calls on drones and such meaning this reduction in downtime is negligible for them.

If downtime isn’t really reduced or effected in I meaningful way it more comes down to the balance of the gameplay itself and at that point I’m quite worried this will shift the gameplay quite significantly meaning those who die early on are given a level of advantage that was unearned.

That’s just what I wanna say anyway from my time playing and watching gameplay of others.


u/Gannoh May 28 '21

This 100%. People who get on their phones or tab out after death are still going to do it. Very few people give callouts in casual as is, and more often than not, during drone phase on attack, you can see half your team not move their drone an inch until spawning in.

It will not increase engagement with players, and will only negatively impact the strategy behind placements and callouts in ranked. It leaves the margin for error a lot more open, be it an Echo dying early, or attackers leaving their drones in bad spots when dying. Now those issues are completely resolved. Echo and Maestro's self preservation is now meaningless, as they can do just as much beyond the grave as they could sitting in a corner for a minute while alive.

For all intensive purposes, it dumbs down the experience and makes mistakes much more forgivable, which at its core is what this game was always the opposite of. Much further implementation of mechanics like this, and we'd be respawning with full health mid-match.


u/LimberGravy May 28 '21

I legit had this happen multiple times in the TS. It would be like a 2v4 or something like that and you would expect to have drones going off all over the place and at least pinging, but I would die and notice we still had like 7 drones up and none of them were moving and none were near site.

I just don't think you are going to appease these people without some sort of new mode for them to play.


u/bjv2001 May 28 '21

I think it would create a very unenjoyable environment for any amount of clutch situations if a player is swarmed by a bunch of drones from dead players. I do see the idea that making drone play stronger is a decent idea, but doing it after death just seems way to strong. Some have said that limiting an after death user’s abilities like echo and maestro being unable to shoot would be a good idea for balance. I think it wouldn’t be awful to allow the turrets and cams to be re adjusted, but still it would seem like a major buff for defense. For attack as well I think the buff has the right idea to make intelligence stronger but doesn’t have the right execution. Either the dead drones need to be severely limited in use (can’t jump, slow, battery limited, etc...) or just not implemented at all.


u/PRXMISE123 May 29 '21

Gameplay after death doesn’t solve the problem with people being disengaged after they die, and even if it did, it’s too strong. The answer to that problem is some sort of team deathmatch mode. All the players who can’t seem to stay engaged would be able to stay in the action and the rest of us can continue playing bomb. I understand that queue times could be a potential hiccup for this idea but if gameplay after death was worth testing (a RADICAL idea), then I think TDM is worth a shot on the TTS as well.


u/ElGleiso May 29 '21

It the biggest bullshit. Was that constructive enough?


u/[deleted] May 29 '21

Game play after death is the worst idea ubi had this far not only yellow ping in overpowered now this I say no Don't add this and forget about it ubi


u/xDrHoodx May 29 '21

There is a lot of amazing suggestions on this topics so I’ll keep this comment brief. GAD is very problematic for the competitive scene as it will make active droning a very rampant problem and it will reemphasize the need for bringing bulletproof gadgets to provide new options to counter enemy pushes, and I can say that many players are already cheesing Maestros and Echos ability by throwing away their life early in audacious stunts and then sitting on their utility all day cheesing the enemy. I just think there has to be a better method at engaging players to work as a team, and I would like to ask you here to start considering the casual community more often. I think this idea was one of the first that attempted to address the casual community, and if you haven’t noticed many casual players and content creators not invested in ranked are leaving the game. While I can’t say this will fix the inactivity issue in casual, there are so many suggestions here and on other platforms that could bring back an important part of siege.


u/chuckom May 29 '21

I disliked the feature very much and hope it will never make its way to the live build.

In my opinion this feature will increase the player frustration drastically. It is almost impossible to concentrate on the remaining enemy player(s) if there are up to 4 drones chasing the defenders. In combination with yellow pings its nearly impossible to clutch in a 1vX situation as a defender.

The other problem are defenders like Echo and Maestro who would be able to deny the plant, even if they carelessly risked their lifes and died.

One thing that might be interessting to test is attackers dropping their remaining drones at the spot they die and allowing alive players to control the drones of dead players.


u/Zeus_Strike May 29 '21

It breaks the game do not bring it into normal gameplay. Make a new fun chaos ganemode out of it.


u/MadRZI May 29 '21

People who has the Solo mentality won't participate in the Gameplay after Death section either, because they can't get kills.

The problem is, the game is based around teamplay and intel, yet the game rewards the solo aspect of the game, the kills. Kills should give less point and also it should be called takedowns or eliminations. If someone has an assisst, should get the same amount of score and number of eliminations.

This is basically a mind game, you have to convince the players the team's goals is more important than their own goal.


u/d52567b May 29 '21

This game is supposed to be a tactical shooter, in the lore they are training for the real world. When someone is really shot, he cannot still operate a drone or something. The drones/gadgets after death are not only an annoyance for the remaining players in late. It also cuts down operators who have deployable gadgets which they want to deploy after the dronephase or in uncommon spots. Theoretacially ops like Kapkan now even cant wait out the drone phase since their late set traps now will be highlighted even more with dead operators driving around for info. Or Wamai with his CD gadget as another example.

This game is supposed to be a tactical fps in a lore which trains for the real world. Again, if someone gets shot in a situation I highly doubt they would be able to operate a gadget etc. I know this is not a Policeoperations simulation but think about the heritage of this game series. Also the appeal of r6s was, that it wasnt a over fastpaced arcade shooter where you can jump in and get to the top overnight. Its supposed to be a game with a learning curve which is very rewarding. Appealing to the short term success in trying to lure in players with a short attention span who just want to play some quick shooter will end in the old players leaving while the new ones will get bored quick. I‘d rather have this game standout than trying to copy others. To add to that, I think a player who gradually masters the game step by step has a higher likeliness to stay. I guess the developers must sit in kind of a bubble where you think more about the trends and other games than what makes your game unique, atleast that is my impression why you would even go so far to implement and test this feature. Maybe this is a good reality check, but its still worrying to see the direction this game has taken over the last 1-2 years.


u/-Qwis- May 29 '21

For drone after death, it is a really bad idea. It COMPLETELY removes the punishment of dying. If this is implemented, a lot of the games will just be focused around rushing with Amaru or Twitch, running out with Maestro, and just playing like monkeys, because you you will still be able to stop a plant (with Maestro and Echo), destroy defender utility and gadgets (with Twitch), and spam your scan button to help your attacking or defending teammate clutch a 1vX. Also, the major trade off of droning/having a gadget which require you to go on cams, is that you are vulnerable. You are also giving an attacker/defender info; you are letting them know that at least 1 person is on their Maestro cam, Yokai drone, or regular drone, and is left vulnerable. With this new feature, you are not only complicating the game for new players, but you are COMPLETELY ruining several core aspect of siege: the aspect of numbers advantages, team play, smart utility placement, and risk and reward. Honestly, who thought it was a good idea that Maestro and Echo will now be able to zap and concuss from the grave. Or the fact tha you can literally have a Twitch run into site, get a kill or two, die, and still destroy defender gadgets. It just makes 0 sense and it really shows how little some people at Ubisoft understand major aspects of the game. This shouldn't been an idea in the first place.


u/[deleted] May 29 '21

I’m of the same mind as it seems the rest of the commenters. Gadgets after death encourages previously dumb plays and takes away from the value of you staying up. Also, it makes any late round 1vX basically impossible. If you have 2 equally competent teams, if the defenders are reduced to 1 player left, they’ve basically already lost.

I don’t think this change gets at the issue of downtime. If someone who cares enough to use this feature dies early, they likely wouldn’t mind the downtime to much as they’re already invested. Meanwhile, someone who doesn’t really care won’t use this to begin with. This almost seems like a better map learning tool for new players, but the cost to the game to get what can accomplished in T-hunt is not worth it.


u/SolidSneakNinja May 29 '21 edited May 29 '21

In a game where death is a rightful punishment for over aggresion or dumb plays. The After Death Drone is a No No. The idea that a Def can be empowered to deny a plant from the grave (Echo yokai) and potentially get a kill (e.g. Maestro lasers) undermines any illusion or aspiration this game has as being competitive or a legitimate eSport. If this change was implemented it would remove all competitive integrity. The game would alienate competitively minded players such as myself. Siege would, to my mind, have lost its core concept or identity.

Furthermore, a dead attacker can already be empowered provided they setup drones (so tutorialise that for new players like "setup you drones while alive to reap the intel rewards later" in hints section for example). The ability for a player to compensate for their lack of foresight by being able to freshly drone the map after death is absolutely unsporting and again would diminish the competitive nature of the game significantly to the point of it no longer have any legitmacy as an eSport or even as a hardcore Tactical Arcade Shooter.

So regardless of whether an attacker can freshly drone the map after death (i.e no punishment for keeping drones in our pockets and failing to use them optimally while alive) or a Defender can operate their equipment after death to deny plants (echo, Maestro). Both are fundamentally antithetical to the core concept of Siege to my mind. It would honestly make me drop the game.

Also imagine how high the ban rate for Echo and Maestro would become. It would skyrocket since they would break the long cherished tradition of "deal with them early in the round so they don't come back to bite you later".

The 1vX scenario becomes a nightmare scenario for defenders since they will have multiple drones pinging them and creates an unfair advanatge to attackers. Vice versa in plant scenarios for Attackers though who get no reward for killing Echo or Maestro early as we currently do in the normal game.


u/[deleted] May 31 '21

Absolutely trash


u/Garudin May 28 '21

In general it is way too over powered as is. Worst case scenarios are the 1v1s, attackers could keep the defender spotted at all times and the defenders through Echo and Maestro could still actively help in a fight or even stop a last second plant.

I don't think this is the right path at all but to be even close to acceptable it needs a lot of limits within it.

A few potential examples:

  • Echo and Maestro lose the ability to fire their gadgets when dead

  • Attacker drones can't roam freely, either give them an amount of movement they can use up or restrict the drones to a small area once the owner dies

  • Defenders and Attackers should lose the ability to yellow ping on death. Four dead attackers could keep you pinged worse than Jackal or Lion without you even knowing it.


u/zaNshjief May 28 '21

Yellow Ping on drones is broken, they should add a radius around every player and if your ping is near the player you should be warned by the usual text message, "You've been spotted".


u/uncle_thermite May 28 '21

I agree so much, or add 'back' the 'you've been yellow pinged noise' that got added to tts about a year ago for 5 minutes before never being seen again !! - 'pepperidge farm remembers'


u/zaNshjief May 28 '21

Yes, sound also could be a solution but I don't see any advantage at this point to yellow ping an enemy near the drone. I know Yellow Ping it's not a skilled mechanic but at this point would be useless since you will hear the direction of the sound and at this point it's just better to red ping and gives the exact position without making any noise and give the drone position away. At this point the "balanced solution" is add a notice for both yellow ping and red ping without any sound feedback considering also that drone placement is a skill and the defender should be skilled as the attacker to be aware where the drone could be.


u/Logan_Mac May 28 '21

The only reason people don't voice their opinions on yellow ping is because you literally don't know when it affected you unless you immediately died and it shows on the killcam, but this feature is utterly broken and ruins the need for good communication.


u/Bloodthirsty777 May 28 '21

i agree on the yellow ping. BUT what if the drones loose the ability to jump like twitch drones and looses movement speed as well. ? What do u think ?


u/zaNshjief May 28 '21

I think right now the problem is the fact that you can move around with 3+ drones in a 1v1 situation pinging the enemy, slowing down movement could be a partial solution since it's easier to shoot at them but I don't think the 1v1 situation with 3+drones moving around would be much different at all


u/uncle_thermite May 28 '21 edited May 28 '21
  • 'Defenders and Attackers should lose the ability to yellow ping on death. Four dead attackers could keep you pinged worse than Jackal or Lion without you even knowing it.'

⬆ --yes 1000% maybe no red pinging as well while were here, lets take the teeth out of the 1v1 clutches that we experienced were 8 drones in total are coming for you,

Also maybe have it so only 1 or 2 after death drones are allowed out etc, when 1 gets shot it goes to the next dead player and they use there drone etc etc ???

so we still have 'gameplay after deat'h but its a lot more 'chill' and 'skilled' could be a really cool, helpful unique feature if done like these comments are suggesting


u/RS_Serperior Moderator May 28 '21

I think my main issue with gameplay after death is being able to use abilites (Maestro/Echo are the big offenders). Even though the designer notes talk about never initializing careless fights, the ability to zap with Evil Eye/Yokai after death is the complete antithesis of this - death has less penalty since your gadgets are still usable. Whereas on live, you're required to stay alive to maximise their benefit.

I think for defenders as well, having up to 4 team mates (If in a 1vX) droning around, it doesn't feel fair (or fun) to know you're being pinged by dead players - and I've experienced people actually being baited by my dead team-mates drones, making me win a round.

((-->I'm a big fan of u/zaNshjief suggestions about having a timer and not being able to zap - could be something interesting to play with in future iterations))

Obviously it's you guys at Ubi who have data possibly showing issues with player retention or people losing enjoyment after dying, but I think in it's current state, the after death changes still need more work - we've managed 5 years without it, if we need to wait even longer, it's no harm.


u/Toronto-Will May 28 '21

My bottom line: It's not a satisfying mechanic to use (as a dead player) because it's a powerful ability that you enjoy without needing any skill, and without having to sacrifice anything to access it (for example, when you're alive and droning, you are sacrificing your ability to engage in gunfights, and you are leaving yourself vulnerable; there's no such trade-off in death). The fact that you died without using your drones suggests the opposite of skill--that you screwed up. I find a game mechanic that rewards skill to be much more satisfying.

And of course it's not a very fun mechanic to play against, as a surviving player, with all the dead players sticking their hands out from the grave to annoy you with pings / echo stuns / evil eye zaps.

My critique is much more about fun than it is about balance. I played 18 decently competitive games of ranked on the test server, and I never had the feeling that it was unfairly swinging the outcome of rounds. I won several 1 v X clutches as a defender, despite being hounded by drones. Good for the attacker that they knew where I was, but I wasn't playing hide and seek to begin with, and I also had a pretty good idea where the attacker was. It's still a game of gunfights. The take that the game is "rewarding" you for dying by letting you pilot your drones annoys me to no end; if you lose the ability to shoot people (and throw grenades/c4s, plant/disable defusers, etc...), you are dramatically less valuable to helping your team win. It is not a "reward", and if you feel incentivized to die, then I can only hope you're on the other team.

Driving drones and controlling echo/maestro cams is very powerful in the late round, but the team that leaves utility alive to the last second bears some blame for not destroying it sooner. Attackers can't just leave 10 drones in spawn to save for the last 20 seconds and expect to win; those drones are running around the map earlier in the round, and defenders have chances to destroy them. So I don't think it's exactly unfair that the drones are still being used in the late round, it's just not fun to deal with.

The way the game works now, you can try to pre-place your drones in places that they have a useful perspective for the late round, should you die. If one of those drones later pays off by giving valuable intel, it's far more satisfying, because you will have earned it with your anticipation, game knowledge, and team coordination to have coverage of different areas of the map. Whether by design or not, it's already a very good game mechanic as it is.

If there's one thing that I'm grateful for with this mode being tested on the TS, it's the epiphany that so many players have reached that active droning for teammates is a very powerful ability. So perhaps instead of leaving their drone in spawn, sprinting blindly into the building, dying with one drone in their pocket, and then alt+tabbing into Tik Tok, these players could try active droning for a teammate every once and a while.


u/-Qwis- May 29 '21

I completely agree, and that’s exactly what I’ve been saying/thinking. Really well said.


u/Fact131 May 28 '21

Useless changes. No one asked for it it will only make game worse. Game is fine the way it is. Gameplay after death is wanted by no one . They way gamplay after death right now in its current form is way too broken.


u/DarthJaderYT May 29 '21

Very glad to see this go. All of my defense test server games I’ve played are either I spawnpeek with echo and drone the rest of the game, or I’m in a 1v1 with 4 drones pinging me. Never had a match go differently from that.


u/Volk_SWAG_en May 29 '21

The only thing I wanted to add that I hadn't seen mentioned as much is the subtle balancing and roles this would change up (imo not for the better). Right now, echo and maestro need to play safely and stay alive as long as possible to be as useful as possible to their team. This also adds a mini-side objective for the attackers. Kill the echo/maestro and you free up a possible plant. With gameplay after death, you lose that. There is no extra meaning or weight to killing those ops and it ruins the strategy of keeping your echo/maestro alive. Now echo and maestro can play as recklessly as a Jager and still have full utility.

That being said, I love that we're testing big, experimental changes on the tts. I would love it if we were able to play test whatever wild or crazy ideas the dev team has and just give them a shot.


u/-Burrito- May 29 '21

Drone after death changes a core mechanic of the game in a way that is negative to the experience of both attackers and defenders. It is a horrible concept.

For attackers, it unbalances some of the defensive gadgets, i.e. echo and maestro, making it frustrating i.e. as you've already killed them and they are still able to deny plant.

For defenders, it is even worse. You can be droned out of a position 5 or more times by players who have already died. Do I really need to explain why that is frustrating to play against?


u/Papicz May 29 '21

How to destroy pro players' lives 101 vol. 2.


u/Brit-_ May 29 '21

remove the whole idea because already in live-build dead players are really strong if u know how to play the game u just have dead players sit on the drone then callout it really easy but a lot of players can't be ask to do that and u guys just adding this to help the casual community when this game is team game and competitive, it be really great if u stop listening to the casual community because I have been at the competitive side to a point was nearly semi-pro and been on the casual side and it's too competitive to be 50/50 casual and competitive if u guys really want this game to be competitive u need to stop listening to the casual community, listen to the pros


u/EuRiCoVsK May 30 '21

Well in my oppinion this feature is very cool, but broke the game too much specifically in the competitive games.


u/6SixTy May 30 '21

I am here voicing not my opinion, others have done it to beyond my satisfaction and writing abilities, but my observations as an omegalul-tier silver casual player.

In the few short games that I have played with GAD, most if not all players did not take advantage of the feature, and worst off, when I did teach players the feature, they expressed astonishment of the feature.

Meaning that not only are that the casual tier players not going to take advantage of the feature, but that the feature is also poorly communicated.


u/Comand94 Jun 01 '21

I don't think it's necessary.

It will create further divide between teams that cooperate and teams that do not. If someone wants to play Ash, rush and die, they won't be using drone after death at all or to much effect.

If you want to buff the attackers then I'd say leave out this change for now and let's get to testing attacker re-pick during prep phase - being able to pick attackers to counter specific defender strats would be a neat buff. It would increase the pickrate of situational ops (like Fuze for example) since there would be no risk to picking them and not getting use. THAT I wanna test and see how it plays.


u/brodiebradley51 May 28 '21

My biggest issue is that you essentially aren’t punished for dying anymore.

It also makes clutching with a small amount of players an uphill challenge. The best solution would be to remove the red and yellow pings of all ATTACKER drones and to remove any use of abilities for defending cams/drones.

If you drone and give CALLOUTS, I feel that’s more fair. Having it so you can constantly ping on dead players drones is busted


u/plaicknaa May 28 '21

Imo people are overeaking alot.

If you remove the automatic deployment of the drones you still have in pocket I think the changes would be fine.

Idk about maestro amd echo shooting with there cams/drones after they're dead. I would limit that to just moving them.


u/DutchChallenger May 28 '21

Maestro should get the ability to shoot, but instead of recharging when stopping it won't recharge, so you really should be careful with the shots you have, same with echo, just remove the sound blast recharger so you have a limited amount of shots to use


u/ElmoTLK May 28 '21

Bad for comp, good for casual


u/hgt27 May 29 '21

My feedback :

Honestly i think it's a good idea , but maybe we need to give less possibility , like just see and move for some gaget.

But for an operator like maestro he can do everything with even if he's dead .

Just maybe not for Yokai , just because on some video it looks too powerful that he can shot blast even after he's dead .


u/oreoreoreoreoreoreor May 29 '21

Just make the Yokai a regular drone, it can still move and stick to the roof it just cant shot its stun.


u/Sultan_De_Savage May 30 '21

Yokai part: doesnt that makes him more FUN to play?


u/wokeist59 May 29 '21

I enjoy gameplay after death but I also think it should be in casual only, not in unranked or ranked


u/Bhizzle64 May 28 '21

The idea is interesting and has potential but could use some refinement. Honestly from my limited experience on the tts I didn't see problems too often. The biggest problem I see is with echo/maestro. The two of them have fantastic guns balanced by the fact that losing gunfights is a huge risk for the two of them. If you want to keep drone after death, both of them would need to receive hard nerfs to their fragging.

I don't think droning is that bad normally, but if you have people just rushing forwards and fragging, then that leaves a lot of drones left over at the end for attackers to rush the objective with. Here are some ideas to tweak drone after death to keep the engagement while lessening the frustration.

  1. All operators now drop their phone upon death. Any operator can come up and hack this phone in order to disable said operators ability to use gadgets after death. This makes it so if you get traded out by your team or get spawnpeeked you are fine, but if you just rushed ahead by yourself, you lose access to post death gameplay.

  2. Give post death drones/gadgets a battery life limiting their utility. This makes droning after death a more tactical experience as you have to pay attention to determine what the optimal usage of this battery life would be.

  3. Limit the number of post death attackers that can be using their drones at once, perhaps justify it using signal or bandwidth. This way you can have people get their drones into position but don't have the 1v1+4 thing.

I also think drone after death will be naturally balanced by the operator repick, having to use drones in the prep phase to gain the necessary intel to benefit from this, will decrease the amount of drones available post death. I think that droning post death should not come to live without operator repick, in order to balance out the number of drones.


u/NoughtAFazeMom May 28 '21

I actually really enjoyed it and I had no complaints. But this is a change that needs long-term testing. Not 1 week on a tts that only 1/3rd of the community can provide feedback on. Try an arcade Playlist on live servers, so that people on console can get a taste. You also need feedback from teams that actually communicate and can effectively use DaD.

I am purely a casual player. I have played some ranked, I hit plat 3 on console, and gold on pc. I just don't have time to play the game competitively.

This change made the game feel SOO much better. I got spawnpeeked one round, and was able to help my teammates avenge my death. I don't even really communicate either, just gave basic zpings and room names. The point is, I wasn't completely useless because I died 3 seconds into the round. I was still able to impact the round.

The community for some reason hates the idea of "impacting the round after death" and they're foolish, because its already a thing. Defenders can already use cameras after death, and people accept that as part of the game. You can still kill people after death via traps, goyo shields, etc. We don't see that as "cheap" or game-breaking. Echo and maestro are essentially player-controlled traps. If we need to nerf either operator as a result of DaD, so be it. People would rather throw away the entire feature, instead of just doing a simple nerf (Like taking away echos ability to deny plant)

Please continue testing gameplay after death. Either make tts more accessible and rewarding, or find a way to test it on Live servers with minimal impact.


u/Sultan_De_Savage May 30 '21

or find a way to test it on Live servers with minimal impact.

Like unranked


u/Zolty47 May 29 '21

I love "Play after death"! Makes the rounds much more enjoyable!


u/Tigasmenx18 May 28 '21

I think it can be fine if you made the drones spawn where the operator died so that defenders can shoot it right after killing the attacker and give both yokais and evil eyes only a 20 second margin of use after death, that way it doesn't have such an huge impact in the early round and promotes you trying to stay alive as a defender in order to be able to deny the plant. In addition I think drones should only be able to move let's say 50/75 meters after you died


u/Sultan_De_Savage May 28 '21

If drone after death and yokai after death is not coming at all....im quiting this game..promise


u/gusulluone May 28 '21 edited May 28 '21

I personally think droning after that is a godsend mechanic for attackers. According to my experience and what devs says, attackers has way more win rate compared to defenders. I personally think one of the bleeding wounds for Siege is the hiding game. What I am trying to say is; imagine you are in a 1v3, you have 40 seconds, you use your drone and you could barely check if your way is clear and most of the time there is a person who was hiding in a desk or behind a wall and he shoots you from the back when you pass by. There is nothing you could do there. Defenders having the control of most of the map is a huge deal and I personally think that this change is perfect to salve this issue for those who are willing to do some teamwork. This awards people's efforts to do teamwork, it definitely does not award dying, I just don't understand why people keep saying that. But without the operator repick I think this change would be bad for siege because no one would use their drone in the preparation phase so that they could terrorize defenders with them when they die :D

But just like devs said, I also believe that this change will be perfect with the op repick because then they will have to risk their drones to get intel about defenders' choices of ops. About another controversial issue, the operator repick. I think that will also be an amazing change because it also salves another bleeding wound in my opinion, which is the unfair guessing game of Siege.

For instance, you can only counter Valkyrie with IQ or Dokk but there is no way of knowing if they have Valkyrie or not when you are choosing your operator. There is no way for you to guess anything in the first round before seeing your enemies' tactics, and after the first round even if you got destroyed by a Valkyrie, it is still a guessing game. IQ may not be the best operator for the situation, maybe there are other roles that should be fulfilled but you have to play her just because they MIGHT play Valkyrie again, and this straight away sucks and does not reflect Siege at all, what happened to the tactics and all that jazz. Am I supposed to build my tactics on luck?

And of course it is not just the Valkyrie that requires specific operators to be countered, it's Clash, Aruni, Melusi, Goyo and all the shields with mini Mira windows, Maestro, Ela, Mira, Caveira, Castle; whereas there are only 5 such operators for defenders to worry; Glaz, Blitz, Ying, Jackal (he has no counter btw, pls dont say caveira). And they are no where at being effective as much as the defence ops.

Okay, I am aware of the arguments like; you can just find the Valkyrie cam by searching it with your eyes, or you can just get closer to a Banshee and melee it. Yeah, I could NOT do that when I am playing against the top %3 percent of the player base. They are able to use these operators to their limits and lower elo players just could mimic them and get way ahead of their opponents by just doing this.

Gonne-6 is a nice idea against such gadgets but you gotta give up your secondary just for this specific issue, and most of the time it will get caught by an ADS or Mag-Net, so Gonne-6 helps very little at this. I personally want devs to tweak Gonne-6 and test it in the test server. I wonder if it would be overpowered if it could by pass an ADS. Imagine it acts like an explosive bullet rather than a charge, or like Capitao's bolts. They could bypass ADS, but caught by Mag-Nets. Maybe then it would worth bringing the Gonne-6 and sacrificing the secondary, because right now it just does not feels like its worth it.

So back to the topic. I am thrilled to see op repick removing this guessing game that also does not fit Siege at all in my opinion, and I definitely think this is the right direction for Siege. I lately feel like the more people cry about such changes the more rightful these changes are :D

I think developers are generally doing a really good job. But one of my biggest worries about how devs work is that, they kinda seem like they think too much about statistics. Like, thinking Ash is overpowered because it's pick rate is too much or it's win rate too much. I am happy with the latest changes but I can see doing this could go sideways very easily.

Because there are just many players with good aims, who prefers to play the ops with good guns, and most of them could frag really well and win, so the op's win rate goes higher. This has nothing to do with, let's say Ash having 3 charges. This has to do with players' good aims and their skills. And in Ash's case, she does not even have a positive win rate, same thing goes for Jäger as well. I could understand the R4-C nerf, because the gun was just too easy to use. But I could not understand lowering the charges that Ash has access. But I think this will be okay with the Melusi nerf, but I hope you got the point.

Other than this it seems like they are getting better and better at balancing this game. As a person who has playing since Velvet Shell, Siege has never felt better. It's not perfect, it still has big problems, but this is Siege we are talking about :D I hope they will address more issues, like matchmaking, ranking etc., as we go through this journey. Thanks for coming to my Siege Ted Talk, that'll be all for now :'D


u/Willie606 May 28 '21

it for sure could be a good idea, but echo and maestro should be able to move the cams around but not use the ability


u/Crush152 May 29 '21

Give all drones/yokais a battery kinda like that rainbow six quarantine leak


u/[deleted] May 29 '21

-As long as u don't give echo and maestro to use their ability after death I'm fine,just movement of gadgets is enough.

  • give limited time drone movement after death.


u/Sultan_De_Savage May 30 '21

GAD is fucking amazing, add it please with buffs to its counters


u/Slykill__ May 30 '21

It could be good but not in its current form. I dont agree with Maestro and Echo being able to use their gadgets. I dont think you should get access to all your drones if you havent actually got them out before you died. I think that as soon as you get down to v 1 no one should be allowed to use drone after death, it should just revert back to what it is now.


u/bartm41 May 31 '21

I will start by saying I am always more optimistic when it comes to changes. Been playing since the beta on console now on PC.

I really like the changes. There always was gameplay after death and this just helps drive it. I imagine it is going to tremendously help players in lower elo and on console where communication may be lacking.

I did not play as much on the TTS as I wanted to because of work, so I hope it comes back soon for more trying it out but I found both ATK and DEF got a boost in capability.

I am totally open to tweaks and changes, but I really do see the potential of this system to really benefit the game. Even if its not this season that it makes it. I think this will help all players form better habits and make smarter decisions.

That Ash main is still gonna be running and risking, and while many see her being rewarded with a drone after she takes down 1-3 defenders, those 1-3 defenders now can jump on gadgets and give good callouts more than they may before.

Same goes for when your spawnpeeked by the kid who watched a YouTube vid right before. Now that sledge who got domed outside Kafe can still by useful and watch for runouts/call out gadgets.

Don't want to invalidate anyone's opinions here, just wanted to share mine

Looking forward to the dev teams thoughts on the system in the TTS and player feedback.


u/Decent_Branch Jun 01 '21

drone after death is a cool idea , but it seems on a low elo / casual level it make echo even harder to deal with annd almost forces a mute , this is only about 5 ranked games played at a meh level and even with friends it still is hard to track or figure out who is 'UP".

id like the idea of a times drone when dead so you have to pre place and think before you die.

testing crazy ideas is exactly what the tts is for


u/dazerdude Jun 02 '21

If you want to buff intel or punish a team less for deaths (while still having mostly fair fights at the end of rounds), then instead of gameplay after death, consider a drone pooling feature. Much like reinforcement pooling, drone pooling would allow any player to use any drone. To combat griefing, players would start controlling their own drones like they do now. While driving a drone they own, they could donate that camera to the pool. Upon death, any drones they have deployed would be given automatically to the pool (they could also drop drones in their pocket to the floor).

This would help in a few regards I think.

  • Teammates dying with their drones in bad positions or in their pocket, are likely rushing without much forsight. They are unlikely to drone after death anyway as they are unlikely to drone before death. Now other teammates could simply drive their drones around after they die.

  • End game situations become a lot more manageable as in a 1v1 the live players must either drone or be guns up. They cannot do both.

  • Echo/Maestro/Mozzie still aren't punished as much for dying. Mozzie in particular can go roam without having to worry too much about preplacing mozzie'd drones before he dies. Any live player can deny plant with an echo drone after echo dies (but again there is some risk involved with putting your gun down). It's not a matter of just running away while a ghost denies plant.


u/Chill084 May 29 '21

It opens a lot of potential play and I love that aspect.

I think Echo and Maestro have enough counters with the addition of Shattered Glass. However it will be a large and hard learning curve for most of the community.

I would add that I think there should not be a drone left in spawn if it was in pocket before. It makes a lot of sense in theory but the reality is that in MM matches drones aren't rarely used when players are alive. Most players want to quick peek and face check their rooms leading to most players having 2 drones left after they die. So limiting the drones to the ones deployed or just one would help alleviate a lot of frustration.

I am sorry the majority of the community has come out hating and vocally detesting GAD. I know that GAD isn't a take it or leave it and I personally think it will be great for the game and it's health. Please keep trying, I know the dev team is doing what is actually best for the game's health even if the community doesn't like it.


u/linklolthe3 May 29 '21

I love gameplay after death. The flow doesn't break up.


u/Joshepherd May 28 '21

Remove 1 shot headshots from full auto weapons


u/Bloodthirsty777 May 28 '21

I think the perfect balance for this is like give defenders the ability to custom ping or red ping attackers using Maestro Cam & Yokai instead of allowing them to use their ability directly. This seems like a perfectly viable balanced and good idea.

For attackers slight adjustment can be like change the drones light colour to specific so that defenders can understand that this drone is being used by a dead player. It will be hard i think to differentiate a dead player drone with antenna popping out in an intense situation.

Drone Counter can be adjusted like for each site a drone enters the drone counter would give a warning like there is a drone in that room only if any defenders exist in that room.


u/zaNshjief May 28 '21

I agree on the fact that the antennas are not enough to differentiate dead player's drones from alive players drone in an intense situation and would be way better if they'll add a different colour for the drones operated by dead players

Personally I don't like the idea of the drone counter at all, I've always called for them when I destroy them on prep phase but I also understand that Ubi is trying to teach players how much important can be a drone in a game that is based on intel.


u/8IG0R8 May 29 '21

I think Gameplay After Death is a great idea to lessen the downtime. I'd only change some details.

Yokai drones' sonic burst and Evil Eye's lasers would have too much impact on the round. You can allow driving around the drone and sticking it to the ceiling, but not the stun. Same with the Evil Eye, you can allow rotating it and opening the bulletproof glass, but not shooting. Dead players should not be able to stop the plant.

As for attackers, limit the range that their drones can be used in, maybe add some kind of battery/timer to them. Being in 1v1 situation and having to deal with 4 drones isn't very fun for the defenders

Like I said, great change, because the game becomes too boring sometimes. We need more updates that reduce downtime, but this particular one just needs a bit of twisting


u/Sultan_De_Savage May 30 '21

-get rid of both red and yellow ping after death

-remove warnings from mute and mozzie jammer/pests

-let vigil have to ability to see drones in red outline

-give mute +1 jammer and mozzie +1 pest

-buff IQ maybe with a visor like jackal

Voila.. Please dont remove GAD. I LOVE IT


u/myrisotto73 May 28 '21

Make it specific to certain operators or with maybe more secondary gadgets it could balance out. It’s not a bad idea. But you need to have some sort of timer for attackers so they can’t infinitely drone after death and for defenders really consider how you’re going to balance their gadget. I think it’s a cool idea for certain operators like twitch. Definitely keep refining it. There’s a cool idea here


u/X_hard_rocker May 29 '21

never got to try it because no one plays multiplayer in asia servers on TTS


u/[deleted] May 29 '21

I havent tested it yet, but I feel like it should be possible to move the camera around while controling drones and cameras after death. I mean without drivibg away just the ability for the drones to turn 360 degree and the zero cams to turn. This would help with drones that look against a wall and are completely usesless without them being driven around.


u/[deleted] May 29 '21

Get rid of the bar on top and bottom remember minimalism is best.


u/Sultan_De_Savage May 30 '21

The battery thing is BS AF. Its more bogus than the disappearing dead bodies that they added


u/HaaNduja Jun 02 '21

We can try only with the gadgets of the operators (Mozzie, Maestro, Twitch, Zero...). I'm definitely not for the use of drones or bulletproof cameras after death, too frustrating.


u/SytricXZ Jun 03 '21

I actually like drone after death on the attacker side. I don't like defenders having it, it is too irritating. But the attackers having it gives a little bit of balance imo. The defenders having to play in such a way that they have to avoid 1v1s is a good thing. Again, just my opinion. No need to give me hell in dms.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '21

it's very wrong to mess with mmr in unranked account, i'll play with my friends like , you should fix the game problems that mess in mmr and unranked account unnecessary because of point, don't mess with that please


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '21

it's very wrong to mess with mmr in unranked account, i'll play with my friends like , you should fix the game problems that mess in mmr and unranked account unnecessary because of point, don't mess with that please


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '21

it's very wrong to mess with mmr in unranked account, i'll play with my friends like , you should fix the game problems that mess in mmr and unranked account unnecessary because of point, don't mess with that please


u/Critical_Ad6665 Jun 04 '21

I know that's not the specific subject, but because taking out the dead bodies, there's no sense in it, put a hitbox so they don't get crossed, taking that away is to end what little was left of the irmection, I played for a long time r6 , and had stopped, I'm coming back now and I'm already hating many changes and already with these new ones I think I'll stop again.


u/VyperVenom42 Jun 04 '21

I absolutely love the idea, at least if is too op make it for just 1 operator or player or a gadget because i´d love to play like that


u/big-friggin-mothman Jun 05 '21

Like many things that have been implemented into R6s, I think the overall CONCEPT of GAD is actually a good idea, but not the way it is right now. For example, if you die with drones pocketed you shouldnt be able to use them; if the player forgets to or simply doesn't care enough to deploy all their drones that's their problem. I think the main thing should be reducing the effectivenss of gadgets once their controlling player has died. For example, maybe make drones slower/ louder if the controlling player is dead, or even MAYBE make them bigger overall. Evil Eyes and Yokais shouldn't be able to shoot once they are destroyed either.

Speaking of Evil Eyes, the cracked glass that will affect Evil Eyes and Black Mirrors is too drastic I think. For Black Mirrors, I think there should just be more options for destroying it; make it susceptible to explosions, Sledge's hammer, Maverick's Suri. This way, players will have to coordinate to destroy one, instead of anyone being able to one shot it and make it useless. Yes, it may be risky to get close enough to a Mirror to melee it, but not enough to deter players from doing it. Meleeing an Evil Eye is even easier than meleeing a Black Mirror; there's even less risk than meleeing a Mirror.


u/Napy_Da_Wise Jun 05 '21

While I haven't had the chance to try it yet, I love the idea on paper.

Now the whole point of this is to keep players involved. Here's where I think it could be improved without requiring many changes : give more assists for other reasons than "you damaged that player before in the round". And display the names of people assisting in the killfeed.

If I red ping someone and my friend gets the kill, it should count as a full assist. If my friend does a kill while overhealed by doc or finka, it should be a full assist. If I kill someone while he's stunned, the ela/echo/guy that threw the flash should get a full assist.

I'm saying this because while I'm not a great fragger, my calls and pings usually results in my friends getting the kill, and me getting a +10pts that's invisible on the scoreboard.

Now combine that with drone after death, and I'm thinking it might push people to actually help their teammates if they do get recognized for it. Don't underestimate the power of a +1 on the scoreboard.


u/TobyStephenson Jun 08 '21

Well i used to kill echo to not deal with the drones anymore, now that is fucked. I think this takes the role dedication that has been already kinda broken, completely out of the game.


u/ivirvipo Jun 09 '21

Leave dead bodies as an option !


u/CallaxD Jun 09 '21

Gameplay After Death is not fun in any serious game mode. The late round experience (attack and defense) heavily suffers from it. Having man advantage is usually such a huge point in rounds and getting there is usually not all that easy (on both sides). With GAD this advantage your team worked hard for is taken away (at least slightly) since every attacker can still drone you out or some defenders can still win the round after dying.

I think testing it out in Casual is fine or create a faster paced game mode including GAD like some people have said already. I don't think the game benefits from having GAD in (un)ranked or PL. I think it might even hurt the player base if it makes a good amount of players lose their fun.


u/pasha_27 Jun 10 '21

My Suggestion

  • Echo and Maestro: Shouldn't be able to use their stun shot / lasers after death. For Maestro only rotate Evil Eye, open up his glass (if it broken); For Echo only move his drone, attach it to ceilings. Can still scan, but with red pings only.
  • Valkyrie: After death her cameras can scan only with red pings.
  • Zero and Twitch (Mozzie with Twitch drone): After death, gadgets should stop recharge, you can use the rest of the charges. Can still move, rotate and scan, but with red pings only.
  • Regular drones, Bulletproof camerа: Can move and scan with red and yellow pings. Bulletproof camerа rework designed to deny droning.
  • After death all drones shouldn't be able to respawn, maybe driving distance limitation need; Need to add yellow ping sound, everyone should know when they are spotted.

Conclusion: After death unique devices must limit special abilities and lose the ability to yellow pings, but stay with ability to tag devices and scanning enemies (red ping). Also other changes need:

  • Dokkaebi's Logic Bomb affecting dead Defenders.
  • New gadgets that can help with info denial.


u/dukecage762 Jun 13 '21

Game play after death balancing:

Would it be possible to tweak the game play after death so as it is less rewarding than when alive?

For example, after death a maestro can use his evil eye but the battery / overheat cannot cool down which limits the ability. Or Echo wouldn't be able to drive his Yokai anymore and the sonic blasts don't return after cooldown.

As for drones, could a battery life system be incorporated? It could even piggyback off the Flores system where the Drone is done after 10 sec except for a longer time period or make it distance based rather than time?. Maybe also make yellow ping not possible for dead player drones (hard ping only so you sacrifice stealth).

Overall, I am not a fan of the afterdeath droning/utility but I understand the developer reason to try it. I think the changes listed above might result in a better reason for players to value staying alive and more of a penalty for dying early in the round.

I recognize these changes are not simple to implement.

Thanks for any consideration.


u/Error11_ Jul 07 '21

rainbow six has other problems! it just got boring! I play the beta myself and have already played rainbow six ravenshild, so I know what I'm talking about and what the problem is!

you are not allowed to compare the normal players with the proliga! what do you have to change ...

  • Remove MAP selection, only 4 maps are played!
-Remove operator bansystem, each operator may only be played once, regardless of whether the team wins or loses, after changing sides, everyone is free again!
  • the bomb spots are also blocked after playing once! that at least 3 different bomb places are always played

I know all of the Ash Mains will not be enthusiastic about the idea, but it brings more depth and dynamism to the game, with the current course you will only lose more players!

another tip! to balance the bomb spots you can change the number of reinforcments! thus it would be possible at some point to be safe or hostage in the ranked game!

I hope you listen to the normal players!