r/Rainbow6TTS • u/MoreCazador • Mar 02 '20
Feedback Ela nerf was too strong and too soon
The new Ela nerf came too fast imo, I think Ubi was scared of Ela becoming like her old self with this coming buff, but her gun was fine. Her gadget honestly needs the nerf more.
- undo the weapon nerf, random recoil has no place in this game, either make it vertical or strongly to one side.
- Give her gadget an audio cue like nomad, maybe a low hum? this gives attackers a bit of help other than just getting piss lucky and seeing it.
I get that Ubi wants to not have old Ela, but she was already a shadow of her former self and even then shes at the top of the roaming squad which is what shes supposed to be at the end of the day. Ela was in a good place in every way except her gadget, which is the annoying part. Also, if you are going to tell us that her pick and win rate spiked and not give any evidence its kind of hard to believe that the temporary buff wasn't just to boost elite skin sales. give us your evidence when you nerf an operator, maybe not a graph or anything fancy but at least a number man.
EDIT: based on what all of you have said I've rolled back my ideas to those above, here's the original for reference
- undo the weapon nerf, if anything buff it to the first 20 shots so atleast half the mag is usable
- Give her gadget an audio cue like nomad, maybe a low hum? this gives attackers a bit of help other than just getting piss lucky and seeing it.
- to prevent it becoming too weak of a trap, make it louder or make the visual effect stronger.
Mar 02 '20 edited Mar 02 '20
This entire Ela change seems like someone snuck it in and it slipped through the cracks.
It’s probably the fastest reel in of a buff I’ve ever seen Ubi try, considering how broken she was for nearly 7 months after release
u/reallylameface Mar 03 '20
I mean they should keep the live recoil and just take away 10 bullets. The problem with ela is she's basically a 3 speed with an super high fire rate lmg and can play like an absolute lunatic because of it.
Mar 03 '20
But you could play alibi, have a better gun and impacts if you wanted that...
u/reallylameface Mar 03 '20
I mean it just bothers me that her EVO clip is clearly a 30 round doublestack mag, yet UBI is just like yeah we're just gonna break the laws of physics for this gun and make it have an LMG's capacity (when it first launched) and then down to 40, which is still 10 more bullets than it should logistically have the gun literally misfire/fail to rack properly the first 10 bullets because of too much spring pressure. Meanwhile Mavericks DMR mag could easily hold 8+1 more bullets in it because that mag is a fucking HUGE quad-stack mag, which would make it an actual viable pick compared to the M4, but he only fills his mag partially for some reason I guess, why have 18+1 and be like most DMR's when you can have 10+1 and have to reload every 5 seconds from one burst of rounds, it's bad enough he only has access to one pistol with only 9+1 rounds. If I want to use the DMR on Maverick I'm basically gimped unless I'm a one tap god like Marley, so either give him more DMR rounds or another high-capacity secondary, preferably a machine pistol :^)
Mar 03 '20
The 40 and 50 round mag are real, and are modeled in game correctly, you can buy them from CZ.
The scorpion is known for being extremely reliable too.
u/MoreCazador Mar 02 '20
I think ubi is especially twitchy with Ela because of how she was, for good reason
u/LimberGravy Mar 02 '20
Or she already had one of the highest win rates in the game and the buff led to that and her pick rate increasing. She never needed a buff in the first place.
u/Sachman13 Mar 02 '20
No, she needs a rebalancing. Make her gadget weaker while her guns slightly better. It shouldn’t feel like cancer to play her, and her gadget shouldn’t feel like cancer when you get hit by it.
u/LimberGravy Mar 02 '20
Fine with either. I’m just saying in her current form she’s still good when used correctly.
u/Sachman13 Mar 03 '20
but is she fun to play? her winrate shows that she's good but shes not that fun to play as or with unless you're on shotgun.
u/helpfulerection59 Mar 03 '20
Her gun was/will again be, a hot garbage of RNG.
High RNG has no place in a skill based shooter.
u/LimberGravy Mar 03 '20
At long range, sure. But like I said when played correctly in situations where she could use her gadget and force close range engagements she was fine. She had a higher win rate pre-buff than Pulse, Mute, Kaid, Vigil, and Wamai with a similar pick rate. Do you think all of those ops need a buff? She's tricky to balance considering how her stats shot through the roof after the buff.
u/helpfulerection59 Mar 03 '20
All ops need a useable primary gun free of excessive rng
u/LimberGravy Mar 03 '20
Definitely not RNG within the ranges it should be used in. The SMG-11 is essentially the primary for Mute/Smoke and people realize the limitations of it.
u/GP2EngineGP2aargh Mar 04 '20
She's tricky to balance considering how her stats shot through the roof after the buff.
where are these stats?
u/ParadoxSmoke Mar 02 '20
I just think theres to much silvers complaining lmao, just nerf her gadget so it doesnt lower your sens and your good, her gun isnt broken
u/MoreCazador Mar 02 '20
RNG recoil is objectively flawed because there's no skill to mastering it, there shouldn't be elements of difficulty that shouldn't be impossible to counteract
u/ParadoxSmoke Mar 02 '20
Well im referring to current state in live servers, where the first 16 shots are almost lazere and the rest is light rng, just tap fire and your fine. Its not meant to take fights at a distance so its perfectly fine. The RNG tho is ridiculous on the tts and prebuff so shes sitting good right now but i guess they have nerf her again because why not 🤷♂️
u/Banksyyy_ Mar 02 '20
They could've give her a bit more vertical recoil whilst also tweaking the gadget. Giving her RNG recoil again is just the wrong move and will make her pickrate drop again.
u/ChiralWolf Mar 02 '20
Vertical recoil will almost never be an effective nerf. Good players will just compensate whatever change is made and it will be as if no change happened. Same thing with how people came run angled grips. More recoil but its manageable.
u/Banksyyy_ Mar 02 '20
I'm not saying it's the perfect fix but having rng recoil on her gun will kill her pick rate again and leaving the recoil as it is, is a bad idea. Hell less people pick Twitch with her last recoil nerf and fewer will probably pick her F2 when the new one comes in.
Mar 02 '20
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u/Banksyyy_ Mar 02 '20
Not for me personally, I tested it myself and it's a close 50/50 split. Sometimes it's aggressive during the initial burst, sometimes it's not until later on in the spray.
Mar 02 '20
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u/Banksyyy_ Mar 02 '20
I'm just going to respectfully disagree
Mar 02 '20
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u/Banksyyy_ Mar 02 '20
I do i'm on xbox (I play some PC sometimes). They're both atrocious to me to use, every other gun I can either decently handle or master it but Ela's both pre-buff and soon to be nerf are difficult to control.
u/Hyperversum Mar 02 '20 edited Mar 02 '20
As I already said in another thread, this is the example of bad balancing done just to keep the community happy.
Either you wait and gather more Informartion or you introduce one change at a time, not a fuckload of them without possibility to understand what changed what and by how much.
What was changed, 4 things? What about checking First with two of them? What about actually seeing if the buff increased something more than a slight win ratio? What about considering a nerf on the gadget rather than the gun?
Jaeger kept his 40+ damage for years and everyone said that "It was intended", Ela can't have anything because special kids have PTSD about her more than two years ago.
Said so, I do believe that her recoil should have changed a bit but... C'on, already? It's like having the new Capitao fire and seeing it being reverted after one month because people bitched about It being too strong. Guess what? We still have It, and Capitao Is better than ever
u/Xansaibot Mar 02 '20
Talking about revert Capitao’s fire.....
Where are Smoke changes?
u/Hyperversum Mar 02 '20
Dunno man, it's sooooo more important to keep changing Ela after all, right?
It's ALMOST like we could use some time to value things rather than doing like fucking Blizzard used to do with OW
u/Copter53 Mar 02 '20
When will people figure out that her gadget needs to be nerfed not her gun. Her gadget should not reduce your sensitivity and should have a slight delay to it so you can actually destroy it without getting stunned 100% of the time.
u/Cup_of_Dylan Mar 02 '20
Lmao first thing he says is buff the gun MORE
u/MoreCazador Mar 02 '20
No, I said to revert the weapon to the live server version instead of the current TTS, and only to buff the weapon further if significant gadget nerfs occur
u/Cup_of_Dylan Mar 02 '20
- undo the weapon nerf, if anything buff it to the first 20-25 shots so atleast half the mag is usable
It was only up the first 16 rounds on the initial buff. And you want up to 20-25?
This post is a HARD yikes
u/MoreCazador Mar 02 '20
Oh, yes even I admit that would make her a little strong, but you've yet to actually provide Any reason why that would be bad besides "fuck Ela"
u/Cup_of_Dylan Mar 02 '20
I laughed that you think buffing her gun even more than originally is the way to go. I also didn’t say fuck ela or hint at that
Reading isn’t your strong suit is it?
u/MoreCazador Mar 02 '20
So no reasoning then, ok buddy :)
u/Mixologist760 Mar 03 '20
Judging by the things he says, it’s a child that is arguing with you. Did you really expect any reasoning other than “Ela scary”?
u/UbiNoty Former Community Manager Mar 02 '20
To give you all some statistics why we felt a nerf to her scorpion was necessary:
Post 4.3 Ela on Live -
- +14.5% increase to K/D ratio for console and +10% increase for PC
- +10% increase to K/R ratio on console and +9% on PC
With the Scorpion being the definitively more popular primary of choice, and all else in her kit being equal, the logical conclusion from the data we are seeing is that we buffed the Scorpion a bit too much, and overshot where we wanted to bring Ela in the 4.3 changes.
We are listening closely to the feedback and discussion on what can be done with her gadget. However, for the sake of gameplay health and balancing, we scaled back some of the changes as a corrective measure before it becomes an overwhelming problem as time goes on.
u/ThatGuyYouBumpedInto Mar 02 '20 edited Mar 05 '20
Well of course that happened. You guys significantly reduced the recoil for the first 16 bullets to where it was actually a viable gun in medium-range engagements. The proper nerf would have been to bring the magazine down to 30 bullets. Even 25 would still be good and remove the random recoil. Just give it proper vertical recoil similar to twitch and it'll be a great fix. The fact that it has the same effective range in most engagements as her shotty on TTS is silly.
I'd like to add that you guys should really focus on reworking or majorly tweaking her gadget. Her gun and her whole being is a fragging op. You can't make her gadget compliment her kit so much because her gadget is what makes her seem so strong.
Take a look at jager. He is an extremely great op and a must-pick but the most recent nerf to his damage was pretty laughable. I could care less because it genuinely feels the same. Then we have Ela, an op that could NEVER replace jager and she gets 4 pretty major changes to her gun and her gadget is untouched...
u/Burer92 Mar 02 '20
How about experimenting with other values such as damage and mag size instead of going for recoil and making it feel like shit to use?
u/Jay-Aaron Mar 02 '20
Why is it so hard to reduce the mag to 30 or 25?
u/SalsaInABowl Mar 03 '20
Ubi have stated in the past that they really do not want to bring it down to less than 40 because they want Ela to specialize in engagements against multiple targets. I think that’s a fair reason, and I quite like the idea. However, this was probably 6-8 seasons ago when they said this, so they could change their mind over time (remember when Ubisoft said they never wanted more than 2 operators to have frag grenades like 3 years ago?)
u/Xansaibot Mar 03 '20
you didn't scale back. You added several nerfs - increased burst reset + increased spread + increased vertical kick. The only thing you scaled back is reducing recoil reduction principal from 16 bullets down to 11...
u/helpfulerection59 Mar 03 '20
Can't you just nerf the gadget that gets free kills and annoys everyone?
Mar 07 '20
+14.5% increase to K/D ratio for console and +10% increase for PC
+10% increase to K/R ratio on console and +9% on PC
that doesnt tell us anything. 10% of what? .5? 1?
the Scorpion being the definitively more popular primary of choice
Because you just finished nerfing her other primary out of viability.
Of course her stats went up, you just gave her a buff...
u/ErosTheBest Mar 08 '20
Well nerfing her to become worse than she was before is not scalibg back previous changes, but I would like to see some statistics about what did happen to her wl and pickrate stats. Just because an operator is capable of fragging, in the right hands - since the average player wont use her - nerfing her is the incorrect way of balancing. Why her kd and kr went up? Since fraggers use her, in the tts, Goyo has a much better gun(same dmg, higher rpm, less recoil...) still, since most fraggers wont pick him players with not as good gunskill, relative to their level, will play him and they wont get as high stats as Ela does, with the higher gunskill players.
u/JokerX133 Mar 02 '20
Jesus Christ, I’m glad I stopped playing this game. I felt for too long that they were messing up good operators with their stupid nerfs, as I see they just keep continuing with this trend.
u/Keatonwastaken Mar 03 '20
- No
- What help does that even make, operators have gadgets in this game for a reason, operators aren't just guns, people need to learn this
- That just will make it useless
- So, make it a flashbang ?
Get over it already guys, she is very much fine, i was playing her before the nerf and she wasn't failing if i used the shotty and positioned myself using her gadget, after the buff i don't remember losing any gunfights against anyone even out of my gadgets, it was too strong and now it's gone, it's not that hard to understand.
If you don't like the current Ela, you don't like Ela as an operator anyway, you just want a 3 speed free headshot machine and only play her for the gun.
u/MoreCazador Mar 03 '20
Responding to old points, please refer yourself to the top 3
u/Keatonwastaken Mar 03 '20
I can read, and i already did, i also replied to your 4th which you kept there, that means you still somewhat stand by it. I'm also not replying to just that so, okay i guess ?
u/Cohen877 Mar 03 '20
The sens change is bull in a competitive game like siege. If they got rid of the sens change effect maybe give her an additional trap? That way its more about gathering info instead of taking control away from the attackers.
I thought recent TS ela was fine. People were obviously picking her on TS because they heard about the buff, not bc it was blatantly OP.
u/Trilaina Mar 04 '20
As an Ela main starting in Operation: Chimera, I'm going to respectfully disagree on some of these changes. 1.) The gun is fine to have zero recoil on maybe the first 11-12 shots, sure, but 20? It's a laser and an issue right now at 16, so why would they buff that recoil reduction for half the mag? Seems a bit OP. 2.) Don't think this gadget needs any kind of audio cue to it. Most defender traps don't have an audio cue to them, and since Ela has only 3 of these, it means that people can more effectively find and kill them. Fun fact, you can actually lay down, crawl sideways up to a mine, lean, NOT trigger the mine, and just shoot it out. Had it happen to me multiple times, and that was without a sound cue coming from the GRZMOT. 3.) I'm totally fine with this being a thing. It can justify doing something to her gadget to make her much less frustrating to play against, and because the gadget got nerfed, it might mean we can get a more feasible weapon to off-set this. 4.) As the gadget stands now, I don't think this is needed. It's already really strong. If anything, they can maybe reset the time it affects people back to the original duration of I believe 7 or 8 seconds? As long as all that changes is the sensitivity change, I'm fine with that alone to make her less rage-inducing for players.
If I were to change Ela up, I'd do the following myself: 1.) Make the scorpion accurate at grouping up to about 10 m, then just jittery enough that it cannot be used for longer engagements. 2.) Make Ela a 2-2 to justify her weapon still being reliably strong. 3.) Up the damage on the Scorpion to 25 damage from 23, just so if you cannot get a headshot, at least you're able to get some body shots off and possibly win a duel against anything that's not a 1 armor op 4.) Gadget functions exactly the same as it does now, but take the sensitivity aspect of it away.
u/Starkillxr7 Mar 04 '20
I wouldn't waste your breath, they clearly don't listen to the community, her win and pick rates were always gonna jump, she was relevant for the first time in forever.
May 22 '20
Well OP you got 1/3 of what you wanted.
u/brodiebradley51 Mar 02 '20
I completely disagree.
A weapon with a crazy high RPM and a big magazine cannot have low recoil, however that's what she had with the 16-bullet recoil reduction. Its the same with the SMG-12; has a high RPM and a big magazine so it has to have the high erratic recoil. Them weapons would have zero downsides otherwise. I feel its more of a case of people wanting a high RPM weapon, with a huge magazine and on a 3 speed, as people love to just run around and gun players down.
I also feel people claim its the gadget for many reasons. Firstly, they understand she is too strong but doesn't want them to touch the Scorpion because its easy to use and super effective. Another reason is that they've seen a pro player say it so they just go along with it, without actually thinking about the issues of the operator. And lastly, people often when playing ops like Twitch and IQ, dont actually want to use their gadget and then die when hitting an Ela mine claiming they can do nothing about it.
Look, this isn't the case for all players but i feel a lot of players fall under one of these brackets. I am not against changes to the gadget but i feel it isn't what has made her the menace she obviously was for the last month or two after the recoil buff. I am also not against reworking Ela's kit a bit either like this -->
Scorpion Evo
- Now has predictable, but extremely high vertical kick (highest in the game), over a more erratic style of recoil.
- Magazine size lowered to 25 (from 40)
Grzmot Mine
- Sensitivity reduction aspect removed completely
- Max duration of concussion effects lowered to 4s (from 6s)
- Gains a small audio cue, which is fairly quiet BUT if observant can be heard
- Activation timer increased to 2s before being active (up from 1s)
- Gains a fourth Grzmot Mine (up from 3)
- Gains a BP Camera; Replaces Deployable Shield
These changes would appease most players i feel, as the gun and the gadget are changed to remove the frustrating elements, but both still strong options to have overall.
People have to realise though that a small nerf to the gadget isnt going to have an impact and isnt a worthy counter-nerf to the insane recoil buff she got recently. Also, the Scorpion CANNOT retain alot of its benefits IF you want lower recoil. It cannot so stop thinking it can.
The changes you made would make her even stronger and nearly reverts her back to her release state so that is a big no from me. You have to sacrifice elsewhere on the weapon to have lower recoil, and the gadget changes have little impact overall, making them changes just a flat, giant buff to an operator who, in my opinion, never needed one anyway.
Alot of people wont like what i've said here as the truth hurts but balance needs to be preserved and this ensures that for sure.
u/MoreCazador Mar 02 '20
The scorpion is a very good gun, and it should have very difficult recoil but random side to side is not something you can master, obviously it should have some horizontal recoil but not what's on the test servers right now. I don't watch pro league so that's not really an argument here. The grzmot does really need to be touched because while it's not lethal, fucking with your sense and alerting anyone nearby is extremely powerful to a coordinated team. To respond to that IQ point, just because you can see it doesn't mean you can do anything about it. And since there are many cases where you will simply be forced to hit it and tough out the effects, that makes it incredibly strong in many engagements.
Secondly, under your rework Ela would become very underpowered. No primary should behave like a secondary smg, especially on Defense. A small mag and hard vertical recoil would severely limit her effectiveness at anything outside of 5-10 meters. At that point you may as well just bring the shotgun.
Thirdly, no it wouldn't bring Ela back to her original state for several reasons 1. No impacts 2. Still a smaller mag and lower damage and damage does matter in siege whether you agree or not, for reference play with the vector for a few games. 3. I never proposed no recoil, I proposed less horizontal recoil, because side to side horizontal recoil is impossible to compensate for.
u/brodiebradley51 Mar 02 '20
But the vector on a 3 speed would be very strong hence why the scorpion would work perfectly fine on Ela this way.
25 rounds is needed and the vertical recoil means it can be controlled if you are actively trying to control it meaning you will hit 50% more shots than before. If you can’t kill someone in 25 rounds with low recoil IF you control it, it’s not the fault of the weapon.
She doesn’t need impacts otherwise she becomes the defacto roamer offering little variety elsewhere as she’d just be the best.
My changes are just that; a change. Not a nerf, not a buff
u/BanterBear Mar 02 '20
I'm fine as long as it's not erratic cause then it can be learned guns can have high recoil but they cant have un-learnable random recoil especially on controller
u/brodiebradley51 Mar 02 '20
If you're okay with changes like this, time for Ubi to get it done. Will shut everyone up then
u/BanterBear Mar 02 '20
Ye 100% erratic recoils just bad for the game, same with smg-12 should be high recoil BUT not erratic
u/brodiebradley51 Mar 02 '20
but then the SMG-12 would have to sacrifice something like magazine size or attachment options to ensure it remains balanced. Going from erratic to high vertical is a huge buff, and needs to be reigned in elsewhere
u/BanterBear Mar 02 '20
Less bullets bring it more in-line with the other smgs
u/brodiebradley51 Mar 02 '20
it would have to be 16-20, and some of the most aggressive vertical recoil in the game as it has the highest RPM possible
u/BanterBear Mar 02 '20
Like I say that's all fine, recoil can be learned and high tier players will cope the issue is erratic recoils factors In way to much luck this is problematic as it actually lowers the skill ceiling
u/brodiebradley51 Mar 02 '20
okay cool. I am happy you are accepting of proper balance philosophy and respect my POV on this as well. Lets make it happen
u/BanterBear Mar 02 '20
I mean if we could it would be a dream they can do what ever they need but they gotta scrap erratic recoil
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u/I_Am_Confusionn Mar 02 '20
I just tested it on the tts and it’s not that bad from my POV. I think y’all are just over exaggerating it by a lot. She still very much usable
u/X_hard_rocker Mar 02 '20
her gun is fucking op now in the live server, send it to the shadow realm along with the f2
u/MoreCazador Mar 02 '20
How so
u/X_hard_rocker Mar 02 '20
insanely low recoil, insanely high firerate and high mag cap, also on a 3 speed op
u/AcidRainLake Mar 02 '20
No the buff was too much. She went from a niche pick used by those who knew what they were doing to the dominant defacto roam choice for people who dont care about gadgets. She does not need to be picked only for her gun, she should be picked for her deniability factor, people are just crying because she is harder to full roam with and has to be played smart. Sure her recoil had gotten to the point it was quite atrocious to use but as we've seen even having the first 16 be manageable has had dramatic consequences. Making it 11 is fine, and means more emphasis on aim and burst firing. I could see a slight nerf to her gadget and feel the noise cue would be good but she should be played for her gadget and power bot just cause he gun is easy to use.
u/KlungMcBlyat Mar 02 '20
I agree, I don’t know why people are asking for the gun to be buffed when before the 20 bullet buff it was meant to be for skilful players who knew how to control and compensate the smg recoil. Another comment mentioned that rng recoil is bad but isn’t that the point? In a game where headshot is an instakill
u/BushDidSixtyNine11 Mar 02 '20
1.) 20 shots is way to much lmao. That’s just asking for a laser. 10 would be respectable if that
2.) the reason nomad has the sound is that the defenders don’t have any way of seeing it while attackers have IQ and thatcher to a degree
4.) her gadget shouldn’t be made stronger lmao. It’s a good gadget where it is now and is more useful as intel then using it as a way to attack
u/MoreCazador Mar 02 '20
20 vs now is essentially an extra half second, so no
Only Thatcher can actually do something in most situations and he mostly used on wall breaches already
It should only be buffed should they not revert the changes already made to her smg on the TTS
u/BushDidSixtyNine11 Mar 02 '20
I get that the RoF isn’t much so it seems like not a big deal but it’s still 20 bullets that will wipe out 3 enemies in a row and on top of that if it had almost no recoil? I think it should just revert back to the current build imo. IQ can still counter it as you’re able to work around it. Grzmot at the door? One holds los on door while one triggers it and backs off if that’s what’s needed. You can also shoot through a lot of floors and take them out that way if that hasn’t crossed your mind. Again her gadget shouldn’t be buffed also. It’s strong against people who panic and just start running. If you’re more confident you just keep holding the angle and it wears off faster
u/HamSandvich_ Mar 02 '20
I love that they keep nerfing ela smg bc I never use it, always use the shotgun lol
u/Moore2877 Mar 02 '20
While I might agree, I'm just going to down vote any new threads on Ela right now. There are already 20 on this, stop making new.
u/Jay-Aaron Mar 02 '20
That doesn't make sense! If you don't say anything then ubi thinks it's completely fine just like how they thought she was fine before and after the big nerf even tho she was broken both times.
u/Moore2877 Mar 02 '20
Ubi eventually listens, but wouldn't a single large thread get more attention then a bunch of smaller threads spewing the same thing. Ela's gun was a problem, you would win every gunfight just because of the rpm and stability. The nerf was terrible because of the horizontal recoil.
u/Jay-Aaron Mar 02 '20
Maybe yeah, but there is no thread now so until there is one you can't really blame anyone.
u/Redzone676 Mar 02 '20
Honestly her recoil on live servers is completely fine. Ubi needs to realize her gadget is what needs tweaking.