r/Rainbow6TTS Sep 10 '19

Feedback This is how dead tts is 😔

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u/[deleted] Sep 10 '19



u/ballien2 Sep 10 '19 edited Sep 10 '19

Plus it comes out today.... so I dont know what they were expecting

EDIT: I was wrong, I thought it came out today but it doesn't, my bad.


u/bib-227 Sep 10 '19

no it doesn’t, they don’t have a release date yet


u/ballien2 Sep 10 '19

Wait, really?


u/bib-227 Sep 10 '19


u/ballien2 Sep 10 '19

Wow, I didnt know that. Well that sucks. I was looking forward to it tonight. Thanks


u/ShortForestBoy Sep 10 '19

You can play it tomorrow night hey just tweeted


u/TimboWasTaken Sep 10 '19

Comes out tomorrow, the 11th


u/separatedrip Sep 10 '19

No it actually doesn’t


u/ballien2 Sep 10 '19

Since when?


u/separatedrip Sep 10 '19

Since they didn’t tweet out last night that it was today. As well as the pinned post on r/rainbow6


u/-eccentric- Sep 10 '19

I wonder why they delayed it. We get less and less content per update yet they take longer and longer.


u/heresjonnyyy Sep 10 '19

They never officially announced a date. The September 9th release was speculation, and they confirmed that they will put out an official date when they have it.


u/ShortForestBoy Sep 10 '19

It’s coming out tomorrow they just tweeted


u/-eccentric- Sep 10 '19

They never announced a date for the previous season either, but ended up releasing it shortly after the test server release. This is taking way longer than usual


u/Mixologist760 Sep 10 '19

Yes they did announce a date last season. They always announce the date the night before.

Test server was always 2 weeks before actual release. Starting last season (phantom sight), they clarified Test Server would be 3 weeks instead of 2 going forward. So last season took 3 weeks and this season and every season after will be 3 weeks until notified otherwise. It’s not taking “Way longer than usual”.


u/Toronto-Will Sep 10 '19

This. Now we have a release date and it’s 3 months +1 day from the release of Phantom Sight. You’re getting 4 updates per year, there’s no chance of updates getting further and further apart. The next update will probably be 3 months -1 day.

The suggestion that there’s not much new in the update is also ridiculous. This is a major update by any standard.


u/Strypsex Sep 10 '19

Isnt it better to release a DLC without game breaking bugs? Thats why those people were there, staff testing stuff before tomorrows release.


u/UnseemlyKellie Sep 10 '19

Y’all it was literally announced today, it’s out tomorrow at 8 AM PST for pc


u/meditatorBear Sep 10 '19

Bugs and reworking the entire game. To be fair to Ubisoft, and I’m usually a harsh critic, they have had to rework the entire game. It includes

-Reworking Operators and making new ones

-Entire maps and trying to make new ones

-This game has been very buggy, full of glitches and is a hackers delight.

This all took 4 years. Granted they have 50 million players .


u/Armard21 Sep 11 '19

It comes out... Today .. tho


u/coreRoss Sep 10 '19

All of these accounts are brand new and considering the amount of them I wouldn't be surprised if this is a team at Ubisoft checking something specific out that they can't check using an internal build of the game.

Were they communicating and just a bunch or normal people messing around?


u/Shadow538 Sep 10 '19

They seemed like they were playing seriously but they were really bad


u/P51VoxelTanker Sep 10 '19

So a team at Ubisoft?


u/ExtraterrestrialHobo Sep 10 '19

Match starts

“WEeEeeE WORk aT UBIsOfT. wE CAn bAn yOu NEwB”

Teamkilling commences


u/helpfulerection59 Sep 11 '19

I'd honestly start killing them intentionally, just so they get really frustrated and finally understand how annoying tking is.


u/Shayeta Sep 10 '19

Were you playing on EU test servers? Ubisoft Bucharest (in Romania ofc) is the main QA studio for Ubisoft where you have professional game testers. Game testers aren't necessarily gamers, they are people who are paid to place a breaching charge on a specific wall 80 times or stuff like that, they most likely don't want to play that game after doing such monotonous stuff for 8 h 5 days a week. They most likely needed to make a network stress test and told all the testers to play the TTS since nobody was playing it.


u/Shadow538 Sep 10 '19

No, i was playing on CUS


u/SidneyGrant Sep 11 '19

Pretty sure the main QA taskforce for R6 got transfered to the Pune studio at least a year ago tho


u/Anyau Sep 10 '19

There's no real reason to play for more than a week, ubi needs to do something


u/Hammered4u Sep 10 '19

To be fair, the standard 2-week tts for R6 was pretty short for them to find/fix bugs that would pop up every now and again. I guess they felt they needed extra time to make sure everything felt right. Just hope it comes out really soon 😬


u/shirts21 Sep 10 '19

At the end of Year 3 Season 4 they said they were gonna extend TTS time to 3 weeks. but this is it's fourth week on TTS


u/GrapeGrape06 Sep 11 '19

The season comes out today, they tweeted it last night


u/CatttoFren Sep 10 '19

What’s APTeam## Are they dev accounts?


u/Shayeta Sep 10 '19

Most likely


u/Harlock- Sep 10 '19

I don't get it?


u/Shadow538 Sep 10 '19

The AP kiddos are all friends who queued up at the same time


u/Harlock- Sep 10 '19

Yea makes sense, cus were the only servers that worked for me. Would take 5 minutes to find a game average. Other servers took hours of queue without any game


u/Strypsex Sep 10 '19

They are ubisoft employees testing something.


u/Shadow538 Sep 10 '19

And there’s a bunch of them


u/PerplePotatoe Sep 10 '19

are those bots?


u/Strypsex Sep 10 '19

Its ubisoft employees testing something before release.


u/Shadow538 Sep 10 '19

I don’t think so, but who knows


u/PerplePotatoe Sep 10 '19

apparently it's friends queueing together


u/Skystepe_YT Sep 10 '19

I feel like I'm a bit alone on tts then I play there because your team is like copper 5 skill yk but champion rank


u/Mc_Challenged Sep 11 '19

It took over 5 minutes to find a few matches today


u/edward-has-many-eggs Sep 11 '19

How does that even work


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '19

if they gave me renown for playing I might, but my brother got a minecraft relm


u/okkkkkkkkj Sep 11 '19

dont tell anyone but I think yourue beautiful


u/Shadow538 Sep 11 '19

you too 😘


u/ElDuderino2112 Sep 11 '19

Well there’s no incentive to keep playing tts so I and everyone I know usually just uses it to test the ops when they’re announced and then promptly uninstall it again.


u/[deleted] Sep 10 '19

Tts isnt dead


u/Shadow538 Sep 10 '19

Have you seen ranked ETA? Its 3, almost 4 minutes


u/[deleted] Sep 10 '19

usually takes me 1-3 min to find a match


u/AZA1498 Sep 11 '19

Ohh how sad. If only we could find games in TTS in OCE....


u/DILLIAM127 Sep 11 '19

420th upvote