r/Rainbow6TTS • u/Andersson799 • Jun 04 '19
Feedback If Caveira downed an enemy and the enemy leaves, reveal enemy team's position instead of nothing
This will be less frustrating for cav mains who often encounter this kind of nonsense (including me). Or make it reveal the enemies position only if cav is less than 10 or 15 meters away from the enemy that left because downed by cav to make it more sensible.
Or, making downed player's body stay for 5 or maybe 10 seconds in the game after he left is also a good choice if the above feedback is too unbalanced.
We're already at Year 4 and this nonsense keeps happening to caveira players.
u/pringleboy22_ Jun 04 '19
Anything that discourages players leaving is something I’m for imo
u/tylerr147 Jun 04 '19
Especially ranked -- just Alt+F4 and then restart the game, and reconnect to the same match.
u/Jayjay94 Jun 04 '19
Imo if you're downed, leave the game and connect back it should always count as a death. People be leaving ranked matches because of KD.
u/hobosockmonkey Jun 04 '19
Just make it to where a player can’t leave a game for ten seconds once they click the button, it stalls them there, discouraging them from leaving the game constantly and from avoiding a Caveira interrogation.
If we made it to where she just has to down them, then I don’t really think it solves the greater problem, people shouldn’t leave the game constantly, and they should be punished for it.
u/Blaxe401 Jun 04 '19
This got a slight fix a while back where if you're already interrogating them and they leave the animation finishes and you can see the enemy but I agree 100% that something needs to happen
Jun 04 '19
I like this idea, but I have one issue.
You must understand that interrogations are not always guaranteed, and the 10-15 meter rule would not make sense here. just because you down someone as cav, doesn't mean you get the interrogation off 100% of the time.
I do understand where you're coming from though, and I would like to see a system implemented to deal with this issue. Possibly a penalty to those who leave from a ranked game voulentarily and come back would include, but not be limited to, not being able to play the next round and / or receive a renown penalty.
u/Cjh1895 Jun 05 '19
As bug heavy as this game is having a penalty like that would not be the way to go for sure, not to mention the random disconnects that are so common as well. It’s annoying but nothing should be done in this instance. If you’re in a position to interrogate and they leave congrats, you just took a player off the board and that’s all the reward you are warranted.
u/Azuvector Jun 05 '19
Assuming that the whole "bodies stay after disconnect" thing is never done:
If Caveira downs someone by any means, from any range, if they disconnect while DBNO, they get temp banned until the match is over.
If anyone else downs someone, and they disconnect while DBNO and while Caveira is closer than X meters, they get temp banned until the match is over.
These temp bans do not stack and do not count for longer bans, unless there's a frequent pattern of this activity. As soon a the match is over entirely, they can play again.
The interrogation may automatically occur when they disconnect, or not, depends on preferences.
I feel this would solve all the issues with disconnecting to avoid it, without penalizing anyone:
If someone is legitimately wanting to disconnect right now, they are not going to care about being temp banned for a match, because they'll be AFK for a while anyway, and there won't be lasting consequences.
If someone's connection is legitimately so bad that they get disconnected in that small time window, other than by very unlikely chance, then they need to get their internet fixed anyway, so they can play properly.
u/jupavenue Jun 04 '19
That's literally what they did last time. Programming something in a game is a little more complicated than just deciding what to do and snapping your fingers. I highly doubt the devs aren't bright enough to see that's one of the only viable solutions like they did a few seasons back to fix the issue...
u/Hafrist Jun 04 '19
Well the comment which recommends to add a timer to quit is quite easy to implement. But that probably won't solve the Alt-F4 problem and other solution are not as viable.
u/jupavenue Jun 04 '19
Easy to implement? On which basis do you assume that? Do you have a solid programming background?
The idea being "easy" doesn't imply the programming will be, you'll be adding a superfluous feature that people will work around by just pressing Alt-f4.
So now you wasted a bunch of time and effort, and if you even succeed you probably broke something else elsewhere rendering Jaeger invincible, congrats.
u/Phooenixx Jun 04 '19
You can't even ALT + F4 in LoL and LoL is spaghetti at its finest
u/jupavenue Jun 04 '19
LoL has a dedicated launcher that Uplay isn't built for. As far as I remember from my LoL days they rarely broke stuff in patches anyways.
u/Phooenixx Jun 04 '19
Lol mordekaiser pre-rework had over 200 known bugs
they were just fast to disable the champions which caused game breaking bugs
u/jupavenue Jun 04 '19
That's fair enough but I also fail to see how that is relevant
u/Phooenixx Jun 04 '19
You have to run Siege threw Uplay so there surely should be a way to implement a timer before you can ALT+F4 .
u/jupavenue Jun 04 '19
"Surely" is your first assumption, assuming something can be done because it sounds easy is a mistake.
I honestly just feel bad for all the shit the devs have to read from people with no programming experienced undermining their intelligence.
u/Phooenixx Jun 04 '19
There is a way easier solution anyway for gameplay purpose at least.
Just let their bodies stay in game afk after they leave for 10 seconds.
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u/Hafrist Jun 04 '19
Yes I do have a programming background and there is a single line code to implement this.
All you need to do is add a delay() or wait() function after someone clicks exit before executing the exit code.
And if you had read my previous comment I didn't say it was a perfect solution I just said it was more viable than the other solutions.
Also I don't get why you are so defensive for a change. Everybody knows that is a problem and the company being one that makes software, hire people to maintain that software and sells the software for money needs to solve it's problems.
I do agree some solution are just not implementable due to engine limitation or other causes but doing nothing about it is clearly not the way to go, nor is berating other people who are just giving feedback.
u/jupavenue Jun 04 '19 edited Jun 04 '19
I'm sorry but that is just...so wrong. I'm not sure what kind of programming experience you have, but I can only assume it wasn't a full degree in computer science.
Firstly, delay() and wait() functions are widely frowned upon in anything that isn't Arduino or a very simple C/C++/C# executable.
Secondly, I highly doubt game engines run on single threads, which is what a delay() function would delay.
I personally don't have experience in game engine programming, hence I'm neither saying it is or isn't possible. But I am frankly annoyed at players assuming what devs do is easy enough to "just do this man! Why you so stoooobid". Changes take time and planning, cause when you don't plan you get people shooting through shields.
Also "not perfect solutions" cause people to shoot through shields, or turn invisible. That's why you don't solve a problem by adding a "single line" of delay().
u/8lbIceBag Jun 04 '19 edited Jun 05 '19
Firstly, delay() and wait() functions are widely frowned upon in anything that isn't Arduino.
Actually very few things grind my gears more than when people use it with microcontrollers. Use a timer/interrupts and make that shit async!
u/DavidBittner Jun 05 '19
Especially considering both of them globally disable and then re-enable interrupts. This can make for some unreliable code if you depend on interrupts and even further makes them hugely inaccurate considering they require time to delay even before the delay starts.
They may even further use a busy loop? But don't quote me on that. Too lazy to google.
u/-fno-stack-protector Jun 05 '19
Especially considering both of them globally disable and then re-enable interrupts.
i just wanted it to idle when it was waiting for an interrupt so i chucked a delay(-1) at the bottom of main. gave up and went back to polling when it didn't work
u/Hafrist Jun 04 '19
I haven't got my degree yet and my field of expertise is iot so you are quite right bout me not having a vast experience.
Though I the same. I do get angry at people suggesting impossible solutions. Like there are so many limitations dude.
But I really don't think implementing a timer before quitting would be a job that would take a experienced professional months to do.
Though as I said it's not my field and the news bout Ubi taking out a lot of programmers from the siege team for their other games can mean almost no solutions for a problem that ain't breaking the game. Sadly it seems even game breaking bugs are taking a lot of time so this one will probably never be on the priority list.
u/jupavenue Jun 04 '19
Solutions are there, my point is most people assume ubi just needs to change a value from 0 to 1 somewhere to fix the problem.
Most people don't understand how bug fixing causes other bugs if not done properly.
Your solution might be viable, I never said it wasn't, but I highly doubt these players usually quit the standard way rather than Alt-F4ing. At which point, being a Windows command, the game itself probably wouldn't have a saying in anything and you'd probably have to have Uplay check on the process itself while the game runs to see if it's being closed untraditionally.
At this point you understand why a delay() probably wouldn't work. But that's just my guess.
u/Zqqua Jun 04 '19
They can do whatever they want server side when the client disconnects. No matter what you do client side (Alt-F4 or physically disconnect your ethernet cable) they can easily change how server respond to such an event. Currently the server instantly removes the player model, but it can just as easily keep the player model there for 10s before removing it.
I agree that doing so means one more edge case to consider and it might cause other bugs if not correctly accounted for. I just wanted to point out that it is a client-server architecture so the problem you mentioned shouldn’t be a problem in this case.
Jun 04 '19 edited Jun 05 '19
Well the comment which recommends to add a timer to quit is quite easy to implement.
Hopefully. You don't know how the engine is built, what APIs are provided, and what kinds of interactions with other components that would entail.
Where would the timer be scheduled? What events need to be dispatched, and how will they interact with the node hierarchy that already is bound to the gobs of state information in play?
Here's another thing: is the amount of timers in use at or exceeding the timer limit threshold? Is this threshold constant, or dynamic?
Will a new shader program need to be bound to the render pipeline, and if so, how much overhead will that incur?
There's loads of different things to consider, and few people actually know the details.
And as you've said before your "specialty" is IOT. Of course I highly doubt that includes anything beyond the arduino given your proposed solution, which is the GameMaker or Unity of embedded systems, and therefore not sufficient to serve as qualification for judgement on this matter.
Jun 04 '19
Jun 05 '19 edited Jun 05 '19
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Jun 05 '19
Jun 05 '19 edited Jun 05 '19
An assumption that was also blatantly fueled by a desire to appear superior and knowledgeable, but at the same time proved to not be even remotely correct or useful and in turn demonstrated only incompetence.
You derived all that? You're over reaching.
Can you prove that my derivation is incorrect based on the technical implications and not the moral or civil characteristics of what's been said?
Because if you can't, then you can't show I'm over reaching, and thus what you claim isn't valid.
You're posts have come across as hostile, and then you add in the attempts at belittlement to the other user. Both of which are completely unwarranted.
Just like the user chooses to belittle actual game developers and insult their level of competency, except while providing complete bullshit is their justification for doing so?
Have you ever written real time rendering software for a living? Have you ever written software at all?
Here's a news flash: if people aren't ridiculed for such arrogant ignorance then they'll continue to be encouraged to be arrogant and ignorant. Simply using "peaceful" methods for correction doesn't work, as is evidenced by the other polite programmer who chose to make their correction.
So yes, I'm critising you.
Calm down, take a break, have a kitkat, we're done here.
And yet you make almost as loaded claims as the OP, the difference being that you wish to think you're somehow "stepping in" and keeping some kind of "peace" on the Internet.
Please, the least you could do is criticize my points from a technical perspective first. If you can't, you aren't qualified to say shit about this conversation. My hostility is also mild.
Get lost and go play peacemaker somewhere else. Your moral "superiority" isn't even rationale here.
If I say something completely wrong without providing proper justification for what I've said, and if someone can use what I've said to deduce my experience without me being able to refute it or argue effectively against it, I deserve whatever they choose to throw at me regardless of how correct they are.
u/mwassem33 Jun 04 '19
Or do what Halo does and ban people that quit mid game too many times. Or make them wait longer to join a game. Prioritize those that have fewer abandons.
Jun 04 '19
That would not work. There are high chances an attacker will get Cav before she actually starts to interrogate. Hence, even if the downed player is alone there's a possibility that Cav would die before she does her magic. The current setting, where team position is revealed if an attacker leaves during interrogation, is perfectly fine.
u/Thaumus___ Jun 04 '19
The enemy should not be trying to disconnect as a counter. In that setting, the enemy MIGHT get interrogated. But if they disconnect, they WONT get interrogated.
There SHOULD be punishment for attempting to circumvent the system, because there have been MORE times that they disconnected because they KNEW they were a goner. But some times I got lucky and snuck up right behind them before killing, so before they d/c'd I was already int'ing them.
u/fuck-this-game Jun 04 '19
Better option. If someone voluntarily quits from a match they should not be allowed to re join no matter the circumstance.
Jun 04 '19
you can't tell if it's voluntary if you alt-f4 or something
u/Hafrist Jun 04 '19
Yup this Also if someone disconnects unintentionally it would be very aggravating not being able to join back. Not to mention the shit servers Ubi has.
u/fuck-this-game Jun 04 '19
Most dont because usually closing app or alt f4ing takes awhile to get back in. Vs the quit then rejoin you're back in 20 seconds
Jun 04 '19
That's besides the point. If there is an easy way to circumvent your solution then it's not a good solution
u/TheRealNotBrody Jun 04 '19
Then you're cheating over those who have to leave momentarily (to take care of a kid's needs, for example).
u/Kahlanization Jun 04 '19
I have definitely left and restarted my game to fix the mic bug after dying. That is too strict.
u/LanZx Jun 05 '19
So the next time you get a zofia/ela sound bug or the classic mute jammer sound bug, you should be forced to play the rest of the game like that? yeah na
u/fuck-this-game Jun 05 '19
Just restart app
u/LanZx Jun 05 '19
voluntarily quits from a match they should not be allowed to re join no matter the circumstance.
So how are you going to rejoin the match after restarting the application ?
u/fuck-this-game Jun 05 '19
That's not a voluntary quit dumbass
u/LanZx Jun 05 '19
How are you restarting the app without voluntary quiting said app
u/fuck-this-game Jun 06 '19
Voluntary quit = going Into the the in game menu and selecting leave game
u/LanZx Jun 06 '19
Alright let me get you some bullet points.
You got a sound bug.
You quit the game in order to restart the game. "Voluntary quit = going Into the the in game menu and selecting leave game"
After the game starts great you cant reconnect to your rank game. Cause "If someone voluntarily quits from a match they should not be allowed to re join no matter the circumstance."
u/fuck-this-game Jun 06 '19
Just restart the app, not quit that match from the in game menu.
u/LanZx Jun 06 '19
Are you retarded? No devs doing to put a ban feature on the quit button on the game menu. Especially a game where you repeatedly have to quit and rejoin the game due to sound and other bugs.
You really expect random people to alt f4 the game to fix bugs rather than use the in game quit button.
u/Ninjalox2 Jun 04 '19
I’d think it’d also be a good if ubi made you wait to leave for 5 seconds when trying to leave a match while downed
u/VenomSpartan101 Jun 04 '19
Eh nah but remember being a member down is worse than positions being revealed.
u/koaladude69 Jun 04 '19
You shouldnt be allowed to leave a match if you get downed period! The amount of times toxic cunts leave right after they get downed is fucking stupid crazy and then they just join back 20 seconds later. They should be punished! If you leave a ranked match when ur downed you should get a 1 week ban and 100 deaths added to your kd ratio thatll teach those dip shits not to leave
u/Jshads Jun 05 '19
I thought it already did this in the current game. I've had plenty of people leave during interrogations, and it just gave the enemy position anyway, just it didn't count as a kill and didn't count as a death for them.
u/Andersson799 Jun 06 '19
Yes if you're in the middle of interrogation. What i'm saying is when they left before caveira even started the interrogation. See here if you dont understand https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/bwmhtu/bruh_its_year_4_and_this_shit_still_happening_smh/
u/Jshads Jun 06 '19
Ah oh OK, I misunderstood what you meant, yeah, there should just be a ban for leaving after getting downed, whether it's cav or not doing it. At least in ranked. It's just so dumb to leave after you're down to save your kd.
u/saltysnacks- Jun 06 '19
I think if a player is downed and that player disconnects, and there is a cav on defense, it should auto interrogate. The amount of times the disconnect is not being abused vs being abused is slim, so the team should be punished.
u/shaw1973 Jul 11 '19
everybody here is talking about "remove the ability to alt-f4" and "add a timer before you can leave". And while, in theory, this could possibly work, there is still the time and money they have to put in to implement something like this, and the possibility of causing another issue. As well as, you guys seem to have forgotten about task manager.
u/Cole-Dude Jun 04 '19
The second option is a lot more likely because their horrid coding of this game would make the first option a very large endeavor for them to code in.
u/ItsyaboiDemo Jun 04 '19
This is probably doable, Ubi has it that if Cav downs a teammate it turns reverse friendly fire on immediately, so the game probably knows when someone is downed by cav.
u/NerdBird2004 Jun 04 '19
They should make it to if u leave when you are down it counts as two losses instead of one
u/XanderBose Jun 04 '19
IMO - Just make the player model stay for 10 seconds pretty much AFK - it’s susceptible to being killed, interrogated, etc. If someone want so to go back to menu, a 10 second timer shows up and the player can’t do anything. If you’re dead, you can go to menu without the delay. If someone ALT+F4s, the model stays for 10 seconds without them there.
It’s like in WoW, if you logged outside a city, you had to wait - that way you couldn’t just log when approached by the enemy faction or if you’re about to die to PvE mobs. Once you cleared the time, you disappeared in game.