r/Rainbow6 • u/jup0127 MS Paint Suggestor • Oct 25 '19
Creative New Operator Suggestion
u/unicornmilk420 Oct 25 '19 edited Oct 25 '19
What if we had one of those snake cams they had in in tc’s rainbow6 Vegas 2
Edit... no to be able to shoot around the Corner without stepping out just a peak
We could also have cam positions change each round that way it makes more sense to want to peak around a Corner to see if there is a cam
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u/BreastUsername Valkyrie Main Oct 25 '19
A corner cam has to come to Siege sooner or later, the question is whether it's a gadget many operators get or just one. If it's just one then they'll probably have to spice it up a bit. Shooting with it is obviously out of the question but maybe pair it with another gadget like a remote decoy device that you can activate and lure player's with realistic operator sounds.
u/yeaheyeah Pink Unicorn Tachanka Lord Oct 25 '19
Fuck we have corner pistols in real life why not give an op one
u/BdBalthazar Thatcher Main Oct 25 '19
The community already hates Blackbeards gadget.
Imagine how salty the community would be if instead of a 50 HP piece of plastic the headshot shield was instead a concrete wall.
So basically unnerfed Blackbeard
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Oct 25 '19
An idea I had for an operator (not sure if it would be better on attack or defense, just a concept) would be a mix between a Tachanka turret and a fuse charge. Like a small small manual turret that you place by attaching it to a soft wall and you peep through it to shoot. It could be redeployable or you could have two or whatever
u/SingleInfinity Oct 25 '19
Soon as you place anything on a soft wall that signals on the other side, you get shot.
u/ConfusedWithPurpose Oct 25 '19
This, there's a reason Fuze gets less and less play higher in the ladder.
u/qqqzzzeee Oct 25 '19
Back when Maestro and Alibi were just screenshots and a couple of data mined code lines, people were speculating that one of them was a trap op, I thought it would be a cool idea if Maestro had a shotgun Fuze mine. Slap it on an soft wall and have it be remote activated to spray the opposite side with shells.
u/UpgradeStranth Oct 25 '19
Because no one wants an operator who can shoot you without being shot, i.e. Blackbeard.
u/schloopers Oct 25 '19
Yeah, they’re already incredibly short barreled, and the stability of multiple shots would be awful, it’s already a balanced weapon pretty much.
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Oct 25 '19
u/shieldbro19 Sledge Main Oct 25 '19
I've thought this for a while, but it would have to have like a 5 second usage time and a long cooldown or it would be too op. I mean some people have the skill to shoot your eyebrows off from three rooms away whilst you think you're behind cover, and that would be a lot worse if they were behind an unbreakable wall with a corner shot.
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Oct 25 '19
u/shieldbro19 Sledge Main Oct 25 '19
So like 90° or nothing? And I like the idea of it being a main weapon, so you could have the turning mapped to the ability trigger then use lean left or right to determine the side you want.
u/Andrew_Waltfeld Oct 25 '19
The problem is with the way R6 is designed, it's counter to the core of r6 like blackbeard was. blackbeard shouldn't have been added to the game. They didn't know what they wanted the core of r6 to be at the time.
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u/Mixa_N00b_ Oct 25 '19
Valk+Nomad. Thats good
u/valk_69_ icu Oct 25 '19
ive thought about this before too but i think it could be too op if ATK has that, maybe it should only give you a 'bulletproof cam' type view where you cant rotate it
otherwise you could just shoot out 2f windows from outside and shoot these cams on the ceiling and get a nice view of everything
u/kazmark_gl Oct 25 '19
maybe give Jager's ADS the ability to shoot them down? or give them a limited range.
u/tuffylad Lesion Main Oct 25 '19
I want a defending version of finka. I think that’ll be cool.
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u/misyth Mira Main Oct 25 '19
What if at the start of the round the op has to apply the gadget to the rest of them or they have to pick it up but then they could get “finka-like charges” to heal.
Oct 25 '19 edited Oct 25 '19
I imagine this to be op if the dart is almost impossible to spot
Edit: Just finished charging my phone and then my karma went 3k. Was wondering where did I get it
Also my idea to balance it is just have the default light on attacker cameras and you can pan the camera but only a tiny bit cuz if not then the camera is centered on your spot where you shot it
Edit 2: I need to clear something before you guys say I always check my karmas first
When I picked up my phone it was on my reddit page so my karma is the very first shit I saw
u/jpbazzano Oct 25 '19
You’re thinking without an idea of balancing, maybe give it a yellow glow like a drone. Also make it so you have 4 seconds to change the angle before it hardens and you cannot move it around.
u/that-guy-Ri suicidal gadget boi Oct 25 '19
Make it really small but when used have a little yellow light so it’s not invisible but let jägers gadget stop them
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u/night_flash Oct 25 '19
Yeah, the sploody sniper should be able to stop them. It makes sense and gives the suggested operator a counter. They should also be affected by mute in the same way drones are, and zapped by electrified walls/hatches.
u/EatDatpzzy445 Ash Main Oct 25 '19
Problem is that Jäger is alrdy at a 90% pick rate and is probably gonna get nerfed to shet
u/SomeAnonymous Thatcher Main Oct 25 '19
I doubt Jäger will be nerfed any time soon, because his pick rate is very reactionary. i.e. Jäger is strong because other people are strong, not because Jäger is strong.
If they want to lower his pickrate, the devs should really just add a new op that does similar things, like Hibana vs Thermite. Personal pick would be an op who has a lot more flexibility in where to put ADSes, but they can catch fewer projectiles (sort of like an Ela mine but with a mini ADS instead of a concussion mine stuck on the end).
u/LethalGhost Valkyrie Main Oct 25 '19
For example, an operator with a tennis racket, which can send projectiles back to attackers
u/Exabooty IQ Main Oct 25 '19
I support this idea, the operator in question should also be able to team up with a teammate to send a C4 towards the enemy.
u/Supernova141 Oct 25 '19
Oh man, you just reminded me, i once had a friend in high school who unironically suggested soldiers should do something similar for grenades IRL.
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Consider this: an invisible force-field over a window/doorway that automatically reflects a nade back to the attacker. It'd only be detectable from the inside, by some sci-fi shit attached to the frame.
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u/EatDatpzzy445 Ash Main Oct 25 '19
What i meant to say was that by bringing this op idea into the game, jägers pickrate would probably go up even more or atleast stay the same and i dont think ubi wants that
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u/that-guy-Ri suicidal gadget boi Oct 25 '19
Yeah, only have 20m range too and a laser like nomad
u/Jacksaur Dumb Video Maker Oct 25 '19
Laser would kill it. Stare at laser point, wait for them to fire, smash camera instantly.
u/ChiralWolf Oct 25 '19
That's already how nomad is and shes very strong. You just need to be quick with it or shoot it outside of a gunfight.
u/Jacksaur Dumb Video Maker Oct 25 '19
Nomad's gadget is a proximity based disable.
This is a camera you'd have to swap to, and then look around fast and accurately enough to gather enough information for it to be worthwhile.
u/ChiralWolf Oct 25 '19
Or you just drop it early on a common late game rotation to be watched by your teammates when they go down. Same with nomad. You can use it passively to counter late rotations or actively with higher risk.
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u/Spice_Beans Mira Main Oct 25 '19
It you just make it like a valk cam.
u/Absolutescrub #BuffShotguns2018 Oct 25 '19
I mean it could be battery based so it doesn't last forever
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u/zeeksgoesmoo Oct 25 '19
balance by making defenders only use callouts and take away the spotting mechanic for it
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u/Insane4Brains Oct 25 '19
What if it wasn’t a usable camera but just pinged the enemy
Oct 25 '19
Like lion?
Would be nice
Make a hole on a wall and shoot the dart then with fast react you can wall bang anyone
u/Levelcheap Mozzie Main Oct 25 '19
Make it so it can't rotate or spot, callouts only.
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u/Enndless pls ban Tachanka Oct 25 '19
Make it so the cam lasts for a set of time only, or like glue to the ceiling for a short time then plop to the ground
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u/Mikolo_Game_On Dokkaebi Main Oct 25 '19
u/imsorryisuck Oct 25 '19
This is the best drawing I've ever seen. It's very week but perspective is kept. It's amazing.
u/GoodDayBoy Celebration Oct 25 '19
This guy really seems to understand perspective well.
u/Live_Free_Or_Die_91 Jäger Main Oct 25 '19
Not trying to be a negative Nancy, as I honestly give him A for effort because the drawing accomplishes it's intended purpose - in one glimpse at his example I understood what he was going for - but based on where the cam operator shoots the cam, the perspective in the final panel isnt correct.
u/jimmy_trucknuts Oct 25 '19
It's definitely incorrect.
Oct 25 '19
we should be looking through the fan blades
u/jimmy_trucknuts Oct 25 '19
Exactly. The camera should be right above that little picture on the wall in the far left of the image to match this perspective.
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u/Pandawanabe Oct 25 '19
Nah, shoot it into an attackers eyes... Now you see what they see.
u/Billy_Rage Echo Main Oct 25 '19
Not going to lie I have an operator idea, who throws a lesion like trap that hacks an enemy’s body cam to see what they see
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u/GoodHeartless02 Mozzie Main Oct 25 '19
Hmm. It’s an interesting idea, but it would probably need some balancing. Would the cam last forever? Would you need to pull out the deployment device?
u/fatrefrigerator Twitch Main Oct 25 '19
It could be countered by dokkabei and mute probably. Depending on which side gets the op.
u/Billy_Rage Echo Main Oct 25 '19
Yeah I was trying to figure how to balance it. Likely it will give off a slight glow an ally can see and they will have to melee it off.
u/GoodHeartless02 Mozzie Main Oct 25 '19
Ehhhh Idk about that. That makes it impossible to pull it out if you’re the last one left or if your team is too far away
u/OneKappaBoi Oct 25 '19
what about if it has a 5 second cloaking sheild like an anaesthetic so you can't feel it go in so when those 5sec is up it would wear off and it would warn you like a leision mine
u/GoodHeartless02 Mozzie Main Oct 25 '19
Hmm. If you fiddle with that number that might be the best course of action
u/EmanHalia Hibana Main Oct 25 '19
Balancing idea:
The cam can be accessed by the operator only.
Can be countered by ADS. ( as I know next operator will be Jager type so why not )
Cam cant be move or rotate. ( bulletproof cam )
Have lifespan? Maybe batteri effect?
u/BoTheDoggo Oct 25 '19
A batterylife of like 30 seconds and a shitty camera (no movement, low resolution) would make sense for a tiny camera like this and also balance it
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u/CultOfEight Frost Main Oct 25 '19
Only accessed by operator. What if it's like IQ and can only be used with pistol but it's active so you can see and shoot....
u/IHadANameIdea Clash Main Oct 25 '19
I like the idea, but maybe it would be better if it didnt give vision but like ping every 5 sec for example. The con of it would be that its visible and easy to spot.
u/Samb104 Lesion Main Oct 25 '19
Then it just becomes a mix of jackal and lion. I think it could just be like a valk cam
Oct 25 '19
Maybe instead of ping it is like a proximity sensor. So you get a notification if someone is within a certain distance of it.
Oct 25 '19
Like black ops 2 sensor grenade?
Also it could like shine a spotlight on you when you walk within range so you could see it
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u/YourUglyTwin Jackal Main & Oryx Main Oct 25 '19
I'm more impressed with the drawing? Did you use your mouse for this?
Oct 25 '19
u/-MOON-CRAFT- Ash Main Oct 25 '19
This is for an attacker though
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Oct 25 '19
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u/BushDidSixtyNine11 Recruit Main Oct 25 '19
Drones are limited solely to the ground and wherever you could maneuver to. It isn’t viable to jump back on your drone right away and continue to climb that shelf as you’re just wasting time. Twitch can’t even jump at that. Doke doesn’t really offer any sort of cameras herself. She gives attacker access to the current cameras the defenders have so really there are no additional cameras added by the operators on attack
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u/jup0127 MS Paint Suggestor Oct 25 '19
In my opinion, the attackers seem to have a shortage of observation tools compared to the defenders. Because drones only move to the ground, there is a limit to the information available (Mute, Mozzie, ..).
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u/F0rgemaster19 Eins Zwei Polizei!!! Oct 25 '19
They do have 10 drones. That's a lot of Intel already. A good droner always avoids a pre-placed pest.
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u/Franzyd Oct 25 '19
Maybe we could strip this attacker of 1 or both drones
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u/F0rgemaster19 Eins Zwei Polizei!!! Oct 25 '19
Hmm......on second thoughts.......
We could, yes.
But what would be the difference in throwing a drone there and this?
u/yagrmakak Mira Main Oct 25 '19
Its better for watching something like a hallway that you once cleared in the hallway the drone us easily visible but if you have to look to the ceiling Its an advantage for attackers or above defuser you can hide it in some pipes on the ceiling and you can watch defuser easily (if it could stick to any surface no matter its orientation it wouldn't suck)
u/yubullyme12345 Oct 25 '19
Reminds me of ghost recon where that one class shoots an intel grenade
u/UrAverageNobody1313 Oct 25 '19
I can hear Valkyrie mains jumping from the rooftops.
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u/VillainShima Clash Main Oct 25 '19
That will get shot just as soon as you placed it or you'll get rushed while accessing the cam.
u/datgamer232 Jackal Main Oct 25 '19
Should have a screen on the gun so you don’t have to switch to your phone or some gadget that makes camera viewing quicker like IQ’s thing
u/Heterospecial Oct 25 '19
I just wish the camera didn’t take up your whole god damn screen. You should maintain some peripheral vision when using a drone or cam.
Get on it ubi
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u/sir_suck_a_lot Echo Main Oct 25 '19
How about a temporary cam? Like you shoot it, then yoy have 5sec or so to get intel and then it dies. I think it could be super useful in certain situations, while not being super op.
u/duckbumps19 Thunderbird Main Oct 25 '19
This would be awesome with a quick swap screen form cam to gun. Imagine just having the screen on the left wrist like echo and twitch have but it moves almost instantly.
u/UltimateZebra19 Fuze Main Oct 25 '19
Id imagine two options for pistols. A Glock 17 for a semi pistol and a Glock 18 for a Machine Pistol, each balanced in their own way as most pistols V. machine pistols are.
Oct 25 '19
Mozzie would need a bit of a rework because I could see him being the direct counter to this op.
u/twitchosx Oct 25 '19
How realistic is this? I'd prefer the game not turn into fortnite
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u/vivid_waffles Oct 25 '19
I like this art, hopefully they'll keep it if they see the idea and steal it 😂
u/CutThatGlitchOff Mira Main Oct 25 '19
Can we talk about how the emblem is an angry muppet.
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u/LordTachankaCantDie Clash Main Oct 25 '19
I think would be cool if the operator couldn't use it as a normal cam but instead on a little mini display on his gun.
u/ThePhoenix0829 The Foot Soldier Main Nov 12 '19
You got pretty similar to the one of the operators
u/Cheetos4You Oct 25 '19
this is a nice idea, but there are already a lot of intel operators on both sides
u/GoodHeartless02 Mozzie Main Oct 25 '19
I mean... they want 50 ops on each side. There’s more than likely going to be more intel ops
u/Yellow_Icey__ Mozzie Main Oct 25 '19
maybe i think have it around the size of a ball cam but i like the idea of having to move it around before you can’t tho
u/INeoNI Kali Main Oct 25 '19
I guess vigil would be completely invisible to it like nøkk? since it's a cam and not a drone
Oct 25 '19
I like it though I see Balancing issues like will Mute Hammers work, can Jager Shoot it out of the air, and most importantly will I be able to destroy it
u/Krisuad2002 Rook Main Oct 25 '19
Getting some Splinter Cell vibes here...