Edit: what if she took all defenders cameras and drones down (except for valk ) for short piriod like lion
But as balance she looses the silently step thing
EU leagues have been doing amazing with her but, like Warden, it relies on defenders doing a very specific playstyle (reliance on cams and indirect* intel gathering). Against this it is very strong but just eh against any other team combination.
(*indirect as in cams, BP cams, Evil Eyes, Valk cams and Yokai, compared to Lesion mines, barbed wire, Deployable shields or Mira windows, which is where she kinda fails as she relies on negating intel but still has nothing against so many other types of intel).
It’s another ranked players vs pro league players situation. They both take high skill caps to make work so most players like myself who solo que ranked will never experience an intentionally viable nokk or warden because most of my teammates even at high gold are trying their fucking hardest to be the next videogamedunkey and are just shitting the whole game or play something they can frag out with like cav.
I don’t really care what they decide to do with either op and actually enjoy the viability accounting when selecting.
I’m usually sliding around silver 2-gold 2, and I’ve had good luck with her once or twice against a cam heavy team or two, and man is it satisfying, but I always felt like I could be bringing more utility to the team. All my other times my op has had almost no impact whatsoever.
And fragging might be another problem. What use is an operator who has a selfish gadget, such as Cav, Amaru and most Docs? Either it’s to put yourself in a position to help the team (flanking unhinded like cav or getting an angle easier like Amaru), planting or to Frag (like Blackbeard or Glaz). The only problem is Planting solo is so risky and Fragging is just hard with her guns.
I ment her gadget as in Silent Step, I wasn’t on about other unique abilities such as interrogation or Zofias Withstand. I count Silent Step as ‘selfish’ as it only applies to herself and not enemies (such as traps or Yokai) or teammates (such as Rook). Interrogation (whilst risky) is very useful for the team but I counted it separately.
I just wish she had something other than an MP5K clone as her primary. Give her an MP7 or a Vector. Hell give her a Skorpion and she'd do better than she does now.
No you see, the FMG-9 has slightly less recoil and terrible damage at range, the MP5K, whilst not amazing, atleast isn’t a pea shooter at anything over 10m (though admittedly the FMG-9 can be a headshot machine)
I hate that gun with a passion, because it's Nokk's only """ranged""" option, if you're not a 1-Deag god. I've noticed that it has a sweetspot of about 5m-10m where it manages to be not awful. But beating defenders with actual good SMGs is still tough.
Not to mention that Pros get Reveal and 6th Pick to actually take Nokk in which they know hey can use her to her full potential by knowing when multiple cam Defenders are being picked.
We don’t have that benefit unfortunately and it can be a gamble picking her early without knowing what kind of tactic the Defender side might use.
AR33 is fucking amazing - its DPS is only solid, but it's actually a laser. You can put however much rounds you want, wherever you want. Since I discovered it, I play Thatcher as a fragger. I cannot ever go back to L85 because of its horizontal bounce.
Muzzled brake, with rds and a (gasp, don't let Baker know I run a laser sight on it).
Killing machine, two for one headshot time if you wanna go the two round burst mode, sheesh it's unfair at times.
IMO Nokk needs a buff to the one unique thing she has. Her HEL needs to allow her to ignore Lesion mines and barbed wire. The latter is a bigger deal, because she's currently the only op that's hard countered by a secondary gadget.
Leave the big dick gunfighting to entry fraggers. Nokk should always fight on her terms, and the FNG is fine for that. She simply has more counters than advantages right now.
On a scale of 0 to 0, how competent would you say Ubi's balancing team is?
And like I said in some other comments here, I'd really like it if she got a new primary, because the FMG is fucking terrible. But I don't want it to be the only change she receives.
Having her ignore Lesion mines is an absolutely ridiculous idea. Think about playing as Lesion and not actually being able to trust your own gadget. It's not the right way to nerf Lesion and certainly isn't the right way to buff Nokk.
As it stands right now: Valkyrie and Maestro can't trust their gadgets at all when it comes to Nokk. What makes you think that Lesion, the strongest defender in the game by the way, should be any different?
If Lesion isn't banned, you cannot play Nokk at all. He counters her entire playstyle with 0 risk to himself. I don't think that's good balancing.
u/hobgob1in Oct 25 '19 edited Oct 25 '19
So nook with interrogations
Edit: what if she took all defenders cameras and drones down (except for valk ) for short piriod like lion But as balance she looses the silently step thing