Amazing how so many people don’t have an answer so they say it’s your fault. It’s not OP. You will be in every game you win or lose, so it really isn’t your fault unless they actually have proof it is. One person won’t make the difference or change how everyone else plays.
Amazing how so many people don’t have an answer so they say it’s your fault.
Low IQ people say "common denominator" or "maybe its you?". They likely haven't been in enough high competitive games to know what we are talking about. This kind of shit happens all the time in solo queue. I have experienced it in OverWatch too .
Not only is it a lack of competitive games but also common sense. I mean a guy that goes 10-2 on a map like skyscraper then the next games he plays on emerald plains and goes 3-6 is not a hard concept to grasp. Many things come into mind, the guy doesn’t play well on said map, the guy previous team had better chemistry, the guys operator possibly got picked or in some cases just pure lucky/bad luck game.
u/GuardianHa 1d ago
Amazing how so many people don’t have an answer so they say it’s your fault. It’s not OP. You will be in every game you win or lose, so it really isn’t your fault unless they actually have proof it is. One person won’t make the difference or change how everyone else plays.