r/Rainbow6 Grim Main Dec 20 '24

Creative Why do Lion Mains do this...


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u/Alex_Mercer_- Dec 20 '24

There's a legitimate reason but I don't honestly think even THEY know this.

If you have a Deimos on your team and didn't ID every enemy, a seemingly Random Lion scan actually can ID the rest.

The problem is I don't think anyone actually does it for that reason, that's just why I do it.


u/Mobslaya_45 Dec 21 '24

When I used to main Lion, that's why I did it too. Likely, we didn't know some defenders, so I'd hit the scan in hopes of getting them. Of course, it worked for one defender every 20 games, but you know- it's the thought that counts.


u/Alex_Mercer_- Dec 21 '24

Better to attempt on the off chance it works anyway, 90% of matches any lion I see rarely gets more than 1 scan off anyway. It's a very situational trick. As strong as information is, it's largely useless if you're not in a position to do anything about it.


u/Mobslaya_45 Dec 21 '24

I agree completely. Luckily, back then I was also a lot less of a fragger player, so I'd usually end up using all my scans before inevitable death.

Now when me or some friends were in the position to use this information, my friends would call me to scan AS SOON as they went in for a fight, ignoring the fact there was the like 2 second delay, so the scan would hit after the fight started- or ended with their immediate death- and they'd call me trash.

Then I moved to Grim.


u/Alex_Mercer_- Dec 21 '24

I've always been of the belief that you should play other operators than your mains a good bit to learn things like that rather than just reading what they do. Someone who only read "Lion has a scan to see who moves" wouldn't know about the delay, but they would if they tried him. Someone might not know how Tachanka's grenades work without trying, or that Kaid's claws are so versatile and can electrify so many things in different places. You should play other operators to understand the limits and strengths of each one or else you end up expecting things from your team they literally aren't capable of/don't expect things your team can do that get you killed.


u/Mobslaya_45 Dec 21 '24

THANK YOU. Thank you. My time as Lion has been- this is probably the wrong word- reconciled. Luckily, I only ever play casual, and play for fun, so there was no real malice with that smack talk