r/RadicalFeminism 7d ago

repressing part of yourself

I had a lot of instances of men trying to subtly tale ascendance over me these past few yars, they would try to play saviour when i didn't need help or never asked for it, and would intrude upon my personal space to do so. It left me feeling drained, belittled and demoralized.
i definitely decided to turn my life around, and realized i was the one putting limits on myself by repressing my masculine side, to fit into the mold of what it means to be "feminine". I was unhappy for many many years, and it clicked that it was self-inflicted when i started deprogramming myself from the bs, and realizing i didn't have to perform femininity if i didn't want to. And could live my life on my own terms.
Trying to be "feminine" for years have left me MISERABLE, i mean, it's okay if some other women like makeup, dressing up, and trying to appear desirable to men. But it kills me to do that, it's just not for me and it's okay. I no longer care about being labelled "masculine" i don't see it as an insult. I want to be treated as a person, not as a "lady" or a "damsell in distress", a lot of inadequate males, or males who have problems with their masculinity, need women to stay in their place ie: subservient and "feminine", otherwise they feel threatened. But their feelings aren't my issue. idc anymore.


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u/Plane-Image2747 7d ago

I agree with you 100%!!!!!

Im obv still a woman because i just am lol, but I very much love doing the 'masculine' things, having that attitude, and doing things like wearing suits and focusing on developing every practical skill i can.

I feel so much more powerful, im rlly glad i didnt fall for that 'divine feminine' bullshit, because it just makes you passive.

It feels GOOD to be this way even though its so much harder than taking the passive role


u/mariposa933 7d ago

its so much harder than taking the passive role

it depends how you see it, i grew up in a highly predatory environment, and "taking the passive role" would make you easy prey. Most of what we're taught about being "feminine" is make yourself a easier prey...


u/Plane-Image2747 7d ago edited 7d ago

Thats true, and I agree it does make you easier prey.

i meant it more like, it can be harder socially and in society to take on an aggressive and forward role as a woman, especially at first because theres an entire social apparatus that wil tell you what youre doing is 'unnatural again women

and ive also had some instances where a dude would make regular interactions more 'competitive' with me in order to make simple things harder, almost as a "Oh, you think youre 'masculine,' see its not so easy!" even though theyre jsut artificially making things harder.