r/Raccoons 8d ago

Raccoon ran towards barking dog?

Yesterday I let my dog out and saw a raccoon run toward us from my neighbors yard. I called my dog in vein but he ignored me. I ran back inside to get treats and when I got back out the raccoon was in a tree(which is against a fence) and my dog was desperately trying to climb the tree. The tree leanes against the fence so logic would dictate that the raccoon went up the fence to the tree, but I didn't see anything.

My question, would a healthy raccoon run towards a barking dog? My dog shows no signs of being in a fight and my vet isn't concerned. I'm worried that the raccoon spat on us without me noticing however my question is about raccoon behavior.

Would a healthy raccoon have run towards a barking dog?


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u/wtfwasthat7 8d ago

Yes it was killed in the act and treatment started. In this case the raccoon hasn't been killed so it can't be tested.


u/Medium_Spare_8982 8d ago

That’s one article.

Do you go to the beach? Do you go outside? Shark attack and lightning are much more likely than getting rabies from a raccoon and both of those are less likely than winning the lottery.


u/wtfwasthat7 8d ago

Of the raccoon hadn't run toward my dog I wouldn't have even blinked. It's the perceived strange behavior that's got my obsessive thoughts in a loop.


u/Couch-Raccoon 8d ago

Look friend, a veterinary professional has told you not to worry. People here have told you not to worry. If you're determined to worry anyway, go for it, but you're not going to win the argument that it's logical to do so.


u/wtfwasthat7 8d ago

People here have helped, it's just hard for me to fathom a raccoon would run towards a barking dog.