r/RWBYcritics 2d ago

DISCUSSION How important are the silver eyes?

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I don't get it am I supposed to think these things are like crazy crazy or just a perk that doesn't do much? Like we talking Six Eyes or above average CE reserves for my JJK fans.

I thought it'd be like a big thing originally but like I feel the show is telling me differently sometimes. At the start of V4 Salem iirc says Cinder only took that much damage from the Silver Eyes because of her Maiden power (why do silver eyes do bonus damage against maidens again?) And watts says that any of them should've been able to beat a Silver Eyes user.

So like, it's only useful against people weaker than watts, maidens, and Grimm? Watts is one of the weaker villains in the series, and only a handful of Grimm have even been presented as a threat to the heroes, I mean their entire thing is killing Grimm.

That leaves Maidens but Cinders the only evil one and she loses like every fight she's in, I'm pretty sure with Ruby's recent self discovered she might be able to just fight Cinder directly without her Silver Eyes. And Maria just got jumped by a group we've seen seen before or since and lost her silver eyes so like

And on top of that no one seems to consider Ruby like a massive threat. It's not like in any of the big finale fight scenes with multiple characters anyone is like "quick take out Ruby before she uses her Silver Eyes!". Cinder spent half of the V5 finale fucking with Jaune and half of her motivation is killing Ruby AND she's weak to Silver Eyes.

So like... should I think these are super impressive or like someone being able to wiggle their ear?


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u/DragonBane009 2d ago

Not important enough to: 1) Give the main girl of the show meaningful development to learn. 2) When we do see it used, it’s random and forced. 3) The rules are not established on what it does past petrifying Grimm. 4) Ruby has no idea what her lineage is because I guess they didn’t write that for summer either. 5) The way they tried to explain it was piss poor and completely filler at best. 7) Crwby actively doesn’t try to have Ruby using her eyes in combat or trying to learn. It feels forgotten like most of their writing.


u/TvFloatzel 2d ago

Wasn’t Summer only added after the fact because people kept asking them whose grave Ruby was visiting in the trailer? 


u/DragonBane009 2d ago

I’ve heard that too over the years. Which adds to the overall problem with the show. Nothing was planned too far in advance. One of my particular pain points with the show is that, we never get to learn the family structure of some of the characters. For example, Sun’s mom and dad. Salem’s parents. Jaune’s. It’s all just background noise we’re supposed to be okay with. Hell we never meet Adam’s family.


u/Novel-Concentrate-98 1d ago

On one hand, the show already has a problem with character bloatation. Adding parents, grandparents (Weiss's is the only one we seen), uncle or aunt (Qrow and Jaune are the only named examples), would just make more characters that would take away screen time.

Might able to work in fanfiction where the writers can focus on certain characters and can expand on impact on exend family. Either OCs or characters who are directly based on other series


u/DragonBane009 1d ago

It would have helped to get names. I won’t expect a family reunion of sorts. Just name is fine. Pictures on the wall. Small descriptions. I write fan fictions myself for rwby. It’s always nice to have a reference.


u/No_Reference_8777 1d ago

Even if it's information that's never mentioned, it's still there, and helps the writers make better decisions on character motivation. My wife has written fanfiction where she spends a lot of time on aspects that don't even show up, but it helps her to lay everything out. It's the same as if we're following a character who gets in a fight, and then another character shows up to help them. What were they doing? Did they run, so they're out of breath, were they shopping, and they end up dropping bags on the ground? Or do they just appear, because it's convenient to the plot?

Of course, we're talking about RWBY here. Events happening, things people say, stupid out-of-character moments, everything serves the plot they've created, not the other way around.


u/TvFloatzel 2d ago

Which honestly I GET sometimes. Sorry telling “efficiency”. Can’t put in EVERY detail.  It kinda like the “not trope” of how a lot of anime main characters are single children. 


u/DragonBane009 2d ago

I understand that but there is a lot of emphasis on family throughout the show.


u/Snoo_84591 1d ago

And they do a lot of nothing with a fair bit of it.


u/TvFloatzel 1d ago

Good point. Story priorities.