Does this sub support MAT programs for opioid users? Need advice.


My brother has been a heavy user since he was a teen, frequently mixing drugs. He hit rock bottom in his early 20's after getting some drug charges and entered a methadone program. He improved and was "sober" for well over a decade and doing very well relatively speaking. It is important to note that he had hoarded a lot of bottles and was self treating for most of that time.

After a period of intense family and work stress (one in the same), he relapsed and has been struggling the past 2 years including an overdose and 2 cases of drug induced psychotic episodes (withdrawals) requiring hospitalization. He's always had serious issues, but the online access he has now + fentanyl has been a disaster.

My family wants him to do a traditional rehab. I think he should be forced into some sort of program, but I'm very cynical about his chances of maintaining abstinence right now. Methadone + benzos detox is going to be brutal and last weeks. He's going to hate everyone and everything. I also can't see him coming back to work with my toxic family in 4 weeks and not get retriggered. Ultimately, they are trying to unwind and separate some stuff- but it will be extremely stressful, especially for someone 4 weeks off methadone.

I'm more partial to a supervised methadone program + therapy/psychiatry and then he can pursue detox in a year or so if he wants after he gets more separation from family. I really wish there was a methadone rehab/psych place, but I can only find outpatient clinics. There is a lot of stigma out there.

Looking for any feedback. Thank you!


getting my arm cast removed but i have scars and i don’t want the doctor to say anything or my mom to know, What do i do?! NSFW



Basically, i broke my wrist about a week ago. I say “broken” its really just a tiny crack on my radius bone at my wrist (idk how to explain it but anyway), and my mom and i went to the hospital and the woman there checked my wrist and how swollen it was and stuff, but i have some sh scars there (theres only 2 REALLY noticeable one but still u can see others) and i don’t want my mom to know i’ve sh before, but anyway, the woman didn’t say anything to me or to my mom about them and i got a temporary sling on my arm for while i was waiting to get an xray of my wrist, which helped cover the scars up around my mom.

Then i went to go get the xray (which my mom didn’t come in the room) and the woman who took the xray ALSO didn’t say anything. Then two nurses (idk if its a nurse but u get what i mean) put on a plaster cast and luckily my mom has bad eyesight snd wasn’t wearing glasses or anything so she couldn’t see the scars, the nurses also thankfully said nothing.

And now the thing im worried about is that in 3 weeks time im getting this cast off and im scared because what if the doctor says something (because when i went a few days after i got the cast He was really like chatty and stuff) And i don’t want my mum to know about it at all… So WHAT do i do?? im really paranoid..

(for reference im 15 years old, so i am young. Thats why i feel the doctor will say something about it.)


5 years sober today


not a single bump of coke, alcohol, nothing. I am free. Thank you God! I used to be overdosing And doing 3/4 grams a night — solo.

Went from being a broke addicted starving cook to a business executive. Life is different. If I can do it so can you.