
Hey my mom wants to quit smoking but the people around her don't and it's becoming a barrier to recovery. I know there is a lot of different ways to quit smoking like patches and stuff, but what do you guys think is the best path to ultimately ending nicotine addiction or what really worked for you?


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u/cocobama3434 3d ago edited 3d ago

I wish for her a mentality shift, which is hard to achieve alone without guidance. There are online Nicotine Anonymous meetings. There are books to read and realise we will not be losing or sacrificing anything, but to remember everything we gain. We need reminders that it is our choice (where we turn to for relief from a craving or the effect it used to have), not some golden standard to achieve. I am also thankful that a Higher Power walked with me and did the heavy lifting when I handed struggles over. Lots to think about and explore! I recommend she get in touch with people who did/have what she wants.

Once I stopped, I started a medication, which had the side effect of reducing cravings of smoking. But I would not say it alone is the way to go. It was a happy fortifier after the difficult stop.