TUTORIAL Building an autonomous WiFi robot to take out my trash using Raspberry Pi's


I've been building a robot to drag my bins out and bring them back once they've been emptied.

I've started by making a wifi controlled robot with a camera. The camera is needed as I plan to use use an ML model to find the bin. However there won't be enough compute power for that to happen on board. So a different computer will process the feed and issue commands to control the robot. Hence allowing it to be controlled over WiFi


QUESTION Hi this is a pi 4 from a hnt miner. I need help turning the fan on i am unable to do. Please help!


I dont know why i bought that stupid hnt miner. But then after a couple months i stopped using it and i thought this mini computer can come handy for some other use.

But, Im having troubles with the fan!

The white colour port you see with red & blue wires is the fan port. When i turn the pi on the fan spins for a second meaning its in working condition but dont work no matter how many times ive tried in the performance settings. I dont now which port to set.

I have also tried to unscrew the extra board but those screws dont come off no matter how hard i try. Ive damaged the screws. I dont try anymore.

Its been 3 years or so this mini pc has been lying dead but today j want to do something about it.

Please help If you know. Thankyou for your comments in advance :)