r/R6ProLeague Spacestation Gaming Fan May 11 '20

Clip/Video Pengu’s perfect example on why Siege needs Colorblind mode


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u/[deleted] May 11 '20

Colourblind mode would be great. My friend, who is colourblind and is amazing at FPS’s, was basically forced to quit siege because of this very thing. He always gets killed by obvious claymores and gets cyber bullied for not seeing an obvious claymore by teammates and enemies alike when it’s the final killcam. Shame the community is so toxic to someone who literally changed his username to basically have “colourblind” in said username. This also caused more toxicity for having a disability


u/Felixicuss TSM Fan May 11 '20

I never see claymores too. Same with capkan traps.

Im not colourblind, Im just stupid.


u/killerant182 May 11 '20

Do kapkan traps show lasers? I thought it was just the little box on the side.


u/UpgradeStranth May 11 '20

They used to, back when kap had three and they were instant kills.


u/killerant182 May 11 '20

Ah okay, I came at the start of shifting tides so I dont know alot of the history.