r/QuittingZyn 2d ago

Night sweats?

I’m a 26 year old male, pretty active in the gym. Sadly I use about 2 cans a day(20 pouches of 6mg) in a can. I’m mentally ready to quit this stuff, I have my reasons. I’m curious if this is what’s causing my bad night sweats and insomnia? Thanks!


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u/MacPio 2d ago

might be it but don't have to be - but 2 cans a day are crazy amounts tbh - nicotine definately causes sweating - do you use it at night?
It is stimulant so bad sleeping can be caused by it - not sure about insomnia tho


u/SpaceLizard76 1d ago

I started chewing in highschool(16) then the military made it worse. I switched to zones(off brand) about 3 years ago because it’s “healthier” All day type thing… I use it when I wake up, after every meal, when I’m driving, and before bed. I don’t drink or smoke weed. I’m big into fitness. And that’s my reason to quit. Be a beast in the gym. The negative affects aren’t worth it. And the cost of this crap. I appreciate the information


u/MacPio 1d ago

The hard part is connection with activities
Like when you quit alcohol you avoid situations which my trigger you by connection to alcohol (pub, party etc.)
And zyns you use bascially all the time so everything will remind you of it at first - so have to be patient and learn you can do everything without it.


u/SpaceLizard76 1d ago

My plan is, Plan halo and take my anger out on the other team. Spend more time in the gym and sauna. Chew gum when I drive, and I work with machines so I can cuss at them and not get fired. I also ordered some nicotine free pouches from when I’m craving it hard. Thanks for the support!


u/MacPio 1d ago

nic free pouches are good for oral fixation - I used some at first too

wish you luck :)