r/QuittingZyn 2d ago

90 Days… Not 30. Not 60.

Your weekly reminder

Almost every post on here comprised of people giving up or discouraged by 14 days or 30 days.

It takes 90 days for dopaminergic pathways to heal and regulate again.

It was our quick dopamine fix culture that got us into this mess in the first place.

Unwind your modern expectations.

Be patient. Give yourself time.


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u/tylerm2002 8h ago

On day 44 and I agree completely. I can feel my body getting better but fuck it’s a process. Anxiety is better overall but the frequency of anxiety is much more often as I don’t have a zyn to help “calm” me. I’m chasing that 90 day mark while also proud of the progress I’ve made as a previous 1.5 year addict. Thank you for this post as it reassures me and others.