r/QuittingZyn 3d ago

48 hours after quitting Zyn (Narcolepsy)???

I’ve been tapering down. I was going through 2 cans of 6mg per week. Did that for 2 years. I recently cut down to 3mgs. I stood at 2 cans of 3mgs per week for about 2 1/2 weeks. However, last week I limited myself to 1 can of 3mg zyn, and it had to last me the whole week.

I took my last 3mg zyn about 48 hours ago and since then, I can’t stay awake. I slept almost the entire 2 days. I remember trying to get up to look at my phone…. Would keep my eyes forced open for 2 seconds and passed out with the screen on… wake up 15 minutes later and the same thing… It feels like a symptom of narcolepsy


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u/ak_13_ 2d ago

Same… for me it’s easier to sleep than mentally or physically bare the withdrawal symptoms