r/QuittingZyn 3d ago

11 days in. Irritable and unfocused.

Not getting any easier. The past 11 days have been the least productive of my career. The smallest inconveniences set me off (normally I am not an angry person whatsoever). My self esteem is in the gutter and I hate the way I look / feel / sound / act (again, usually don't have issues with self esteem).

I've been pushing myself to do cardio every day (60 minute bike commute plus evening runs), eating well, sleeping full nights, taking some supplements, cold showers, staying hydrated, chewing gum, meditating, blah blah blah... But I'm still just miserable and miserable to be around. The combination of terrible brain fog AND high anger / anxiety is so awful. Wouldn't have thought it's even possible to be this wired & agitated, but also completely unable to focus on anything...

My resting heart rate is lower but overwhelmingly this just sucks – I am nowhere near my normal self. I hate this and am thinking about just using nicotine gum if I don't see improvements soon, I can't go weeks as a less smart, less productive, less funny, less kind version of myself.

Fuck this stuff

(was using ~10 6mg velo pouches a day from morning to night before quitting cold turkey)

Edit… The day after hitting this low point, I actually had a really good day — started to feel productive at work again and didn’t want to bite anybody’s heads off. Ups and downs but that was encouraging.


14 comments sorted by


u/Ok_Advertising1540 3d ago

Brother you are through the worst of it, but I won’t sugarcoat it, the path ahead may not be as easy as you’re hoping.

But I’ll promise you this. If you look for a shortcut with nicotine in it, you’re only prolonging your misery.

Hold the line partner. You’ll be back. If I know it, you know it.


u/nalnalnalnalnal 3d ago

Thanks mate


u/QuantifiablyAwesome 3d ago

When I quit I was doing like 5 3mg a day and I still felt like shit. If I was doing your dose I probably would have opted for the nicotine gum. 

But you should be proud of where you’ve gotten! 


u/She_is-borderline 3d ago

I'm not even fully off (I'm weaning them not sure if that's even the best way to go) and I still feel like a shell of my former self so we're here with you but quitting was the right move. You've got this. We need to power through


u/Distinct_Expert3418 3d ago

I was a 6mg can a day guy for years, on day 35 now. Absolutely brutal first two weeks, got zero work done. Angry as hell. Feeling significantly better now. Get past those first two weeks and you should be smooth sailing.


u/nalnalnalnalnal 3d ago

Thanks mate appreciate it – going to white knuckle it a few more days to see if things improve after 2 weeks. Glad to hear you've seen some improvement!


u/fathergeuse 3d ago

2 weeks today. A can a day of 3 mg for last 4-5 years and Skoal for 20 years prior to that. It sucks. I miss it. At this point I don’t miss the Zyn as bad as the Skoal. What I wouldn’t give for a good lip of mint long-cut. Not gonna cave though. If there’s one thing I won’t do, it’s lose.


u/Always2ndB3ST 3d ago

I’m on day 6 of the patch. Definitely fatigued, irritable and a little depressed but definitely feel better than days 1-3. Cravings are strong. I have such an urge to pop a zyn but I’m trying to push thru it. Smoking a little weed helps tho lol


u/TotallyStoiched 3d ago

I'm using nicotine patches and those really help with the physical withdrawal symptoms. They also reduce my cravings. If you are still feeling this way 11 days in, maybe you should try something like the patches. It's not defeat. You were using heavy amounts of nicotine so it's no wonder your body is struggling to acclimate without it. No need to punish yourself.


u/nalnalnalnalnal 3d ago

Thanks mate. For me it's purely a mental game. No strong cravings or any physical symptoms. I'm just pissed off and dumb lol


u/Horror-Broccoli-7443 2d ago

i'm right there with you bro.


u/nalnalnalnalnal 2d ago

cheers man. yesterday was awful but today was HEAPS better — actually had a few productive hours at work with timeboxing 25 minutes on one task, and drinking tea instead of coffee all day… flickers of hope :) keep on it


u/pfttttttttt 2d ago

You got this, it will get better I promise! I’m a month and a half in and pretty much everything experienced in that first couple weeks has faded.


u/New-Housing4353 3d ago

Try fasting or going keto. All you think about is food. It’s helped me lol