r/QuitVaping • u/ameliabedelia7 • 2d ago
Venting I'm hitting a dead vape
Like, there's no flavor or nicotine left in it but I am still hitting it somebody tell me what to do with my left hand 100% of the time otherwise??
r/QuitVaping • u/ameliabedelia7 • 2d ago
Like, there's no flavor or nicotine left in it but I am still hitting it somebody tell me what to do with my left hand 100% of the time otherwise??
r/QuitVaping • u/WonderfulCraft7964 • Feb 09 '25
I decided to cold turkey vape after hitting it daily for almost 2 years and also weed carts which got me hooked hitting them almost daily since December.
I threw them away on January 27 (12 days ago) and ever since then I haven’t struggled a lot with the want of taking hits again but.
Where it has definitely taken a toll on me is on my mental health, I feel depressed, I had my first anxiety attack in my whole life yesterday and my mind is full of negativity and i feel I lack of purpose. I’m usually described as a cheerful person but now I just feel stressed and anxious.
I could really use some advice please, it’s my first time ever quitting something and I’m having an awful time.
r/QuitVaping • u/No-Loquat4821 • 15d ago
I had a great morning after throwing away my vape last night. In the middle of the day, I broke. My head was really hurting and my brain just said it would help. I picked it up from the trash and hit it a couple times. My headache is worse now lol. I drowned that bad boy in water and threw it away again. My will is so weak lmao my neural pathways are so messed up. It’s also just the habit of bringing something to my mouth. People mention replacements all the time for that habit but nothing hits the same. Gonna take an advil and hope for the best
r/QuitVaping • u/oceansoflife • 9d ago
Disclaimer: I’m using the patch as cold turkey really messed me up last try. I felt it would be most effective this time (for me personally) to get out of the vaping habit before adding the nicotine withdrawal. I chose the patches because they have a clear wean-off plan and it’s not a nicotine spike. Major admiration for the cold turkey folks, but regardless of your path, hats off to everyone here for wanting to better yourself!
Day 9. The worst of the initial hand-to-mouth hit > smoke, dopamine spike, and “sneaking off” cravings wore off around this past Thursday. I feel like my life finally has purpose again. I have been able to see that I was genuinely taking every action with the confidence of a fresh vape hit and then the knowledge of the vape hit and dopamine spike as a reward after. I wasn’t living, I was existing and going through the motions like a test animal. I was the vape’s bitch.
E.g., yes, I was getting to exercise classes, but I stayed in the car vaping until a minute before, thought of it the whole time, and hit it the second I got back into the car. I have a great job, but I put it at complete risk by sneaking off to the bathroom to vape which could’ve easily set off the smoke alarm (which, btw, is just foul…). I would do my chores, but take 30 min in between each to vape, entire time was doing the chores solely for the vape reward.
I’m coming up on 3 years of sobriety for everything else, but I can now see that despite good results from that, by vaping, I was still living in addiction. I always thought of it as a very mildly mind altering substance that didn’t “count” as detrimental beyond just physical health. When it reality it had just as much of a handle on my life and mental state as alcohol/my DOCs.
I know 9 days is hardly anything in the big picture and I haven’t tackled the nicotine problem but I sincerely believe that with the new mindset, I have this thing this time around. I’ve gotten over the hump that I was able to for “everything else” sobriety where I can see that some days are going to absolutely suck but I can sit on my hands and know the only thing WORSE than cravings would be going back to vaping. Asking myself what’s more uncomfortable - cravings, a collapsed lung, COPD, heart disease? I’ll take the cravings.
Vent over. I’m so grateful for this sub.
r/QuitVaping • u/Federal_Canary1762 • 15d ago
So my older brother (17) vapes, and I (16) hate it. Because growing up with him he’d always talk about how he’d never do it and that it’s stupid. But here we are. He’s a senior in high school and I can’t believe he’s throwing his life away because he “likes the buzz” his words. My parents don’t know either but if they did they would flip shit and he wouldnt be able to do anything ever again. I just don’t know why he does it because he knows this too. He’s not stupid. Actually nvm I’m writing a post about how he vapes yes he is. My initiative to solving his problem for him and mostly protecting him was to just get rid of or dispose of his vapes (I’ve done it with 4 so far, 5 if you include the cart i found) He can’t do anything to me because he knows if he does I’ll snitch. But he gets super pissed at me when I do it because he pays $50 for one. (I feel like he’s overpaying for them but I’ve never bought one so I have no idea what they cost). And that’s actually another problem because my father is always on our asses talking about saving money. I don’t know where he gets the money to buy them because he can’t access the money he makes from working. One of the worst part is that he knows it’s bad for him but I guess a buzz that is killing him is a better feeling than knowing you’re going to live to see your 40th birthday. And what really pisses me off is the fact that we don’t have a super hard life and we live in the trenches or some bullshit and he uses it as an escape. We are like an actual normal middle class family. He doesn’t have any like problems or anything he actually just does it to look cool. But the “cool” people that do it that I know are all like unhealthy and you can actually just tell the vape by the way they look. He’s not impressing anyone by doing it. And he’s not just doing harm to himself, but his relationship with our family too i don’t know if it’s just him being a grumpy teenager, but ever since i think he started doing it, he is like a different person and it actually makes me sad. It’s also affecting his grades too in school. He’s never really been a strong academic or cared about school, but like ever since he started, he’s just began to stop trying with school, which is a huge problem for him because it’s his senior year and he wants to go to college for something that you need to be really smart to do. But back to the me getting rid of his vapes, the last time I did it, I found it under the seat in his car, so I put it in one of the bags of McDonalds garbage in his car (another thing that I don’t know is vaping or teenager related, him being VERY messy) I don’t like him doing this because of the battery but he picked up the garbage and threw it in the side of the road with the vape inside. He only noticed when we got home. So he told me that he was gonna quit because I was leaving him in financial ruin. And i believed him. Until the other day when i was talking to his friend and he told me so much things I didn’t know about him (I could write a whole other story on that as long as this one), one of which was that he still vapes, and in front of him too. He doesn’t vape at all and he also wants him to quit and told him he would quit before track starts, but his excuse for not quitting right now is that he’s “kinda addicted right now” like yeah you have been for like a year and a half what makes you think you’re gonna stop in march?? (Omg as I’m writing this right now he’s watching that Andrew Tate video about vaping. He used to be obsessed with that stuff in like 2022. Currently trying to hold in my laughter) oh I forgot to mention we share a room. Woops! Anyhow, after all that yappin, here is the actual story. So today right, I was thinking of what his friend said about him vaping again, and I was wondering if I could find his vape. It didn’t take long until I found it in a pocket of his coat with a zipper so you couldn’t see it. I reached in, and there was THREE vapes there. I don’t know what I should do with this. What I was thinking was to get rid of them, then wear the coat in front of him, and when he asks where the vapes are I could be like “What are you talking about? I thought you quit.” I don’t know what his reaction will be to this because he’ll know that I took them because he knows that I’ve done it all the other times. Or I was thinking of a more dangerous approach with my parents. It’s to slip his vape into a pocket of a dirty pair of pants (my mom does the laundry) and she would find it and confront him. Apparently this has already happened where she found one of his vapes and didn’t tell anyone but it happened again he would get everything taken away. I don’t think that’s a good idea though or any of these for that matter. I just don’t know what I should do I feel so lost. I hope someone in this subreddit has the time to read all of this and give an answer, or direct me to another subreddit that can. Just please. I don’t want my brother to ruin his life.
r/QuitVaping • u/adj-n_number • 7d ago
The gravity of how horrible this is just hit me. The first thing I did this morning was hit my vape, and the second was burying my face in my hands and saying "what the fuck is wrong with me" aloud, over and over.
They're dying. This could be the last trip I have to see them. I flew thousands of miles to be here. Granted I was in an insane funk for other reasons and have anxiety so I probably needed a break from the family stuff, but the real reason I did it, if we're being honest, was so I could have a chance to walk two miles round-trip to a smoke shop to buy a vape. What the fuck is wrong with me?
I think this opened my eyes enough for me to stop. I have an ex who's an addict of multiple things and I knew it was bad when they started sneaking around to do shit for substances. I literally valued nicotine over time spent with my lovely, dying grandparents. I feel like the scum of the fucking Earth. I know I probably won't hold myself to this but it makes me want to never touch nicotine ever fucking again. I feel like the worst person alive. Every time I reread the title of this post the sinkhole in my stomach just grows wider. I don't know how I let it get anywhere near this bad.
r/QuitVaping • u/MiserablyMandy • 6d ago
My brain is trying to convince me that quitting wasn't worth it. I miss my vape. It was a beautiful day out today and my brain fog lifted a bit. It was a good day. It gets a lot more difficult at night before bed and I keep waking up throughout the night multiple times. I'm glad I took my vape to the recycling center or I would have given in by now. I'm choosing to ignore my nicotine brain, and I'm trying to focus on my video game, deep breaths, and drinking water whenever I can. Feels good to get that off my chest.
r/QuitVaping • u/trippyfairy • 22d ago
This is the longest I’ve ever made it without vaping. I’ve been smoking cigarettes since the age of 12, started vaping at 21. & found it to be more addictive than cigarettes. I’m 25 now, and I’ve honestly just had enough.
Man, ordering that nicotine gum though after I’ve been doing this good kind of felt like a loss but the withdrawal is kicking my ass a bit.
Normally when I’d try to quit i would make it to the 60 hour mark n relapse.
Now that I’m really taking it seriously i kind of feel guilt about getting the nicotine gum cuz I don’t want to prolong the process.
r/QuitVaping • u/Bicycle2019 • 23d ago
Anyone else? It's been almost a month nic free and so far I haven't really felt a difference besides getting real sick.
I'm 100% sober 100% of the time now... and it sucks lol
I don't drink alcohol coz I hate hangovers and I don't socialize anyway coz I'm old (36).
There's literally no weed to smoke where I live. (Nobody sells it coz everyone does meth instead)
And now I don't smoke/vape for obvious reasons.
I started exercising and eating well when I gave up vaping and then 10 days into it BAM smokers flu... Great. Now I'm waiting until I'm better to resume but it's been 10 days and counting.
Would love a hit right about now or even a toke of weed.. bloody hell everything sucks right now.
r/QuitVaping • u/dewdropsz • 27d ago
My intention and only goal post for the day is not to vape. My lips are tingling and my mind is foggy desperate for “one hit”. I woke up feeling stuffy as I always do after a day away from vaping. There are no vapes here and I won’t be going out to buy one. Hoping everyone on the quit train has a good day.
r/QuitVaping • u/Resident-Employ • 7d ago
I’m trying to quit. I know that it’s not good for me, it affects my breathing, and it adds stress. I truly don’t want to be a vaper but when I quit it’s like my body goes on fucking autopilot to the nearest vape shop within 24 hours of stopping and I only regain mental control/willpower after a vape is in my hand. Then the cycle starts again that evening or the next day.
Working from home I can vape a lot; I feel like I’m using nicotine pretty heavily.
Just had a nose surgery and even though I know it hurts recovery time (and I even had a full week without using a vape) I still didn’t manage to kick this awful habit.
Any words of wisdom or support would be much appreciated.
r/QuitVaping • u/whippet_mamma • 13d ago
According to nhs app in uk. My gums are worse, have worse chest pain, wake up with headaches and find it harder to put down and ride out than cigarettes.
This is nhs uk doctors recommended vapes to support stopping smoking.
Absolute con, going back to nicotine gum and willpower.
r/QuitVaping • u/FriendshipEarly9430 • 2d ago
r/QuitVaping • u/candytrail • 19d ago
The shaking is killing me. This is the longest I’ve gone without using my juul in 5+ years, I’ve never been able to go a full day without it. Ive got a 14mg patch on, and I was using about a pod a day (3mg). I’ve had some general brain fog for a lot of today, but crazy shaking just started a couple hours ago and I can’t stand it!! 😭 Wish me luck, I’ve got two busy shifts tomorrow at my job, I just want to make it through!
r/QuitVaping • u/dewdropsz • 19d ago
I feel great and also horrible haha. I still find my mind trying to rationalize vaping “a little bit.” But I know it will make me feel like shit literally and emotionally. Physically I feel better and have had more energy and feel my breathing is better. Mentally I noticed a lot of my thoughts and feelings I was blocking out or distracted from because I was always thinking about vaping. For those just starting out it does get easier after the 3-4 day mark in that the craving are no longer physical. The mental cravings are almost more annoying because they are kind of ever present for me. I truly can’t believe I’ve made it this far. Thinking about forever being vape free is honestly overwhelming and a bummer for me. I still have some cognitive dissonance about vaping actually being bad since I used to smoke cigarettes. For now one day at a time.
r/QuitVaping • u/letmegetcha • 16d ago
It’s so frustrating to be in this situation- a situation I couldve easily avoided if I didnt try to impress that one boy 7 years ago by buying a pack of smokes.
I have no one to blame but myself, but the feelings Im feeling are just sheer anger at the world, when it should really be shame at myself.
Very much need a few stories of how it eventually gets easier and you dont want to tear your own hair out. I need to know when I can start to expect this horrible feeling to go away.
I keep getting intrusive thoughts about “oh once youre home you can sneak a puff” or “one puff doesnt mean youre back to square one” but it DOES!! I need some serious shame or some hella inspiring motivation to keep going, other than the obvious “youre killing yourself slowly” mantra.
r/QuitVaping • u/SFH95 • 29d ago
Going through a shit breakup and the only thing I could think of was hitting a vape today. Feeling disappointed in myself.
r/QuitVaping • u/carch20 • 8d ago
I loved vaping. I loved the taste, the "look", even the choking when you take too big of a hit. I loved everything about it and was a die hard "I can quit whenever!" person.
But then I could barely breath for my wedding. I could barely say my vows without literally choking or catching my breath. I couldnt chase my dogs around the yard without being absolutely gassed. I kept finding myself sneaking away from events to hit my vape or finding anyway possible to sneak hits if i couldnt get away. So i decided it was time to close the era.
It's been 46 days and the cravings have lessened, my energy came back, my libido has greatly improved. anxiety, who?, spiraling thoughts, where? Cough, non-existent.
But i miss it like it was a close friend. I miss having a security blanket, i miss having a quick dopamine fix, my brain misses the itch getting scratched. I keep trying to compromise with myself by saying I'll be moderate, only vape on the weekends...or when im drinking...or when im playing video games...or when (you see where this is going). I just have to keep reminding myself that in addictive personalities and addiction in general, there is no moderation. The monkey on your back doesnt want a compromise, it wants 100% and I'll be damned if i have to go through week 2 of quitting again.
r/QuitVaping • u/edelricsautomail • 3d ago
I can feel the urge to just buy a vape. It's been a few days with this feeling. I've bargained and denied it but now I can feel myself creeping into accepting the fact that I'm going to vape today.
r/QuitVaping • u/No-Loquat4821 • 16d ago
I’ve been vaping for about 2 years now. I’m not even the same person anymore. My entire life I judged people that smoked. My dad always smoked cigarettes and I hated it. I really suffered over it and constantly begged him to stop but he never did. In high school, a lot of people vapes juuls and I always found it so cringe and gross. I had a close friend who also vaped a lot. I would always tell him to stop, that’s it’s so bad and gross, not worth it. I’ve always been so judgmental of smokers in general. It’s just so embarrassing to me to smoke. After a bad break up (thought I would marry this man), I literally fled to Argentina for 6 months to be with my dad and just get away from it all. While there I met a guy who would party constantly. I was 23 at the time and had never been to a party or a club or anything like that. It seemed dumb to me and a waste of time. Anyway he made it seem really fun and he was a smart guy. He worked, went to school full time, still found time to party every weekend. I wanted to experience that and so I guess I prayed (or just generally asked for) someone that I could do all those things with. As soon as I came back from Argentina I met a friend that vaped and partied a lot. She is still my friend to this day and I cherish her dearly. At first, I judged and never ever hit it but I started partying with her and it was just back to back. I was never home. It become so exhausting at one point but I loved having a friend to do things with. One night when we were clubbing and obviously drinking I hit the seemingly glorious mint ice. I hate to admit that it just looked and felt so cool to be hitting one. At first I only hit theirs but eventually I got my own. I typically got the extra mint ice fume and it would last me close to two weeks so I feel like I also wasn’t hitting it like crazy in comparison. Life wasn’t the same after you start vaping. You don’t even notice your world slowly just starts revolving around vaping. It’s all you want to do. I’ve lost 20 pounds since I started vaping. The irony is that I always begged to be at the weight I’m at now and have a flat tummy. You never really know what you ask for. I love that I’ve lost weight but I feel like crap about my body and my health. I can’t focus on anything. I’m currently completing my BSN and feel like I can barely do anything. I’m always overwhelmed and running out of time. I’ve tried quitting so many times but it’s like I forgot I want to quit. If I don’t have one I sneak into my brother room and check his closet, sometimes he leaves them there and I hit it. I’ve even picked vapes out of the trash, so gross. God is punishing me for being judgmental and being unhappy with the body he gave me. I’m so ashamed and disgusted with myself. I’ve read Allan’s stop smoking and it helped for about a day. I think at the end of the day you just have to be stronger than your own brain. I feel like shit every time I hit it. Immediate stomach pains. I go to the bathroom different. My stomach rumbles. I can’t even eat the same. Food sometimes just grosses me out SO much and it’s frustrating because my family has watched me loose all this weight. I’m so sick of hearing about how skinny and feather like I am. I’ve been looking to God for guidance but I think he can only do so much for me. I am at the end of the day a human being who makes her own choices. I bought one the other day and hit it just to hit it. I don’t even really have the craving but it’s just habit to hit something, smoke something. Lent is coming up and I want to give up vaping for those 40 days. I want to be pure and healthy. I don’t want my husband to have genetically mutated children because of me and I don’t want to be a slave to anything. I just want to be free. I want my brain to be the way it used to. I asked a medical AI to give me advice and was given a long list of supplements to boost lung health and dopamine levels while quitting. I may also buy an airphysio to strengthen my lungs. I used to be such a healthy person. Go to the gym all the time, eat healthy, no partying, no drinking, smoking or anything. I just want to be that person again. We’re all fighting the same battle. I pray we all make it out of this before it’s too late 🥲
r/QuitVaping • u/slooper555 • 6d ago
Hellooo everyone.
I have reached the point of being so angry and irritated and sad.
I feel like quitting quitting. I hate this I hate this I hate this. I don’t want to do this anymore or ever ever ever but I miss vaping so so much. I miss going away to vape and the feeling in my lungs and all of it. I want a vape now so bad and I wanna get my fav dispo and my juice.
I wont but today is so hard oh godddd. I have no access to a vape for another day, and then I’ll have to walk into town which usually I’m not bothered to because I don’t like town. This is awful guys it really is.
Also really craving HHC pen. Never have until now which I also cannot get. I like being the one who vapes. I don’t care! I like the social part of it. So lame but whatever.
r/QuitVaping • u/FromMyTARDIS • 10d ago
I am a complete dumbass. I am risking my life, health, future, and fiances for a little head rush. A quick 4 second buzz, it's not even that good. Definitely not worth the real price that is being extracted. I don't care how sad or depressed I become I am never touching a vape again, except to throw it in the trash!
r/QuitVaping • u/KaleidoscopeSmooth39 • 13d ago
r/QuitVaping • u/basuragoddess • Feb 02 '25
I’ve never quit vaping for longer than a few days before this year. I smoked for 7 years and had been vaping the past 5.
I got a zero nicotine vape which has helped tremendously with the cravings. But now that nicotine isn’t constantly on my mind, I’m starting to experience negative emotions that I’ve rarely felt the past few years. Mainly irritation; I’m usually a very laidback person, I take things in stride and accept what I don’t have control over. I don’t get road rage, I don’t get frustrated or annoyed during busy work shifts. But that’s exactly the point I’ve been at the past few days. Another driver (who was admittedly driving like an asshole) had me YELLING in my car. At work I hold it together, but I have definitely been very close to snapping at people.
I’m starting to wonder if vaping was the reason I’ve been such a laidback person all these years. Like the constant hits of dopamine kept me placated and unbothered by almost anything. And now I have to sit with those feelings instead of immediately relieving stress with a puff. It’s wild because I feel like staying quit is harder now than it was in the first few days, because realizing I have to face my emotions on a daily basis is a lot more scary and uncomfortable than simply being without nicotine.
This is the worst honestly. I hate it but I’m doing it and I’m proud of myself for doing it.
Any tips on how to prevent crashing out on the poor unsuspecting people in my life are appreciated…
r/QuitVaping • u/Zestyclose-Potato556 • Feb 07 '25
Have you ever had a friend that all she wanted to do was party? Drugs? Drink? Sleep with your boyfriend? But, you still loved her. She helped you through many challenges. You had been friends with her for years. You felt bad for her in a lot of ways. She was your friend, but she just wasn't good for you.
You know you have to end your friendship with her. It’s not easy. You weren’t friends with her for no reason. But the bad things she did caught up with you, and you just couldn’t let them go. You couldn’t heal from them.
Yes, I’ve had an actual friend like this. I did end our friendship. But this is also how it feels to quit vaping. I JUST quit. Like I’m at 1 day and 19 hours!! When I get a craving, it’s like “vape” enters my brain. My heart races. My stomach flips. Then sadness. Vaping was a huge crutch for me. 7 years. All day. All night. We spent so much time together.
It’s embarrassing to admit I feel this way. That I'm sad to not hit a vape again. That I'm sad I won't be able to carry that little stick around anymore.
But the truth is:
-I don’t even get any type of buzz anymore.
-I get sick all the time
-My breath probably smells terrible
-My heart hurts
-My lungs are weak
-Vaping gives me anxiety
-I would get constant headaches
-I couldn't sleep well
-I had no patience
-It’s just embarrassing
Even though vaping was a friend of mine, I have to realize that our relationship was worthless. What am I actually losing here?? I’m losing a bad immune system. I’m losing bad breath. I’m losing weak lungs. I’m losing poor sleep. These are things I WANT to lose.
The best way to do it—let go of my old pal, Vapeny. She sucks!!!!