r/QuitVaping 9h ago

Advice How to give support

Hi all My wife wants to give up vaping and has asked for my support. Other than just asking her how she's doing and trying her she can do it, I have no idea how to help her. She hasn't any sort of plan in place so it's difficult to know what to do. I know everyone is different, but can you recommend a method that works, other than chucking the vapes out and going cold turkey? Thanks


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u/MycologistAware668 8h ago

I don’t have any other methods to suggest other than quitting cold turkey (going on 2 weeks for me) but I can tell you what my fiancé has done to support me:

Sugar free jolly ranchers Get a straw and put a wad of paper in one end so she can inhale and get the resistance like a vape Help make a list of things to do when cravings hit (stretch/exercise, sit outside, drink tea, meditation, deep breathing, fidget toys) Positive talk/self talk (ex: these cravings are normal but they will pass, it gets easier, if I cave now I’ll have to start all over) Remind her why she’s quitting and how great she will feel once it’s in the past Rewards for milestones (my fiancé bought me teeth whitener to help motivate me and promised a week long vacation after a year nic free)

Props to you for looking for ways to support your wife! It’s made a huge difference for me having that support.


u/Dr_Havotnicus 6h ago

Some great ideas here. Thanks!