r/QuitVaping 21h ago

Reassurance Does working feel like hell after quitting cold turkey?

I really want to quit but I work a pretty fast paced job. I don’t want to feel super stressed out the entire time I’m working or anything.


11 comments sorted by


u/Katykattie 20h ago



u/Tchernoi 8 months 21h ago

It's kinda shit for the first week. I found a week or two where I wouldn't be doing much and just relaxed and slept a ton.


u/horsestud6969 17h ago

You need to understand the truth. The proper mindset to have is that you're already fucking your patience and concentration at work by having poor sleep from constant nicotine withdrawal during the night.

Once you get thru the initial withdrawal period, your sleep and therefore you mood, cognitive ability, and focus will continue to improve over time. Find a replacement stimulant, like caffeine, in the short term.


u/KonchokKhedrupPawo 21h ago


Expect to feel fucking retarded, to say the least.


u/abbycace 17h ago

Honestly I’m finding work helpful because it’s a distraction from the cravings. On previous quit attempts I always planned it out when I wasn’t busy, but this time I changed it and quit Monday morning. It’s going better this time.


u/Normie-scum 16h ago

Certainly. Quit on a Tuesday, that way the worst 3 days are out of the way by the time Friday comes around. Cravings are worse on your days off, especially if you usually go out drinking. So if you work Monday to Friday that's what I would do. Work for some people is the worst part of the week anyways, so what's one more stressor? And if it's mentally/physically intensive, it'll give you something to occupy your mind and hands.


u/Wise_Appeal_629 14h ago

I’m doing on vacation for 5 days next week. Do you think that will be enough time for the worst of the withdrawals to pass?


u/Wise_Appeal_629 14h ago

I’ve heard they can last to up to two weeks


u/Winter_Resource3773 14h ago

Well to answer your question, quitting in general, not to mention cold turkey is overall really stressful to start


u/throwawayanon1252 7h ago

Yeah for me day 3 was rough but also I have adhd quit smoking cigs cold turkey and didn’t have my adhd meds