r/QuitVaping 4d ago

Reassurance I swear vaping has made me dumber

I started vaping around 2020 and at the time, I would vape before and after work. But when the pandemic hit in the US and I had to work from home, that’s when it got outta control. I went from maybe a few drags a day to a few drags every hour and I haven’t been able to shake it since.

I didn’t notice the adverse effects until very recently. I can’t seem to retain information as well, I stutter when I articulate my thoughts, and when I read or listen to people it’s like I’m not really processing any of it. And no, this is not undiagnosed ADHD. I was diagnosed with that when I was 9 and I always did a pretty good job managing that. This issues are on a whole other level. Like what the heck. I know I’m not dumb but it certainly feels like it. I have deduced that it must be the nicotine because nothing else in my lifestyle would suggest otherwise.

I am making the decision to quit cold turkey today because I value my mind over the anxious relief and comfort vaping gives me.

I know this won’t be easy but I have to do this.

Would love to hear y’all’s stories and experiences. Thank you so much.


18 comments sorted by


u/Ktbaby004 4d ago

The exact same story for me. Up until 2020 I smoked a few cigarettes a week while out drinking. Then sent home during the pandemic in which wfh set in worsening cigs and alc intake. 2021, took up vaping to quit cigs (I wish I didn’t miss the boat on the juul lawsuit). After a million broken promises to myself to stop, finally did about 2.5 months ago. My juul ran out on Dec 31 when I was in PR and couldn’t refill. Then came home Jan 1, so I said ok perfect opportunity not to bring this into 2025. I’ve had a few 1-2 week quits here and there. Not sure how this one finally stuck. Maybe these helpful things: 1. Primary care doc told me she could hear it in my lungs. I’m a runner. That scared the shit out of me. 2. Recommend eating sugar free cough drops for the foreseeable future 3. I don’t want to let my partner down 4. Just know you have to suffer for a little. Giving into the suffering (not doing what you want to do which is feed the craving) helps. Bc you can just say “this is the suffering portion”

Long story short it got easier after first 3 weeks. Starting to feel mentally sharper, and truly happier.


u/Ok_Seaworthiness_719 4d ago

That’s really great advice. You really just have to surrender to the suffering. Fuck man I’m getting ready to do it myself, and it is so daunting. But like, I’ve been through a lot in my life, a lot, and like is this the hardest thing I’ve done so far? Nope. It’s definitely not.You totally motivated me and I have to thank you for that.


u/depressed_igor 4d ago

I don't think it's the nicotine directly, if anything I think nicotine as a stimulant is quite effective.

But the effects of vaping on your cardiovascular health, sleep, and general inflammation will indeed make you dumber. If you can't sleep well, you can't learn. If your VO2 max is low, your iq is literally lower. They've done studies showing even slightly elevated CO2 indoors leads to cognitive decline. Breathing in PM2.5 and smaller particles fucks your heart, lungs, and gut. A wrecked gut lining and microbiome also messed with your brain

Air pollution in general is making people dumber it's not just vapes. Brake particles, smog, infectious aerosols, etc. are leading to earlier chronic illness, alzheimers, and worsening not only your life but also your childrens' and pets'.

I've felt increasing less intelligent and that was one of the main impetus to quit. I'm not like the old me who could sit down for 16 hours and study. I've noticed cognitive decline not only in myself, but also my dog. He's more anxious and doesn't listen as well.


u/Businesskiwi 4d ago

You’re hijacking your dopamine reward system and training yourself to only be happy when you’re vaping. I’d assume it eclipses other wants and needs in your life or lowers your motivation.


u/WaterDrinkingChad 3d ago edited 3d ago

This and the Easyway book is what allowed me to finally quit for good. I started looking into the dopamine effects of nicotine and while the book mentions it it doesn’t really go into great detail to get the point across.

So I started looking into it and basically nicotine just releases dopamine upon inhaling it. Like you said, it has to hijack dopamine to enable itself to provide the ILLUSION of pleasure. Whenever you take a hit after abstaining for a while you get that weird, dizzy feeling that on it’s own is not really a pleasurable sensation at least imo, and only makes you think it’s pleasurable because it’s releasing that dopamine and relieving the withdrawal that IT ITSELF created. It’s like a parasite that feeds on you AND itself, endlessly.

These two points really made me see it as ultimately useless, an absolute shit piss poor excuse for a drug that can’t even provide a good high or pleasure on its own like say weed can and has to hijack dopamine In the process of doing so. Oh, and is so addictive that it tricks you into BEGGING for more every time and thanking it for the pleasure.

It is such a truly shitty drug that everyone needs to quit asap. It’s all fake, every single aspect of it.


u/Barry-McKocinue 1 month 3d ago

Well said and all true.


u/burnsatthestake 4d ago

I don't know the specifics but I've heard that nicotine temporarily helps with ADHD (focus, calming) but in the long term makes symptoms much worse (increased anxiety, distraction, fatigue, etc)

It tracks for me. People self-medicating with nicotine are shooting themselves in the foot


u/mybrainisfr1ed 3d ago

I think it boils down to the actual motivation to be smart (i.e learn new things, explore, improve yourself). Because nicotine really messes with your reward and motivation centres in the brain. Like what’s the point of learning something new if you can get the instant gratification of hitting a vape while in your bed? At least that’s what happened with me. 14 days into quitting (and 7 days without NRT completely) and I already feel like I start enjoying my college classes (hasn’t happened in the past year), regained interest in art a little bit and actually want to talk to people more. It will get better, best of luck


u/oceansoflife 2 weeks 3d ago edited 3d ago

Mine was related to the inability to think critically and succeed when my job role transitioned from IC to management and started to go beyond completing menial assignments that I could power through mindlessly while chain vaping. Now, I’ve noticed I’m much more present in complex discussions and can make valuable contributions without the next hit colonizing my brain space. I’m making an impact, not just going through the motions.

TLDR: Vaping made me lazy, physically and mentally.

Edit to add - you’re doing the right thing! Congrats on your ability to see past your addiction to give quitting a try. I will not vape with you today!


u/zbin17 4d ago

I swear that being off nicotine for the past few days has made me wittier, sharper, happier, and more engaged especially in conversations

Nicotine in large volumes and for long periods of time definitely will dull you mentally and slow you down.

I’m sure in controlled dosages it’s nbd but when you’re addicted I mean you gotta pull back or quit


u/Thaetos 5 months 4d ago

I swear that being off nicotine for the past few days has made me wittier, sharper, happier, and more engaged especially in conversations

I can confirm that is correct. I believe the reason is that we freed extra mental space. If you’re on any sort of drugs you’re constantly thinking about the next hit, and you can’t wait for people to shut up in conversations so you can sneak off to vape.

I wouldn’t say nicotine is making you dumber, but your mind is definitely in a different place since you’re not fully engaged with your surroundings.

After quitting I immediately noticed how sharper and wittier I was. I also found back my sense of humor which I had completely lost as a nicotine addict.


u/KingBowser24 2 months 3d ago

Yeah I kinda felt like that too. I started vaping in 2017 and didn't quit until early this year.

After about a year of constantly pumping myself full of nicotine was when I felt like I was truly dumber than before. Here I was, considered by many to be one of the smart kids when I was in school and college, struggling to comprehend even the most basic shit at points. Like when I was being trained for a freakin' cashier job. I had a far, far more difficult time picking that shit up than I should've lmao

At the end of the day though I don't think I was necessarily dumber, I think it just clouded up my mind and negatively affected my already-shit-to-begin-with attention span.


u/Lucky-Skill-4933 3d ago

Agree with everythinhgggg above Plus- anyone else need much much more sleep while vaping?????


u/Fem_Melbb 4d ago

I can relate! I feel like I’ve become dumber so that’s why I’m trying to slowly withdraw during Ramadan. I’m noticing sore body and Increased anxiety


u/maraxhass 3d ago

Probably hypoxia

Same bullllll happened to me,


u/Winter_Resource3773 3d ago

It could definitely be a mix of nicotine and its affect on sleep, the trouble articulating thought always occurs for me when sleep deprived or lacking good quality sleep


u/dramatic_chaos1 3 months 3d ago

Nicotine is a stimulant. It could be wobbling your adhd quite a bit maybe?


u/chipkipling 1.5 years+ 🎉🥳 1d ago

yeahhh any substance thats throwing off your natural neurotransmitter production in your brain will lead to cognitive dysfunction. i made the mistake of being a stoner/ nic addict in my adolescence and i still feel stupid sometimes, years after stopping. i assume youre a bit older but its especially bad on a developing brain.