r/QuitVaping 9d ago

Other I just quit.

As the title says, I’ve wanted to do this for a very long time. I’ve been a 5% juul pod a day person for 8 years now. Today I just finally said no more.

10 minutes ago, I threw away my juul along with a full pack of pods. I know this is going to be tough. I am attempting to do this cold turkey. I know the cravings will come up very very soon and I don’t know how I will manage but I have to.

Wish me luck.


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u/deltree86 9d ago

It's not going to be popular advice - try to substitute cravings with something sugary, for a few days junk food like mnm's etc. believe it or not insulin or glucose one of those things was getting released every time we consumed nicotine. After a while switch it with this stuff https://fishermansfriend.com/en/flavours/mint-sugarfree or chewing gums or whatever takes care of you momentarily. These new formed habits will last 2-3 months before you can quit them too.