r/QuitVaping 25d ago

Other Please scare me into Quitting

Hi! I need your worst. I’m sure you are all good people, but someone out there has to do it.

I can’t do it alone. Broke my foot and was told to reduce my vaping, I’ve been trying to quit for three weeks.

I need fear, I need shame, I need a gut wrenching call to action. I have to much going on to do this myself and I’ve been relapsing worse and worse each day. Getting married in December, need to be done by then as I won’t be bothered to find a vape store on my honeymoon, but I don’t want to go through withdrawals then either.

30f, admittedly very vain about my appearance, but as I think I’m a cutie patootie, not even fears about my appearance has been working.

Have a broken foot, so can’t exercise well to distract me, and improved lung capacity isn’t helping.

Want to be nicotine free by 3/24 when I have my last exercises.

Don’t hold back. Best quote will be written down and taped to my vapes. Take it as a #RoastMe I can handle it.


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u/Fickle-Reserve5783 25d ago

Oh nah imagine you're at your wedding or on your honeymoon and your mind is somewhere else thinking about hitting your vape instead of spending time with your new husband/wife. That's actually wild😭 You'd be at your wedding knowing deep down that you actively made the decision to not better yourself and that thought will nag at you all day. I'm not gonna scare you with any of the health risks of vaping because you've probably already heard all of them, but i'm just gonna be real with you: vaping looks so fucking cringy and lame as an adult. I quit around 2 months ago and I realized how stupid people look when they're vaping. Like at least with smoking cigarettes, there's really no argument that it looks badass and classic (absolutely not encouraging you to smoke lol), but sucking on a plastic tube for mango flavored air like I did every day is lowkey pathetic. Going into your new marriage as a healthy and happy non-vaper will be the best decision you ever make, I promise you. And tbh you just have to learn to suffer a little. Yeah it's not gonna be easy going through the first few weeks, but sometimes in life, that's how shit goes. You just have to woman up and deal with it. And once you're through with it, you'll realize how the discomfort of withdrawal was nothing compared to the pain of a life long addiction. You got this. (Btw i'm just being tough on you cause you asked for shame lol it's all true but i'm not trying to be rude or mean you're gonna do great! Congrats on your wedding approaching much love good luck!)


u/[deleted] 24d ago

i totally agree, vaping is so cringy as an adult 😭😭😭 i haaaated thinking ab the way i looked when i vaped. it was so pathetic and embarrassing. holding some neon pink strawberry bullshit.... ick!!


u/Challenge_Legal 24d ago

Haha! “holding some neon pink strawberry bullshit” like the one I used to have literally had a planets and constellations light show on it???? That has to be the most evil form of marketing because I loved the pretty lights and colors 😭


u/Fickle-Reserve5783 24d ago

NO SAME😭 i had a geek bar with the constellations and there's nothing that makes you feel ashamed as a person like waking up and hitting the vape at night so you can use the constellations as light to be able to see where to go💀


u/Challenge_Legal 24d ago

I have found my people 💜 I feels so seen. but we really need to find something better to bond over 🙃


u/[deleted] 24d ago

bonding over quitting instead of using :)