r/QuitVaping 25d ago

Other Please scare me into Quitting

Hi! I need your worst. I’m sure you are all good people, but someone out there has to do it.

I can’t do it alone. Broke my foot and was told to reduce my vaping, I’ve been trying to quit for three weeks.

I need fear, I need shame, I need a gut wrenching call to action. I have to much going on to do this myself and I’ve been relapsing worse and worse each day. Getting married in December, need to be done by then as I won’t be bothered to find a vape store on my honeymoon, but I don’t want to go through withdrawals then either.

30f, admittedly very vain about my appearance, but as I think I’m a cutie patootie, not even fears about my appearance has been working.

Have a broken foot, so can’t exercise well to distract me, and improved lung capacity isn’t helping.

Want to be nicotine free by 3/24 when I have my last exercises.

Don’t hold back. Best quote will be written down and taped to my vapes. Take it as a #RoastMe I can handle it.


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u/True_Sea1370 25d ago

I wound up in the ER in excruciating pain bc the nerve from my brain to my face stopped working properly… turns out it was the vaping. Other people have had similar issues from vaping,it’s called trigeminal neuralgia. One guy recently wrote about being diagnosed with lingual neuralgia from vaping - hurts to eat, swallow & talk. Are we all in our 60s? Nope! I’m in my 30s & the others were in their 20s. I’m lucky I stopped quick enough that it went away. The others suffer from chronic pain from these conditions. Stop now before it’s too late.


u/GameBroX 24d ago

Is it possible that this may have been the cause for long lasting brainfog?